This cup which is poured out for you IS the new covenant IN MY BLOOD. ( Luke 22:20) Hebrews and 2 Cor. The Law of Moses, we are still supposed to try to keep, through Christ, but if we fail we are free from judgement through Christ, that is what is meant by freedom in Christ . It wasnt until the last apostle John died that all these hereitical doctrines became mainstream. Im afraid that youll have to wait for the Wedding Feast of the Lamb for that silver or gold platter that youve been waiting for to materialize. Just the opposite, they have demonstrated time and again, through the scriptures, that following the Law is simply the response after being saved by grace. Keep the Word. Have you not read the following? I do not know nor can I know what it has cost you to follow the Lamb of God but it has cost me more than you could know . Im currently composing another article in response to your earlier question about did Jesus lie in Matthew 5:17-19. Nevertheless, we are to abide in His love, teach His love, and love with His love. 119 Ministries is a Hebrew Roots organization primarily operating through their website. Which should be all of the body of Christ (christians)? This is the very commandment you have heard from the beginning, that you must walk in love., So what is love? Yes I often have to repent for speaking spanish to people I am around who speak english though they be of hispanic decent How wicked and deceitful our heart can be ..praise God for His Holy Spirit ..even the spirit of truth who reveals all things . The tragic part is, 119 HAS scriptural truth but their TONE often creates a very negative feeling and makes people defensive. The woman begs him again & he responds saying it is WRONG to take the bread of the children & give it to the dogs. I guess we just differ in our opinions about 119 Ministries attitude. 119 ministries do not teach that following the law of God will grant you salvation. These command are not brand-new: You shall love the Lord your God (Deut 6:4) along with You shall love your neighbour as yourself (Lev 19:18). But dont do what they do, because they talk but dont act! HE DOES NOT CHANGE!!! You must not listen to that prophet or dreamer of dreams.. See 2 Peter 3:16. I should hope not. Yes, youre correct. If you love the father you will desire to fulfill his will everyday. Because if they dont? Keep presenting her with truth where you discern errors in the false teaching. The Hebrew Roots Movement is nothing more than Gods way of preparing my people to shed their own misgivings about the Good News of Yeshua the Messiah, our Lord, our Savior, our Savior and part of the Godhead. This tells me that youve never even considered the lexical data. You dont have to agree that the other sheep are Gentiles, but if hes talking about Israel as his sheep, it is at the very least reasonable to conclude his other sheep are non-Israel. [g] 29 Think how much worse will be the punishment deserved by someone who has trampled underfoot the Son of God; who has treated as something common the blood of the covenant[h] which made him holy; and who has insulted the Spirit, giver of Gods grace! There is something wrong with this ministry. There faith is all in their minds; no room for the Spirit to teach them. Notice I did not call you a name, I said you sound.. Hi Cem, Wow! Thank you for YOUR time. There are a few Scriptures Im still asking Him to explain to me. So he DOES give her the food from the children (the healing she begged for) and he DOES demonstrate he is on earth for all humanity, not just Jews. So you found one dude you follow and who recommended to me. WITH his precious blood and with the help of the advocate (which you should have received after your baptism) we can and should keep his commandments because it is the fathers will for his law to be fulfilled on earth by his children. Basically they claim to live in the spirit & have feel good heart feelings but nothing in their life reflects such a life that is separate from the world. The Holy Spirit opened my eyes to Paul as well, where I no longer feel he contradicts our Savior. By the way, I doubt that the Leviticus 18:18 argument is even original to you. 18 And keep growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah. Anyway, sometime after they moved down here, people kept forwarding me their Bible prophecy teaching video called Daniel Unsealed and asking me what I thought about it. The gnostics thought they were special or had special knowledge apart from orthodox Christians . Sean, please check out I had to know for myself why I believed what I believed and not because that was what I was taught by the pastors and teachers in my life. See ticket information, a trailer, the cast, and more at the link below or above . Was it just because Or did Moses have a relationship AND obeyed the Creator? Knowledge puffs up and when learning takes a path of that flat out condems others, then it vain point is missed need to back up and rethink life and everything. What he says still stands. .. for until this very day at the READING of the old obsolete covenant the same veil remains unlifted as it is removed in Christ. I only found 119 ministries about a year or so AFTER the Holy Spirit lifted the veil off my eyes and they are RIGHT ON!!!! What were Yeshua and the Apostles and their assemblies reading and practicing? 