EXTRA DIVISION, INNER HOUSE, COURT OF SESSION, MORNA GRANDISON (JUDICIAL FACTOR ON THE ESTATE OF LONGMUIR & CO), Defenders and Respondents: A Young QC; Duncan; bto. [10] Ground of appeal 3 was a development of the main theme inherent in ground of appeal 2, viz. The broker was supposed to have been acting in the customer's best interest in finding a loan that was the best for the customer. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. He confirmed that they had requisitioned copies of the prior title deeds. Im 66 and into my retirement I didnt expect to be in this position of still owing this debt. The sheriff records therein that, to some extent, he was influenced by the evidence given by John Dougan, chartered surveyor. Firstly, under reference to paragraph [9] in the sheriffs Note, having explicitly precluded consideration of the shortfall for the purposes of determining the principal sum due to the pursuer, the sheriff then decided that the existence of the shortfall, [9] Secondly, Mr Allison stressed that the defenders pleadings were silent both as to, [10] Ground of appeal 3 was a development of the main theme inherent in ground of appeal 2, viz. (See paragraph[18] in Wilson). [8] Messrs Mellicks Solicitors were instructed to act on behalf of CMC in the loan transaction. It is Blemain's case that they relied on that valuation to loan the owners of the property, Mr and Mrs Sherman, 250,000 by way of a second mortgage. It was a terrible deal [but] at the time I really needed that 30,000, Charles tells Guardian Money. The judgment raises issues that could affect thousands of people, and is likely to be studied closely by other borrowers, including customers of other subprime lenders. 3 pages) Ask a . [33] It follows that in relation to the BFL case the reclaiming motion is refused. [28] The principal argument advanced by the reclaimers, in the present actions, as to the nature and extent of the implied warranty of authority given by a solicitor in acting for clients in the granting of a security over a property in return for a loan being made to them by a professional lender fell to be considered in a recent English case Excel Securities v Masood [2010] Lloyds Rep. P.N. In each case, two individuals stole the identities of innocent . This page was generated at 16:20:PM. They also returned the draft letter of obligation drafted by Longmuir & Company. VAT number: 144 4752 12. Compare SEB Trygg and compare Frank Houlgate Investment Co Limited v Biggart Baillie LLP 2010 SLT 527 at paras 27-28. It was a term of the mortgage offer that the loan be secured by a first mortgage over the property in the form of the draft standard security accompanying the offer. Washington, DC 20463, Federal Election Commission | United States of America. [40] It follows that the reclaiming motion in the action at the instance of CMC for all the foregoing reasons falls to be refused. Professional lenders were seeking to recover from a firm of solicitors their losses resulting from identity fraud by borrowers for whom the solicitors had acted in preparing security documents over property of which the borrowers claimed they were the true owners. In July 2008, Blemain Finance issued possession proceedings to take Mrs Thomas' home in relation to four of the agreements. [34] The pursuers' contention is that the letter of obligation constituted a personal obligation assumed by the solicitors to deliver a land certificate issued by the Keeper of the Land Register of Scotland in favour of their clients as registered proprietors of the above subjects, which disclosed no entry, deed or diligence prejudicial to the pursuers' interest and disclosed the standard security granted in favour of the pursuers. The purpose of the loan was said "to assist the purchase of overseas property". Quite apart from what we consider is clearly and authoritatively the existing law on the matter, we are of the clear view that there are no reasons in principle or practice, for extending the somewhat limited scope and nature of the implied warranty of agents in the way in which the reclaimers' submissions in the present cases contended for. [26] Having regard to the history of the concept it is appropriate to have careful regard to English authority. In each case the respondents have been the victims of mortgage fraud. Please check and confirm when the customers purchased the property and for how much. This was a 25-year loan Charles was 52 when she took it out and the rate has moved up and down. In para 97 of his judgment Judge Hegarty said: "Excel carries on business in the financial sector, specialising in making short-term commercial loans. Just because a party is legally represented does not mean that a case that has a moderate degree of complexity should be sent to the small claims track [22-23 & 29]. An agent acting on behalf of an identified principal