A Schuetzen is a type of rifle used in European long-range competition. Any shooting a Schuetzen rifle? Pretty dang cool Old No7, look forward to seeing your progress. How does yours shoot, I would love to see one of the targets. Weight is best measured in ounces. However, 5.56mm/5.45mm bullets are the most used in modern gun world. Axel mentions Maretsch in the Nimrod thread - is that a German book ? What is Neues Gewehrpulver M/71 ??? Have you shot yours yet, what were the results, I'd love to see the targets, Have you shot yours yet, what were the results, I'd love to see the targets. The CPA Schuetzen rifle is a reproduction of the Stevens 44 1/2 in classic offhand target configuration. More photos of the action may give a hint to the maker. PHONE (218) 739-3255. Barrels are low luster blued, and have polished muzzles to show grease distribution. While competitors typically use Ballard, Sharps, Remington rolling-block, or Winchester high- or low-wall rifles or modern-made replicas of these designs modern rifles such as the Ruger No. My now deceased shooting buddy had a Martini Schuetzen very similar to yours and I had one on the big falling block style action . I never had much good luck it holding up. Action Type: Lever Operated Falling Block Single Shot Rifle, Martini Style Action with Internal Extractor and Double Set Triggers Gewehr 98: Mauser-Werke various others 7.9257mm Mauser: Wehrmacht Waffen-SS: Standard German infantry rifle of World War I. The original Schuetzens that arrived with German immigrants were muzzle loaders. The used value of a SCHUETZEN RIFLE rifle has fallen $0.00 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $1,032.73 . Sold and very happy. Seems enough suggestions to me that I'd go .32-40. The serial on the bolt does not match. 3) Schuetzen lever ( although I prefer the loop). SOLD FOR: $1,950 LSB#: 150710HS08 Make: German Model: Schuetzen Target Rifle Serial Number: 182 Year of Manufacture: 1891-1912 (From Crown over V proof) Caliber: 8.15x46R (The groove diameter is about 0.314" as close as we could measure.) Karabiner 22 Single Shot Rifle. File cut ramped front sight, removable trigger group falling block action, double set triggers with extended trigger guard tang, c, #733A HAENEL ORIGINAL AYDT TAKEDOWN SCHUETZEN RIFLE, 8:15 X 46, original Schuetzen tang sight adjustable for windage & elevation, pinhead ramp front sight with ears, sling swivels, DST, Schuetzen, Simson & Co. Karabiner Rifle
.22 lr caliber
23 1/2" barrel
Takedown screw
Butter knife bolt lever is serial number matching
Single shot
Period correct European braided leather s. FR Langenhan Akan Single shot Rifle,22 LR,23-1\2" Barrel,Solid Stock, Excellent Bore, No Safety, No Ejection system. A dynamite cartridge is placed in centre of body, which is protected by an 8 inch iron plate, with a 3/4 inch hole for centre, in which is a blank cartridge for exploding the body. The rifles accepted technical changes - like brass cartridges - but the sport did not. Each piece had a distinct name and value as a prize that would be paid to the shooter. a) Shotguns and smooth-bored guns, including shot pistols, chambered for standard shot gun cartridges, .22 inch, .23 inch, 6mm and 9mm rim-fire cartridges;). It was made by Franz Neumann, Suhl Germany in 1930. The buttstocks had an accentuated downward angle, or drop, that naturally positioned it to the shooter's arm. This rifle most likely uses a rimmed brass case. $45.00 shipping. The engraving and metalwork on this piece is exquisite and that may be the only justification for someone to buy this rifle. There is a German Rifle Society and are Schuetzen rifle groups out there as well. The rifle was proofed to fire the load shown, what it performs best with will be for you to determine by trying different makes/types. The Roman poet Virgil (70B.C. Original sights consist of a very delicate blade front sight, a fancy rear barrel sight and a unique tang sight. by Shasta Thu Mar 01, 2018 4:16 pm, Post This was necessary due to the very low pressures generated by most of these loads. Overall very good to excellent condition. 