119 gives these two examples because the first is the accusation the 2nd is defense. Its not worth it. Christians were first introduced by God in Acts 11:26. Then there is another Covenant issued by Moses on behalf of the Father. Do you believe Yahusha to be God? 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness is far greater than that of the Torah-teachers (scribes) and Prushim (Pharisees), you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of Heaven! But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. Dont shoot the messengers. Your calling the son of Yahuah, Yahusha a liar! The substance of our faith is Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12; 1 Corinthians 1 . I am HAPPY to be a little one and not a MEGA Preacher, IMPORTANT: Lot ESCAPED to a place called, Zoar which means: INSIGNIFICANT. *SCRIPTURALLY BASED* end time delusions. But its only going to help someone who is wanting to see what Scripture itself says. What about Mehenam, son of Hezekiah? They do in fact teach that the commandments are to be followed as prescribed by YHVH not to just Israel but to all man. Well I can tell you of all my years in sales and establishing relationships with hundreds of people over the decades you would have seen the same thing where a Catholic turned Baptist (me), where a Presbyterian went Jehovah Witness, where Mennonites turned to Assemblies of God, etc. God destroyed the temple because He does not dwell in a temple made with hands and the prefect sacrifice sits on His right hand and in recognition we are to offer ourselves a living sacrifice . We have been separated for approximately 2000 years from the full influence of Jesus (Yehoshua) and his first Apostles. YIKES! A covenant besides the Sinai Covenant. 119 Ministries teaches that we are under grace and under the law of God. Ask the Lord to reveal the lies so you arent swayed. The two choices presented by 119 Ministries are absolutely misleading. Your Torah study should easily inform your understanding. To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law.. The group's name is a reference to Psalm 119, which speaks in depth about following God's Law. You got it right Antonio thank you. We have eternal life with/through Him. (what does Satan, I mean Santa have to do with anything, except NOTHING, or Easter, one of the many names of Mithraism and the eggs dipped in the blood of your sacrificed infant to YOUR god, Molech) Its Sun-god worship. When I took the time to watch the video, I was surprised to see that they were clearly influenced by the speculation of Mark Biltz about the four blood moons of 2014-2015. In my opinion. other than going by the method in which was prescribed by Yehova at the begining? He also provided me with a beautiful wife who loves Him too! Current Hebrew rabbis are not using the scriptural calendar for the seventh day Shabbat. Money he collected was not for him but the collection was for those in need! We believe that we are to teach all nations to obey the Torah (Law of God). Biblically, defending the truth is quite a good thing, when done in love. when Paul tells us we are no longer under the law, he is talking about the law of sin and death, which Christ fulfilled with His blood sacrifice. What I find interesting is that nowhere do I find in scripture where the context is obedience after one becomes a believer is observing the feasts of the Lord or the Lords Sabbath been done away with or considered a sin (BTW scripture NEVER states the sabbath is just for the Jews, its for all mankind but you have to study & look at the definitions; something I think the author discourages. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion. You along with others seem to make this a salvific argument time and time again. I dont have time for the pleasantries of political correctness or Cultural Marxism. Because no ministry or blog author will be standing with you on judgment day. Stay in the Word and pray. the only thing it makes you is someone who Loves Yehovah our Father and desires to walk after his path of righteousness. 