Was I too nice? Please help me. Thanks for checking out my post. As long as you careas long as you have good intentions and youve connected with him, youve officially done the best thing you could have done in that moment. (Thank goodness I learned how to outgrow that!). But more than that, sometimes men ask for space because you were never their one and only to begin with. I have come to these things through introspection in the past week and expressed them to her. I understand this is a mistake but i was not expecting this to happen. Its just how it is. They will continue to tell you that they are not happy and that if you do not make a change they want to break up. I broke up with my ex about 6 months ago. I know what its like, Read More Is She Playing Me? Words cant express how I feel about you. When couples do this, they end up having a significant amount of resentment towards them. For now. It will sometimes feel like the relationship is too much work to him. Do you have any suggestions to help me stop doing this, i know all I wil do is push her further away. If you liked this article, CLICK HERE to check out my full article archives! I took this as she wanted to breakup, so my old self started being really needy to the point were shes flipped and said shes had enough. This is great!!! At this point, you or your partner did something wrong, and your partner may be trying to forgive you. If I say this ONE thing, wont I just be a pleaser? Thank you for your beautiful and insightful comment and thank you for reading our blog And it doesnt mean that we should settle for that feeling in a relationship. But no feeling is permanent and there is something you can do about this. 2: Do what the poor lady did above and act from fear or desperation. When a man is asking you for space it is often a test. When those four words come up, the most important thing you can do is listen to what your partner is saying. I would really take this time to work on and improve the things you want in your life. Is there anything I can do as a last ditch effort or have I lost the best thing to ever in my life? This is the one posted yesterday. Either they are going through a hard time and need time to think Although, you have every right to feel numb and untrusting. I keep hearing she isnt sure or doesnt know but she does love me & needs more time & more space away from me. We work on dating and relationship skills with Apollonia and her team. You also dont get to show up as a high value woman. I don't believe that we are wired to be needed all the time. Please what can l do? You essentially pre-emptively pull away to stay safe and comfortable. Instead of stewing because your partner wants some space, take a page from their book and get some space of your own. She tells me that she can see herself being alone and sees us being together forever this is what she must work through. I also said that I knew the solutions and how to fix it but didnt tell her cause thats obviously dumb as actions speak louder than words. They feel needy when they feel like there isnt enough resources for them (attention from men, commitment from men, money). Sometimes when youre having a hard time with someone, you dont want to approach them about it right away. And he hasnt either. Hey Monika. Soul searching is different from finding a soul mate. You can find her expert advice on is she using me, plus a couple other of your core professional services, through herYouTube Channel, and Attract a Woman E-Book. QUIZ TIME: Is your man serious about committing to you? So that when we get back to our relationship or job or whatever we have that energy and zeal to go about like we intended to. Arguing, pushing back, or getting defensive wont get you anywhere. Me and my wife have been married for 13 years and have 4 children (13,11,7 and 5) in July she told me that she didnt think out marriage was a good thing. If hes going through something difficult or planning on making a big change in his life, he likely wants to focus his attention on that before he brings it up with you. I hope this is true. Space is going to be key here for you, and your partner, and here is how youre going to play the I need space card. You are going to give them space but still, be available for them. It can be difficult wanting space and not telling you why) a good thing to do is to kill with kindness. Make a few ground rules for yourself, The 5 Things Every Woman Ought to Know About Men, Here is the exact reason why he would keep you around, Why Men Pull Away and How to Deal With It. Bu then it happened that his wife passed on two weeks back.I didnt know should I be relieved or scared seeing that there is no third person between us. Remember what a partner says in the beginning of a relationship, its the key to the futures end. I am going to show you 15 Sexy things you can start doing right now, that women find IRRESISTIBLE and this will instantly turn on the girl you are desiring! I call & she answers & listens to me, but ends up telling me that what I say is nice but she cant believe me or trust my words. Youre texting him too often. This article on what to do when your boyfriend needs space is not going to focus on responses based in fear. She wanted to discuss which I dismissed. But it is very difficult for me to not be able to be there for him. Here are some ways to help you get through this rough patch in your relationship: As a dating coach, it is my job to remind my clients that they deserve love, simply because they are human. What if hes the one playing power games? When those four words come up, the most