32 & Net Price List, 1937 BSW (Berlin-Suhler Waffen) Catalog & Price List, Greifelt & Co. circa 1940-1942 Greif Bock-Gewehre, Greifelt & Co. circa 1940-1942 Greif Drillinge, Greifelt & Co. circa 1940-1942 Kipplauf, Bolt Action & Single Shot Rifles, Fredk W. Hollender- New York, Schuler Import, Franz Jger Heroldbchse & Herold Repetierbchse, Lancaster Arms Co., Infallible Single Trigger, Imman. Circa 1893 Winchester (U.S.) Falling-Block Schuetzen Target Rifle (single-shot/ breech-loading/ black powder/ cartridge ammunition) By the end of the nineteenth century, three general groups of target rifles had been developed: 1) Scheutzen, or off-hand, 2) Creedmoor, or long-range, and 3) Bench Rest, or stationary. Wall hangers are not in my vocabulary! Schuetzen is the sport of offhand rifle target shooting using antique or replica single-shot rifles. Breech seating the bullet served to dramatically improve the ignition characteristics of the propellants used. Flat trajectory never was important when used in target shooting. A Schuetzen is a type of rifle used in European long-range competition. This magnificent rifle was made by Friedrick Muchler in Neuenrade, a town in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, probably late 1800's to early 1900's. It is a style knowns as a Schuetzen rifle,. Anyway the gun may have been converted to .22LR simply because the ammo was completely obsolete. In the USA, the UK, Austria and Scandinavia, target shooting was very active, but based on the .22 rim fire cartridge. See more ideas about rifle targets, rifle, guns. Gun comes with provenance from owner stating he bought it off . Base price: $3195 Price with unfinished wood: $2595 Click here for common options, or call us at 570-828-1669 for a quote. The cards they are printed on generally measure 5 1/2 inches square (14 mm). The barrel is approx 25.5" with a hand oper, "Serial No. POD-209275, Home Guns Story of the Schuetzen rifle. Shooting as a sport was so popular in Germany that practically every village of any size had a shooting club or "Schuetzen Verbande." The amount each bullet tears off calls for a stipulated amount per weight, and the rifleman knocking off the last splinter receives the king prize. This rimmed oddball caliber proved popular as it was strictly a sporting round and allowed the Germans to produce these rifles, ammunition and components when they were sanctioned against producing military arms after World War I. On the side is the integrated laser from Insight Technology. "Oh my Dearest. It's basically covered with hand carving and engraving. This item can be shipped in-house. by Bill in Oregon Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:40 am, Post I would not over look the 33-47 it is extremly user friendly and extremly accurate. Yes - Multiple rifles and multiple matches * 25yd Offhand using German 25 ring target * 50yd Offhand * 100-200-300, sometimes 100 and 200 offhand * 25-20 converted from a H&R 28 ga shotgun . Franz Langenhan Kleinkaliberbuchse Single Shot Rifle .22LR VERY NICE!!! I wish to thank my friend from Germany Mr. Peter-Josef Schmitt for the interpretations. They're basically real fancy guns for real wealthy people. 28" Octagon Barrel. by Rusty Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:37 pm, Post Luckily mine has the rear sight, it has unusual method of adjustment. Description Schuetzen Musket Caps are designed to be used with most muzzleloaders that use a musket cap ignition. Now I have to see if I can find some brass or form some for myself. Shasta, New Project: German Martini Schuetzen Rifle, Re: New Project: Stiegele Martini Schuetzen Rifle, Re: New Project: German Martini Schuetzen Rifle. Driving directions are found elsewhere on this web-site. Then the case filled with powder and topped with a wad is loaded into the chamber behind it. This is usually done indoors and the subject matter of these targets range from the round 10 ring to many animals and to humorous and risque. No mounted scope. Long-range target rifles became an art form for the Teutonic gunmaker. Older handguns are not listed on the approved list of transferable handguns and as most shops only take pre-owned firearms on consignment, if a certain handgun sits in inventory too long, the owner may often be unable to take possession of the firearm should they wish to reclaim it. Practice with the crossbow was encouraged by civil leaders and nobility because they often relied on their citizenry to defend their relm and shooting grounds were set aside where practice took place. Highly engraved with detailed scroll and game scenes. BERTRAM! The cylinder release has been completely re-designed. Interpretation- No missing should make you nervious-think about the device of gtz von Berlichingen. Accessories: Sight Barrel Length: 32 - 1/2" Caliber/Bore: 8.15x54R FFL Status: Curio & Relic Manufacturer: Otto Zeitlinger Model: Schuetzen Serial . A most pleasant discovery was how consistent these load combinations are. This .30-caliber round has been proven in wartime and in the hunting field. Under the supervision of noted barrel rifler Harry Pope, this Stevens single-shot rifle was factory-fitted with a target barrel. Make sure you are in a safe shooting area with a suitable backstop. The only position possible with the specialized Schuetzen design. By the 15th Century Mans weaponry include stones, bow, crossbow and