And what if she did? Jason could detect a barely perceptible tremor in his voice. One thing he knew for sure, the damned curly hair he hated so much had to come from the Bolt side. Met a Dwamish hunting party this afternoon. Not ever! Lurching to his feet, Josh started to stalk away. What you said the other day about making your life count for something did you mean it? reads the dreaming bride. "Jen, tell her I'm not here", Lucas whispered to the child. 2. Couldnt you have given him a chance to explain?, He had his chance and he called me a liar. Here Come the Brides was a TV-series of 2 seasons that ran from September 1968 to April 1970. :-) But the idea hit me like a lightning bolt and wouldn't leave me alone till I wrote down. But neither of us has ever hated the other., A game? Its all okay cause he didnt do anything illegal? So you got mad., Stempel slammed his hand against the window frame. He rubbed his burning eyes. Why are you taking his side?. They should be there by now then. Aaron just wanted this sham over. He didnt want to see their gloating. He leaned back onto a rock to catch his breath, taking in his surroundings for the first time. His coloring was, of course, from his mothers side. But he needed to talk to someone who understood how he felt and she deserved to know about the family she would marry into in a few short weeks. Robert Brown, pop music superstar Bobby Sherman and David Soul (TV s Starsky and Hutch) star in the classic television series HERE COME THE BRIDES, a delightful comedy that combines romance and adventure in the rugged landscape of the mid-nineteenth century Pacific Northwest.The Bolt brothers own a mountain and logging camp in Seattle, and as the area s only employer, the brothers borrow money . The old bitter resentment burned the back of his throat as two of the Bolt brothers rode by without noticing him. He gathered the now empty plates from the table and tossed them into the wash tub. Soon he was laughing so hard, tears filled his dark eyes. Stempel seemed as dead set against it as Joshua. Thats the one thing I really cant understand. Jason watched Aaron flop in his chair as Joshua and Jeremy led a sputtering Thompson out of the office. Well, ladiesand gentleman, Lottie started shooing motions. They warmed when I was able to speak some in their language. Aaron wanted to shriek. Measured by Jasons accomplishments. I dont think we have anything else to discuss. Thank you. You're the richest man in town. Youre very upset, arent you?, Yeah, I am, but I shouldnt be taking it out on you., Youre not. Yeah, I should. But Jason looked as if he dreaded it more than hed ever dreaded anything in his life. If you had only your wits to keep the hundred of bad things that can happen to a fifteen-year old kid on his own from happening? Stempel gave a snort of derision. And what could the Bolt family gain by continuing to keep Aaron on the outside? I think you should read this, Jason held a book out to him. I want to make amends for what my father did. A short week ago, they had been nervous and excited about the arrival of Thompson. Dowries?, Okay, fine, Earnest said. If they didnt, could he bear it? Ever since the party began, Aaron had been acting most peculiar. Oh, hed felt the scary thrill when the cash was on the table and the next move was his. A mass of humanity boiled out of Lotties. I wasnt then and Im not now! Then a slow grin spread over Aarons face as a long ago conversation filtered into his sodden brain. Good. Jason slapped him on the shoulder. Are you going to try to find this person? Oh, yes, indeedy, Biddie gushed. And shed died only months before Aaron had confronted their father. There are so many things I want to know of him. Another episode of Here Come The Brides is on. Then to have it blow up in his face would only have reinforced the mans tendency to be a porcupine. Why dont we go over to my place? Hed seen little of Uncle Duncan the last few days. Jason halted his march when he saw Jeremys approach. Damn him! Its him? Her eyebrows climbed into her bangs. An all-dressed-in-white bride. Jason and Aaron's conflict/friendship has always fascinated me. Very late the second night, Aaron picked up the journal of Jonathan Bolt. And will Aaron be able to prove his suspicions about the girl's father to prevent his wife from becoming the man's victim? They also shared more than ten years of history - clashing against each other and standing shoulder to shoulder when their town or family was threatened. I turned ditto-machine purple. Aarons our half-brother., Jeremy approached them warily. Find some connection to her? Lottie offered gently. Relief that his father had made the attempt to rectify his mistakes, anger that Stempel had not allowed it and a strange sadness that, in his own pain and stubborn pride, Stempel had pushed away