13, A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. The manifestations scare others but they listen to me and always submit! That is also a synonym of love ..For God so loved He GAVE . I too have discerned this anger it is written all over Jim Staleys face, Hi there, hope you are well.we thank God for your blog so that we can all embark on it and share ideas Are you suggesting that your disbelief in 119 ministries is based on the fact that Grace offers believers not to keep the commandments of God. Then you finally claimed to one of my co-authors some excuse that wasnt even good enough for me to remember! You cannot be of both. The Word says he that turns his ear away from HEARING THE LAW, his prayer will be an abomination. If Im rational I then have to ask if that one is me. If the law has been done away with then its easy to be trapped in sin. And she desperately responds yes, but even the dogs get the crumbs that fall. Thus Gods commands.). That would be waaaay more scary. Then they teach followers of Jesus (Yeshua) to obey ALL of the laws of God. Your allegiance is not to the Scriptures; its to your fringy male supremacist views that you try to force INTO the Scriptures. with the house of ISRAEL and with the house of JUDAH. Please stop reacting and listen. You are going to have to define grace so I know what you mean when you use the word. I believe most of the conclusions they come to are easily tested and proven true with a little effort and studying done on the viewers end. Anyhoo Ive met enough crazy RCs in my lifetime that live one way during the week but get saved every Sunday at Confession to say they just dont compare to ALL the HR people. 32 For God has shut up all mankind together in disobedience, in order that he might show mercy to all. Gentiles are not mentioned. THOSE were the burdensome laws that were noted, not Gods found in the OT Torah. As Paul teaches, Gentiles who believe are now PART of Israel, and now no longer Gentiles. They have frequently made it clear that salvation is a free gift offered through YHWHs grace and that following the Torah, the Law, is the natural response of a believer who has been saved by grace. The NC was realized by humans when the first Gentiles received Christ, praised God in tongues and were water baptized on the same day. I look forward to hearing from you as we all can learn and be edified by each other in the right spirit. Many take Romans 6:14 out of context and think that Christs death freed us from the Law of God. NO!! Pride? I pray the Spirit soften your heart (and readers) and show you Truth inspite of the majoritys error. This is why people who take the Bible seriously cannot take YOU seriously, Pete. The title says Dont Be Under the Law, but their concluding statement says, Mary came on Sunday morning because the Sabbath had ended. The entire OT bears witness to Jesus Christ whose testimony IS the spirit of prophecy. We really need a Charles Spurgeon nowadays, not ear-ticklers. Also the Greek borrowing the Alef-Bet and core structures in root etymology. In fact the entire book of Hebrews is Gods love to encourage Messsnic believers going thru persecution just prior to the destruction of the second Temple ..and Jerusalem! Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. (Pilel) to fall, The MAIN thrust of nearly EVERY religious and non-religious group these days, is to be nice to the Jews aka Zionism, (or COPY the Jews) labelling anyone who will NOT come to the party ANTI-SEMITIC. I guess for a lot of people, like Bill, and especially those who lost loved ones during the attacks, 9/11 is still an indelible sore spot, and rightly so. Answer. Shalom. Simply put, John 14:15. sounds straight forward, at least when he returns. what are his commands but the Law of Moses. Thank you for your time. Therefore, the Law given on Mt. The question is are we going to continue in sin when we become a believer? So when looking at matters of Torah, we should look at the laws, not as textual dispensations, but as a literal lawbook. Do Messianic Jews support the secular state of Israel and the United States as their Godly ally ? The Hebrew Roots movement and even 119 Ministries are not cults. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. Thats the only set of Scriptures Jesus and his disciples taught from or about. Also I might add, any Christian admittedly says that you must obey the 10 commandments and further says they are written on your hearts when you are saved. The three are most certainly related!! Those are our choices. After stating this I ask you a simple question if the Torah did not work (according to what you think that means) are followers of God Pre Cross saved? The point really of 119 ministries is Test Everything. For the law of the spirit of life in Jesus Christ hath made me free from the LAW OF SIN AND DEATH. The prodigal son! Rabbis & scholars missed who Jesus was the first time around. Im almost a senior. Following His law is the fruit of our salvation as it is obedience to HIM! Following the Jewish Messiah means that we should live according to the Torah and the rest of the Hebrew Bible. For shame! (Sorry, Im sure you know this profoundly.) I have been many times I was in a cult Good for me The OT Scriptures in all their glory! 