important thing you can do is listen to what your partner is saying. This continued the next day that she was being cold but she did reach out multiple times and again, when I got her on the phone, she again ignored me for like an hour until I told her that the ignoring was enough and that we needed to talk it out to get through this. Taking space is the only way of truly resetting amd thats not just me, it has science behind it. If they say you are wrong or they dont want to talk about it, dont push them. (And in this article Im about to share with you the ONE perfect thing to say to your boyfriend that will allow you to add value to him.). When he told me he need space because I dont understand what space is, I thought he wanted to break up with me, so, I challenge him alot and I make some statement I was not suppose to use on him. Even if you have been acting this way and its hurting your relationship, you were doing this out of love and connection, which is a good thing. Because of the threat of loss of resources mainly emotional resources. But even then and make sure you listen to this even then, sometimes it is just not meant to be. This podcast is here to help inspire you in your life and better understand your relationships so you can maximize the potential of your love life along with your personal life. To which she said the words that youve probably expected will have to think about this. Her name is Apollonia Ponti. You shouldve seen how much of a needy person I was (without meaning to be) to my man in the beginning. So if you need to analyze whats going on, these are the most likely culprits. I have been with my boyfriend for over 3 years now and whenever he gets an anxiety attack or depressed, he shuts down on me and tells me he needs his space which means I can no longer come over to his home or see each other. There are 7 common signs a woman is perceived as low value to all men, because men simply perceive value differently to women. This doesnt necessarily mean the future of your relationship, it could just mean his own future and what he wants. Here is how you take matters into your own hands. From her point. Want deeper clarity like a coaching session and know exactly what to do when she asked for space. If you say this.doesnt this make you a people pleaser? Next day, I sent a good morning text to which Ive gotten no reply and tried calling her later in the day to which I was sent to a busy tone so I didnt contact her for the entire day. We were engaged to be married and very much in love. See, if you know he doesnt intend to hurt you, and you reacting to him wanting space out of fear, then theres a problem. Instead, you strip value and act small. When we look at the world we see the other people in it, so its easy to forget about looking at ourselves. Thank goodness, because now you get to finally process everything enough to move forward in the way that is best for you. You might be surprised that I didnt suggest that you say: go to hell or fine, enjoy your space but I wont be here when you get back to a man. If you are been trying to reach someone like your boss, or a friend and they said I am busy, this one is a very good response. I would gladly slow our relationship down and set boundrys and expectations to continue the long life we have both expressed we have wanted together. I tried to talk him through this, I begged him not to leave me because Im afraid he will leave me for another woman. How do you respond to you need space? Right now, me and my girlfriend are going through a rough patch. When I ask her if she wants to be with me she says not now, & she cant. They may even have a string of ex partners as friends. You see, women and men often have sex well together, and raise children together well, but they dont always resonate well with each other. Sometimes he needs space because he feels like the woman cant let down her guard and feel. Focus on your life and doing the best you can. She appears to be totally happy with him. I didnt feel like I was happy in the relationship and I wasnt and I didnt try to fix it. CLICK HERE to find out with my specially crafted 9 Question Quiz! Hi Apollonia. I get it. Women (and men too) get needy. Work on feeling like you NEED someone in order to make you happy, because if you dont work on the issues that youve got now, youll push him away again later. See, even if your current relationship never works out, at least you can walk away knowing that you took the high road. She knows I have no where to go, no means to support myself at the moment & thinks I expect her to continue paying for rent while she lives with family because she says she cant live with me right now & she chose to leave & ask for space & wants this separation & says were not together anymore & not in my life in one sentence then tells me she doesnt know what she wants & then says she doesnt want to be with me now?? I have pledged and beg for her forgiven so many times, Know she said she is not interested in the marriage again. Reach out to them and see if theyd like to go for dinner instead of messaging your boyfriend. Weve had some issues in the past that Im trying to address personally, but what Im really struggling with is giving her the space she needs. This recent space situation, unfortunately his father passed away. Think about where he is at in his life and feel exactly the truth of how he cant be there for you right this minute. She works with ambitious men to attract the woman they desire, build confidence, master their attraction skills, and helps rebuild relationships.Want deeper clarity like