something hed desperately wanted. Of course you do nae. What are you going to do now?. He tried to summon up the anger that had helped protect him from Jasons persuasion in the past but he hadnt the energy. The hours passed without his awareness as he paged through each book in turn. Please consider turning it on! Julie and Aaron couldnt share the same mother; in fact, they must have no parent in common at all. I want to say The Teenage Mutant Male War Brides are singing the opening theme: When you find your own true love, you will know it by his smile by the look in his eyes Look out everyone here come the brides! I guess I cant deny that. He laid his own hand on top of hers. Raised voices from inside the office gave him a distraction from his inner turmoil. Do yea still have them?, Yes, theyre packed in the cedar chest., Tilting his head, Jason played with his fork. Are we ready, gentlemen?. No, he remembered Julia showing him a recent picture of her and their mother. A split lip and some bruises. Good or bad. I thought I knew who you were. What end result do you want?, I want all my brothers to be a family together. He frowned at the obviousness of the question. A resurrected bride. It was loosely based on Asa Mercer's efforts in the 1860s to import marriageable women (the Mercer Girls) from the East Coast cities of the United States to Seattle, where there was a shortage. He was but a babe in arms. Why, Uncle? Oh, lad., Itll break your heart. But the Bolt clan was nae much different all those years ago. You had her journal, did you nae?, She didnt put any dates in it, Aaron admitted in a hoarse whisper. All right, Lottie relented, not just on her demand that he take off his shirt. Aaron Stempel stood at the center of the skirmish, blood from his nose and torn lip dripping down onto his once pristine white shirt. Or even what her name was., You know, neither do I. Lottie leaned back thoughtfully. Youre just too cheap to pay someone else to do it., Watch what youre sayin, Bolt. Aaron raised the ax in a mock-threatening manner. Said I was a blackmailer, that I was only trying to shame his family. What are we going to do now? Jeremy hit the crux of the dilemma. Standing outside of Lotties, Jason gave himself a bracing speech. Stempel did that? Who else would they send after him? Bolt was the one whod spread the reality of his ancestry around town. Just before they reached the altar, she lifted her head and looked directly into his eyes. Both men whirled toward the intruder. He denied it! A hint of pain showed through Aarons fury. I have a sister whos not and three brothers who would just as soon see me dead. When your father died you werent old enough to be let out of camp on your own. A fire grew in his eyes but it was a muted fire. Lay off, Red. None of the other loggers had approached him since his arrival before dawn; the scowl on his face warned them away. How old was Aaron then? Jason hoped hed been young enough to be unaffected by the tumult around him. In the corner, Joshua admired all the pretty girls with Corky and Canada. The rising moon glittered off the Sound. Oh, for Gods sake, Aaron groaned. Jeremy wanted to go back to the time when he understood the world and the people around him. Jason couldnt contain his gasp. Do you know anything about Aarons mother?, Her eyes widened. You remember that, dont you?. Did Jonathan Bolt know that one day he would be reading this journal? This is your day. This diary, Uncle Duncan, even his fathers own words pointed to only one thing. Aaron led the way, struggling to keep his stride sure and confident. We also got to see Jeremy grow into the roll of being a parent instead of staying the stereotypical younger brother. He was scared but hed been scared before and always had been able to find a way out. Well, I found something He tried to clear his throat of the sudden blockage. The sky is bluer than David Souls eyes. Thank you for the help, but its all over now. Please, sweetheart.. Despite his attempt at a normal faade, Aaron was obviously walking on the edge tonight. Yeah, was the only thing he could think to say. He started across the floor, urgency speeding his feet. With a vague nod, Josh shuffled off toward the office tent. Collapse ): link: post comment I didnt need more Bolts; I needed someone Balter would listen to., And you were willing to put Bass life in Stempels hands?, Jason stared straight into Joshs eyes, no doubt at all in his expression. Then youll understand.. I thought you were Looking into his eyes, her giggles faded. :). True courage was facing what you feared and persevering in spite of it. He wasnt that kind of man., I wishbut we cant wish away the truth, can we? What exactly are you saying, Colonel? Jason cut through the babble. Not more of Fathers journal, is it?, Jason extended the book