Wildlife A includes focus on beavers, bears, cougars, endangered species and the human/wildlife conflict. Students in the Web Design I and II classes along with Mr. Burklow handled the conversion along with help from Craig Hesson at In this class, students will learn vocabulary and basic grammar through natural everyday conversation, situations, and activities. Students will look at human actions and interactions throughout history and in current events through a geographical lens. Students will have the opportunity to work with SolidWorks (CAD software), 3D printers and CNC (Computer Numerical Controlled) machines. Also, students will work regularly with recording devices (by uploading and downloading media) for portfolio purposes. Students will have the opportunity to compete in photography competitions. 2023-2024Course CatalogGraduation RequirementsRegistration Information. Students consider one topic or issue from multiple perspectives, many of which are divergent or competing. We are a small, family-owned business and yet freely host over a million class websites. The percussion ensemble will perform at all home football games as part of the marching band as well as selected home basketball games. Using an inquiry-based approach, students will examine historical context and on-going civic impacts of sports including the significance of gender, race, ethnicity, age and socioeconomics through readings, primary/secondary sources, audio-visual and online materials as well as student-driven projects and class discussions. Through implementation of the design process, students will transfer academic skills to component designs in a project-based environment. Description: Art V is a year-long course offered for the student who excels in the visual arts and is committed to pursuing art beyond high school as a profession or avocation. We are one of the premier social networking sites dating back to 2003. Fee: $60 per year (Scholarship available, see counselor). Employment should be related to the students occupational interest. Course work includes reading books as a whole class, small group reading and individual choice reading. AlumniClass.com is not affiliated with and is independent of any school, school district, alumni association or any other sites. Adobe PhotoShop will be used to learn photo retouching and manipulation. Completion of Hepatitis B vaccination series encouraged. Description: Students will learn about the world of graphic design, which includes typography, logo design, color theory, infographics, layout design and product packaging. Ninety (90) hours must be completed in one year. Students also have the option to gain five credits through the EvCC College in the High School program. Students must take Leadership MCJROTC 1 before enrolling in this class. In addition, students have the potential to earn a CorePlus Certificate, recognized by many businesses within the Washington state Aerospace and Manufacturing industry, most notably Boeing. Students will debate the social, legal & ethical implications of new genetics and study topics including genetic disorders and forensic anthropology. Prerequisite: Enrolled in Pre-Calculus or higher math OR enrolled in Chemistry or higher science, Prerequisite: AP Seminar. Plant health and insect controls, plant selection, planting schedules and controlling environmental factors are discussed and are important parts of the greenhouse laboratory. A grade of C or higher is recommended, Prerequisite: Spanish-speaking heritage and speak some Spanish. Description: Interpersonal Psychology class provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate respectful and caring relationships in the family, workplace and community. Lets take a closer look at the Description: Students will learn the required state and standards for Algebra II. CTE credit for Project Management. Exploring what it means to be an Hispanic in America. Students will also continue to explore food-related careers while involved in a variety of individual and group lab activities. In addition, students have the potential to earn a CorePlus Certificate, recognized by many businesses within the Washington State Aerospace and Manufacturing industry, most notably, Boeing. This era is characterized by invasions from Central Asia, the development of the great world religions (Christianity, Islam and Buddhism), and of networks of trade and military contact between civilizations. Description: Do you like it when your lab based science class isnt just in the classroom? Ninth grade students who play percussion need to sign up for Percussion Ensemble. No commute necessary! Students will learn advanced digital camera operations, lens functions, exposure control and studio lighting. Description: This course produces the Monroe High School yearbook, Hayu Saghalie. Monroe Woodbury High School, Central Valley, New York (NY) AlumniClass.com (13021) - 10019 E Knox Ave, Spokane Valley WA, 99206. Students cultivate their understanding of human geography through data analysis and case studies as they explore topics like population, migration, culture, language, religion, agriculture/rural land use, cities/urban land use, and industry/economic development. Topics covered include mental health and illness, emotional health, stress management, harassment and violence, food and nutrition, drug education, human sexuality including HIV/AIDS and First Aid/CPR. Students employed at an approved place of business, working a total of 180 hours during the course of a semester can earn a 0.5 semester credit. Students practice positive interpersonal relationships, leadership and employability skills throughout the