Here's a better angle of the stack and ladder that were struck with the right wing where you can see the gash in the stack, and the damaged section of the ladder. view from US Hwy 30 in June 2019 of same stack,-113.7581799,3a,60y,310.62h,98.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXjHKzC_zNsmc7-AQYHeIAw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en. Granbury reports they didn't see (post crash): KGDJ 050255Z AUTO 14008KT 5SM BR OVC007 11/10 A3009 RMK AO2 T01050098,M Display name: PaulS. Joseph Crenshaw, 45, his wife Jennifer, 43, their son Jacob, 16, and daughter Jillian, 14, died when their Cessna 210 'came apart' in the air over Alabama on Saturday. What does ADSB have to do with this preventable accident? And if your flight path elevation there is correct (not saying it isn't), 4,365 is below the MDA of 4,560 so all pilots would have visual conditions before reaching it by simply following the MDA protocol.Here is the record for the stack she hit, obstruction #16-036731.16-036731 O US ID HEYBURN 42 33 05.92N 113 45 34.15W STACK 1 00100 04256 R 4 D P 2016ANM01617OE A 2017285Full stack record discussion showing the source data origin, how to decode the obstacle record and a position verification to be certain of the correct match by mapping the 42 33 05.92N 113 45 34.15W location is already posted up thread. Interestingly, he showed FAA correspondence admitting that the plant stacks penetrated the approach surface. . I got my info from The NTSB preliminary report, WPR22FA151:A special automated weather report for BYI about the time of the accident reported 1 mile visibility in light snow and mist, broken layer at 2,300 ft above ground level (agl), overcast at 2,800 ft agl, temperature -3C, dew point temperature -5C, barometric pressure 29.96 inches of mercury. ADSB data and Airport Surveillance Cameras are God Sends for looking into aircraft mishaps such as these. Also, if were going to go there, Id go as far as to say most all were incorrect as to the cause of the incident of N56KJ. A non-precision step down IFR approach to minimums is one of the hardest things any Pilot is ever called upon to do. and "you guys are crazy", maybe pause what you are doing and reconsider. Cessna 182P Skylane, N58807: Fatal accident occurred September 05, 2022 in Cleveland, Bradley County, Tennessee . The tiny Cessna 210M aircraft with five men on board disappeared somewhere over the NSW Barrington Tops almost 34 years ago - the final, panicked transmissions from its pilot suggesting things . The previous day's BYI flight diverted to Twin Falls.2. "Santa Monica, California Airport Commissioner Doris Minter, is beginning her third year as member and chairwoman of the city's five member board. Also, from a 2020 article:"Both Rex and Doris have been avid aviators since 1948. small plane crashed at the Watsonville Municipal Airport on Sunday afternoon. The pilot was transported to a local hospital where their condition remains unknown. Fourth or fifth day on the job, in good weather, she crash landed one of our 'Vans onto a runway, totally wrecking it. The now prevalent hatred behaviors were trained into people by subtle but continuous nudging from news media, social media and marketing. (see threads further below), It may show in this picture where the aircraft impacted the yellow ladder apparatus and dented the smokestack. Burley Airfield should either stop 020 approaches, and/or the "Gem State Potato Processing Plant" should run a pipe up from the Snake River to condense and recover its steam inside the factory, and reposition that isolated lethal stack. Two small sections of the Cessna 340's left tip tank was located near the Cessna 152 wreckage. Only difference is the pleasurable physical appearance of the pilot. A Cessna 182P that went down during weather in Tennessee in early September was the 48 th fatality from crashes involving Cessnas in 2022, according to FAA data. runway has no VASI, PAPI or other visual glidepath aid to indicate that you are dangerously close to hitting those obstacles. FYI, the 4304' obstacle shown on the RWY 20 approach plate plan view is NOT any of the stacks at Gem State plant. From the second platform level, the ladder going to the top level platform is missing and you can see a section of stack that appears damaged just below the top platform. Brittney Infanger was a highly skilled and trusted pilot. I highly doubt a certified pilot who clearly was enjoying flying out of SMO would want to close it. Anonymous said "On a 3 degree glidpath to LPV minimums you are 54 feet above the normal threshold. Quick trig (sin 3.75 x 2,639') says that's 173' above the 40' TCH, so 173' + 40' = 213' above touchdown elevation. )Would a C208 pilot purposely establish/maintain the almost 50 knot slower accident approach speed after encountering the plume on the first approach? I have tried to comprehend the possible reasons for a Caravan to be flying below 90 knots and descending close to 900 feet per minute (per ADS-B/FlightAware) dangerously below the published Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) on the RNAV/LNAV GPS Runway 20 approach to Burley, Idaho (KBYI)Airport. Following high school, Brittney received a prestigious internship with NBC International, working in their hospitality program for the 2012 London Olympics. )The record again, now with tolerance codes highlighted:16-036731 O US ID HEYBURN 42 33 05.92N 113 45 34.15W STACK 