closer. Well, Mr. Bolt, your logging operation appears to be more than adequate to supply the governments needs at this time.. Standing, the colonel straightened his uniform, emphasizing the gunbelt strapped around his waist. Hed worked up the nerve to do this and now it seemed like the whole town was conspiring against him. Remember Im the one who has to approve your contract with the government. Id admire to call that man my brother. If I read those books Im just inviting Bolt to kick me in the teeth again. For everything they had that would never be his. That its Aaron Stempel., God, Jason, how many times has he cheated us? Josh tried to make his brother see sense. Ive been waiting Her frown turned real. What game are you playing now, Bolt? Your father denied I even existed.. Was this what Aaron hadnt wanted to admit? He didnt want to feel. On her feet before Aaron could dodge, Candy wrapped her arms around his neck. He has a way of making people want to confide in him. Hed never been afraid of death. How do I balance what he wants from me against the needs of my family? Jason stopped just inside the open doorway to Aarons house, unrepentantly eavesdropping. He hoped the three bushwackers faces looked worse. Mustache snagged his coat sleeve. Lottie didnt look at all surprised when he pulled her aside. He didnt want to deal with any of this, but they kept forcing it on him. Very good advice, but advice Im afraid Im not adept at heeding., Never too old to learn, Jason, she smiled, sending a sidelong glance at Duncan. Together they stood before the reverend with entwined hands, forming a circle of two. But when the pressure is on and the mountains at stake, I feelI dont know Alive. At times it seemed like his lifes goal has been to destroy the Bolt brothers., I do nae try to excuse his actions, but I think you see now that he had reason to be hostile to the Bolts.. Your brothers not very talkative, is he? he heard Colonel Thompson say as he walked away. He didnt bother to pretend he didnt know what she was talking about. All the venom the colonel had been about to launch at Jason and Lottie drew back; a much more satisfying target had just entered the arena. I and the babe should be strong enough then to continue our journey to the land of the Scot. And hated himself for the weakness. In the dark. With that in mind, and to celebrate the birth of Jason's daughter, and Jeremy, and Jemma's sons, Josh returns to Seattle to introduce his fiancee to his family. Josh and Ken stepped away but kept a cautious eye on the three men. When?, A couple of months after our mother died, wasnt it, Aaron?, Deliberately turning his back on them, Stempel wandered to the window. Thank you, Lottie, he patted her hand in gratitude. See related links for . Candys talking to her now., His oldest brother nodded in sympathy. Lori, is that you????? He tried to order his thoughts but how could he, when he felt like his feet no longer touched the ground. Here he was the boss. He hadnt spoken to either of his brothers about what he was feeling. Harve shoved Billy toward his companions. When they were well on their way, Jason turned loose of Stempel. If only I could see a good direction to move., Duncan stole a glance at Joshua. They shared the rabbits theyd caught with me. You know what yesterday was, dont you?, Jeremys brow crinkled, but Joshua answered promptly. Damn you, he shouted. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, bracing his shoulders. The father hed known would never consider such a thing. We're fighting on the same side of this war, Aaron. Jason parked his butt on the edge of the desk. Tears streaked down her cheeks, but he could hear no hesitation or regret as she repeated her vows to him. Holding out his arm, Jason invited Joshua into the family circle. Then with a sharp nod to himself, he strode across the room into his bedroom. Ill do it, Jason, Lottie insisted, ever practical. Could we all sit?, Jason, if this is something between you and your brothers? Brow furrowed, Duncan gestured at the door. Joshua had always felt safe and secure in his fathers love. Silent for a long period, Jason stared at his beer, knowing he would find no answers there. Jason built it, Stempel sneered. Im sorry for every wrong done to you by the Bolt family.. Ill walk wherever I damn well please, he growled. But Josh couldnt give up long-held feelings that easily. Aarons thoughts raced feverishly. Let go, Bolt!, Using his own momentum, Jason spun him against the wall. This story first debuted in the zine 'Dreams to Last the Years' from the show 'Here Come The Brides'. Our fathers own voice is telling us from the grave., Our father made a mistake. Automatically, he followed Reverend Adams low voiced instructions, never taking his eyes off his bride. Aaron wondered why he tried. Sure you would have, Aaron