semester. Students interested in medical or science careers will gain important skills and information. Students will examine how films portray the human condition and the roles of men and women and the various ethnic and cultural minorities in the past and present. DECA Membership is at the heart of the Marketing Experience and student growth in 21st Century skills. See counselor). Students will be expected to perform for other students in the class. It is fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Emphasis will be placed on the study and understanding of everyday behavior. The course will also include independent student choice developed projects that will be completed with teacher approval. Other topics studied include motivation, memory, emotions, personality development, disturbances, and breakdowns. Aural dictation and ear training are also an integral part of the course and will be taught throughout the class. Training will allow a student to apply knowledge and skills learned in related courses to the job. Closed See School Website. Leadership objectives will be met by standard classroom instruction, physical fitness training, close order drill, marksmanship, community service and interscholastic competitions. Field trips each semester involve real-world situations, and the final exams are project-based including solving a mock crime scene using knowledge and skills learned throughout the year. Description: This course is designed for 9th and 10th graders to continue their knowledge of the components of fitness and the guidelines, skills and expectations for future physical education classes. WebMonroe High School - Class Reunion Websites Saturday February 25, 2023 If you have an original photo of the school, please send it to support@classreport.org. It is broken into four parts: SAT preparation, application and college search, application essays and scholarships. Classreport.org provides free Class Reunion Websites for every graduating class of every high school, with free access for all class members. No Ads, No Spam, No Pop-ups, No Fees. Includes instruction in nutritional health and safety of the foods we eat. Leadership objectives will be met by standard classroom instruction, physical fitness training, close order drill, marksmanship, community service and interscholastic competitions. Description: In the class Youth and Revolt students will use the lens of music to examine the modern 20th century. Members will be expected to purchase agreed-upon concert attire. Algebra and geometry are required at most high schools, and students may choose to take advanced math classes if they are offered. Students in this group will be required to attend all choir events, evening rehearsals, sectionals outside of class, competitions and tours. This will be our Christmas Students will learn basic digital camera operations, lens functions, exposure control and camera-to-computer download. Description: The Wind Ensemble is for advanced musicians. Description: The focus of this class is for students to develop basic weight-lifting techniques as well as an emphasis on improving and understanding the components of physical fitness. Our motto, Educating Every Monroe High School: Class of 1972 - Classmates Reunions Home / New York / Bronx / Monroe High School / Class of 1972 Monroe High School: Class of 1972 Reunion (50th) Monroe High School Reunion August 19, 2022 04:00 pm - August 21, 2022 08:00 pm Details The Indiana high school boys basketball sectional round begins Tuesday with 401 teams competing at 64 sectional sites. We serve approximately 41,000 students at 53 schools and Ultimately the course aims to equip students with the power to analyze and evaluate information with accuracy and precision so they can craft and communicate evidence-based arguments. Find Monroe High School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. Marching skills and pep band music will be learned during the fall semester as well as concert band literature. AP US Government and Politics is designed to be the equivalent of a one-semester introductory college or university course. The Symphonic Band is for advanced musicians. Furthermore, students will be prepared to take the AP US Government and Politics exam offered by the College Board and earn college credit. Interact with industry professionals. Second semester topics include additional trigonometry including Law of Sines and Cosines; vectors; systems of equations/inequalities; matrices and determinants; sequences, series, and probability; and an introduction to conics. Work with Link Crew commissioners to support transition to high school, Service Learning projects for high school to get kids invested in their school, Honors & Advanced PlacementCollege in the High School Running Start. Topics may include: human rights, nuclear proliferation, America's role in the international community, the severe environmental threats facing many regions around the world, how religion influences conflict, and America's "War on Terror" and its impact on the contemporary world. Math is not restricted to any specific grade level and it is a sequential learning subject. WebWe are #TeamUCPS! This highly rewarding academic opportunity emphasizes reading (i.e., college level textbook, primary source documents, etc.) The concepts and techniques in this course represent best practices for developing solutions that scale from simple to complex problems. They compete for awards with 10 other high schools in western Washington. One way or another, a Monroe County team will win the District 11 Class 5A boys basketball championship. Students must be dependable, responsible and have a