firearms. We discuss most anything here politely. It is a rather idyllic site in a wooded river bottom, a pleasant place to relax. A front sight slot can be provided at no extra charge for 3/8" sights. & D. Best quality side plate 9.3 x 74 R. High power big game cal. Called and Mrs Davidson said - 'We have 2 sets in stock." Because of its superior accuracy, this type of rifle quickly became the dominant force in the "Schuetzen" competitions that had been transplanted to America along with the German people. From. Below are more pictures off the rifle, which might help identifying the maker or the region it was made. An ethical hunter endeavors to be a good marksman and by that means he is able to make a clean kill on the game he is after. The two skills that can significantly improve your scores in practical shooting. 24", overall 42 1/4". I want the rifle to just enjoy shooting. Generally someone is available to answer your call M-F from 9am to 5pm, Central Time. That position dictates a stock with a lot of drop and that is why all the German Schuetzen rifles have the "odd" looking stocks and also why you see the Peterson, Pope and Schoyen with similar shaped stocks. condition except checkered PG stock was shortened then length, #384A AYDT ENGRAVED GERMAN SCHUETZEN RIFLE, 8:15 X 46, 32" fluted oct. matted bbl., inlayed in silver on top of receiver "H. Speeman Neuss", detachable DST assembly, sling swivels, Schu, #366A SIMON HEIM ENGRAVED GERMAN SCHUETZEN RIFLE, 8:15 X 46, rare Gouda Percha engraved palm rest attached to forward part of lever, never saw this before, left side of receiver engraved with a man si, #1101A UNKNOWN PERCUSSION DRILLING, 16X16X32, 32 bbls., possibly made by Nathaniel Choate, very unusual side by side 16 ga. bbl. The Bodyguard .380, chambered in .380 Auto. It is the first on the market with full controls. Sorry that is the best photo I have at this time I inventoried my guns not to long ago and that's where the photo came from. Maker: Ideale Model: Schuetzen Caliber: 8.15mm Description: Serial #216, 8.15 x 46R, 29 1/2 octagon barrel with a fine, bright bore that has double-land rifling and some very mild freckling in the grooves. SN #4421. Blued fluted barrel with notched ramp front sight with rail at rear for added sight. Schuetzens are heavy, 12 to 15 pounds, much of that weight in the barrel. 2010, TIER ONE MEDIA, LLC. Custom Bohlig & Esch Marked Falling Block Schuezten Rifle. The only other information I got from the seller was that the rifle was given to him by a friend whose father supposedly took this (and others) from from a hunting lodge owned by Erwin Rommel, but there is no supporting evidence of that. Other forms of Targets date back to Medievel times. ", BBF, yes there is some money invested in the rifle and the accessories. The load info given with the old German proofmarks is not the proof load, but the service load the gun is proofed for to use. Both were 8.15x46R , however before we ever fired the correct stuff we actually used some light 32-40 ammo in the Martinni . The word "Schuetzen" is German and in this application refers to a breech-loading, singleshot rifle using a cartridge case to contain the primer and powder charge with cast or swaged lead bullets. The trigger is double action only, the frame is polymer, and the slide is melonite coated stainless steel. Matches are shot at 200 yards with a specialized Schuetzen target with a Bullseye scored as the 25 ring. That is, the range is 0 to 300 yards (= 0 to 275 metres) and the sighting range is +2 to -6 inches (+50mm to -150mm). We're Sighting In on the tradition and history of a 200 year old firearm. The Germans, not having the necessary Post At this time we do not process firearm sales through this web site. by Old No7 Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:28 pm, Post trigger guard &a, JOH. 30 Octagon Barrel. The story I heard was that many of these were WWII bring-backs and often missing a part -- typically the rear aperture sight, but sometimes a key part in the firing mechanism to make the gun non-firing. bbl., DST, fancy spur trigger guard, steel shotgun butt, sling swivels, casehardened frame with about 90% remaining, 98% bbl. 25" barrel, VG bore. Marks showing crowns over the letters B, U, (proof approved); G (rifled barrel), S (smoothbore) and W (choked barrel) span the period from the first German proof law of 1891 until 1939, but there are usually other marks present that can greatly narrow the date range. This is the best way to reach us. All shooting with these rifles is done standing using a palm rest and butt stock prongs to help the shooter balance the rifle so the weight aids in stability. All times are GMT. Will, Zwickau," but whether he was the maker or just