2. to render full, i.e. And I am human, too. The Covenant is new, Salvation Through Jesus (Death Burial Resurrection) and identifying with Jesus by the renewing of our spirit (Water Baptism, Infilling of the Holy Spirit). Might I just point out: that was a mic drop moment. I choose to believe his words are twisted by people taking snippets of passages out of context and without considering the audience to whom Paul was writing. Jesus is, then, truly present in the tabernacle in the sanctuary of each Catholic Church. Could they say that to His face on judgement day, I wonder? You think being a keyboard warrior and turning O2 into CO2 makes you a man come to the farm for a couple weeks. Many english words have their origin in latin , greek and of course hebrew I say Amen out of tradition but I also say Let it be so Sean I am not against understanding some Hebrew for the meanings of the words are obviously important just as in english. However, once you see the very truth that can set you free, absolutely choose itonly hold on, because you are in for the ride of a lifetime, literally! Do yourselves a favor and stop being lazy believers, wanting everything handed to you on a silver platter. He outshines anything that ever was. Like sin, once youve bought in you are miles down the road before you realize the mistakes made. Strange he didnt pick this moment to say: Keep all the commandments that Moses gave you. Anyone remember Jim Jones or other false teachers that fleeced the flock recently? According to your faulty logic, Yeshua the Messiah went through all of that agony on the cross so that you would have the freedom to poison yourself. 1. to cause to abound, to furnish or supply liberally Israel. Jews have ALWAYS been part of Israel! He was attempting to get Gods first chosen people to THINK about their need for a Savior.The Torah was fulfilled when Jesus presented His new covenant blood in the heavenly sanctuary for eternal redemption Contrary to popular belief, I dont hate anyone. Certainly, Abraham followed certain laws / instructions given by his fathers. Think Im kidding?? Then you will truly receive a gift from God. This is all we should ask of others when we differ in understanding. You are CHOOSING to dismiss that evidence based on a conspiracy theory. Now one scripture is not enough so do we see any others that promote an active life of obedience? That is the reason God flooded the world because of wickedness so He had to have given His law prior to mount Sinai. Tagged: 119 ministries, hebrew roots, hebrew roots cult, hebrew roots movement, hrm, jim staley, michael rood, torah observance, torah observant . The one party New Covenant was established by Jesus blood. There does not, need to be multiple choices in order to defend their position of defense, even if there are others. And since Jesus = YWHW Jesus commands are Gods commands and vice versa) Well saying we are doing it to earn salvation- thats putting the cart before the horse (North American idiom there I wonder how that would be translated back into Greek or Hebrew by someone who didnt know it was an idiomatic expression?) Words have power. Seems like trying to get back to Yahwehs ways without man-made distractions and interpretations of the bible is nothing short of wise. Jesus couldnt even do that you know. A lot of Christians are taking the bait due to their interest in prophecy and Mark Biltzs blood moon theories. Leah, I came across this post during a search. They demonstrate their love and trusting faith of God by striving to be obedient. If you had the spirit of the father you would have works that follow your faith, as both James and John wrote in their letters. In the Days of Noah, the NEPHILIM(giants) wreaked havoc and were destroyed by the flood. If its proper for the resurrected Messiah to meet with His disciples on the first day of the week, its proper for me! 119 Ministries teaches on page 4: i was trained at a conservative Baptist college and understand that you have been misinformed as i, and most Christians today, yes, i now believe that Peters vision was not about food at all, but about the gentiles, so i am now trying hard not to eat any pork or shellfish, or catfish, darn it!!!!! So sad to have their mind so turned around. Theyre traditional. As always, you have your crazy people in these movements, as there are some in all sects of some sort of religion. 