If so, I plan to share with him what she has stated she might do so he can pursue any legal rights he has if any. They both have been cited for CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE 2nd degree. Legal Aid in Alabama is a huge joke. My parents live out of state, If I was to move to have help, would it be illegal? My lawyer advised that I not tell him until after Ive picked him up but Im worried he will insist I bring him back and claim that he has the right since its his turn for springbreak. Can my husband get full custody from his neglectful and bar-hopping ex-wife that drinks quite a bit and doesnt mind leaving a 13 year old home alone after 11 pm? He went to visit his father for family vaction. NO MATTER WHAT, DONT GIVE UP! A year ago she got a week in the summer with him and we got a phone call from the police informing us she had an overdose and been hospitalized , then ran off with her boyfriend and son . WTF!!!! I done this so she could spend time with him on 4th of July. Please do not include personal or contact information. and i have a good news to share to the entire world. i know there are ways to file to have them enforced but cant find the forms. He even told me that the opposing attorney, the judge, and even he thought I was crazy! Id really like to know what the best next steps are and what can I accomplish. Marie, It sounds like you are still very focused on every little thing he is doing and not doing. My 14 year old granddaughter who has been living with her dad totally for the last 19 months has been ordered by a judge to visit her Mom every other weekend. they say it is a civil mater. Excuse me but, I really think you are jumping to conclusions here. Call the police and tell them you want to press criminal charges for interference with custody by showing them the Order. I do not teach them to hate their dad, I tell them the truth in the past when they asked about him, but now they do not ask for him and the children are just 5,5, and 4. If you click on my name Fathers Rights it will take you to a site that helps fathers. In all states, violating legal custody rights is a crime punishable by jail. { this all started when i meet some one else, He tried to get me back then , I told him I was pregnat, and he said he didnt care we would raise it as our own. (PStheir mother refuses to allow any medical assistance and help from professionals to either of the boys). Try it and see what happens. His work release hours are from 6am 10pm daily and he has been told by the judge that the time he is not working between those hours is his to do whatever he wants. Are there rules or limits as to where pick up and drop off takes place? Unless you have a court order there is not much anyone can do and unless she does a criminal act (including abandonment, which will have to be proven) you are at the mercy of the courts. When I asked them not to train her to say bye bye once she [is allowed to] gets on the phone with me, now they tell her to say, daddy, all done and no dialogue is allowed and they hang up. let Mom love her kids. I was supposed to finish my anger management in 2008 but was unable to and now I am four classes away from completion. The court will allow you to relocate because you it is based on a job and other things that will not be seen as trying to keep her away from the child. Be careful with telling your child anything pertaining to the parenting/adult issues!!! It is possible that the child is playing both parents and in MOST CASES it is best that the parents discuss these situations without involving the In-laws due to the fact..it is extremely hard for them to be bias in situations such as this. I have court papers with a judges signature. I filed a Motion to change custody 2 months ago. is it grounds to lose custody..hawaii..kids in maryland. But sometimes it dont work out and the child or children are put in this situation and dont have a say in it or what happens to them. I have joint custody with my sons father.I have interupted his visitation twice brfore due to his current wife trying to commit suicide in their house.My child was not there at the time but I was issued two citations.I went to court and they were thrown out.Yesterday I had to interupt again due to a threat that my sons father made to my son.He told him two days before his visitation weekend that he was going to come over and beat his ass.My ex is an alcoholic and I have many motions and judgements set forth in out custody papaers to where he is not allowed to drink at all when my child is there.also the wife is not to be present.Yesterday I told the police upon them calling WHY I felt it was unsafe for my child to go to his regular scheduled visitation.They disagreed with me and demanded I dress the child and get him ready ,and that they would be over to pick him up.when they got here they said to my son get your shoes on ,he started crying and was hysterical,he ran and locked himself in the bathroom and wouldnt come out.The police office continued to harass me with threats of going to jail.he said I have two choices,your going to jail or your going to jail and your son will still go with his father.after I aasked to speak with a supervisor ,he had another tune,he decided to issue me a citation instaed and apologized for his bad presence.I felt visibly shaken,my son was absolutelt hysterical for an hour afterwards.he said I didnt know what do to mommy,I didnt want to go to daddy cause he would hit me and I didnt want you to go to jailPlease someone tell me first of all if this is even an arrestable issue or was the cop just strong arming me.second are cops allowed to torture a child and myself to any degree? Yes I can give you advise. I was granted the order and he was allowed supervised visitation with our son (while his mom was supposed to supervise). Parents who have custody of or visitation with their kids deserve to enjoy that time to its fullest . Can the custodial parent still charge the non custodial parent with interference? my husbands ex wife is refusing to pick our son up from a location provided because we only gave her a three day notice that we have moved. I have since found out from my son that my father has been leaving him home alone while he goes to the bar for up to 5-9 hours at a time, as well as telling him lies about me and attempting to alienating him towards returning to me. Child Custody and Parenting Time. What if the child, age 16, refuses to go back to the custodial parent due to verbal abuse and drug abuse? i would appreciate any feedback. Next