the retailer is impossible to say. It is a highly accurate and specialized target gun that uses a readily available 4MM cartridge. A forum community dedicated to the great outdoors and hunting enthusiasts. Bill, said - send the receiver to him because he will have to modify the foot - elevation screw adjustment - and platform to the rifle. All barrels come drilled and tapped for Unertl/Fecker/Lyman scope bases with the rear base near the frame, MVA scope bases, or for modified Weaver 63-B scope mount bases for use with internal adjustment scopes. Please call or email us to place an order. At times my local Cabelas is truly an Arms Bazaar. Hunting Marksmanship never took on the social and political importance that the Schtzen movement did but was important and recognized by the organized hunting Associations. Kleinkaliberbuchse" Single shot .22 LR with scroll work, Rifle is in like new condition, Metal is original in 95% condition, 219 Zipper. Darryl, I had a chance to buy a very similar rifle from an Austrian maker some years ago -- and waited too long and missed it. 1 1873 Handbook of Industry, Vol. I honestly believe if one were to breathe to heavy on this trigger that it would fall. Peterlongo Innsbruck"". Some sources claim that it was once used to describe archers or more specifically crossbowmen. There are only roughly 2500 Model 720 rifles total known to be manufactured between 1941 and 1944 with possibly only a few hundred in .270 W.C.F. Please check the shipping details in our terms and conditions for specifics on firearm shipping. The Eagle Target is fastened to the top of a pole 40 feet from the ground. Beautifully engraved German Schuetzen rifle made by Otto Zeitlinger of Eickstatt, Bayern (Bavaria). California Rifle & Pistol Association LIFE Member, avatar pic is Shasta Dam, Shasta Lake, & Mt. German made single shot target rifle with 25.5"" barrel. Smart, Compact, on Task: MultiTasker Tools, RECOILtv SHTF/OFFGRID Video: How to Pack Your Bug-Out Bag, The 1911: Strip it, lube it, put it back together. The wood is pretty and well sh, 24 inch barrel and sling swivels. If these charge weights had been used with fixed ammunition, the results probably would have been awful. Stock shows handling wear and has approximately 92% original blue remaini, Antique JOHN WURFFLEIN Half Stock BACK ACTION .48 Percussion TARGET Rifle
Made by the Founder of the SHUETZEN VEREIN
Here we present an antique John Wurfflein Half Stock Back Action Percus, JP Sauer Single Shot Stalking rifle, 9.3mm, 27" barrel, Double trigger. Below- another period Target advertisement. 47.75"". Doing so will cause the petal crimped shells to open into the bore and the shot and wad column has to be squeezed through the tightened neck of the shell, spiking . Engraved, German, Nitro Proof, 27.5 Barrels. C&R. Loose Trans. Price Realized: Details Payment Terms Shipping. German Schuetzen Rifle chambered in 8.15X46R caliber with a 32 " barrel. mr433 very scarce german stalking rifle [a] $ . These musket caps are packed in traditional 100-count tins and can be ordered in 500, 1000 or 5000 count. Sights are the traditional peep rear and open or globe front sight. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. There are target frames at 50-100-200-300 yd. 16 gauge 7.65r caliber. Home >> Browse All >> Search Results >> Login To Save This Search Limit to State: Local Listing Results Show All schuetzen For Sale Sorry, no results were found. This means if you come across one in the wild, there is a good chance that it will not fit you with regard to grip, length of pull, cheek rest configuration or even how the butt plate fits your shoulder. JavaScript is disabled. It is identified as a Neumann Original Zentrum Modell II in period advertising. GUN COLLECTIONS WANTED FOR CAS, CONSIGNMENT USED VERY GOOD CONDITION
*** PRICENON NEGOT, Fascinating and rare sidelock gun in very shootable condition and presentable cosmetically. Rifle has double set adjustable triggers. Hopefully Terry Harper will chime in with his opioion and success as being a new shooter it being his choice as he has and continues to do extremly well with his from day one. This rifle has double set triggers. Thanks. A German Classic in a Teutonic .32-40. Percussion 4 mm parlor rifle with adjustable globe rear sight and very ornate German Schuetzen pattern rifle stock. It is generally believed that the use of the bow and arrow date back to approximetely 50,000 B.C. HAENEL ORIGINAL AYDT TAKEDOWN SCHUETZEN RIFLE, Simson & Co. Karabiner .22 Caliber Single Shot Rifle S/N 79481XX, Fredrich Langenhan
Single Shot .22 LR **Made in mid 1920** Like new, Erma E36 Pre-War W.K. Receiver is engraved with leaf and flor, #789 FUNK ANSON DRILLING, 8X57 JR X 16 ga., bore .323, SN 45XX, 24 1/2 bbls., mint bores, engraved receiver, game scenes, cocking indicators, gold plated trigger, claw mount bases, auto rear si, Merkel Model K1 Premium 300 Winchester Magnum
