The finished work is 100 metres long by 13 metres high. So they all get their own private beach access. and I live 8 hours away. Fvck the coastline. That means that the Feds have all the money, the States some and the councils bugger all. Rad demo john interesting as Craig said to see the changes in shock waves returning seaward. In a 2007 story for the Sydney Morning Herald, both Rob Stokes and a spokesperson for Warringah Council admit buyback isnt feasible and that other means of defence would be necessary, such as dune reconstruction, revegetation, and sand nourishment. The group aims to raise awareness of the impact that the building sector can have while pointing out that more drastic measures need to be taken, as most countries do not include full building. I looked at the Bruun rule - i think it was roughly 10cm sea level rise = 1metre of beach vanishes? Not every beachfront owner is a cashed up prick, some have been there 50 years when climate change etc wasnt on the radar. Was the carpark damaged by the 2016 storms and if so-to what extent? The Act was introduced by Rob Stokes, the NSW Minister for Planning and member for Pittwater. Our timber guide wall formwork is not only reusable and 100% recyclable, it also prevents dangerous polystyrene fragments from entering the ecosystem. Given that it seems to fly in the face of best practice, has anyone asked what the NSW Coastal Council has to say about it? as the article states coastal erosion has been known since the 20s in that area and has been studied meticulously ever since. The sheer number of cables there suggests to me that an offshore reef proposal would be unsuccesful. These contracts to the construction companies are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Apparently this is just one part of the seawall. Jeez. It would be the same as for any development adjacent to the cables where they make landfall. Seems from my research, we have actually made a lot of progress towards physics-based numerical modeling of near-shore/beach environments in the last 20 years or so. Same stretch of sand - another wall to protect public assets - Gary G has been erecting hard structures in the dunes around Victorian beaches for years. We have the tools and imagination to manage the climatic challenge that beginning to show in my lifetime. "Environmental vandalism or gross negligence?". Collaroy Sea Wall With such close proximity to the ocean, our client tasked us with producing an alternative to the commonly used polystyrene forms. Collaroy Seawall Detailed Survey for construction of a new seawall in highly sensitive erosion zone. No-one wants to see visible structures built along the beachfront. The Surfrider Foundation Australia organised a protest against the seawall that is being erected between Narrabeen and Collaroy. Anybody heard of rising ocean levels & retreat by wealthy landholders who where allowed to build in the dune systems which nature designed to replenish the beaches? If you are referring to Vertical hard structures then that needs to be specified). How was Collaroy Beach made? However, a few queries regarding your post: "Sure if youve bought the last 5 years ignorance cant be an excuse" - why does five years give one grace? Will be ironic if they have to pull it down for not meeting code on the steps. Also, it's a not so secret secret, anyone who speaks out about this have been known to disappear. So whats your thoughts about using tax payers $'s to buy back endangered properties from natural erosion and as I asked Zen.are there any solutions other than just moving people property back from the Coast? A development application (DA) before Northern Beaches Council would see two additional sections of vertical wall built 50 and 30 metres in length straddling the South Narrabeen Surf Club. For Sydney its not just beach suburbs. In the other pic you can see the completed section of the wall. Am I missing something with the job title there? 3) How much has Council spent on legal fees defending Land & Environment Court appeals related to seawalls since the 2016 storm? . "Brendan Donohue, President of Surfrider Northern Beaches, has been talking to us about their famous Line in the Sand protest against the Collaroy/Narrabeen Seawall 18 years ago and we are very excited to replicate that campaign on the Central Coast in the not-too-distant future," Phillips said. I think we have already seen 19 cm of sea level rise on the east coast - and at least up here it hasnt translated to any significant/extended erosion issues. The only place for a residence next to Narrabeen Beach was up on the headland. Perhaps at best, the council acquires the land and owners get a sum to relocate to a 'normal' house west of Pittwater Road (god forbid). Construction costs are 80% homeowner funded. Here's the Maritime Safety Queensland website link and here's what appears to be the numerical modelling report upon which a lot of decision-making on the issue is based. First red light! Will this mean sand depletion north and a build up south? The 18-year-old scored a near-perfect 9.50 in the Final, held at Seaside Reef in Encinitas, California. Lets bring it on. As good as a house on the beach would be imagine how much more beautiful the East Coast would be with a 1km + building buffer from the coast depending on the terrain. They were concerned the sand directly in front of the seawall would be washed away, eroding their beach, and, on Tuesday, that's exactly what happened. It certainly doesn't make it the best decision though. Really interesting [and sad] to see this story progress in real-time. Thats tens of thousands of homes). 100% agree Craig, the only option is to buy back the properties and be done with it like they should have done years ago. The works to protect private homes is being 80% funded by private owners, with Council and the NSW Government contributing 10% each. It would have been a bargain 20-30 years ago to buy the properties and return the space to the public for the purpose of more effective less intrusive, natural and cheaper remediation efforts. I put up links to both DAs the other day. I also presume the view of the houses will be enhanced by the no trespassing signs in large red writing. My experience with compulsory acquisition had to do with a Sydney motorway a few years back. Sorry to go hard on your story like that but I feel we need to keep the science at the forefront of all coastal engineering discussions. I've written about it before but the real reason here is money- it is massive pork-barreling on an unprecedented scale. Apparently there was a buy back scheme that faltered in the early 1980's when the department of public works ran out of money. Seeing and continuing a precedent that the government should pay and protect small groups of private landholders while the property owner reap the benefit and profit of rocket fuel property prices. Its like something out of a dystopian movie. Seawall construction isn't mentioned. Maybe you New South Weleshpeople do things differently. They are trying to protect a life saving club, which footings lie directly on the sandunes that eroded due to not only the waves but also the changing in direction and position of the