In addition, successfully detecting a transmission from the lunar surface would be a great technical accomplishment. Intermittent radio signal, unfamiliar computer alarms and a rocky landing site all tested astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin to their limits during the descent to the Moon's surface. Some scientists and NASA researchers have even gone as far as to claim NASAs astronauts came across evidence of alien activity on the Moon. NTSC actually runs at 60/1.001 59.94 fields per second, and 30/1.001 29.97 frames per second. After the success of the Apollo 11, NASA sent six more manned crews to the Moon before public interest in lunar exploration waned. If copies of the original SSTV format tapes were to be found, more modern digital technology could make a higher-quality conversion, yielding better images than those originally seen. It's time to "Tell The Truth" - The missing two-minutes from Apollo. The Lunar Module, completely intact before the ascent stage is launched, can be seen in full beside the planted American flag. JSC Transcript Collection All mission transcripts, onboard audio as well as other mission audio, from NASA's historic early missions, including all Apollo flights, are available. 'Unwanted fire' may have caused ABL Space Systems' launch failure, Pictures from space! They are sometimes garbled and sometimes have long periods of no voice. Pick Up Lines For Guys Named Richard, Articles A