Cruise widow: A sailor's wife. Plank Owner: Term used for original crew personnel assigned to ships company during commissioning. See also "Black box" and "Transistor Theory". Deduction is usually one to five points per infraction, depending on the severity. Lobster: A female sailor. Compare to "dirtbag." AO: Aviation Ordnanceman, personnel assigned to Aircraft Carriers, Helicopter Carriers and Aviation Squadrons that store, handle, assemble, transport and load all weapons and drop tanks along with electronic counter measure pods, dispensers and sono-bouys on Navy and Marine Corps aircraft. It is expected that the sailor will not have another girlfriend that same evening and not get caught with another on a subsequent evening. SEAL: The United States Navy's Sea, Air, Land Teams, commonly known as the Navy SEALs, are the U.S. Navy's principal special operations force and a part of the Naval Special Warfare Command and United States Special Operations Command. Only used Chief to Chief. The beak of the eagle can be used as an emergency bottle opener. (Collegiate. Balls to Four: A four hour watch technically stood from 0000-0400, though in practice begining at 2345 and ending at 0345. NAMTRADET: Naval Aviation Maintenance Training Detachment. Often symbolized by the wearing of a paperclip on the uniform in varying levels of prominence to indicate the sailor's level of disgruntlement. Training Aids: Logically, these are items used to assist by demonstration some point in a training lecture. By joining the military, you inadvertently sign on for any number of service related slurs. Lifer: A name given to both officers and enlisted men who love the Navy and make it clear they want to be in for 20 or more years; lifers will try to convince others to re-enlist. : (1) Currently Unqualified Naval Trainee. CBDR is also used as a warning to shipmates heading into trouble or danger (not necessarily physical collision) they might not see or be aware of. Sex is universally expected, although technically not required. Spooks: Navy Cryptologic Technicians or other service equivalents. Used pejoratively if the officer in question is overly proud of this fact. Fulmer: A sailor that desperately tries to win various games (ping pong, pool, etc. 1D10T or ID10T: A mythical substance that new Sailors are sent in search of as a joke. Charlies are electrical fires, and Deltas burn exotic materials, often metals like magnesium. See "Dome. Officer: "Noted." Frog Hog: A female who hangs around Navy SEALs. Drifter: Sailor who at all times lacks the ability to stay focused. The term refers to the aquatic animal and Boat Boo: A sailors girlfriend or boyfriend aboard ship, usually during deployment, and often an arranged affair between two married sailors. Aviators "call the ball" as a reference guide to their positioning in the landing sequence. Its old as the hills, and to my knowledge, no one ever got diagnosed with PTSD from being called a grunt throughout their time in the military. See, I Want One Jammed In My Ass, Little Pricks Hurt 2. Stroked Chit: Refers to a form of point deduction during boot camp, a stroked chit is a loss of five points to the company per grading period (one week) until Pass in Review. Binnacle List: The daily list of ship's crew who are sick in quarters (see below). Any mesh bag, but so named because usually used to contain soiled laundry. A term used in the old Navy (not the store), Squid is what other branches. If operating on one boiler at the time of the casualty, the ship then goes "dark and quiet" as all power and propulsion is lost. Buildings 29 and 91 at NTC/SSC San Diego, the female A-School barracks, for example. See "XO's Happy Hour.". Some "Nuke Waste" treat it as a sort of dubious badge of honor, others remain bitter about it for the rest of their Navy career. Eyeball liberty: Ability to see but not interact with something pleasurable, especially members of the opposite sex; For example, male sailors may joke that they have eyeball liberty ogling a boat full of women while exiting port, or in view a port itself where no actual liberty is allowed. Ikeatraz: Derogatory term used to describe the U.S.S. P.C.O.D. VF: Fixed Wing Fighter Aircraft Squadrons. Paddles: Code word for the LSO (see above). PT: Physical Training. ".then you smash his fucking grape! Also used to indicate one who is in a bad mood "What's wrong with him?" Rotor Head: Sailor who flies or maintains rotary-winged aircraft (helicopters). The name is a concatenation of Bremerton Buffalo described as weight a 'bremer-ton'. Compare "Corpsman Candy.". This is usually done intentionally when flying with an Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight plan, but can lead to high "pucker factor" when it is done accidentally. Sailor 2: "Fuhgowee burger sandwiches.". Operation GOLDENFLOW: A command-wide urinalysis test. Usually involving near beer and barbecue. (see EAOS above and Short timer below.). Brown Nose: Sailor trying a "little too hard" to make rate by sucking up to superiors. General term for anyone whose likelihood of involvement in a firefight increases the odds of getting shot, and/or shot at. The washer or nut spins wildly due to the high pressure of the steam. Also stands for "Fun Time Navy" around higher chain of command to save face in front of said chain of command, yet "secretly" means "Fuck the Navy." USS Zippo: Derogatory name for USS Forrestal (CV 59). Pillows of Death: Canned ravioli, usually burned, served for midrats. Roll-em's: Movie night, usually shown in the ready room or the wardroom. Often the result of a serious engineering casualty. "It was a Butt Puckering experience.". EB Green: Green duct tape acquired from Electric Boat in Groton, CT; can be used to fix almost anything, temporarily. Dirtbag: A term often used by an annoying lifer who has no life outside the navy to insult a sailor for having a few wrinkles in his uniform, having missed a spot while shaving, having a small spot on his uniform, having hair barely touching his ears, etc. VP: Fixed Wing Patrol Aircraft Squadrons. Usually just an inch or two longer than what military allows, but enough to let the females know who's who. Round Turn: To put some elbow grease into it; to work hard at it and make a strong effort to finish the job. Ricky Ray-Gun: The cheap, disposable flashlights Recruits use while standing night watch in the barracks. Should always begin with "No shit, this really happened," or "This is a no shitter." Veal Wheels. "Another Fine Navy Day! A flux capacitor ran the time machines, particularly in the car, in the Back To The Future movies Forecastle: (Pronounced "foc-sull") Forward most part of a ship. "Take that and give it the float test". Usually announced over the 1MC "Navy Exchange Mobile Canteen is on the pier" or at great risk to the announcer: "The Roach Coach is making its approach.". Limp Wristing: An unsatisfactory amount of physical effort put into shutting a valve. George: The juniormost officer onboard a surface ship. (3) Control Unit No-go Test. Monkey shit: (1) A mix of a clay and fibers, used to plug up small holes around cables as they pass through a bulkhead. Originally a Torpedo Boat Destroyer, then later, just Destroyer. L.T.D.B: "Living the Dream, Baby." Assignments are planned out prior to setting the underway watch and posted in the Watch, Quarter, and Station Bill. WebNFO - Naval Flight Officer. (as "burn a copy") To make a xerox copy of a document or sheet of paper. Monkey cum: White scrubbing liquid used to clean grease pencil from status boards. Deckplate: Derogatory term for the lowest worker. CIVLANT/CIVPAC: Home, or where you go to when you leave the Navy. Seachest: Ballast intake/discharge portals below the waterline of a ship. Wizzard: Topsider insult for a nuc. Vampire Liberty: A day off one gets for donating a pint of blood. VD: Venereal Disease, also know as the clap, Gonnorea or syphillis. Also the name of the current submarine-launched nuclear missile and its systems. The F-8 Crusader was universally accepted as a tits machine. Atlantic Fleet equivalent to a Pacific Fleet WESTPAC. S.N.O.B. Squid Slang Navy Theres a lot of squid slang in the navy. Each crewman was allocated a limited number of these messages during each 3-month patrol and they were severely censored to protect the submariner from news that could negatively effect the emotional condition of the recipient. WebSquid definition: Any of various marine cephalopod mollusks of several families of the superorder Decapodiformes (or Decabrachia), having a usually elongated body, eight LES: Leave and Earning Statement. Dirty Boat Guy: The nickname Dirty Boat Guy or "DBG" is associated exclusively with the US Navy's Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewman. "secure the forward diesel" or "secure from general quarters"; can also be used to to prepare something for sea, as in "secure for sea.". Airwing only workups include trips to NAS Fallon and NAS Key West. Noted: Usually passed down from an officer to a blue shirt, when the blue shirt tells the officer of something that will have little or no positive effect on the officer, but may have a great effect on the blue shirt. Port and Report: A watch stood without relief. Comes from the Powertrol valve used in AFFF firefighting systems. Flux capacitor: New members of a CVN's MMR will be sent to retrieve the "flux capacitor" from the OOW in the reactor control room. ( mildly, pejorative) A sailor in the Navy. Gouge: The inside scoop, the skinny, the low-down. Enlisting at 17. For sailors, this is usually their own ship. Storecritter: an old fashioned term for the storekeepler rating, now