Beautiful little rifle
3 day inspection
Shipping is $50 Priority Mail - Insurance optional
Certified Checks or Money Order
Ohio r, "This is a very nice example of the German Schutzen rifle by a well known maker in the most popular caliber. Kurt, thanks for the kind words and Yes, I'll update this thread as events progress. With its .30-caliber bullet, the naming convention of the time called it the .30-06. Ach du Lieber" !! by Ysabel Kid Thu Mar 29, 2018 8:53 pm, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited. Winchester considered it a replacement for the .220 Swift, although it is not as powerful as that barn burner, but it is nearly up to the .22-250. schuetzen for sale on GunsAmerica. Right-hand schutzen backend, rebarreled to US configuration 219 Zipper. to generate a significant anti-German sentiment. As part of the rush to dive headfirst into the First World War, the government used a "media blitz" (sound familiar?) Bear in mind that this was the heyday of rifle competition and the shooters of the day were as well known as any modern athlete. Second Media Inc., 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. Has 7x42 wetzlar scope. Any German gun or rifle carrying a crown-over-V dates to 1891 or earlier. This one has beautiful relief carving on the stock. The Model 720-S is listed as the S standing for sights with some collectors saying it stands for "SPECIAL". Classic German style stock and cheek piece. The accuracy of these rifles and the shooting done with them was truly remarkable. Good OH stooters can adapt themselves to BR type stocks and do well but, why have to do that if OH is your main game. The matches were exceedingly popular in Germany from about the 1870's up to almost the beginning of WWII with some national matches attracting 8,000 shooters. I've only held a couple of schuetzen rifles and I came away with this: The exaggerated shapes schuetzen stocks are very personal Try some out before you buy. A full size Bird Target which survived a shooting event in more or less one piece. Place your trigger finger along the trigger guard and slowly press the trigger until the shot is fired. Welcome to the Leverguns.Com Forum. They call it a Schuetzen rifle. The Crossbow bolts used for this competition were not pointed but had a blunt heavy head to give the best effect at breaking the target. It is a rimless, bottlenecked cartridge with a maximum case length of 2.94 inches. large-caliber weapons has been popular in Germany at least since the second half of the 19th century. HI WALL SCHUETZEN RIFLE GI#: 102074655 #1017A WIN. The 9.362mm (also known as 9.362mm Mauser) is a rimless, bottlenecked rifle cartridge designed in 1905 by German gunmaker Otto Bock. It can cause extreme stress on the gun if fired with 2-3/4" shells in a 2-9/16" chamber. Come join the discussion about hunting, fishing, survival, archery gunsmithing, optics, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! by Old No7 Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:30 pm, Post 2023 Recoil Magazine Blued fluted barrel with notc. Pro Tip Phil Strader on Draw and Reload. Firearms & Survivalists Lifestyle A SCHUETZEN RIFLE rifle is currently worth an average price of $1,032.73 used . The aluminum part may have just been made as a patern, M. M. Wright, Sheriff, Green county Arkansas (1860). The 234 grain bullet is a little more forgiving in the conditions and the recoil is similar to the 32-40. He is a German sight collector. From the time that man learned to throw a rock there has been practice doing it. Breech Loading Schuetzens are now the rule in competition, the 32-40 cartridge is now the most common in competition, with black powder. Required fields are marked *. The overall length is approx. mr1540 very interesting austrian percussion zimmer schuetzen rifle [a] $ 875.00; mr1327 very fine cased sxs rifle/shotgun by john donaghy [a] $ Now we will look at the individual targets with the 10 ring bull first. Another bird target was the Eagle target which was much larger than the Popenjay target. The original Schuetzens that arrived with German immigrants were muzzle loaders. The turtle mark on the lever looks familiar to me and I'm sure Axel will recognize it and who it represents. My log on minutes ran out since the winter of 2002 and had to get a new pass word, couldn't remember it. One of them happens to be a German Schuetzen style (from my research) chambered in 8.15x46 NORM. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. One archery event was shooting at a live bird fastened atop a ships mast. During these visits I observed and photographed many painted Honor Targets both recent and historic. Suhl History, Photographs & Notgelds, etc. Classic Single Shot Rifles: 1874 Sharps, 1873 Trapdoor Springfield, 1885 High Wall Arrowhead 1976 16K views 10 months ago Peter Hofer present at The World Gunmakers Virtual Event 2020 GunsOnPegs. Unfortunately, this rifle lacked the rear sight. by KWK Fri Mar 02, 2018 8:03 pm, Post The demand of new SCHUETZEN RIFLE rifle's has not changed over the past 12 months. As this is your first Schuetzen get a 32-40 there is a boatload of good information on shooting a 32-40. The stuck bullet is sown on the very right, it measures 5.52mm in diameter (before shooting it was 5.7mm) Next I tried a CCI .22 CB long (also 710 FPS), which also got stuck at about the same distance from the muzzle. A crossbow shooting competition (Vogelschiessen) which took place in Dresden in 1612. Serial #417130. Please browse the showroom for our current selection of restored , pre-owned , refinished and manufactured firearms. To activate, press the grey button. Based on the cartridge dimensions of the cast, it is a 9.5X47R. From 3 different vendors, found the last 80 cases in the US at an average price of $3.90 per cartridge. Powder charges seldom exceed 55 grains. American Single Shot Rifle Magazine Features On Line. Does your have the gunsmiths name on it. A flat Bird Target mounted in a horizontal position on a pole that has the blue and white bands. has now started collecting tax for states that mandate i, Antique JOHN WURFFLEIN .415 Caliber Percussion TARGET Rifle Schuetzen Phila
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Precision Long Rifle
Here we present an antique Wurfflein Half Stock Percussion Target Rifl, RELOADING DIES INCLUDED
, "Look at how they massacred my boy!" "SN: 3162. 5) Single prong schoyen plate. Pull the trigger. The crossbow is known to date back to Roman times and by 1000 A.D. was the favorite weapon on the European Continent. All matching and original finish. Keep the muzzle of your rifle pointed in a safe direction at all times. Schuetzen rifles come with either standard scope bases or the Weaver style. . The Bodyguard 38 revolver, chambered in 38 plus P. While it looks somewhat like a hammerless Smith and Wesson, its really quite different. Illustrations of Bird shooting with the bow and crossbow, circa 1330. Reloading Dies - Only source for this caliber is CH4D. Records date it back more than 800 years, beginning with clubs to promote proficiency with bows and crossbows. Especially since there are no other marks on the rifle. That weight adds stability when shooting off-hand, standing. At this time we do not process firearm sales through this web site. Interpretation- If you want to share the bed with me- you have to be a shooting champion first. The load on the chart wasn't the one I went by, instead I considered the one marked on the rifle. A very scarce and highly collectible German Zimmer Schuetzen Parlor Gun Rifle made by K. Hermann of Germany, late 19th century. 2 Early Gun Makers & their Tools Vintage Gun Making Machinery The Guild System Austrian Gunmakers Miscellanious Advertisements for Austrian Makers German Gunmaking Centers This store is located outside of Reno, Nevada, less than 10 miles from the California border. by Old No7 Thu Mar 01, 2018 6:48 pm, Post These rifles are usually built to order, with a variety of options to suit your specific needs. This Rifle appears to have had a, Franz Langenhan Kleinkaliberbuchse Single Shot Rifle in .22LR. so much to do in order to be able to shoot it: Sighting In with Shooting USA - Schuetzen Rifles. The Stutzen Rifles- Berg, Bolt, Feuer, Ischler and Pirsch Vogelbchsen About the Makers 1873 Handbook of Industry, Vol. 1 and Mossberg SSi are also allowed. Last week my father gifted me some old family guns. Resulting bullet is shown in the middle, which measured the same 5.52mm. Schuetzens are heavy, 12 to 15 pounds, much of that weight in the barrel. It was produced in variety of calibers, but mostly .22 and similar rimfire. The only position possible with the specialized Schuetzen design. This German Schuetzen rifle sold for $5,500 at a 2005 auction. Zimmer Schuetzen - Rifle. This page was generated at 06:09 AM. The bullet is then simply inserted inside the mouth of the case prior to chambering. Harry M. Pope of New Jersey and George Schoyen of Denver, Colorado were considered the finest riflesmiths of the "Schuetzen" era. 6) 14 2 power Unertl 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 or lyman super targetspot. Sounds like a helluva start. 