1 00100 04256 R 4 D P 2016ANM01617OE A 2017285For stack 16-036731, code "D" means that the declared accuracy of the recorded vertical information in AGL and MSL is +/- 50 feet, which for a 100' stack is an absurdly large tolerance. Maybe it was a slow day at the Tater plant, but the "plume of steam vapor" from the stacks shown in the following aviation video seems fairly small and underwhelming. Anyone have the ATC audio? (Although it is interesting to speculate, and discuss.). (Flight at 6,200' MSL and below was "under" based on lowest layer of BKN021 reported in the METARS for the elevation 4,154 MSL field. )Here are those two points, with map-pinned locations, measured distance between them and difference in raw reported altitude:Data and mapping at the edge of the Gem building:Wed 10:32:25 AM 42.5520 -113.7592 217 80 92 4,150 -857Call this Data Point "A" and google map pin it: and mapping at 21 seconds and 2,650 feet horizontal distance before reaching the Gem building's edge and 300 feet higher:Wed 10:32:04 AM 42.5578 -113.7532 216 81 93 4,450 -750Call this Data Point "B" and google map pin it: angle using rise run:Rise: -300 feetRun: 2,650 feetFlown descent angle between final two data points = -6.5Now, repeat the calculation from JAMID to "B":First, find JAMID coordinates from FAA database:JAMID location coordinates: 42-33-59.2100N 113-44-39.3500WJAMID location converted to decimal: 42.566447, -113.744264Map pin the location of nearest ADS-B data point to JAMID from FA track log:Wed 10:31:37 AM 42.5669 -113.7437 216 103 119 4,750 -663Call this Data point "C" and google map's location maps about 200 feet SWest of this data point)N928JP's location at JAMID includes an uncorrected altitude of 4,750 feet, 300 feet higher than and 4,166 feet horizontally distant from the Wed 10:32:04 AM 42.5578 -113.7532 data point "B".Determine angle from JAMID to "B" using rise run:Rise: -300 feetRun: 4,166 feetFlown descent angle between JAMID and point "B" = -4.1Everybody understands that ADS-B can be terribly inaccurate, but when you add the expected +50' pressure correction to the 4,750' reported at JAMID, the data suggests that the pilot appears to be "on" at JAMID. Juan Brown on the Blancolirio YouTube Channel mentions the icing conditions. She was WAY low to have hit those. Pilots who flew this approach repeatedly should have realised the peril, and taken action. Having survived a Cessna 150 crash into a forest I can attest first hand that shoulder harness' save lives. Hiring requires vetting and training. In general, FlightAware is not intended to be an accurate indication of aircraft altitudes and positions for forensic purposes, so armchair investigators would do well not to draw detailed conclusions from FA data. ).Although there is not likely to be an easy way to know what google tolerance/accuracy is, my posting of the obstruction database for that stack referenced a pdf for decoding the raw record, which includes how to decipher the declared accuracy of the "verified" FAA obstruction info. Accident pilot: "I have to meet expectations and get this done"Interesting article reflecting on "completing the mission": 1 / 4. Begin final portion of descent to the runway numbers. All messages must be civil in tone; if critical, must be constructive. Either they didn't meet the criteria for inclusion or it was an oversight by the FAA. The crash is under investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration. One possible cause of a flameout could be the accumulation of ice and snow on the PT-6 turbine compressor section intake screen. Also, someone suggested that the engine might of cut out which I never heard as an issue for that engine.A lot of theory's and conjecture which I find every theory interesting. . For whatever reason, she was below MDA, and I'm guessing they'll find fuel starvation. Oh boy Couple years ago we hired an attractive young lady, a flight instructor what does her looks have to do with being a pilot? when you can see the ground below you and the runway end ahead you are going to adjust rate of decent so as to hit the piano keys. Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources. They won't believe it if NTSB doesn't blame the impossible to overcome steam cloud in the final a couple of years hence. ntsb releases preliminary report on recent air show crash. "Yeah, no. This issue was resolved by the pandemic, which put the company out of business. In the publication it states that if an airplane was manufactured without shoulder harnesses, the owner should obtain a kit to install them from the manufacturer or manufacturer's local representative. This was going under minimums on a non-precision approach and the results are as expected. The obstacle she hit was less than half a mile from the runway and at or below 100 AGL, so unless you think the weather somehow magically decreased to 200 ft ceilings and half a mile vis, she definitely had the runway in sight well before she hit the obstacles, so "busting minimums" was not a factor.If you are focused on approaching a short runway, there is no VSGI to guide you on the required steep non-standard descent angle, it can be easy to miss the grey colored obstacles that don't stand out. no lift in warm/wet steam. Granted, the winds were strong on the day this video was shot, but I can't imagine it being much worse on a calm day. Here are BYI and TWF METARs from that time:KBYI 121450Z AUTO 26015G23KT 