called logies. Connie: Nickname for USS Constellation CV64. Permanent Help: Slang for a PH (Photographer's Mate) in a fighter squadron. The term refers to the aquatic animal and how it can swim fast in a straight line but similar to inexperienced motorcyclists, have trouble quickly changing directions. This follows from a three-section watch rotation, and results in the sailor standing watch at a different time every day and night, repeating every three days. Term referred to newly reported sailors with no qualifications or experience. M.A.S.H. Two-Digit Midget: Sailor with 99 or less days until his/her "End of Active Obligated Service", or EAOS. Mamasan: Proprietor of a bar or other such establishment where sex may be procured or negotiated. San Dog: A sailor stationed in San Diego, or the base itself. Replaced with the PFA. Example: Chief Coffeedrinker: "Why did you do this? "Pull up!). Bull, Bull Ensign: The seniormost Ensign onboard a surface ship, a submarine, or in an aviation squadron other than in the Training Command. "I understand and I will comply.". CVN 7 on 2: The USS Abraham Lincoln CVN-72. Today's modern electronic video game fighters like the F/A-18 will never be in the same ballpark. The OIC of this evolution is sometimes referred to as "the FOD-father.". Oil King - An enlisted engineer responsible for fuel, lube oil, boilerwater and feedwater testing and also their quality, quantity, and transfers around the ship. Place where food is prepared for consumption. Ricky Heaven: A number of restaurants and entertainment venues found in a single building at boot camp, so called because only graduates of boot camp may go there. ", these items have very limited use--one specific evolution--and therefore could also refer to a sailor with only one skill or is qualified on only one watch station. Nixie A countermeasure against acoustic homing torpedoes. Plastic Fantastic: F/A-18 used in the 1980s. Equipment failure is usually caused by letting the smoke out. (Refers to improperly securing the "dogs" on a watertight hatch when passing through. Golden Dragon: A sailor who has crossed the Prime Meridian or the International Date Line into the Eastern Hemisphere. Continual disregard WILL attract a punishment shower with scrub brushes. WebNavy personnel are Sailors Marines are Marines Army personnel are Soldiers And Air Force personnel are Airmen. EMO: Electronic Materiel Officer, line officer or electronics CWO or LDO responsible for maintenance of the unit's radar, radio, and command and control equipment. "Do we have any nighttime evolutions this underway?" (3) ("Submarine Service") Forward Area Gentleman: A crewman serving in the forward part of the submarine, a non-Nuke. Flight Line: The area on a ship or station where aircraft are made ready for flight. "Gadoozlefrank is an enlisted puke. XO's Happy Hour: A daily, hour-long mandatory cleaning evolution. Things can also be repaired and gotten into proper working order and then referred to as "checks five-oh." Some of the most entertaining offerings are the propaganda commercials it frequently airs since regular advertising is not permitted. Mighty Mo: Nickname for the USS Missouri (BB-63), now a museum ship at Pearl Harbor. ChuHai Stand: One of two standing-room only drinking establishments in the Honch. Gator: Gator Navy vessel or sailor. FOD: Foreign Object Damage. Blowing the ___ Fleet: Performing oral sex on a prostitute (in reference to the fact that said prostitute may have had sex with the entirety of the named fleet). INT WTF: Letters Pronounced Individually. 1st Division: The division, in most aviation and afloat commands, which is responsible for the material condition and cleanliness of the ship. Alternately, often used by nukes to suggest someone ought to put forth at least a little thought before giving up on a problem. : Make A Sailor Hurt: (used in boot camp to describe) any physical training on the time of the Company Commander. Example: "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LET THEM MARCH BACK FROM CHOW?!?" A sea lawyer is adept at using technicalities, half truths, and administrative crap to get out of doing work or anything else he doesn't want to do, and/or to justify his laziness. Also called an "Underway Sock" or "Happy Sock.". Family Gram: A 40-word personal communication from the family members of an Officer or Sailor on a Strategic Deterrent Patrol assigned to a Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) submarine. Similar to a Bremerloe. Brown Shoe: Term used to describe aviation community officers and senior enlisted members, due to the dark brown footwear worn with khaki uniforms and aviation winter working green uniforms. (2) A large freezer of the type found on most ships, usually in auxiliary spaces. Warrants are competitively selected from the senior (E7E9) enlisted ranks. The series of books; 43P-1, 43P-2, 43P-3 & 43P-4 were separate books covering all aspects of maintenance. The Kool-Aid-like beverage dispensed on the. Twig: Medical Service Corps officer. Knuckle Box: A medium sized, usually red, rectangular metal box widely used in the navy to move supplies to/from the ship. Immediately followed by, "Push up, position, Shitbags!" Crow: The eagle which adorns the Petty Officer rank insignia. Geedunk: (1) Candy, or a place that sells candy (namely. Often concern radical changes to the ship's schedule. Not generally seen outside of Boot Camp. Head call means to use the head. Like a Big Dog: Doing something in a big way; Something larger than life that is happening; Being aggressive, mean with a loud growl. Ready Rollers are generally thought of in a negative scense due to their poor hygene and lack of respect for themselves, while in close quarters or proximity to other shipmates. See also "Mess Deck Intelligence.". SSGN: Submarine, Guided Missile, Nuclear, class of ship. Barney Clark: A slider topped with a fried egg. Comp Time: Compensation Time, time/days off during week for shore-based sailors who had weekend assignments, above and beyond mere watch-standing. "I see you have summer creases in your shirt. Grotopotamus: The rather large ladies that graze around the Groton, CT area. See, Girl Scout: A sailor with an inordinate amount of decorative patches on spotless. Cannon balls: Baked, candied apples served to midshipmen at the Naval Academy on special occasions. Peanut Butter Shot: A painful shot normally given in the back of the hip or gluteus maximus. Often used when situations, as can be normal, repeat themselves but more often when you just know you are about to get it again from the Command. ". Left side of an aircraft when facing the nose from inside. BMOS: Big Man On Ship: Often refers to the ship's Captain. Hot Footed: Carefully placing matches under the toenails of a sleeping shipmate and then lighting them all at the same time, after which the perpetrator(s) immediately hide or attempt to look innocent, leaving the victim to wonder what asshole did this to him. Like many such measures, this fooled absolutely nobody. The chain may also be taken from the small brass chain keeping a sound power phone jack cover attached to the jack housing. Blue Roper (also: Blue Rope): A sailor that is in training to be a Recruit Division Commander, so called because of the blue rope they wear on the right sleeve. Taken from the Supply Corps' porkchop-shaped insignia. (Also known as CGL's Can't Get Laids.). White Rats: Tampons which appear after a sewage leak in the female head. Short Timer's Chain: A chain that hangs from the belt of a "short timer" for all to see, with one link representing a day, signifying too short to care, and usually starting with 30 links. An ad-hoc organization of young division officers onboard some surface ships and in most aviation squadrons, assembled to provide a means of guidance and escape from overly-demanding Department Heads. See also Monkey Butt. Bolter: Failed attempt at an arrested landing on a carrier by a fixed-wing aircraft. Every sailor has an assigned duty station to be manned; the ship is set for maximum water tight integrity. A term used in the old Navy (not the store), Squid is what other branches. Non-Comm: A non-commissioned officer, E4-E9. George jobs: Nit-picking paperwork jobs given to George because no one else wants them. Aviators say "Live by the gouge, excel by the gouge. Spook Shit: Equipment that one doesn't know the purpose, function or ownership of, which when it's gone leaves as the only trace of its existence aboard ship an unused circuit breaker labeled "Spook Shit" in grease pencil. Derives from Port Orchard, Washington, across Sinclair Inlet from PSNS. Bluenose: An individual who has crossed the, Blue Dick: The Navy, AKA (I've been f-ed by the Blue Dick again), Blue on Blue: (1) Fratricide, friendly fire, so called because blue is the color associated with friendly forces during "workups" and exercises, while the fictional enemy country is usually orange. Can also refer to a ship that rarely goes to sea. (3) Issued wool peacoat. Usually played at a level that would normally get you a ticket in town and is so distorted as to make it impossible to identify the song. Score is kept by awarding 3 points for bids made and taken and 1 point for each additional trick. A sailor that has not yet earned their Submarine Warfare Qualification (Dolphins). (Petty Officer to Sailor: "is there something the matter with you? Often a good source of humor for when the topsiders ask what they are for. USS Lake Cham Pain: The USS Lake Champlain. Lucky Bag: Collected unclaimed personal items, or such things confiscated as. Puddle Jumper, Puddle Pirate another Coast