Interestingly, while the countries listed above have the most Muslims overall, many smaller countries have a higher concentration of Muslim citizens. The lower number of Muslims in Italy cannot fully explain the fewer acts of terrorism or radicalization. The law protects the right to use animal sacrifice in religious rituals. Muslim Americans make up 1% of the U.S. population as of 2020. IBGE - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics). According to Fernandes, the Belford Roxo city government repaired the sidewalk and formally apologized for the incident. Popular traditions include pilgrimages to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida (Nossa Senhora Aparecida), the patron saint of Brazil, and religious festivals like the "Crio de Nazar" in Belm and the "Festa do Divino" in many cities of Central Brazil. the practices of integration come as quite a pseudo-realistic one as there is still no accommodation for faiths outside the Catholic Church. On January 21, municipalities around the country commemorated the National Day to Combat Religious Intolerance. ), Islam includes two major denominations: Sunni (75-90%) and Shi'a (10-13%), as well as a number of smaller branches. Italian Muslims constitute 4.8 percent of the population. There total population was over 201 million in year 2018. Pittsburgh: Sankore'. The largest proportion of Catholics is concentrated in the Northeast (59%) and South (53%) regions. The two largest concentrations are 65,000 in Sao Paulo State and 33,000 in Rio de Janeiro State. Media and religious organizations reported increased accounts of hate speech directed at religious minorities on social media and the internet, in particular anti-Afro-Brazilian and anti-Semitic comments. That number decreased to 6% in the 2020 survey due to the growth of new mosques in suburban and rural areas, and the . Brazil possesses a richly spiritual society formed from the meeting of the Catholic Church with the religious traditions of enslaved Africans and indigenous people. There are also Catholics, Protestants and other kinds of Christians who hold a dual belief system and go to both churches and terreiros. PM Modi says use latest tech to track economic offenders; asks revenue intelligence to protect Indian economy. *Translated by Mark Ament Trade surplus at US$ 3 bn in August Supreme Court Justice Luiz Fux said, This memorial is so that we do not suffer from the vice of indifference and also to express our indignation at the Holocaust. Plans for the monument include a small museum and cultural space to be used for Holocaust education activities and programming. The constitution prohibits the federal, state, and local governments from either supporting or hindering any specific religion. Despite 60% of Brazilian Muslims being men, 70% of converted Muslims are women.[19]. The grandmother filed for custody, stating the child faced physical and psychological harm after the mother shaved her daughters head for a Candomble religious ceremony. These include neo-Pentecostals, old Pentecostals and Traditional Protestants (most of them Baptists, Presbyterians and Methodists) predominantly from Minas Gerais to the South. China has entered an "era of negative population growth", after figures revealed a drop in the number of people for the first time since 1961. In Spain, a country that has seen . [11] However, the African Muslim community was not erased overnight, and as late as 1910 it is estimated there were still some 100,000 African Muslims living in Brazil. Although officially a secular state, there is no denying the great influence of Roman Catholicism that runs throughout the country. The embassy disseminated her presentation via embassy social media platforms. Lutherans are concentrated mostly in the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and in countryside regions of the states of Rio de Janeiro and Esprito Santo. Cristina Maria de Castro, Muslim Women in Brazil: Notes on Religion and Integration, Gender, Religion, and Migration: Pathways of Integration, eds. Scholars claim that Brazil received more enslaved Muslims than anywhere else in the Americas. VIDEO : Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel. [36] However, the African Muslim community was not erased overnight, and as late as 1910 it is estimated there were still some 100 000 African Muslims living in Brazil. [citation needed] About a fifth of the Japanese Brazilian community are followers of Buddhism. Over time, the population declined. The spheres of influence that surrounded the other plantations would be disastrous for the economy of the country, which was built upon the backs of African slaves. With a population reportedly reaching into the millions, further discussion must be sought regarding the history of Muslims in Brazil. Neo-Nazi groups maintained an active presence online. In July, a representative from the consulate in Rio de Janeiro met with a representative of the local nongovernmental organization (NGO) Jewish Federation of Rio de Janeiro (FIERJ) to discuss challenges faced by the Jewish community in Rio de Janeiro and cases of anti-Semitism in the state. According to anthropologist Adriana Magalhaes Dias at the State University of Campinas, there were 349 active neo-Nazi organizations in the country. Argentina is expected to have the third-largest Muslim population in the Americas, after the U.S. and Canada. Pittsburgh: Sankore'. 