good attendance record. Developing an understanding of brain anatomy and physiology, students will become more informed on the impacts of drug abuse. The major concepts of this course will include: sketching, measurement systems, principles of design, dimensioning, technical drawing, visual communication and 2D/3D modeling. Students will consider a designs purpose and audience and evaluate its effectiveness. Description: At this level students will expand reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in German. AP US History is designed to be the equivalent of a two-semester introductory college or university course. Description: This lab-based science course allows students to investigate the relationship they have with the environment in regards to conservation, sustainable use, and stewardship. The two teams met twice in the regular season. They will be challenged to set business goals and implement action plans to see them to completion. This course willalso include discussion of history, ethics and trends photography. Students need to be passing all their classes to be a library TA. The course does not require the depth of algebra that applies in the college prep chemistry course. The course culminates in an academic paper of 4,000 to 5,000 words (accompanied by a performance, exhibit, or product where applicable) and a presentation with an oral defense. This course focuses on the application of biological, chemical, and physical principles to study the conversion of raw food products into processed forms suitable for direct human consumption and storage. WebThe Monroe County School System serves approximately 5,200 students on twelve campuses in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade. This course introduces students to research and business management in agriculture. Students will focus on increasing their understanding of English, not only as a body of knowledge and set of skills but as the process of how one uses and responds to literature in a variety of ways and in various contexts. MHS Virtual Library; School Programs. Students will be able to show mastery of the course content by taking part in the AP History Exam. Musicians in the Symphonic Band will be expected to perform music of above-average level of difficulty. In addition, Cadets are acquainted with basic military skills and 30 Marine Corps traditions. Description: This course is designed for the highly motivated student to increase performance through functional weight training movements. Infectious bacteria, viruses and parasites will be explored and the ways in which organisms interact with and alter each other and their environments. All student athletes will be taught and are required to use safe and proper form for each lifting exercise. Students will have an opportunity to earn CPR/First Aid certification at an additional cost to the student. Special attention will be paid to social movements and Rock and Rolls influence on the youth of our country. It is administered by the Ouachita Parish School Board. Description: This course is for students intending to take Calculus in high school or college. Additional tours and festivals will be included for this group. Description: AP U.S. History is a chronological survey course covering the period from 1491 to the present. Welcome! Students will explore several ways of expressing themselves digitally by developing and utilizing the elements and principles of visual arts in a world that craves digital media in all career pathways. Register to let other graduates of Monroe High School find and contact you. DECA Membership is at the heart of the Marketing Experience and student growth in 21st Century skills. Students will have the opportunity to play improvised solos. Students will demonstrate knowledge by creating their own flow routine by semester end. Description: Floral Design II is a continuation of Floral Design I. Emphasis is placed on the performance of jazz literature. WebMonroe High School 8th Grade Open House at MHS Winterfest Food Court 2023 Winterfest Theme Days 2023 Semester 2 - February 3rd - Schedule MHS Semester 1 Emphasis will be upon listening and speaking skills. Fax: 734-265-4901. Members will also perform with the Concert band, Symphonic band and Wind Ensemble at concerts as well as perform separately as a Percussion Ensemble. An emphasis will be given to familiarize students with the US education system. Description: In this hands-on lab class students will explore the science of nutrition and the art of food preparation. WebMonroe High School - School District of Monroe | Monroe, WI 53566 Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA to participate in drill meets. In order to meet the rigorous requirements of the course students are expected to be highly motivated and maintain a self-disciplined reading and homework schedule. Qualities of healthcare workers along with the safety, medical terminology, anatomy/physiology will be explored. This course will also allow students to investigate their own nutritional interests in regard to sports performance if desired. Projects will be determined by semester to create seasonal arrangements. WebMonroe High School Public 8-12 901 Herr Rd Monroe, MI 48161-9702 (734) 265-3400 District: Monroe Public Schools SchoolDigger Rank: 445th of 531 Michigan High Schools Per Pupil Expenditures: $13,526 Feeder schools for Monroe High School: Student/teacher ratio: 20.8 Number of students: 1,357 Racial breakdown: White: 75.7% African American: In semester two students will participate in one teaching practicum (12 weeks each) at the elementary school level. WebOuachita Parish High School is a high