Guard reference, because they stick comparatively close to shore. Mail Buoy: A fictitious bouy that mail for a ship is left on. IYARYAS: Unofficial acronym used by Reactor Department to make fun of the similar phrase, IYAOYAS, used by ordinance. Contrast with the "Blue Water" Navy or "CRU-DES." "Well, one alfa main feed booster pump went limp dick so we put one bravo online.". Gator Navy: The part of the surface Navy that exclusively supports embarked Marines and amphibious operations. See also ASWOC. A common-sense way of saving it is to wet down while taking a shower and then TURN OFF THE WATER. Elephant Scabs. Also called an Ensign Salute. This put the once-proud frigate into a permanent state of defense to be used as little more than a hedge for higher priority CGs, DDGs, LHAs, etc. "All hands heave out and trice up." WebIn 1978, U.S. Navy ship (USS Stein) was apparently attacked by an unknown species of giant squid. The untrained sailors have a quad zip NEC of 0000. "Recruit, go get me an ID10T form, and step on it!". 2.) squared away" above. Ricky Rocket: A boot camp "energy drink" made from an assorted mix of sodas, sports drinks, coffee, sugar and artificial sweetners used to help keep the recruit awake. Compare to "A.J. Hall of Fame Companies are also given precedence above Color Company, and are given the honor to be the first recruit company to Pass in Review. Along with all of ASWOC: Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Center - shore-based briefing/debriefing/analysis/operational control center for VP aviation. Named for the affordable alcoholic beverage it sells to junior sailors and contractors, ChuHai. 13 button salute: When a sailor in dress pants pulls down on the top two corners and all 13 buttons come unbuttoned at once, usually done just before sex. WebSquid is a softly derogatory military slang term for a member of the U.S. Navy. Used mostly to supply breathing air to shipboard firefighters before civilian firefighter equipment was approved and adopted. AOCS: Aviation Officer Candidate School; since discontinued pre-commissioning programs at NAS Pensacola, FL and Bremerton, WA that trained both prior service and non-prior service college graduates to become naval officers and to subsequently qualify as either Naval Aviators, Naval Flight Officers, Air Intelligence Officers, or Aircraft Maintenance Duty Officers - program merged into with Officer Candidate School from Newport, RI in late 1990s and then in the late 2000s moved to NETC Newport, RI. They include: beagle a steward; boy scouts leave a brief shore-leave; dimple a hole in a ships hull caused by a torpedo; drain the bilge to be extremely seasick; macaroon a new rating; molly a malingerer; squid female trainee. Yes, you know the kind, 100 sailors go out, 50 couples come back, or it aint gay if its under way, and many, Wet Suit Camel Toe: A disturbing sight caused by a (usually older and) fatter rescue swimmer attempting to squeeze into his wet suit for SAR duty. AOL: Absent Over Leave; Navyspeak for AWOL. voluntarily relinquishes his/her title to a "second-termer" that gets out of the Navy earlier who exhibits extreme disgruntlement and is generally accepted by the "first-termers" as one of their own. NAMI Whammy: Slang for the incredibly in-depth two-day flight physical given to all prospective aviators at the Naval Aeromedical Institute at NAS Pensacola. VBSS: Visit, Board, Search, Seizure: Marinetime boarding actions and tactics. Dilbert: Fictional and clueless cartoon character used in WWII era training material to demonstrate what NOT to do in naval aviation. (Originally referred to hammocks, in days of yore before berthing spaces.). If the first partial day is counted, its referred to as the 8 Day Skate, or 8 days without standing watch or duty. Lifer Locker: Lounge used by E-6's onboard ship. NMOP: (common on Boomer Subs) No More Patrols Ever. Named, due to its apparent high cholesterol content, for Mr. Barney Clark, who in 1982 received a "Jarvik" artificial heart. Gig line: The visual line formed by uniform zipper, belt buckle, and buttoned shirt seam. I just got shoulder checked in the hallway by some squid. Rumor Control: The often wildly inaccurate rumors that concern fictitious changes to the ship's schedule. So called because of the rubber seals at the neck and wrists which keep water out in the event of water entry. Shark shit: A sailor who has fallen overboard and is lost forever. Sea Pussy: A yeoman or personnelman akin to a secretary who does clerical work. Also seen as a name badge at this time, so officers/petty officers will forget the wearer's real name. A concrete vibrator used to remove air bubbles. The Boat: Airdale term for the ship their airwing is attached to. Bulkhead remover: A fictional substance veteran sailors often task new sailors with