mouth of the river (natural process). They have just invested in an asset that requires 60 years of maintenance. Last Model Run: 15 Jan 11:00AM Local time (AEDT) 15 Jan 12:00AM GMT Data Status: OK. Run Age 9hrs. You wouldn't accept that in a bridge from an engineer, so why accept it in anything else? Wherever there's a seawall the sand/beach washes away and makes it virtually impossible to enter or exit the water, not to mention the impact on the birdlife, fish and crustaceans that depend on the seasonal sand flow that comes with a healthy beach. oh yeah and someone call security. This seawall will not only protect our homes but also Pittwater Rd, and the many communication and public services installed under it, from inevitable future storm events. The fucking vandals bulldozed down one of the last remnants of coastal heath to get their heavy equipment in. That's appalling if it's the case, BB. Big walls like this one are getting smashed and although for the most part they are still there, everything behind them is going. What they could all agree upon is that council has lost the trust of all whove opposed the seawall over the decades. Could be the camera angle but., yes, Blindboy, I am guessing they had absolutely no input on the final [or initial] design what-so-ever as they were only used as a consulting service by the Coastal engineers. Maybe start a thread in the Forumsand you must have a few Wild sea tales to tell with 560 Lord Howe trips under your belt. Climate projections will have some Australian surfers rejoicing, and others not so. Much better to work out a solution where the public doesnt lose their beach as per collaroy, but councils/government do need to help landowners. Great article highlighting the competing interests of the natural environment and local councils (which are too easily manipulated by wealthy stakeholders). Seawall construction isnt mentioned. Ha! The whole buy back argument being too expensive is a crock of shit. Plenty others have discussed it. Well, it (and a lot of us) could possibly be in for a real test within 3-5 years with the Thwaites Glacier (Doomsday Glacier) suggested to be at risk of sliding into the sea and potentially raising sea levels by 65cm. Agree 100%. On top of this they have places sand band grounds out perpendicular to the sandunes. This just a year ago was a nice Sandune. Climate projections will have some Australian surfers rejoicing, and others not so. And the properties either side?? Its a wicked problem theyve got, in the true sense of the word.. For example, during sunny conditions in Collaroy beach, constructive waves transport eroded sediments from cliffs and headlands to build up the beach. Initial reports claim Marcio Friere wasn't wearing an inflatable vest when he was held down in large waves. It makes perfect sense doesn't it, stop/dissipate the energy before it has the chance to have an impact. Sea-change hostage negotiations at Hellhole of the Pacific Im presuming that sand delivery's from the lagoon will be an ongoing thing. The theory is that the waves break further offshore, soaking up wave energy that would otherwise erode the leeshore dune system during storms. High rise apartment buildings demolished when they realised it was the most cost effective and environmentally sound long term solution. Northern beaches residents have been worried about how their beloved beach would fare when large swells and high tides hit the controversial Collaroy seawall. This process must require wind over thousands of years but people and waves stomping over dunes seems like any dune system near a popular town once destroyed wont come back? As parts of the great ocean rd have began to crumble into the ocean. Though not failsafe in extreme events, isnt it amazing how reefs and well-place gabions somehow protect small atolls in middle of the ocean for most of the time? If a construction like that ends up being the only realistic option then so be it, but at least they need to be transparent about how they got to that point, and ideally accountable in future if it goes south. It is all about the road. 2016 Collaroy seawall Concept Design Specs The matter is currently under investigation by Environmental . First completed by the French in 1735, the Pondicherry seawall reaches a height of 27 feet above sea level. The Palm Beach artificial reef is now completed. The project is part of the 1.3-km seawall proposed from South Narrabeen to Collaroy to protect both private and public assets in the suburb. A few years on when I visited I suggested a stroll along the cliffs at the estuary and they replied that its to dangerous now as theres been heaps of erosion for some reason. Proven time and time and time again that sea walls do not work- period. With the benefit of ignorance, having not seen the actual plans, I'd be surprised if the foundations were able to fail easily as I'd expect they'd have been designed explicitly to avoid it. In the end it's all pretty simple though, as most beach erosion of consequence is caused by large/powerful waves. Hi Craig, the short answer is I'm not sure as I have been out of NSW too long. Yes, blowie, I've yet to see anyone our age advocating for a soft solution. My working assumption is that they have behaved unethically on this matter. why should the taxpayer pay to protect a small number of private landholders who actively choose to profit from purchasing in a tidal zone? Those properties are the responsibility of the owners. Step 5: Construct the Seawall. More than likely entombed in one of those tetrapod molds you mentioned above. Im not sure that councils have the legal authority to acquire the land, pretty sure that resides with State governments and the Feds only in certain circumstances. 2 metre swell at 13 seconds combining with a 1.8 metre high tide at nearly 9am should provide some good viewing this morning. A seven-metre high wall erected to protect beachside mansions from being washed away has sparked debate among locals in a wealthy Sydney suburb. Ignorant clown. In that regard it seems to have achieved its design objectives very nicely, and the sacrificing of the public beach (and public access/amenity) in front of it is just 'collateral damage'. This strategy had been used in other parts of the world where poor planning placed buildings too close to the ocean. Point being that the experiment is a gimmick as it would be quite easily modelled in a software program given all geometric surfaces and the regular wave pattern. governments recently built a bunch of groynes around the Murray street area. Lance Knight. The properties were bought in good faith, said one local who wished to remain anonymous, and the owners must feel an obligation for the authorities to protect them, but a seawall is last century thinking.. Thats just a done deal. Fight the good fight mate. I have a blanket policy of not feeling sorry for people owning properties worth multiple millions of dollars, who have lived the better part of their lives walking from their beachfront home directly onto the sand. They needed see this, but still probably wouldnt t have believed it. Isolated, desk top engineering at its finest.
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