1SM -SN BR BKN010 BKN019 OVC029 M03/M04 A2971KTWF 121450Z AUTO 27018KT 10SM OVC033 M03/M06 A2975METAR while landing TWF's 8,700' length RW26 at 15:12 Z on 12 April:KTWF 121510Z AUTO 29021KT 8SM -SN SCT024 OVC030 M02/M06 A2975On the accident day, initial descent into BYI from cruise was underway at 13:59:16 Z. Sure, reported airport weather can be different than what you experience on approach, but it is quite unlikely that less than 1 mile off airport, the ceilings dropped from 2100 AGL to 200 AGL and visibility halved from 2SM to 1SM to keep the pilot in IMC when the airport weather was trending in the opposite direction. Dead-center. To wit, check out this video at the 16:46 mark:, Here's an even better view of what those steam stacks do on a morning with very similar weather conditions to the crash. "4,000 feet is short for a Caravan? The pilot went around on the first approach well before reaching the stacks and also at over 200 feet higher. 2021. (All of the info presented below is offered with the understanding expressed in this posting and by others regarding usage of ADS-B data. Oh, right--where IS the VDP on this approach? A plausible explanation that in no way reflects poor airmanship. 0. they should be held to some degree of accountability for these life and death decisions they make to put these mostly inexperienced pilots in life or death situations. Osha's 42 inch guardrail standard x 20 comes out to 70 feet.This was the image used: opening height to clear semi trucks are 14 feet. Interesting read, what a tragedy. She had a special gift for making everyone she met feel important, and her smile lit up every room. So the only problem left is not arresting the descent rate. Additionally, with the needles centered she would have been 100 feet to the right of the stacks on a normal GPS approach.Looking at the ADS-B track on the missed it shows her at 6950 which should be coming from the GPS. I'm not a pilot. The insurance company, the salvage team, the trauma center were all baffled at how I survived the crash. Warm Springs Police Chief Bill Elliott said the Warm Springs Dispatch Center received a report around 2:30 p.m. from Seattle Air Traffic Control of the possible plane crash in the area of the . KBYI has a 3.7 degree glidepath for obstacles, including the plant and the railroad brige, which would put her at 66.7 feet over the threshold and about 108 feet over the end of the displaced threshold. (b) Assuming the stack is 100ft AGL, from the ground surface elevation at the plant. ^ You are making too much of a simple accident. The pilot initially replied negative, then subsequently replied that she had crossed the fix. -- Source links --The accident flight: diverted flight on April 12: archive METARs for BYI & TWF, 12 & 13 April:, There wasnt a lot of time for the pilot to set up the second approach prior to the really abbreviated vectors to the final approach. I came to the same conclusion using approach plate data and Google Earth. Easy to answer. The Newmar Dutch Star is available in 37-, 40-, and 43-foot coaches. Why not divert and avoid the known and just-previewed danger?Looking at known and possible "Not diverting this time" bias factors:- Known bias factors:1. I would really like to see some *measured* data of the actual height of that tower before it was razed, as well as its MSL elevation. Skipping to the end and resuming reading at the next to the last paragraph is recommended if you don't want to read all of the details.) This is typical and one of the worst aspects of this community. "It seems very likely that the Caravan was out of the clouds well before reaching the MDH. Flying a stabilized approach the plant and the runway should have been visible about a mile out. The A/FD mentions the threshold is displayed 305 feet due to the stack. @billy - The accident pilot was initially flying a 4.1 descent angle leaving JAMID, with 1.6 NM remaining to the RW20 threshold. Even a slight gust can carry the rising steam from the potato plants six stacks into the 3.75 approach path. A special automated weather report for BYI about the time of the accident reported 1 mile visibility in light snow and mist, broken layer at 2,300 ft above ground level (agl), overcast at 2,800 ft agl, temperature -3C, dew point temperature -5C, barometric pressure 29.96 inches of mercury. He saw the KR comments detailing 2 statute mile visibility METAR trending 2.5 miles with lowest clouds well above MDA and also the correlated and mapped descent angle calculations.Tuber commenting by the mindless fans is praising him for apologizing in what was just his latest heartless disparaging of a lost pilot for views. Kathryn s Report Cessna 525C Citation CJ4 N614SB Fatal. A review of air traffic control (ATC) communication with the pilot revealed the approach controller issued the pilot the current altimeter setting and verified that the pilot had the current weather and notices to airmen reports for BYI. The crash wasn't a result of a tower appearing out of nowhere, but an airplane appearing where it shouldn't be. )Investigators have the task of figuring out why the descent angle increased to 6.5 in the final 21 seconds/2,650 feet horizontal travel distance of flight. The plant stacks penetrated the approach surface Safety Board and the results are as.... 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Indentation In Buttocks From Fall, Andy Warhol Cause Of Death, Articles C