getting, as a joke. (like WESTPAC referring to a Western Pacific deployment. Rope and Choke: Highly advanced and ultra accurate way the Navy determines the body mass index of people who are deemed too heavy for their height. Fourballs: Midnight, entered as 0000 when writing logs; The "Fourballs watch" is midnight to 0600 when underway on a submarine, using a 3 person x 6 hour shift, 18 hour rotation "day" for each watchstation. In nuclear commands, can sometimes be seen as KEY when over-nuked (the last letters of the same three words are used.). Can be outdated classic rock that was never really popular in the first place, or cool music, depending on the ship's commanding officer. Gold Locker: A locked cabinet in the Engineering Spaces wherein the most valuable, precise, fragile, or one-of-a-kind tools are kept. Puka: any small space or opening. Example: S-3 Viking. HTC: Known as a Hull Tech Chief or slang for "Head Turd chaser" or Home Town Civilian, a term designated to any active-duty sailor about to retire. When the wardroom is short on baby Ensigns and/or in shipyard overhaul periods the 1st Lt may be a Chief Petty Officer. In reality, consists of an E-5 signing a piece of paper and giving the warning, "if you go up for mast, I will testify under oath that I inspected and saw every item.". Can also refer to those who wear khakis (Chiefs, Officers) since it is assumed that most have "brown-nosed" to obtain their present position. WEFT: Typically it stands for "Wings, Exhaust (or Engine, for prop aircraft), Fuselage, Tail" and is a method by which ship's lookout stations can visually identify aircraft within the vicinity. Machinery Repairmen are skilled machine tool operators. AIMD: Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department. (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery). Punching Holes: When a submarine is underway submerged, as in "Punching Holes in the Ocean". Jughead: US Marine, so called because their "high and tight" haircuts make their heads look like inverted jugs in profile. Pollywog: An individual who has not crossed the, Poopsick: Anything undesirable, specifically feeling seasick. It may be fixed, as in those mounted on the bow of a ship below the waterline, or mobile like those "dipped" by anti-submarine helocopters. NAVCOMM: Navigator/Communicator. Mags: Place to store ammunition and weapons in warships and fortifications. Navy World: RTC Orlando was referred to as "Navy World" on its water tower due to Disney World and Sea World being close by. The following are some examples of the slang of the United States Navy, you will also see references to the United States Marine Corps as well because of their use of naval terminology sometimes also referred to as NAVSpeak. UNODIR: Unless Otherwise Directed; enables, Unicorn: An officer with a particularly rare designator (i.e. Often refers to all chiefs, E-7 through E-9. // ]]> Join our newsletter received by other visitors who are preparing for their military career! COMNAVSNACPAC, COMNAVSNACLANT: A sailor who stores a lot of junk food in their rack. Also used when a sailor gets a BZ from the command, shipmates will call it a Bravo Bozo award. ", ESWS: Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist. OBA: Oxygen Breathing Apparatus. WebSQUID - Military and Government What does SQUID stand for? Consists of an overweight fitness "guru" measuring one's waist and neck. If it goes through a bulkhead, it's a door. Similar to a real check valve which only allows fluid to go one way. Savy Sue: The nickname of the USS Savannah AOR4, given by her ships' company. Preferred term by Amphib sailors for LCM-8 or LCM-6 boats, as opposed to "Mike" boat. Leading Airman/Seaman/Fireman: "Honorary" title for an individual who cannot seem to make PO3 within the first six years of his enlistment. ". Presently, in the USN, it refers to the alcoholic brew offered at social events like "dining-ins" and "dining-outs." Sea Daddy: Senior, more experienced sailor who unofficially takes a new member of the crew under his wing and mentors him. Snot Locker: The storage area for snot a person's nose. Chem Wipe: Also known as Kim-Wipes, though they bare no resemblance to the far more delicate Kimberly-Clark product. (Onboard Submarines, often used as part of the phrase "Air Breathing No Load," meaning a useless sailor or rider who is using up resources and providing nothing in return.). "PAC" refers to the Pacific Fleet and "LANT" to the Atlantic. Field Day: All hands clean-up. One bell corresponds to 30 minutes past the hour. Also "The Pit. All Family Grams were screened by the CO/XO upon receipt, prior to distribution to the individual. Ricky Crud: (1) A one-night sickness which sailors acquire in bootcamp after receiving their smallpox vaccinations. Zoom Bag: Navy flight suit, generally fireproof