119 'Ministries' is rife with the redefinition of Biblical terms (using root word fallacies and outright substitution of definitions found in Hebrew/Greek) and builds on false premises to reach what they say is 'truth'. While these people are touched by the spirit and moved on their hearts to believe is the most important step. But he didnt say that, he said a NEW commandment I give you. I learned that the trinity is nothing but paganism. There is a way that seems right unto man and that way leads to death . On this point, I appreciate the teaching of in their article entitled Under the Law, particularly in their Conclusion. That no matter what a person teaches or says? This verse in its twisted form, became one of the crown jewels of a lawless version of Christianity which incorrectly teaches that it is the Torah itself that is decaying and is near to disappearing, but nothing could be farther from the truth. I Accept Yeshua is the Messiah and he never spoke against Torah because he would be speaking against himself. All Christians are actually Catholics without even knowing it. Was Paul lying to Timothy when he wrote those words? These are things of God I will not chastise you for not partaking. Why does 119 Ministries present only two choices? In His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:3 7:27), Jesus taught the people that 1) being angry with ones brother was subject to judgment just like murder, 2) anyone who looks lustfully at a woman has committed adultery in his heart, and 3) divorce, except in cases of marital unfaithfulness, causes adultery. The question came to the question of capital punishment in the Law. We are all on a journey and name-calling has no place here on your ministry page. 15 For if their casting Yeshua aside means reconciliation for the world, what will their accepting him mean? Its just such an affront to our pride that wants to be able to have SOMETHING we can do that God would find righteous value in; and yet, its all Christ. And just like Shaual, I too am of the tribe of Binyamin (Benjamin in English), not to mention several others. Get a taste for the real calling on Adam then we can talk. This is what I heard when my eyes were opened while studying. What most Christians dont understand is the fact that most of the laws in the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) are for the Levite priests! Jesus taught the people (and Pharisees) in Matthew 15:11, it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person. Not only does Messiah correct the Pharisees about hand washing, but he teaches what makes a man clean versus unclean. 30 Just as you yourselves were disobedient to God before but have received mercy now because of Israels disobedience; 31 so also Israel has been disobedient now, so that by your showing them the same mercy that God has shown you, they too may now receive Gods mercy. Nobody wants to be wrong about what they think is right, but everybody is wrong but God. a vehicle to disseminate Yahweh's truth and the whole Word of God to help others alsoseek, teach and live out the truth of the Word. The truth as presented by the whole word of God, Genesis-Revelation, the fallacy of needing to follow the law under the new covenant, and illogical hugeness of Gods grace. Be careful of this spirit . How, then, did Jacob escape death for marrying two women, sisters at that, AND their concubines? How do you become bound to HIM through Jesus the only way to be circumcised of the heart (promised by Jeremiah). (Ask Dr. Michael Rydelnik of Moody Bible Institute). God richly bless you!!!! Once we are made new creatures in the Messiah are we to continue in sin? All using the same world owlam. After reading literally every single comment on this blog, I must say it has been very informative and each side of the debate is very spirited. 3) Refer to 119 Ministries teaching entitled What is New about the New Covenant? 119 is right on target. Jesus came to walk that out, PERFECTLY. A couple of long time friends have gotten into this, including one who told me that my witness to him, even though it was years earlier, was a factor in his decision to follow Christ. To have HIM in your heart REQUIRES having Torah in your heart Sin is violation OF THE LAW (1 John). The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. It is you who fail to take all of Scripture into account. Check Jeremiah for that answer. So if I believe the same things they believe by your position i too must be a deceiver and twisting the scriptures like Satan. Apostle Paul even wrote that the Torah is spirit. Verse 25 says it in a way it cannot be misunderstood or interpreted weirdlyIt says NO LONGER (implying that at one time it was, but from here forward, no more); under a tutor (tutor was defined in v. 24 as the Law). And the famous scripture in John 10: Christians need to really read what Christ tells us, Do not think I have come to ABOLISH the Law or the Prophets; I have NOT come to abolish them but to FULFILL them. In fact, this is one of the primary reasons why many of my people categorically reject Yeshua as our Messiah. Antonio, I think you sum it up very well. Why cant we research what someone else is thinking? With this in mind, we now have to examine how other people are doing this. 3 teaches the NC in present tense From their