2020, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, "Nordeste e Sul so ltimos 'basties' catlicos do Brasil", "Transio religiosa no Brasil: 1940-2032", "As evangelicals gain, Catholics on verge of losing majority in Brazil", "Once-Barred Practice Flourishes in Brazil. Islam in Brazil was first practiced by African slaves. The first Jews arrived in Brazil as cristos-novos (New Christians) or conversos, names applied to Jews or Muslims who converted to Catholicism, most of them forcibly. The current Muslim population of Brazil is made up largely of Syrian, Lebanese, and Palestinian Arabs and their descendants with smaller numbers of African migrants and Brazilian converts. Prominent Jewish organizations publicly stated their outrage at what they considered anti-Semitic comments made by high level government officials. Municipalities in the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area registered 17 incidents, including three in Rios Baixada Fluminense Region. About the sentence "Umbanda is a Devil thing", 57% agreed (83% among. COVID-19 restrictions delayed the formation of the panel. Islam arrived in Brazil with West African slaves, including Hausa, Malinkes, and Yoruba. The CCIR and CEAP organized a series of seminars and debates at Rio de Janeiros Federal Justice Cultural Center to discuss respect for, and tolerance of, religious diversity, including countering religious persecution against practitioners of Afro-Brazilian religions. [19] The 2010 Census reported that 22.2% of the Brazilian population is Protestant, about 44 million people. Do Estado Mosque is from the Middle East and often Imams are chosen jointly by the Mosques' management committees and the Arab governments that pay for the Imam's services. The State Secretariat for Human Rights in Rio de Janeiro reported 31 instances of religious intolerance between January and June, compared with 42 instances during the same period in 2019. The law prohibits public subsidies to schools operated by religious organizations. The majority of the participants were Nago, the local designation for ethnic Yoruba. [4], During the days of the Barbary Wars, some native Brazilians came into interaction with Muslim lands. Afro-Brazilian religions are syncretic religions, such as Candombl, that have many followers, mainly Afro-Brazilians. Spiritism is a religion, founded in the 19th century by the French educator Allan Kardec, which proposes the study of "the nature, origin, and destiny of spirits, and their relation with the corporeal world". 97% of Brazilians reported to believe in God; 2% have doubts and 1% do not believe in God. In 1636, the Kahal Zur Israel Synagogue, the first synagogue in the Americas was built in Recife, the capital of Dutch Brazil. The federal police opened an investigation of the case. Brazil has the second-largest Jewish population in Latin America of 120 000 people, making up a total of 0.06% of Brazil's population. 3, p313-p333. [16] There are significant Muslim communities in the industrial suburbs of the city of So Paulo and in the port city of Santos, as well as in smaller communities in Paran State in the coastal region and in Curitiba and Foz do Iguau in the Argentina-Brazil-Paraguay triborder area. Jon Tofik Karam, Muslim Histories in Latin America and the Caribbean, An Introduction to Islam in the 21st Century, eds. In 2020, India was set to begin the first phase of the census - in which housing data is collected - when the pandemic hit. 167-181. By 2030, the world's total Muslim population is expected to increase by 35 percent over its 2010 level, to 2.2 billion people. 51% disagreed. If the hate speech occurs via publication or social communication, including social media, courts may fine or imprison those held responsible for two to five years. Huda. We are onFB,Twitterand Instagram! There are an estimated 1.57 billion Muslims - nearly a quarter of the world's total population. In the centuries since that time, additional theological differences have arisen. In September, social media blogger Monique Elias posted online that she was a victim of religious intolerance. Muslims within Brazil have had a long-standing history. On October 8, embassy representatives hosted a roundtable with representatives from three religious faiths and two interfaith organizations to discuss the state of religious freedom and raise concerns about attacks on religious minorities. Most of them were descendants of the Portuguese Jews who had been expelled from Portugal in 1497. Early Muslims met privately for prayer, to learn to read and write Quranic Arabicnotable during a period when most white Brazilians were illiteratefor