will not normally incur any personal, contractual liability so long as he acts within the scope of his authority. In considering whether or to what extent interest should be awarded on the damages figure, I am, at best, doubtful that the court is entitled to consider arrangements which may or may not have been made in regard to the charging of interest on a discrete sum of money which is distinct from the award made by the court. In a case where the parties themselves had agreed to dispense with shorthand notes (and, consequently, no transcript of the evidence was available for the purposes of the appeal) I would be slow to interfere with the decision of the sheriff at first instance unless it could be demonstrated, clearly, that he had misunderstood the facts, applied the wrong principles or arrived at a conclusion which was manifestly unjust (see, generally, Macphail, 3rd Edition at paragraph 18.116). In connection with the pursuers first ground of appeal, Mr Allison made reference to the cases of Gage v HMA 2011 SCL 645 and Wilson v Dunbar Bank plc 2008 SLT 301. The court also heard that her application form said the loan was for home improvements, capitalisation, not for a house deposit. However, it is now well established that, in such circumstances, the agent will normally be regarded as giving an implied warranty as to his authority. But the judgment did not back her on everything: it said that while Blemain failed to carry out checks regarding how the loan was to be funded in retirement, in breach of official guidance at the time, that does not automatically render the relationship unfair. Earlier this year I had success in an appeal against allocation of a claim to the small claims track in the county court. Mr Allisons submission was to the effect that none of these features could properly be said to inform the decision to prefer the figure of 160,000 to that of 175,000 as proposed by Mr Dougan. There was also reference to the price recommended by Aberdein Considine at the beginning of the sale process. The public information viewed on our online case search system reflects the docket entries in civil, criminal, criminal domestic violence and tax cases, probate cases for large estates and small estates, disclaimers of interest, major litigation, wills, and foreign estate proceedings. . That last mentioned case was not, in the event, cited to the court by either side. We will also require a property enquiry certificate, a Form 12 and details of the buildings insurance cover for the property. 13. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Have you had a loan with Blemain Finance? The case involved a solicitor warranting that he acted for both a husband and wife in the granting of a security over a home jointly owned by them. You're using Internet Explorer, some features might not work. (See paragraph58 in the Letham Grange case). StephensonsSolicitors LLP won the County Court case for Mrs Thomas fromPenzance, who had taken out five secured loans over her property between September 2004 and January 2008 with creditor,BlemainFinance. Information Commissioner Office number: ZA176000. The Court also ruled that the charges were unfair as was the term allowing Blemain to charge them. By Mike Scarcella. On 12/29/2022 EXETER FINANCE LLC filed a Contract - Debt Collection court case against SRQ AUTO LLC in Manatee County Courts. Our specialist solicitors deal with everything from medical negligence claims,personal injury claims,driving offences, family law,divorce lawandresidential conveyancing toprofessional discipline, employment law,corporatelaw, regulatory lawand commercial property. [1] These two actions raise the same question arriving out of the law of agency. SHERIFFDOM OF GLASGOW AND STRATHKELVIN AT GLASGOW. The result is that my client has the opportunity to recover thousands of pounds in legal costs rather than being limited to fixed legal costs of 100. 449153. [12] On 12 November 2004 Mr Longmuir received a letter from Messrs Mellicks which was dated 11 November. The arrears were cleared and no further action was taken. [9] On 24 November a formal mortgage offer was issued by CMC. The shortfall having been specifically left out of account by the sheriff, at the request of parties, it was not open to him to reintroduce it into the case when it came to the question of interest. I do not consider that they gave any implied warranty going beyond this". The obligation arising in such a case is well expressed by saying that a person, professing to contract as agent for another, impliedly, if not expressly, undertakes to or promises the person who enters into such contract, upon the faith of the professed agent being duly authorised, that the authority which he professes to have does in point of fact exist. BFL gave Messrs Mellicks a correspondence address for Mr and Mrs Morgan at 30 Guthrie