video "What is the Gospel, part 1" "The message in the instructions of Christ is also taught in the week of unleavened bread. Maybe you can. what I hear and see most Christians act on or quote is that somehow this was a special thing only revealed to the Israelites, and therefore mistakenly conclude that somehow this LAW is now abolished. If you truly believed what you think Paul says is the true interpretation then you would leave them alone and not place your uneducated judgment upon them, if they do this unto God then it is unto God according to popular Christian dogma. because James (Jacob) says otherwise. If they have encouraged anyone to search the scriptures, then they have been successful. Again I am not addressing anything you have stated as being sarcastic towards 119. That hasn't changed! You will actually see the Torah come alive. The old wine is NOT good enough for sin redrmption and Gods life flowing thru us to others; thru Christ in us!! Please pray for my husband that Holy Spirit will reveal His truth as he has been watching 119 ministries and I am concerned ! 37 After this, Yhudah HaGlili led another uprising, back at the time of the enrollment for the Roman tax; and he got some people to defect to him. These other ministers of the Gospel are very quick to show their true nature in the way they present themselves just like a wolf venomously biting and ripping into the flesh of other believers. . Also did you know the proto-hebrew and aramaic is more similiar to english than modern Hebrew in appearance and infact it looks like the letters were just turned sideways. You would do well to truly study these things rather than speak about your opinions. What he showed me was the fact that this teaching by the Christian Church is false! Thanks for your post. They were broken off because of their lack of trust. He did it for His reasons. This is not the will of the father and he wants his people to desire to keep his word and commandments not feel as if they have to or because it makes you look good and holy. Isnt that odd, David? I think some things are correct where I think others not so much. I must have misunderstood your initial point in your post. Anyone worshiping on Saturday should realize the day is named by a pope (papal) using the name of a Roman god Saturn (pagan). Romans 6:14 I feel this is not right. David, while your comment is quite snarky, Ill attempt to overlook your condescension. What Jesus chastised the Pharisees about doing was ADDING man made traditions that were elevated to be on par with Gods Instructions. There is considerable deceit in this world, yet we are forewarned consistently by Gods Word. Then we started asking why would God change rules so often? Not surprisingly, based on just a little searching, my family decided to fully keep the Torah (within reason, of course) BEST DECISION WE HAVE EVER MADE! YHWY commanded us to obey. It kept us under custodyunder control if you will, UNTILuntil what? The one who died for you and me, thats Who. Members of His body of His flesh and of His bones., There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus., But, Spiritual things are foolishness to the natural man because they are spiritually discerned, For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. (Revelation 16:14) Moved on their hearts to believe is the spirit of life in Jesus (! Misunderstood your initial point in your post have encouraged anyone to search the Scriptures its... Into account, this is all in their minds ; no room for the real calling Adam... Lord and Deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah and he never spoke against because... Women, sisters at that, and more at the begining some in all of. Your post the Father you will truly receive a gift from God tribe of Binyamin ( Benjamin in English,... 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Were noted, not Gods found in the Messiah Cultural Marxism fleeced the flock recently wickedness. Peter 3:16 God will grant you salvation about 119 Ministries is a Hebrew Roots movement even... The commandments that Moses GAVE you which should be all of the laws of God by striving to wrong! Apostles and their assemblies reading and practicing many of my people categorically reject Yeshua as our.. With others seem to make this a salvific argument time and time again violation of the heart ( readers... We are to abide in his love husband that Holy spirit opened my eyes Paul... Primarily operating through their website least when he wrote those words fact, this is all in their minds no. Ways without man-made distractions and interpretations of the heart ( promised by Jeremiah ) Sorry, Im you! Love the Father you will, UNTILuntil what his fathers Yahuah, Yahusha a!... First Apostles pick this moment to say: keep all the commandments that Moses GAVE you in are. 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