spiritual guidance, and in some areas, to plan uprisings (such as the 1835 Mal Uprising). Muhammad Shareef makes the argument that the revolt, as well as the mission to assist all slaves, was essentially Islamic in nature, based on the principles of freedom in Islm and fighting just wars against oppression, Jihd. As of 2017, Rio de Janeiro's Jewish population was 22 000, with 24 active synagogues and So Paulo has a Jewish population of 44,000. . For example, the Imam of the Av. From January to August, the Jewish Federation of Sao Paulo recorded 149 incidents and allegations of anti-Semitism in the country in its annual Anti-Semitism Report. The cities of So Paulo, Porto Alegre and Florianpolis have a great number of followers, but in the South of Brazil the most common African influenced Ritual is Almas e Angola, which is an Umbanda like ritual. Starting around 1550, the Portuguese began to trade African slaves to work the sugar plantations once the native Tupi people deteriorated. [7]", Beginning on the night of January 24, 1835, and continuing the following morning, a group of African born slaves occupied the streets of Salvador and for more than three hours they confronted soldiers and armed civilians. One cannot deny the historic contributions of African Muslims to the early slave revolts and their efforts in leading the nation to equality and freedom for slaves. The number of Muslims in Brazil, according to the 2010 census, was 35,207 out of a population of approximately 191 million people. In 1673, 140 prisoners were taken from a Rio de Janeiro fleet, while a 1674 capture of a Brazilian ship contributed in the decision to increase naval protection. A 2020 poll indicates that around 50% of Brazilians consider themselves Catholic, down from 90% in 1970. This is perhaps due to the apparent failure of the rebellion, however, if one looks more closely at the long-term implications, 1835 was the beginning of the end for slavery in Brazil. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Brazil, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, IBGE Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics). The Ministry of Women, Family, and Human Rights National Secretariat of Human Rights received 410 reports of religious intolerance via the nationwide Dial 100 Human Rights hotline in 2019, compared with 506 in 2018. The revolt came as a result of forced conversions to Catholicism. In an August 14 appeal decision, the court returned custody to the mother. Though facing little friction overall, there are accounts of Pentecostals verbally harassing Muslims, particularly women wearing Islamic dress. Many Jews came from the Netherlands to live in Brazil in the area dominated by the Dutch. Afro-Brazilian religious groups experienced the greatest number of occurrences, with four cases involving practitioners of Candomble and 19 cases involving practitioners of Umbanda. (You know how that goes.) [29] Spiritism follows Jesus's moral teachings, and therefore its status as a non-Christian religion is an object of debate between its followers and mainstream Christians. Two percent practice Afro-Brazilian religions, and three percent are Spiritists. Official figures calculate that there are approximately 35,000 Muslims residing in Brazil, other sources show that the population reaches heights of nearly 1,500,000. According to FAMBRAS, there was an increase in anti-Muslim messages on the internet, mostly associating Islam with terrorism and spreading messages of hate against Muslim representatives and their religious symbols. A consulate representative met with Candomble priest and head of the Commission to Combat Religious Intolerance (CCIR) Ivanir dos Santos to learn about the challenges faced within the Candomble community due to the COVID-19 pandemic, new cases of religious intolerance involving followers of Afro-Brazilian religions, and possible areas in which the United States could serve as a partner for promoting religious freedom. The Rio de Janeiro Consul General wrote an op-ed in honor of the August 22 International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief. In addition, Brazil recognized the Middle Eastern Muslim country Palestine as an independent state on December 3, 2011. [30], In 1630, the Dutch conquered portions of northeast Brazil and permitted the open practice of any religion. In his decision, Judge Fabiano Verli said that this was not a religious freedom issue and that Brazil, as a secular state, must prioritize protecting vulnerable populations from the spread of COVID-19. One of the most unusual features of the rich Brazilian spiritual landscape are the sects which use ayahuasca (an Amazonian entheogenic tea), including Santo Daime, Unio do Vegetal, and Centro de Cultura Csmica. The number of Muslims in Brazil according to the 2000 census was 27,239. Brazil has the largest number of Catholics in the world. Local zoning laws and noise ordinances may limit where a religious group may build houses of worship or hold ceremonies. This confluence of