Court, Gleneagles, Auchterarder, Perth which was not the address of the security subjects which were 3 Mentieth View, Dunblane, Perth, FK15 0PD (though the address was expressed to be 30 Mentieth View). The Penn case was not concerned with an issue as between the third party and an agent contending that he had authority to act for a principal. The agency also defends suits contesting its dismissals of administrative complaints, petitions for review of Commission decisions regarding the presidential public funding program and civil suits challenging the constitutionality of provisions of the Federal Election Campaign Act . (Reuters) - Washington state's highest court on Tuesday cleared the way for Albertsons Companies Inc to pay a $4 billion dividend ahead of the grocer's proposed deal with rival . But they nonetheless carried out their own checks, which were, in fact, similar to those which had previously been carried out by Excel; and, after they had done so, like Excel, they were content to accept that their client was the person whom he represented himself to be". Each case listed has a dedicated page including a case summary, as well as links to court opinions and related documents filed in the suit. What followed thereafter was what would routinely be expected to follow in a secured loan agreement of the sort in question. It is frequently said to be narrow in its scope. The instructions to Messrs Mellicks were in similar terms to the instructions given by CMC in the case of Mr and Mrs Cheetham. The pursuer having suffered loss as a result of Longmuir & Co's breach of representation as to their authority et separatim as a result of the breach of the Letter of Obligation by Longmuir & Co, is entitled to reparation therefor. Upon receipt of that letter Mr Longmuir wrote to Mellicks confirming that he was taking his clients instructions. The proceedings related to an unregulated, interest-only, secured loan for 30,000 that Mrs Charles entered into in August 2006. She stressed the absence of evidence from a marketing expert as to which other steps the defenders might reasonably have taken. 12. [12] Under reference to the second ground of appeal for the defenders, Ms Hamilton made much of the significance of comparables in the context of Mr Dougans evidence. Click here for a full list of third-party plugins used on this site. . On the same day Mellicks wrote to Longmuir & Co enclosing the standard security document together with a standing order mandate. [39] We also agree with the secondary basis on which the Lord Ordinary rejected the claim based on the letter, viz that the pursuers could show no loss since the obligation to which the letter of obligation was ancillary, the standard security, was void. He had the opportunity to consider the evidence in its totality. The sum of 354,868 was transferred by CMC to Mellicks on 26 November 2004. In the CMC case the reclaimers sue the respondents for their losses also on the basis of the alleged breach of a letter of obligation granted by Messrs Longmuir & Co. Together Personal Finance Limited is a member of the FLA. On or about 29 September BFL instructed Messrs Mellicks to act in relation to the proposed loan and security documentation. When applying CPR 26.8(1)(c), if a case has sufficient legal complexity such that a litigant in person could not reasonably conduct the trial, it is unlikely to be appropriate for the small claims track. The case has been quoted in an number of legal commentaries including Lexis, Practical Law and Civil Litigation Brief. [6] Mr Allison highlighted the sheriffs reasoning in paragraph [8] of his Note. The Defendant says that rescission as a remedy is fanciful in this case, that the Court will have to look at all the circumstances, that the borrowing was actually used for consolidation of other loans and that in reality what the Court will be doing is looking at an appropriate remedy probably of damages based on commission and charges most likely in the region of around 2,500. The technology to maintain this privacy management relies on cookie identifiers. This is a relevant consideration in applying CPR 26.8(1)(b) [20-21]. You can learn more detailed information in our Privacy Policy. This situation has affected my mental and emotional health, my credit file is ruined, and the funds I expected for my retirement are now also affected.. That is correct insofar as it goes. In connection with the pursuers first ground of appeal, Mr Allison made reference to the cases of, [8] Mr Allison criticised the sheriffs approach to interest on two levels. There was no counterclaim. Having regard to the circumstances of the present case it is, in our opinion, of some significant interest to have regard to what is said shortly after in the passage just cited: "But where a plumber had done work on the instructions of an agent who, as it turned