day she refused to tranfer custody, I called police, they confirmed her refusal but could not do anything since no court order. My father in law was told he was to be supervisor over my wife when she has our child in her care and yet he lets her take my 2 year old daughter out on dates with her boy friend.We are not divorced yet,I disapprove can he be charged with contempt of court since he was ordered to watch over things and not let things like this happen. Deborah, I understand your suffering.. I stand with you brother. the only thing we have been able to do is file a show cause..but thats not until March.This is the state of Virginia, so in other words the parent who has physical custody has no rights? They lived with her at the time of her passing (Less than a month ago). To all dads, Someone, anyone, please help me. Non-custodial parent has been granted annual Spring Break and 6 wks in the summer. If you do reach an agreement, the judge will review it and make it a court order if they agree that it's in the best interests of the child. She wants to live with u as she is now 15. No that isnt much to get my time with my son although Ive done this for 9 years! In NJ we can appeal the decision the day it was ordered but we also have up to 30 days. My daughter is 14 and she lives with her grandparents. Do not include the child on the OP if there has been no violence towards the child though.. that will just look like your abusing the system.. best thing though is to get a lawyer at this point. Im told that the State wont take the time or money to attempt to track her down as she has full physical and legal custody and that a contempt of court charge is not something law enforcement is going to really spend any time on either. Is this legal should I pursue it? My estranged wife relocated our two kids, 10 & 9, to AZ from NJ in August of 2009 without my consent or a court order. Consult an attorney or the law on your own. She refused to give the kids back my ex was working she said. What can I do if she doesnt reply and goes ahead with the vacation plans? This is a battle about wills, not yours against his but yours against you (will I sacrifice for my childrens best interests; will I heal that the kids have the best life). A class C felony can result in up to five years in prison and a fine. She has family in Kansas, but had no job there when she moved. You could modify the visitation orders to require grandparent to provide transportation due to distance of move which interferes with your seeing your son. She was to get on the plane sat evening but when I return home from work to get her and take her she was gone. At my fathers request and convincing, I allowed my son to remain in Florida to finish out the school year, as well as remain for part of summer vacation, to be returned to me in early august. His reason he wants to stay home to golf and spend more time with friends. I will say be honorable to the order in place and if there is an issue bring your concern to the court where they will address all issues at hand including the child support. high and not only did I ever believe he was molesting our son, but I dont Wyatt v. McDermott. Well as i picked her up on Saturday afternoon, he replied I will see you guys tomorrow at nine in the morning, I turned to him and gave him a funny look. One time we ran out of court after her just so he could tell her he loves her and she acted like he was a monster. CPS has also been called by my ex, stating that I have told my daughter to lie, am calling the Sherriff went it is not necessary and abusing CPS. My question is: Can my exhusband simply keep my 18 year old? He said, ok. My uncle was awarded sole custody of his 5 year old son and mother was awarded supervised visitation. Angels Dad is 100% right! Because Halloween is not a State Holiday and is not in our Court Documents, I was given my daughter for that weekend. to release my 9 y.o to his fathers parents where he immediately recanted his She sent text, agree to this new schedule or I will not transfer custody on your scheduled day. I HAVE JOINT CUSTODY AND MY EXHUSBAND REFUSES ME ANY VISITATION WITH MY 2 CHILDREN AGES 13 AND 14. The Court is doing the right thing supervised visitation. If they are over a certain age for your state the Judge may want to talk to the children. The ORDER is the LAW, not either of you. Divorce from a spouse is not a divorce from your children, nor should custody decisions be used as a punishment. Your sons needs and desires are what should be important to you both biological and adopted. There is NO WAY you will get traction on this but without an attorney. document everything keep a notebook with dates times and then file contempt charges if he keeps it up he will end up losing visitation and yes you might have to force the police with the child that is not his. You need to be very careful when it comes to your daughter. I told my ex that i would be down on the 6th to get him after his additional week in the response back to him. Dcf has now informed me that they will not be giving me a kinship custody because of my son who doesnt Louie got arrested at my home. The officers come in, wake my kids up at 11pm to ask them questions. Is it the law of Texas that we are reuired to pay roundtrip if I follow my husband in the military? Do not feel afraid to consult witht he local authorities as she may put you on a guilt trip, just dont do so in front of the kids. Dont know where else to post this question but my 33 year old son who (doesnt live at home and hasnt for over a year) got arrested at my home because apparently the police had been watching him. This was missing from the Obamas Fathers day speech. ahlilah@yahoo.com. Tonight my son was crying as i was pickin him up she shuts the door and locks it and wouldnt let me have him and told me ahe was calling law and that i couldbcouldnt have him until they got there which this is second time she has done this! If I were to make a guess on this, mind you only a guess which you may want to seek legal aid on this or go to the courthouse in your county. We have a court order that states that we have joint custody and i have visitation rights with my 2 kids. Can a Grandparent of a noncustodial parent charge you with custody interference? i have a paper by a judge giving my temporary guardianship over my grand-kids untill we go to court in September 2010 and the great grandma knowingly took them across state lines and the law has done nothing,,,how do i get them to act.
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