school located in unincorporated Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, United States, near Monroe. MCJROTC is a full credit practical leadership course that emphasizes development of qualities of leadership, self-discipline, honor, courage and integrity. Students will continue their work on concert literature with emphasis on music literacy. Description: This is a year-long course comprising ASB Executive Board (elected), Class Senators (elected), Specialty (Appointed) and Representative (Appointed) positions. We will explore the elements and principles of design, learn to care for cut flowers, create arrangements and explore the business of floral design. WebMr. Class includes lecture, discussions and individual and group laboratory exercises to accompany concepts. Description: Music Theory is a course designed to enhance music skills and basic music fundamentals. WebCourse Catalog - Monroe School District Course Catalog 2023-2024 Course Catalog Graduation Requirements Registration Information ENGLISH Students must earn 4.0 Description: This challenging course offers CTE exploration/preparation into the exciting field of sports medicine. The course focuses on the development of historical thinking skills and an understanding of content-learning objectives organized around seven themes. Students will strengthen their understanding of the concepts introduced in Algebra II and learn to use various combinations of skills to solve complex problems. Along with focusing on the usage of correct grammar emphasis will be placed on the many different cultures where Spanish is spoken today. They synthesize information from multiple sources, develop their own perspectives in written essays and design and deliver oral and visual presentations, both individually and as a team. Classes are integrated grades 9 through 12 in order to enhance the learning experience and to give Cadets the opportunity to assume positions of leadership amongst their peers to better develop their leadership skills. Students will use the computer for many tasks and learn the librarys computer and organizational systems. Students will learn how to apply lessons practically to their use of camera phones. Well in this lab science course you not only get to eat your experiments, but you are encouraged to! SANTA ROSA, Calif. (AP) A 16-year-old student involved in a fight at a Northern California high school was fatally stabbed Wednesday inside a classroom full of students, authorities said. In this course, students will further examine the elements and principles of art and design, again using a wide range of media, including pencil, ink, tempera, watercolor and acrylic paints, pastels, and clay. Description: The AP Human Geography is an introductory college-level human geography course. Adobe PhotoShop will be used to learn photo retouching and manipulation. Using dialogues and narratives while continuing their virtual portfolios, students will grow in their fluency, prosody and confidence. Students will use a wide range of media, including pencil, ink, tempera, watercolor and acrylic paints, pastels, and clay, to explore the elements and principles of art and design. To understand our contemporary world students will examine the interrelationship of world regions by analyzing historical, governmental (civics), economic and geographic (cultures) attributes. Description: Students will learn the required state and standards for Honors Algebra II. Work on routine tasks like stocking and maintaining the store. Students selecting this course will learn advanced dramatic production skills and will engage in acting techniques and skills such as movement, voice, character development and improvisation. the Reunion Committee worked very hard to ensure that our 50 th was a reunion to be remembered. The Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps Program (MCJROTC) is a full credit practical leadership course that emphasizes development of qualities of leadership, self-discipline, honor, courage and integrity. Both their writing and their reading should make students aware of the interactions among a writers purposes, audience expectations and subjects as well as the way genre conventions and the resources of language contribute to effectiveness in writing. Citizenship training is emphasized throughout every aspect of the MCJROTC Program. Students will learn theater history, analyze plays from scripts and live productions and practice theater basics. Students will understand and apply knowledge of historical thinking, chronology, eras, turning points, major ideas, individuals and themes in world history in order to evaluate how history shapes the present and future by applying reasoning skills to conduct research, deliberate, form and evaluate positions through the processes of reading, writing and communicating. The course focuses on positive decision making in the areas of money management, career choices and relationships. The MCJROTC curriculum is designed to enable Cadets in the development of standards, traits and skills that provide foundations to future success regardless of future career field. WebClassreport.org provides free Class Websites for every graduating class of every high school with free access for all. See counselor), Fee: $10 (Scholarship available. Description: Beginning Choir is for all students new to choir. Performances are required for all members of the ensemble and can include evening concerts, school performances, marching during halftime at football games, playing at some home basketball games (5 minimum), community performances and festivals. This is a lab-oriented course that will focus on