This was the hometown of Jezeb el, wife of King Ahab. Holstein, Joanne (2015, April) The Widow of Zarephath:. Becker Bible Studies Library. Titus 3:1-7 is a reminder that we all have been foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another. He doesn't pat them on the back and say he's sorry life is so tough. After this, the womans son falls ill and dies (v. 17). Zarephath rest inside the region of Sidon, the native country of Queen Jezebel, the woman who married the wicked King Ahab and required her god, Baal to be worshipped instead of God Almighty (1 King 21:25-26). Lieberman], Ekev, p. 74). Soon after, her son dies, and Elijah pleads to God for the power to resurrect him. Its easy to not deny Him when we are in love with Jesus. What an amazing lesson they witnessed to see how God cared for them and provided for them. She did what had to be done because she had faith in the LORD. Then you can make something afterward for you and your son. The Bible account says: After these things, the son of the woman who owned the house fell sick, and his sickness became so severe that he stopped breathing. Trying to find a reason why this tragedy happened, the grieving mother said to Elijah: What do you have against me, Oman of the true God? Lets keep in touch. She had just told him that after she made one more meal for her and her son, they would eat it and die. This woman didnt know that the LORD is a loving LORD. Even if he had any doubts, Elijah began a conversation with the woman. What do you have? The woman from Zarephath wasn't a Jew, but a Phoenician. (Philippians 4:19). Elijah and the Widow at Zarephath. So she went away and did according to the word of Elijah; and she and he and her household ate for many days. Elijah worshipped Jehovah. You can contact me through the All Gods Women website or through All Gods Women social media accounts. The widow's faith in Elijah's God, Jehovah, preserved her and her son alive. Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women. (Matthew 25:34-40) It proves that God takes care of those who are faithful to him, even when they are enduring very difficult trials. All she had to do was believe God the God of Israel and obey. Why does God allow godly men to die young? Elijah took him and delivered him unto his mother. Ive stopped saying we should challenge God for big things.Actually, nothing challenges God. Then Elisha had the widow and her sons closing the door before filling the jars. The faith of the Widow of Zarephath turned out to lead to the provision for a tired, depressed, and hungry prophet on the run for his life. But God is still providing for Elijah for now God sends Elijah to the care of a widow. Because of the great iniquity of the people, the Lord caused that there would be . And he was fighting to rescue the hearts of his people from worshiping things that would not serve them. The resurrection of her son was an event in her life that truly strengthened her faith. He sent Elijah to the widow to help both her and the prophet. This man of God is asking for the last of all she has. Kadari, Tamar. What relationships does He want you to cultivate? Elisha asked her what she had in her house. If everything was dying, she should have had more access to firewood. God did not abandon that poor widow. Joanne Holstein is a Becker Bible Studies Teacher and Author of Guided Bible Studies for Hungry Christians. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his names sake. Go home and do as you have said. TEXT: 1 Kings 17; Luke 4:25-26 WOMAN: The Widow of Zarapeth. So many people are prevented from reaching their goals, accessing their blessings, and living an abundant life because of fear. We can assume she is the only widow in her city. He knew the current reality did not measure up with Gods promise. Indeed, "the large jar of flour did not run out, and the small jar of oil did not . The bin of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil run dry, according to the word of the Lord which He spoke by Elijah. No matter how little, we have something we can use to bless someone. Blessings to you also. | God sent Elijah to a woman who had nothing so that He could provide for her and her family supernaturally as a result of her faith. But how precious that they were able to be active participants in the miraculous provision for their needs. 4). For this is what Jehovah the God of Israel says: The large jar of flour will not run out, and the small jar of oil will not run dry until the day Jehovah makes it rain on the surface of the ground.1Kings 17:11-14. The widow then told Elijah: Now I know that you truly are a man of God and that Jehovahs word in your mouth is truth.1Kings 17:22-24. Is the man mad? She did not refer to Jehovah as my God. She lived in Zarephath, a town that belonged to the Phoenician city of Sidon. Because of the reviving of her son, she knew that Elijah was a man of the LORD God, and that the word of the LORD in his mouth is truth. Have you ever had others demanding from you what you didnt have to give? Each widow faced difficulties far beyond anything they could handle on their own. The account in 1Kings chapter17 says no more about this woman. She was a Gentile, an outsider. It is very likely that many Baal worshippers lived in Zarephath. for(var i=0; i Football Academy Deutschland, Sandals Church Matt Brown Net Worth, Articles T