faiths during the Portuguese colonization of Brazil led to the development of a diverse array of syncretistic practices within the overarching umbrella of Brazilian Catholicism, characterized by traditional Portuguese festivities. As`ad AbuKhalil is a Lebanese-American professor of political science at California State University, Stanislaus. On September 10, embassy representatives met virtually with the Ministry of Women, Family, and Human Rights Secretariat of Global Protection. These religions have suffered increasing hostility from Protestant churches, with attacks on temples and defacement of statues of the gods. 2010 Census, "2010 Population Census - General characteristics of population, religion and persons with disabilities (Portuguese)", - 50% dos brasileiros so catlicos, 31%, evanglicos e 10% no tm religio, diz Datafolha. In July, media outlets reported electrician Wanderson Fernandes said he would press charges against the mayor of Belford Roxo in Rio de Janeiro for religious intolerance. Interactive Data Table: World Muslim Population by Country. They comprise 21st century immigrants from East Asia, the Middle East, or of recent immigrant descent. In June, a pastor in Rio de Janeiro, Tupirani da Hora Lores, stated in a sermon delivered at the small, evangelical Christian Geracao Jesus Cristo Church that he prayed for God to destroy the Jews like vermin. In another sermon, he said God should bring about a second Holocaust. There are as many as 1500 PIOs among the Indian community in Brazil, and only 400 NRIs since foreign nationals can acquire local citizenship without any discrimination after 15 years of domicile in this country. As an example, the second largest fast food chain in Brazil is Habib's, which serves Arab food. Last year, Hamtramck became the first city in U.S. history where Muslims make up the entire elected city council. muslim population in brazil 2020 by | Jan 1, 2022 | literal vs nonliteral examples As of the end of 2020, the total number of foreign nationals in Germany had risen by 1.8 per cent, the lowest rate in the last decade (German Federal Statistics Office, 2021b). [22] However, the 2010 census reported nearly 1.4 million people listed themselves as members . About the sentence "Muslims advocate terrorism", 49% agreed. London: Macmillan, 1981, p. 250, Slave rebellion in Brazil: the Muslim uprising of 1835 in Bahia, p. 139,, "Countries that Recognize Palestine 2022", "Islam in Brazil or the Islam of Brazil? [5] The understanding of Muslims as a major contributor in the abolition of Slavery is overlooked and the desire to keep Brazil within its Catholic traditions still dominates Brazilian culture. Due to the secular nature of Brazil's constitution, Muslims are free to proselytize and build places of worship in the country. In fact, in the 1971 census, the Muslim growth rate went down from 32.48 to 30.78. Again, this disparity is more pronounced in Europe, with French people believing Muslims will make up 40 percent of the population in 2020, when research puts that percentage at just 8.3 percent. Buddhism was introduced to Brazil in the early twentieth century, by Japanese immigrants, although now, 60% of Japanese Brazilians are now Christian due to missionary activities and intermarriage. [citation needed] Tibetan Buddhism (Vajrayana) is also present, since Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche founded the Khadro Ling center in Trs Coroas, Rio Grande do Sul (where he lived until his death in 2002), and many other institutions across the country. The smallest proportion of Catholics is found in the Center-West region (49%). "Economy and Society in Baroque Portugal: 1668-1703." Either way, Brazil boasts the second largest Jewish . The Mal revolt, which took place on the last Sunday of the Islamic holy month of Ramadhn, was largely influenced by Islamic thought. Police concluded their investigation of a 2019 incident in which self-named Drug Traffickers for Jesus reportedly attacked a Candomble temple in the Parque Paulista neighborhood of Duque de Caxias, in the Baixada Fluminense region of Rio de Janeiro State. It has an area of 881,913 square kilometres (340,509 square miles). Through mutual-aid societies, the Mal would assist in the liberation of various other African slaves. Ipsos MORI Here is a list of Muslim populations by country. Friedman, Saul. Brazil has many versions of Protestantism. The Ambassador stated the embassy and consulates were closely following threats to religious minorities in the country and underlined the importance of religious freedom. Schwartz, S. (1970). The Imperial Government paid a salary to Catholic priest and influenced the appointment of bishops. At years end, police were investigating the case but had not identified the attackers. Muslim Americans are primarily concentrated in major metropolitan areas, particularly in the New York City area. According to national human rights hotline data and other sources, societal respect for practitioners of minority religions continued to be weak, and violent attacks on terreiros continued. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. SOUTH AFRICA- SA has 1 Million Muslims out of the total population of 58 Million. For a detailed breakdown of how many Muslims live in each of the world's countries and what percentage of that country's population that equals, check out the table below. Among the state capitals, Rio de Janeiro has the largest proportion of non-Pentecostal Protestants in the country (10.07%), followed by Vitria, Porto Velho, Cuiab and Manaus. The youngest age range - from 0 to 14 years - is the only one where . The largest communities reside in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, and Foz do Iguacu, as well as in smaller cities in the states of Parana and Rio Grande do Sul. IBOPE - Instituto Brasileiro de Opinio e Estatstica. A global survey released in June by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) showed that the percentage of Brazilians who harbor some anti-Jewish sentiment increased from 19 percent in 2019 to 26 percent in 2020. Brampton is sometimes thought of as having a high Muslim population, too, but that's because some people get their Arabs and Indians mixed up. Religious freedom is essential to freedom as a whole. By years end, there was no official investigation into comments that were alleged to be anti-Semitic. The first Jews that stayed in Brazil and openly practiced their religion came when the first Brazilian constitution granted freedom of religion in 1824, just after the independence. Protestantism in Brazil largely originated with American missionaries in the second half of the 19th century, following up on efforts that began in the 1830s. In September, embassy representatives met with the Ministry of Women, Family, and Human Rights Secretariat of Global Protection to discuss the importance of religious freedom. [13] The number of Umbandists and Candomblers could be significantly higher than the official census figure, since many of them continue to this day to disguise their religion under "Catholic" syncretism. The U.S. government estimates the total population at 211.7 million (midyear 2019 estimate). According to the Jewish Confederation of Brazil, there are approximately 125,000 Jews. The total population in Brazil is projected at 212,559,417 or 212.56 million people for the year 2020. Though Brazil has developed greatly, rising as one of the forefront economic powerhouses, one can see the remnants of this colonial age once again. On October 8, embassy representatives hosted a roundtable with representatives from three religious faiths and two interfaith organization representatives to discuss the state of religious freedom in the country and raise concerns regarding attacks on religious minorities. Adherents of other Christian groups, including Jehovahs Witnesses, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Seventh-day Adventists, as well as followers of non-Christian religions, including Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Afro-Brazilian and syncretic religious groups, such as Candomble and Umbanda, make up a combined three percent of the population. According to Terreiro Icimimo, at years end, authorities had not identified or arrested any of the vandals. These principles of freedom that were established in the faith act as inspiration. In November, during the International Religious Freedom Ministerial hosted by Poland, Foreign Affairs Minister Araujo stated his governments commitment to protecting religious freedom at home and abroad and announced Brazil would host the 2021 ministerial. By 2020, it is predicted the number of citizens will creep close to 214 million. The largest communities reside in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, and Foz do Iguacu, as well as in smaller cities in the states of Parana and Rio Grande do Sul. Early Muslims met privately for prayer, to learn to read and write Qur'anic Arabicnotable during a period when most white Brazilians were illiteratefor spiritual guidance, and in some areas, to plan uprisings (such as the 1835 Mal Uprising). According to the Bahia State Secretariat of Racial Equality, there were 10 instances of religious intolerance in the state between January and August, compared with 34 instances in the comparable period in 2019. And local governments from either supporting or hindering any specific religion a quarter of the world Brazil projected. Via embassy social media platforms dual belief system and go to both churches and terreiros the National to! And indigenous people would assist in the 1971 census, the Portuguese Jews who had been expelled muslim population in brazil 2020!, additional theological differences have arisen the 2010 census reported that 22.2 % of Brazilians to! Science at California State University of Campinas, there was no official investigation comments... Various other African slaves, including Hausa, Malinkes, and three percent are Spiritists identified or arrested any the... 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