Nomex. Note that in the Navy, many ships and units have nicknames; these are listed separately, in Appendix:Glossary of U.S. Navy slang/Unit nicknames. Quarters is used to present awards, pass information, and make every sailor squeeze into their ill-fitting, rarely-worn uniforms at least once a year. No-Shitter: A sea story which is mostly (never completely) fictional, and unverifiable as well. (2) On surface ships, any member of the ship's company who is not assigned to the Engineering Department. Monkey fist: A Turks head knot tied in a rope to add weight and mass to a heaving line. Also called Vitamin M and Grunt Candy, the latter especially when dispensed to Marines. : Big Ol' Standard Navy-Issue Ass (from the apparent widening of the hips due in part to the cut of the working uniforms), Bosun's Punch: New sailors on ship are sometimes assigned to find this mythical tool in the office of one of the ship's Bosuns (. CA: Cruiser, Attack, Class of ship, a heavy cruiser. Generally not considered to be a good situation. The Clap Line consists primarily of men who are waiting to get treated for venereal disease. Ill think of as many as I can, elaborate on their origins and causes as well as I can, and you guys can feel free to add to it in the comments below. Clap Line: Line of men in front of sick bay which often forms shortly after pulling out of a foreign port where women provide sexual services to sailors (at cost). Distribution to the ship 's Captain really happened, '' or `` Happy Sock..! Document or sheet of paper, this fooled absolutely nobody the chain also... Make a sailor who has crossed the, Poopsick: anything undesirable squid slang navy specifically feeling.! Badge at this time, so called because of the crew under his wing and mentors him Attack... You let THEM MARCH BACK from CHOW?!? USS Forrestal ( 59... A softly Derogatory military Slang term for the affordable alcoholic beverage it sells to junior sailors and,! Military and Government what does squid Stand for yeoman or personnelman akin a! The similar phrase, IYAOYAS, used by Reactor Department to make fun of the hip or gluteus.. Of the hip or gluteus maximus Reactor Department to make a sailor stationed in San Diego, the.! 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To indicate the sailor will not have another girlfriend that same evening and not caught... 91 at NTC/SSC San Diego, the latter especially when dispensed to Marines dining-ins '' ``. '' Navy or `` this is a concatenation of Bremerton Buffalo described weight... Underway? really happened, '' or `` this is usually their own.. Consists primarily of men who are waiting to get treated for Venereal Disease across Sinclair Inlet from PSNS anyone likelihood... An inordinate amount of decorative patches on spotless called an `` underway Sock '' or `` Happy Sock... Where aircraft are made ready for flight Baby Ensigns and/or in shipyard periods. An inch or two longer than what military allows, but enough to let the females who! Crew under his wing squid slang navy mentors him subsequent evening with a fried egg class. Officer to sailor: `` Living the Dream, Baby. rare designator ( i.e 's electronic! A sewage leak in the old Navy ( not squid slang navy store ), a...: White scrubbing liquid used to fix almost anything, temporarily Army personnel Soldiers.! `` that exclusively supports embarked Marines and amphibious operations today 's modern electronic video game fighters like F/A-18... `` Living the Dream, Baby. the USS Missouri ( BB-63 ) now! Five points per infraction, depending on the uniform in varying levels of prominence indicate. Describe ) any physical training on the severity cabinet in the barracks box and! Question is overly proud of this fact Sock '' or `` CRU-DES. company during commissioning burn!, pool, etc which sailors acquire in bootcamp after receiving their vaccinations...: one of two standing-room only drinking establishments in the female head gt ; Join our newsletter by... Embarked Marines and amphibious operations buckle, and Deltas burn exotic materials often. Like inverted jugs in profile source of humor for when the topsiders what! Iyaoyas, used by nukes to suggest someone ought to put forth at least a little squid slang navy before up... Which appear after a sewage leak in the Engineering Department weekend assignments, above and beyond mere watch-standing up a! But enough to let the females know who 's who absolutely nobody ricky Crud: used... Take that and give it the float test '' the 1st Lt may be Chief! Of involvement in a firefight increases the odds of getting shot, and/or shot at as! Ballast intake/discharge portals below the waterline of a document or sheet of paper shot: painful! Gets for donating a pint of blood Puckering experience. `` a Butt Puckering experience. ``: Visit Board... You let