sneered at the page. Maybe because there were times when he allowed that wall of his to slip a little. It broke mine. He flipped to the last page with writing. But I hope you will see fit to allow me to speak with you again. He took another slug of brandy in an attempt to mute the confusion of feelings welling up in him. He wanted it exactly the way it was., Thats not true. Jason pushed his fathers journals across the table. He threw down his pen in disgust. Make sure hes not hurt b-b-bad. I should have known better than to ever think hed give a fair deal to a Bolt.. That might be just what I need right now., Giving his nephews hand a brief squeeze, Duncan stood. Before he could find the words to protest, Jeremy found himself hoisted onto the shoulders of several burly loggers. Mother must have been devastated, Joshua breathed. He let it soak into his bruised spirit. Of course, hed never mentioned a relationship other than the one to their mother. Will you be a girl who will steal her fathers heart with her smile? Joshua erupted from his chair. So happy, sometimes I think Ill burst with it. Laughing aloud, he vaulted over the railing. What would give you that idea, Lottie? Jason tried to grin. He made a pushing gesture. Damn that Bolt. best man I've come to accept it but it's still weird you're going to eat a chicken a chicken . Now it hardly seemed to matter. Dinna the Stempels provide you with a home and family?, A home? Aaron had never before exposed his souls scars, but he wanted to hurt this man. But I have to talk to someone, let this poison inside me out. Seattle expanded every day and he had been and would continue to be at least as influential as the Bolts in its development. The enormous tree shuddered under his assault then wobbled. Is it the fever, or is Amanda just seeing things? Im shaking like a w-w-w-wet dog., Jason poured a glass of water and held it out to his brother. Grinning, Jason leaned in to whisper in Biddies ear. What is it? More than thirty years.. But he couldnt leave it be. Laird of Kilmarron my father had been born and raised to be. Theyd truly bested him this time. The description of their rivalry as a game to Jason, is spot on. Josh might have reacted much the same if hed stood in Stempels shoes. What the hell are you up to, Bolt? Aaron spoke into hands cupped around his face. Taking a deep breath, Jason throw open the door. Our father would never have made a baby with another woman when he was engaged to our mother! Both of them already darkening with bruises, his left was more swollen with a couple gashes over the knuckles. And you - the most innocent of us all - were the one to suffer the most from it., Nae, I can see that, lad. Duncan settled comfortably in the chair. But it had happened. In no uncertain terms. If he could stay on his feet he could possibly inflict enough damage to make the men tire of their game. But he publicly gave me his name even though I was no blood of his. What he needed was a good meal in his belly, then hed feel like facing the day. Do you know what this is about?, Aye, Duncan answered warily. And if it was true, how much of it had she known? Jason reached the newcomer at the same instant. Werent you? Staring straight ahead, Josh was glad he didnt have to look into his brothers blue eyes, which reminded him entirely too much of his fathers. And why did he want Jason to drop the subject now? But if it hadnt been for me blowing off in camp, Jason slid down the wall until their eyes were level. Let them hate him. Turns your stomach, doesnt it?. Im just sure Ill spill it all over the table. But he remembered Jasons frustration and worry over Wainwrights refusal to pay his bill and his stunned joy when the man had unexpectedly coughed up the money. Well, he Jason stumbled, trying to find words to defend the indefensible. Get your gear and clear out. He could have simply stayed here in America and we could have done naught. But Duncan just might be the perfect sounding board. Whimsically he wondered which half of him was Indian and which half Bolt. I didnt say I didnt want to. Encounters with her wooden spoon had enforced that she was to be called Maam or Mrs. Stempel. It stung his cut lip but he still savored the burn down his throat and into his empty stomach. I had a confrontation today with the boy whos building the mill. Your father was the rebel, the dreamer. The brandy helped curb the urge to do both. Very bright and pretty, but Indian. But what about me? Nice party., Yup, Jason agreed. Here Come The Brides: Ready, Set, Let's Roll - YouTube 0:00 / 3:04 Here Come The Brides: Ready, Set, Let's Roll 10,942 views Jul 24, 2014 63 Dislike Share Save bigvalleylover2 3.89K. Good direction to move., Duncan stole a glance at Joshua faade, Aaron filtered into eyes... 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