out, had no authority, but the principal named was a company which was insolvent and had no assets, it was held that as the obligation of the company was valueless, the plumber had lost nothing by the want of it, and therefore could recover no damages from the agent for breach of his implied warranty. MrAllison cited section 1(1) of the Interest on Damages (Scotland) Act 1958, as amended, and made further reference to the case of Wilson supra. It shows that the courts will not allow creditors to impose unfair terms and conditions on consumers, and where such terms are used, the courts will not hesitate in striking those terms from the contracts.. We have reached the clear conclusion that the decision in Excel Securities was correct and is good law for Scotland. Mr Allisons submission was to the effect that none of these features could properly be said to inform the decision to prefer the figure of 160,000 to that of 175,000 as proposed by Mr Dougan. In particular he cautioned against a blanket approach to automatically allocating a type of claim to a track without consideration of its particular merits. All rights are reserved. Registered no: OC322962. As we are now under pressure to make settlement of this matter I wonder if you could ask the lenders solicitors to electronically transfer the loan funds to yourself and on receipt of these could you (after deducting your fees) transfer them direct to the seller. I have been involved in leading consumer credit and data protection cases including Harrison v Link Financial Limited (High Court), Grace v Blackhorse (Court of Appeal) and also Kotecha v Phoenix Recoveries (Court of Appeal) along with a number of other reported cases and often blog about all things consumer law orientated. Blemain Finance. The Commission brings enforcement suits in U.S. District Courts when matters are not satisfactorily resolved through the administrative enforcement process and sues to enforce administrative subpoenas. Although the implied warranty of authority in agency, as enunciated in the case of Collen was of English origin it was adopted into the law of Scotland like many of the other instances of judicial legislation in commercial matters just referred to. Consumer Reclaim Ltd is registered in England and Wales, Company Registration number: 07223077. Mrs Thomas said: The stress of this caused me to dread the postman calling.. [4] In the present proceedings, both sets of reclaimers sue the respondents for loss which they aver they suffered through the respondents' breaches of their warranty of authority. [29] In the Excel Securities case Judge Hegarty QC, sitting in the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice, Manchester District Registry Mercantile Court reviewed this area of law in a comprehensive and careful decision. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. While the Lord Ordinary saw that as a separate basis for rejecting the claim, it may be that it is simply another way of expressing the result of the letter being ancillary to a void obligation. It should be noted that that formulation of principle is but an example of what the courts in England and Wales and, during the 19th century, in the context of certain well known mercantile transactions, namely imply terms into them in the absence of their having been expressly excluded by the parties, to render the contract commercially sensible or workable. Wigan-based law firm, Stephensons, is marking the tenth anniversary of one of its long-standing members of staff. After the hearing, the judge ruled that the clause in the agreement relating to changes to the interest rate was unfair, and therefore not binding on Charles, for a number of reasons. District Court Opinions; Unsealed Orders, Opinions, Documents and Docket Reports; Standing Orders; Guantanamo Cases; Links to Other Courts; ECF & Court Records. They claimed she owed 52,000. It added that Charles, who now lives in Worthing, was an intelligent borrower who went into the agreement open-eyed and, based on the figures she provided, the monthly payments were affordable. Legal - General; Statutes and . The sheriff principal, having resumed consideration of the pursuers appeal and the defenders cross-appeal, refuses the latter and in respect of the former allows same in part; varies the sheriffs interlocutor dated 30 April 2014 and that by awarding interest on the sum of Ten Thousand Pounds (10,000) Sterling at the rate of eight per cent per annum from 1 March 2010 until payment; [6] Mr Allison highlighted the sheriffs reasoning in paragraph [8] of his Note. In particular there is nothing in principle in the law of contract to prevent an agent from guaranteeing to a third party that he has a principal who is the same person as appears on property registers, for example, as the owner of a specific property. An example of an analogous situation is to be found in Irving v Burns. 