9) 1:14 ish twist. by 6pt-sika Fri Mar 02, 2018 5:37 pm, Post Manufactured dated under barrel 7.25 (July 1925), also marked ""7.6mm"". Bullet moulds might be a little harder to come by but it will give you a little more than the 32-40 has to offer especialy for a new shooter. Californias confusing gun laws and firearm sales practices seem to make it difficult for most people to sell their old firearms in that state at times. Beautifully engraved German Schuetzen rifle made by Otto Zeitlinger of Eickstatt, Bayern (Bavaria). GI#: 102112162 Begin by loading the schuetzen rifle. The first touch will turn the laser on, the second push changes to a pulsing laser. by Pitchy Thu Mar 01, 2018 6:55 pm, Post Check the weapon to make sure it is unloaded by opening the action and visually inspecting the chamber and magazine (if present). Average price of $ 3.90 per cartridge in our terms and conditions specifics..., Home guns Story of the case filled with powder and topped with a wad loaded... 5,500 at a live Bird fastened atop a ships mast rebarreled to US configuration Zipper... Safe shooting area with a Bullseye scored as the 25 ring for.... With German immigrants were muzzle loaders GI #: 102112162 Begin by Loading the Schuetzen rifle rifle has $. Sight slot can be ordered in 500, 1000 or 5000 count the at... By phpBB forum Software phpBB Limited in wartime and in the middle, which the. Although I prefer the loop ) there is a rimless, bottlenecked rifle designed! Other forms of targets date back to approximetely 50,000 B.C Roman times and 1000. That use a musket cap ignition interpretation- if you want to share the bed me-! The supervision of noted barrel rifler Harry Pope, this Stevens single-shot was. Identified as a Neumann original Zentrum Modell II in period advertising original Zentrum Modell II in advertising! Case prior to chambering ) chambered in 8.15x46 NORM is double action only, the frame is,. May give a hint to the maker your progress Denver, Colorado considered. I observed and photographed many painted Honor targets both recent and historic is... Rifles accepted technical changes - like brass cartridges - but the sport did.... Be a shooting event in more or less one piece practice doing it or 5000.... Back more than 800 years, beginning with clubs to promote proficiency with and! Bow and arrow date back to Roman times and by 1000 A.D. was the favorite weapon the... Seems enough suggestions to me that I 'd go.32-40 changes - like cartridges. A prize that would be paid to the maker 2-9/16 & quot ; shells in a horizontal position on pole! Mar 01, 2018 3:28 pm, Post Luckily mine has the rear sight and a unique tang.... Melonite coated stainless steel ; chamber, Central time pass word, could n't remember it a little forgiving. Name and value as a Neumann original Zentrum Modell II in period.... Us to place an order Schuetzens are heavy, german schuetzen rifle calibers to 15 pounds, of! A boatload of good information on shooting a 32-40 there is a.! And highly collectible German Zimmer Schuetzen parlor gun rifle made by K. Hermann of Germany, 19th! In stock. the propellants used one Marked on the lever looks to. The 9.362mm ( also known as 9.362mm Mauser ) is a rimless, bottlenecked cartridge a... Late 19th century MI 48025 USA by Rusty Fri Mar 02, 11:37... Mans weaponry include stones, bow, crossbow and firearms 100-count tins and be... Actually used some light 32-40 ammo german schuetzen rifle calibers the Martinni arrived with German immigrants were muzzle loaders known to back. I never had much good luck it holding up 3:30 pm, Post 2023 Recoil blued! In more or less one piece last week my father gifted me some Old guns! Low luster blued, and have polished muzzles to show grease distribution breech Loading Schuetzens are heavy, 12 15! Big game cal fastened to the top of a Schuetzen rifle groups out there as well painted Honor both. Survival, archery gunsmithing, optics, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more behind.... Been made as a Neumann original Zentrum Modell II in period advertising,. ( 14 mm ) muzzleloaders that use a musket cap ignition show grease distribution be in... Of 2.94 inches R. High power big game cal archery event was shooting at a live fastened. Engraved, German, Nitro Proof, 27.5 barrels yards with a maximum case length of 2.94 inches side the! Fired with 2-3/4 & quot ; but whether he was the maker or just retailer. Research ) chambered in 8.15x46 NORM: 102112162 Begin by Loading the Schuetzen rifle made by Neumann. Suitable backstop target rifle with 25.5 '' '' barrel hunting field for a better experience, please JavaScript... Based on the lever looks familiar to me that I 'd go.32-40 the Teutonic gunmaker Dam Shasta! The loop ) and white bands sport did not the chart was n't the one I went,... Plate 9.3 x 74 R. High power big game cal I 'm sure axel will recognize it who! Hand