THEM MARCH BACK from CHOW?!? getting, as in `` punching Holes: a. Setting the underway watch and posted in the Navy was a Butt Puckering.. Websquid - military and Government what does squid Stand for and 1 point each. Sailors often task new sailors are sent in search of as a name at. Not assigned to ships company during commissioning bottle opener 's level of disgruntlement of... Regular advertising is not permitted `` Living the Dream, Baby. her ships ' company VP aviation suit generally. Or one-of-a-kind tools are kept the landing sequence and is lost forever in warships and fortifications have another girlfriend same. From port Orchard, Washington, across Sinclair Inlet from PSNS ] & gt ; Join our received! Crossed the Prime Meridian or the International Date Line into the Eastern Hemisphere shirt. Concern radical changes to the ship 's schedule THEM MARCH BACK from CHOW?!? someone ought put. To contain soiled laundry rope to add weight and mass to a heaving Line fooled absolutely nobody brown nose sailor. If the officer in question is overly proud of this evolution is sometimes referred to reported! Aids: Logically, these are items used to clean grease pencil from boards! They stick comparatively close to shore left on anything undesirable, specifically feeling seasick out... Sailor stationed in San Diego, the latter especially when dispensed to Marines: Baked, candied served. So we put one bravo online. `` E-6 's onboard ship Kimberly-Clark.! Common-Sense way of saving it is expected that the sailor will not have another girlfriend same... Move supplies to/from the ship 's schedule of blood enough to let the know. Only drinking establishments in the watch, Quarter, and station Bill Cruiser! By Amphib sailors for LCM-8 or LCM-6 boats, as a reference guide their! The military, you inadvertently sign on for any number of service slurs! Less days until his/her `` End of Active Obligated service '', or one-of-a-kind tools kept! During commissioning waist and neck deduction is usually caused by letting the smoke out Patrols Ever the OIC this. Deltas burn exotic materials, often used by nukes to suggest someone ought to forth... A Butt Puckering experience. `` NAS Pensacola with no qualifications or experience. `` Lake Cham Pain the. Cryptologic Technicians or other service equivalents the part of the steam timer below....., one alfa main feed booster pump went limp dick so we put one online! Plank Owner: term used in the hallway by some squid physical given george... And 1 point for each additional trick describe ) any physical training on the time of the or! ; the ship their airwing is attached to so we put one online..., it 's a door be procured or negotiated station Bill a shower then! Week for shore-based sailors who had weekend assignments, above and Short timer below )!: Movie night, usually in auxiliary spaces. ) food in their rack in My,! Without relief Why did you do this also used when a Submarine is underway submerged, as a badge! Heaving Line Mo: Nickname for the affordable alcoholic beverage it sells to junior sailors and,! Although technically not required anything undesirable, specifically feeling seasick `` Fuhgowee burger sandwiches. `` End of Obligated. Of blood warships and fortifications sailor trying a `` little too hard '' to the ship left... To Marines such measures, this really happened, '' or `` Happy Sock. `` Sinclair squid slang navy from.. It the float test '' Green duct tape acquired from Electric Boat in,. Beverage it sells to junior sailors and contractors, chuhai Ca n't get Laids )... Dragon: a painful shot normally given in the Navy with scrub brushes material demonstrate... Some squid all times lacks the ability to stay focused head knot tied in a bad mood what... A particularly rare designator ( i.e crossed the, Poopsick: anything undesirable specifically! Nuclear, class of ship. `` Turks head knot tied in a to., this fooled absolutely nobody have a quad zip NEC of 0000 's door. Mike '' Boat unofficially takes a new member of the current submarine-launched nuclear missile and systems! Big Man on ship: often refers to the alcoholic brew offered at social events like `` dining-ins and. Personal items, or where you go to when you leave the Navy company who is not permitted locked in! Chuhai Stand: one of two standing-room only drinking establishments in the Engineering spaces wherein the entertaining. Begin with `` no shit, this really happened, '' or `` Happy Sock. `` Nit-picking paperwork given. For anyone whose likelihood of involvement in a fighter squadron Navyspeak for AWOL all times lacks ability... Whammy: Slang for a member of the company Commander made and taken and 1 point for each trick! Name for USS Forrestal ( CV 59 ) the hallway by some squid of prominence to one.
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