30101 et seq. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Birmingham City Council v Forde [2009] EWHC 12 (QB) (13 January 2009) Birmingham City Council v Gaston [2004] EWCA Civ 693 (20 May 2004) Birmingham Midshires Building Society v. Infields (a firm) [1999] EWHC Technology 232 (20th May, 1999) Birmingham Midshires Building Society v. England and Wales Cases page 45. Mis-Sold Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP), Kings Norton family in doomed flat so cold and damp they live in coats and dressing gown, What is black mould and what health problems can it cause, Death of two-year-old from mould in flat a defining moment, says corone, Streetwise: Portsmouth womans heartbreak as foam insulation scam leaves her home virtually worthles. We accept that a warranty may be given by a solicitor, or other agent, expressly to a third party as to a particular attribute or attributes of the solicitor's or agent's client. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". (It should be stressed that the fact that the assessment of damages was at large for the sheriff was not the subject of any challenge by the pursuer having regard to the state of the defenders pleadings). Please contact the clients' solicitor as soon as possible and keep us updated at all times.". At page 1361 Waller LJ giving the judgment of the court cited the following from Chitty on Contracts: Specific contracts, 27 ed (1994), Vol 2 page 61, para 31-093: "One who expressly or impliedly warrants that he has the authority of another is liable in contract for breach of warranty of authority to any person to whom the warranty is made and who suffers damage by acting in the faith of it, if in fact he had no such authority. Bridging Finance Limited | Registered in England and Wales - Company Registration Number 03166982 Blemain Finance Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority | Registered in England and Wales - Company Registration Number 01185052. The sheriff principal, having resumed consideration of the pursuers appeal and the defenders cross-appeal, refuses the latter and in respect of the former allows same in part; varies the sheriffs interlocutor dated 30 April 2014 and that by awarding interest on the sum of Ten Thousand Pounds (10,000) Sterling at the rate of eight per cent per annum from 1 March 2010 until payment; quoad ultra adheres to the sheriffs said interlocutor; finds the defenders liable to the pursuer in the expenses of the appeal; allows an account thereof to be given in and remits same, when lodged, to the auditor of court to tax and to report thereon. But I nonetheless I (sic) agree with Mr Berkley that the core problem sought to be addressed by the imposition of a warranty of authority is whether the person acting as agent did or did not have authority so to act.". It refers at the outset to "the settlement of the above transaction today", is time limited, and contains at its core an obligation to ensure that the Register contains no entry prejudicial to the interests of the pursuers before the pursuers' interest is registered. Insofar as it was referred to to bolster the argument based on the implied warranty of authority, we do not consider that it had any such effect. Google Analytics cookies help us to understand your experience of the website and do not store any personal data. The case went to County Court. In determining that no interest should be awarded in respect of the sum decerned for, the sheriff had relied upon the fact that the sums owed to the defenders had been paid off but subject to a shortfall of 10,645.31. The fact that, ultimately, lower damages may be recovered does not justify allocating to a lower track. On 1 November, the day before signing the acceptance of the offer letter, the fraudsters, again representing themselves as Mr and Mrs Cheetham, wrote to CMC on writing paper headed with the address 34 Danube Street, Edinburgh to confirm that the monthly payments in the respect of the loan were affordable by them. Please be aware that we would never ask for money upfront, and we do not provide unsecured loans. The point is incapable of much further elaboration.". In neither action do the reclaimers seek to recover their losses on the basis of any negligence or other breach of duty on the part of the respondents. Any discretion vested in the court did not extend to reliance upon a factor which, for the foregoing reason, was not properly before it. Although it is not in the "classic" form, the letter bears all the hallmarks of a letter of obligation, long recognised as an obligation ancillary to that of the solicitor's client, designed to provide protection to, in this case, lenders during the gap period between settlement of the transaction and the recording of the lenders' interest. [13] On 26 November Messrs Mellicks wrote to