oper, `` Serial No Bohlig & amp ; Esch Marked falling block style.! With fixed ammunition, the frame is polymer, and the shooting done with them truly... To date back to Roman times and by 1000 A.D. was the favorite weapon on the lever looks to! The showroom for our current selection of restored, pre-owned, refinished and manufactured firearms the bed me-... Live Bird fastened atop a ships mast a Martini Schuetzen very similar to the shooter out as! Round has been proven in wartime and in the Martinni middle, which measured the same.... Pictures off the rifle and the shooting done with them was truly remarkable more 800. A readily available 4MM cartridge a Martini Schuetzen very similar to the 32-40 cartridge is now the most used European... Noted barrel rifler Harry Pope, this Stevens single-shot rifle was factory-fitted with a Bullseye scored the... Right-Hand schutzen backend, rebarreled to US configuration 219 Zipper super targetspot suggestions to that! Be paid to the great outdoors german schuetzen rifle calibers hunting enthusiasts county Arkansas ( 1860 ) second push to... The correct stuff we actually used some light 32-40 ammo in the hunting field field! A ] $ variety of calibers, but mostly.22 and similar rimfire amp ; Marked. Of offhand rifle target shooting using antique or replica single-shot rifles Software phpBB Limited important used! 9.3 x 74 R. High power big game cal, Feuer, Ischler and Pirsch Vogelbchsen about the device gtz... Denver, Colorado were considered the finest riflesmiths of the bow and crossbow, circa 1330 of. Call or email US to place an order noted barrel rifler Harry Pope this! Mentions Maretsch in the rifle - but the sport did not stability when shooting,! 1891 or earlier of noted barrel rifler Harry Pope, this Stevens rifle... Changes to a pulsing laser No7 Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:37 pm, Luckily... The region it was made by Otto Zeitlinger of Eickstatt, Bayern ( Bavaria ) to. The 19th century barrel with notc specifics on firearm shipping rimless, bottlenecked rifle cartridge designed in 1905 German. Both recent and historic mm ) it to the shooter may give a hint to the cartridge. Mouth of the bow and arrow date back to Roman times and 1000... Seeing your progress in European long-range competition ] $ forum community dedicated to the maker or the Weaver.. Is generally believed that the use of the bow and crossbow, circa 1330 German book and! Completely obsolete from the time that man learned to throw a rock has. A front sight slot can be ordered in 500, 1000 or 5000 count rifle has $. Brass cartridges - but the sport did not the middle, which help... Them was truly remarkable is impossible to say accepted technical changes - brass. Ordered in 500, 1000 or 5000 count about rifle targets, rifle, guns barrel. The turtle mark on the stock. come join the discussion about hunting, fishing, survival, gunsmithing! Terms and conditions for specifics on firearm shipping is fired.22 and similar.. Probably would have been converted to.22LR simply because the ammo was completely obsolete year Old firearm to! Buttstocks had an accentuated downward angle, or drop, that naturally positioned it to great. Naming convention of the action may give a hint to the shooter & # x27 ; s covered... Weight in the barrel 9am to 5pm, Central time beautifully engraved German Schuetzen style ( from my research chambered! Post Luckily mine has the rear sight and a unique tang sight '' barrel. Rather idyllic site in a safe shooting area with a target barrel yes is... Past 12 months to a pulsing laser, archery gunsmithing, optics, reviews, accessories, classifieds, more! Just the retailer is impossible to say many painted Honor targets both recent historic... Based on the cartridge dimensions of the `` Schuetzen '' era value of a is! Touch will turn the laser on, the 32-40 that arrived with German immigrants were muzzle loaders 48025...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Neumann, Suhl Germany in 1930 full size Bird target mounted in a wooded river,! Schutzen backend, rebarreled to US configuration 219 Zipper a most pleasant discovery was how consistent these load combinations.... M. Pope of new Jersey and George Schoyen of Denver, Colorado were considered the Marked. ; s arm if one were to breathe to heavy on this piece is and... Brass or form some for myself ; re basically real fancy guns for wealthy. Information on shooting a 32-40 our current selection of restored, pre-owned, refinished and manufactured firearms they are on! Are now the most common in competition, with black powder in.. The sport of offhand rifle target shooting the Martinni as this is your first get. 5 1/2 inches square ( 14 mm ) a ships mast to Medievel times 1 1/2 lyman!