a coaching session and know exactly what to do when she asked for space. Focus on your personal development. It only feels fake because youre not used to meeting a man on the same page. Here are the most common (and easy) responses: 1: She pulls away too. I called an hour later apologising and said to her that I wanted to make it up to her by having an online dinner that night to sort it out and talk about it. Would really appreciate a comment. Because that is the only way i knew how to deal with my problems. Now for the topic of us getting anxious when a man needs his space. CLICK HERE to find out with this specially crafted quiz! Is it spending more nights apart? Why cant he just talk to me about it? (But secretly, its also these opposites that attracted us to each other in the first place!). It also wont feel like it is worth his time as the attraction and connection are just not there. This one is easier to pinpoint because you can ask yourself: If he is growing unhappy in the relationship, he may need some space to think things through. Let your partner know that when you say I need some space for myself, you mean a few hours or days by yourself. Not only that, your inherent biases as a feminine woman and a masculine man are also very different. And help him feel our love again. Over 6 months now we are sleeping in separate rooms. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I believe you have the power to attract your ideal man, have him fall head over heels in love with you, wanting to commit deeply to you and have the passionate relationship youve always dreamt about. Answer (1 of 11): Yea, space means she's met somebody else and wants to see if it'll work out but doesn't want to cheat on you.. so she breaks up for what you consider to be no reason. Copyright 2007-2023 Zoosk, Inc. All rights reserved. As a general rule, women become needy when they feel un-resourceful. Here is another preconceived notion that many people think that they dont need to aim towards self-development because their partner isnt going to see it. But do you know what is much worse than being needy? The truth is, it depends, so lets dive deeper into what I need space means for a relationship and what you can do about it. Take a long think about this one. If you simply pull away too, just because you want to have more control, then what you get is disengagement. Again, like I said above, I wouldnt suggest reacting this way, unless youre sure hes just out to get you. They also dont want you to go either. It doesnt make neediness good, either. Also, I would encourage you to book a session with one of our coaches if you need more guidance. She is stationed in the military a few hours away and before the covid 19 crisis we would see one another 2 weekends a month. you may be scared. How did I overwhelm them? Get some space of your own. You know what? While this article will shed light on the main things you can do if he says he needs space but still texts, it can be helpful to speak to a relationship coach about your situation. He has the right to take some time to himself. I will continue to show you this. Dont call, dont text, and let time go on till you do something for her again. A week ago she told me she needed time to think and to give her space. She doesnt allow me to touch her. The moment someone tells you they need space, the first questions on your mind are probably Do they really mean it? and is that the same as a breakup? Well, You are pressuring him to take the next relationship milestone. I wouldnt suggest that. Either the problem he is dealing with is really taking a toll on his mental health and well-being or he is, in fact, dealing with issues in the relationship that hes not ready to talk about. p.s. Remember back to a time where you felt all alone, like nobody cared. Sometimes a man asks for space because he feels like a woman is taking too much from him without giving back. I also am at peace with myself and with whatever outcome happens. I know what i must do but am scared that she will chose being alone over the stressful relationship we where in because it will be difficult for her to see my change in attitude while being soo far apart and us not speaking. Learn more about Lana and how to attract higher-quality men. A week goes by Im now Im totally a wreck. Your message to Farren I understand it, but question if your allowing space for a given situation and once start dating isnt that bringing someone else in the picture at the moment and at which it will be stated that you were cheating?? People ask for breathing room for many reasons. Sending good vibes. When I called her, she didnt want to have dinner or talk, was being cold and ignored me for like an hour (while on the phone) and then hung up. When they say they don't want to text, don't text. Practice gratitude for current life. Finally the beginning of March 2019, I started Cymbalta along with Humira injections & finally feeling more & more like myself after being diagnosed w/an auto immune disease, RA & ankylosing spondylitis & awaiting disability. The first one justwell, the first one is just ignorant. Now is a great time to think about what makes you happy and how you can find happiness in day to day life. Best, Its really a test of how much you care about the relationship, or about him, beyond your own needs. The world can be a dark, scary and suspicious place at times, and if you come from a hurtful, unstable background, then yes numbness and a lack of trust probably permeate every fabric of your life. It just means that we should respect this as an important part of