inquiry, ethics, interdependencies and interactions, especially with regards to ecology, environmental impact and mans role within the ecosystem. Students cultivate their understanding of physics through inquiry-based investigations as they explore these topics: kinematics, dynamics, circular motion and gravitation, energy, momentum, simple harmonic motion, torque and rotational motion, electric charge and electric force, DC circuits, and mechanical waves and sound. Students are expected to challenge themselves through various styles, poses, and routines in yoga. Description: AP Seminar is a foundational course that engages students in cross-curricular conversations where they can explore the complexities of academic and real-world topics and issues by analyzing divergent perspectives. Students will complete units in meat/poultry preparations, fish, pies and various desserts, custards, dessert sauces while exploring preparation of ethnic foods. The Indiana high school boys basketball sectional round begins Tuesday with 401 teams competing at 64 sectional sites. Refinement of personal style is a major focus for this course along with further development of a professional art portfolio. Students are exposed to these broad conceptual themes: Description Topics include: Students will learn the required state and standards for Geometry. Completion of Hepatitis B vaccination series encouraged. This class will predominantly be held outdoors. Description: This will explore Constitutional underpinnings, political belief/behaviors, interest groups/political parties/media, public policy, human rights, environmental issues, globalization and the economy, civic action and responsibility. 0:05. Students will continue to expand their range of techniques and media, while focusing on concepts present in their artwork. Students will learn about the processes that control the formation of planets, the birth and death of stars, the formation of galaxies and the origin and ultimate fate of the Universe. Prerequisite: Previous concert band experience (3 years minimum), selection by audition and/or consent of instructor. WebCurrent AP courses offered at Monroe High School: AP Biology AP Calculus AB AP Computer Science AP Chemistry AP English Language and Composition AP English Literature and Composition AP Environmental Science AP European History AP Human Geography AP Music Theory AP Physics AP Psychology AP Research AP Seminar AP to c.1450. The concepts and techniques in this course represent best practices for developing solutions that scale from simple to complex problems. Length: Year long (1.0 credit) - additional 0.5 credit for successful completion of 180 hours of practicum experience. Frequent short papers, discussion, reports and projects based on fiction and non-fiction are an integral part of this class. Students will be exposed to a vast array of theatre from works of early drama to contemporary plays. Outdoor physical participation is required and will require clothing and footwear suitable for work in all types of weather conditions. Some reading and writing is expected, but the major emphasis is on involvement in dramatic activities and situations. Self-starters and motivated students are especially encouraged to apply. Description: Floral Design III is an advanced class in Floral Design that will review skills from Floral Design I & II with an emphasis on improved skill development. Description: Culinary Arts II is an advanced course that builds on the food preparation skills acquired in Culinary Arts 1. Description: Academic support provides students with a structured scheduled academic environment providing the opportunity to complete assignments and access to school resources. Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to: supply and demand, the role of the market in the economy, the importance of productivity, budgeting, banking and the money supply, international trade and comparisons with other nations and their economic systems. Job Description. See counselor), Requirement area: CTE, Science or Elective, Fee: $20 (Scholarship available. Students will interact and learn about domestic, agricultural, wildlife and exotic animals as well as investigate current topics in regards to animals and the environment. Be involved in the day-to-day operations of this DECA Certified school-based enterprise. Performances are required for all members of the ensemble and can include evening concerts, school performances, marching during halftime at football games, community performances, playing at some home basketball games (5 minimum) and festivals. He is the only Hornet Football Player to ever play in the National Football League. This class also stresses the role of nutrition and the effects it has on overall health and development starting from conception. WebTo get a form, call or text the Committee Chair Bob Hall 423-943-6078 or the Association President Elijah Thomas 404 313 1948. Successfully completing Algebra II is importantfor two reasons: Description: Students will learn the state standards required for Algebra. WebBenton Heights Elementary School of the Arts; Central Academy of Technology & Arts; Cuthbertson High; Cuthbertson Middle; East Elementary; East Union Middle; Fairview It is administered by the Ouachita Parish School Board. Check out our wide selection today! The primary objective is to assist them in their transition to high school by becoming invested in themselves and their high school. This nationally certified CASE Curriculum not only provides students with the opportunity to fulfill a Science requirement, but a CTE requirement as well. 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