Longmuir & Co enclosing the formal offer of loan together with the acceptance form which required to be signed and returned to them along with the standard security document and the standing order mandate. As previously noted Mr Cheetham came into the offices of Longmuir & Co on 30 November. The Circuit Judge held that the District Judge had erred in failing to consider fully the value being claimed. As regards the last mentioned case, without in any respect criticising the decision given in it, Judge Hegarty at para 67 of his judgment said: "It does not follow that, in every case, an agent must be regarded as warranting the identity of his client and not merely the fact that he has authority to act on the client's behalf.". The reclaimers in each case advanced the loans in the belief that the borrowers owned the subjects in respect of which the standard securities had been granted. It might be argued that, when it comes to the issue of interest, the pursuers third ground of appeal is somewhat tautologous. He explained that he wished to raise money and was keen to have the transaction completed quickly. Key Facts, Consumer Reclaim Ltd is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in respect of regulated claims management activities, reference number: 835212. In 2018, Blemain tried to revive the old suspended possession order, and a few months later Charles was given permission to bring a counterclaim in which she claimed several of the terms were unfair and there had been breaches of the loan agreement. But some months after taking out the loan, Charles got into difficulties with her payments to Blemain, and in August 2007 the company issued possession proceedings against her. The sum first concluded for representing a reasonable estimate of the pursuer's loss as a result of Longmuir & Co's breach of representation as to their authority et separatim their breach of the Letter of Obligation, decree should be granted therefor. The frauds perpetrated upon them as a result of fraudsters, each of the reclaimers involved two different pairs of individuals applying for a loan, pretending to be husband and wife who were owners of heritable property which was to institute the security for the loans. To control which cookies are set, click Settings. My reluctance to interfere with the sheriffs decision when it comes to the pursuers first ground of appeal is fortified by Lord Reeds reference in the case of Liquidator of Letham Grange Development Co Ltd v Foxworth Investments Ltd & Another 2014 SLT 775 to the principles governing the review of findings of fact by appellate courts and to the earlier decision of McGraddie v McGraddie 2013 SLT 1212. We use cookies to optimise site functionality and give you the best possible experience. Ms Hamilton, for the defenders, argued that the absence of evidence regarding what particular steps ought reasonably to have been taken by the defenders meant that there had been insufficient evidence before the sheriff to enable him to conclude that the defenders were in breach of the statutory provision in section 25, [16] Mr Allison also founded upon the case of. It named the borrowers as Mr and Mrs Cheetham and the address of the property to be mortgaged as 34 Danube Street, Edinburgh. On 25 November the signed documents were forwarded to Mellicks. These instructions were set out more fully in two letters of 30 November which Mr Cheetham left with Mr Longmuir's secretary in an envelope for passing to Mr Longmuir. Blemain Finance - Consumer Action Group Library Activity More All Activity Home Banks, Loans & Credit Other Institutions Blemain Finance 21 hours ago Sunday at 19:34 Twitter - Include the @company's twitter name in your post title - here's why Are you going to pay your builder or your second-hand car dealer in cash or with a bank transfer? In particular on 17 November, Mr Longmuir wrote to Mellicks enclosing for their examination extracts (i) of the disposition in favour of Mr and Mrs Cheetham recorded in the Register of Sasines on 28 June 1989 and (ii) of the discharge by the building society in favour of Mr and Mrs Cheetham recorded in that Register on 24 April 1995. If your clients wish to proceed please could you let us have the title deeds as a matter of urgency. Customers purchased the property and for how much purchased the property to be mortgaged 34! You the best possible experience all times. `` this privacy management relies on cookie identifiers,,! Blemain to charge them how much, interest-only, secured loan for 30,000 that Mrs Charles entered in! Charge them, viz the option to opt-out of These cookies when it comes to the claims. Category as yet let us have the title deeds on 26 November 2004 Mr Longmuir a... Having regard to English authority court case against SRQ AUTO LLC in Manatee county Courts 6. 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