the evolution of every relationship. You may unintentionally just push him away or hurt him. At this point, there are a couple of scenarios that you could be wondering why this is happening. Be aware and assess accordingly. Dont get me wrong, women need space too men can definitely be smothering to a woman; making her want to ask him to give her space. Zoosk Free Trial: See Who Wants To Meet You. Ive had health issues-mental & physical over the course of our almost 6 year relationship. He should be asking you more often than you ask him if you want to play the dating game properly. Hello thank you for your article. And now I just check it now and I understand what he mean. Urge people to not believe everything that they read on the internet and instead use common sense and a broader senstivity towards others. Give him the time he needs. This may help and understand everything takes time. I wrote this content by interviewing SEVERAL women! Im not the type to need space from my boyfriend when Im feeling down. Think of it like this. Especially when both of their emotional, psychological and biological needs clash. Or put his online dating profile up again and find someone new to chase. Please help me. So Ive been with my partner for over 8 years, started dating when I was 17 and he was 18/19. This article will help you actually become a high value woman. Its OK (& Even attractive) for Women to Cry Any Damn Time. Im sorry!. There are 7 common signs a woman is perceived as low value to all men, because men simply perceive value differently to women. You call him all day, text to ask why he hasnt called back, show up at his place unannounced or pester his friends about where he is or what hes doing. And because of that, his womans desires and requests will feel like total value taking. Was I needy and asking for too much? They will get mean, they will try and manipulate you and will create silence. Its easy and understandable to act from fear when men want space but if you need to, simply say thats ok, I understand.. Talk and discuss with your partner that you need some time for yourself. People grow and what we forget to realize is if you dont communicate with your partner you dont give them the opportunity to show up as the best version that they know how to be. Thank them for being honest. She thinks I used her, took her for granted & took her patience for granted too & expected her to pay all the bills on her own-(NOT including my own personal bills). He may just need to feel like himself again. It will help you be able to say this one perfect thing with authenticity and care. Yes! She wants me out of the house, but I am sleeping in the sitting room for now. I live with my fianc and son, this is the second time shes asked for space. I have made an appointment to seek counseling for myself as this is one of the things that we have discussed, and it was something I told her I didnt think I needed, now that she is with someone else I feel empty, maybe Im selfish, jealous or whatever. What is the one thing that would have basically set you free? Heres a comprehensive guide on Why Men Pull Away and How to Deal With It. https://www.apolloniaponti.com/how-to-get-my-husband-to-notice-me-4-important-tips/, https://www.apolloniaponti.com/sheneedsspace. I am confused, heart broken & allowing her to control my emotions, feelings & life. Ive never had to deal with this ever in my life! Theres a big difference between someone youve only known a few weeks wanting space and someone youre in an exclusive relationship with wanting space. Has anyone told you that he seems to be acting very normal and happy when youre not around. Theres no better feeling than having earned high self esteem because you truly gave value as best you could. Now is a good time to think about yourself. It helps your relationship progress, and it allows you to continue on as a high value woman. You dont want to be in a relationship with someone that youre not allowed to talk to or message. Instead, just focus on what is going on now. When your partner says, they need space its typically because of the following reasons. Either they are going through a hard time and need time to think things through or possibly would like to break up as time goes on. I basically said that my message was me reaching out to sort this and that itll only work if she reached back out too. Moving forward, its a good idea to wait for them to reach out to you first. The response should be simple and sincere. He means what he says. Just go ahead and offer but be specific. Arent you attempting to be a value giver? Hi Farren. someone who needs you all the time could be coming from a positive place where a negative place. The key is that you remain in a state where you care enough to connect. By doing this, you are giving your partner space but also showing up and being available in new ways that show advancement in their life and your life by owning and granting their wishes. Read books, listen to a podcast, stop drinking, go to a retreat, workout 5 times a week, and so much more. Week ago she told me she needed time to think about this more than! At ourselves beginning of a relationship, its really a test of much! What the poor lady did above and act from fear or desperation thing that would have basically set you?. Instead, just because you were never their one and only to with. Have I lost the best you could be wondering why this is what she must work through text! To all men, commitment from men, commitment from men, money ) has the right to feel there! 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