The sahaba were real men and were fighters and very responsible people. Hibbaan: If a woman offers her five daily prayers and fasts her month How can he trust you if you In Western society it is common for a man to have mistresses and/or multiple extra-marital affairs, in which case, the woman leads a disgraceful, unprotected life. Or why is polygamy allowed in Islam? If he is mistreating you, you have the right to leave him. I feel awe, admiration and respect for any woman who gives her blessing to her husband taking a second wife. Thanks. He was kind and gentle with them. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. continue to befall the believer, man or woman, concerning himself, his child If the wife has a genuine reason for not meeting the husbands needs then she will be forgiven inshaAllah. Wel then his only after one thing isnt he has to repent to Allaah. i wouldnt state this if i honestly didnt believe it. But there are certain aspects of that needs addressing. How can something as superficial as growing a beard be a sign of a better muslim? So congratulations to the one who is patient in obeying Allaah in this life until he attains eternal delight in the gardens of Paradise. As we have said in many fatwas how Islam caters for the rights of women, men should not tamper with rights that Islam made inalienable to women, part of which is to respect their humanity. Below is one of the verses of the Quran that explains this. There needs to be an article about what men can do for their wives bcz Im sick and tired of reading any more tripe as to how I can better serve a man. Yes I used to have fights with my husband on pity things because he was not giving me the love I wanted I wanted his care I wanted him to see I stay home all alone I go frustrated n crazy. It was a good article and the author wrote it with good intention. what I have noticed from the hadith When a man calls his wife to his bed, and she does not respond and he (the husband) spends the night angry with her, the angels curse her until morning. Many Hindu religious personalities, according to their scriptures, had multiple wives. If it dont kill you then it can only make you stronger!!!! They should also be told to be content with one wife and pray more and ask Allah for peace of mind and heart. Mutual Divorce in Muslim Marriage Both you and your spouse can divorce each other if you both do not want to continue in the marriage and wish to end all marital obligations. I love Islam and if I can't accept the polygamy issue, does it mean that I am not ready to convert? yes, sex is not the only thing important in marriage, but it is the most important. its not that you need to tie a pencil to it. I found this to be quite patronising and if Im not mistaken it was written by a male? This, like everything in religion, comes down to meaning and application by the individual. The most important aspect of a lasting good islamic marriage is respect. i am conservative about my appearance and how I dress. be attracted to men, and this inclination sometimes results in haraam when we started talking, I made it very clear to him my thoughts of getting involved with a married man. But now I have a better understanding of this I used to think that it was only my husband dat acts this but I now I have a better perceptive of things! How about us woman looking at other man at some point in our lifes?.. Perhaps hes not the best Muslim in the world.You can nudge him to make him better. As described in one of the verses of the Quran below. I am extremely hurt, i dont know how to deal with his i want to divorce for hi happiness as he made me feel im extremely bad wife. For this reason, several scholars encourage a Muslim man to marry only one wife at a time, in order to protect himself from such a trial and potential punishment. You should speak to him and say you're tired after working. i am too selfish when is comes to my husband. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. I wanna be there for her in every way she would want and need. Im in Saudi and not many men do it even though there are a ton of unmarried girls here in Saudi. It may be possible in exceptional cases of one in ten thousand. Our minds collect things and remember much better than we think. During paediatric age however, in childhood itself a female child has more immunity than a male child. In every hadeeth there is meaning and insight to be gained. Its your right to add into your nikkah this is not acceptable to you that he takes a second wife without you first knowing and also put in your nikkah that at that time its your right to have a divorce at this time. I liked him and I liked everything about him. I have just remarried another wonderful man. (Narrated by Muslim). Its important that Muslim women understand the value of respect for men, especially Muslim men. After all, as Muslims, we SUBMIT our will to ALLAAHs. Is this because you dont want to get blamed for something youve said? If the woman convinces him somehow not to be angry or have some genuine problem to avoid it then I dont think she will be cursed. The person I was getting married knew I never wanted to marry him and I dislike him from my heart and I can never love him. but i don`t like the way things is going like this. After going through whole comment section, i realize that most of muslims here dont even gone through quran and hadiths before putting their questions here. May Allah(swt) make it easy on all of us, and deal with us with His Mercy and Blessings. Truly jealousy is what Allah loves and some whom He hates, his jealousy is al-ghirah (jealousy) for evil, his envied jealousy is jealous (things) that are not evil.(HR an-Nasai and Ibn Hibban), 15. Threaten her with divorce. 7. Im really not in the mood.. 5 minutes 6 seconds Dream about husband with another woman can occur when women feel insecure, ignored, or reluctant about a particular relationship. You never know a persons situation until you are in it. Great Britain has four million more females as compared to males. We live in 2014 people, not 600 BC lol. It doesnt apply to all brothers but these are the things in their mind that most probably they wont tell you about it (seeing the debate going on above, there is good ground why they choose not to tell us) cheers, Im much satisfied by this article it solved my biggest problemjazakallahu khaira, JazakAllahu khairan were happy to know this. And the wrongdoers will get their due punishment as well. Why is a man allowed to marry more than one wife in Islam? Muslim husbands are very often (not always) reluctant to talk about certain things with their wives. I will not stand for it! We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Tell him how much nicer hed look if he grew his beard. Women are not to be condemned for this jealousy, for it existed in the best of righteous women, the wives of the Companions, and even in the Mothers of the Believers. Its only allowed on some cases where its really needed. (Ameen). When polygamy is brought up we have this notion or fantasy that the man will be living the life and fulfill his desire and the women will suffer. To explain further: if a Muslim woman prays istikhaarah about If a man takes a second wife and he does not make this second marriage public this is not Islamic. If he loves you enough he is not gonna be thinking of considering another wife or another woman even for a second. I assure sisters dont think of men afterall everyone knows that Allah designed men and women differently. Intention to marry to worship Allah SWT, Marriage should be accompanied by intent. A man is the leader of the house. I can hardly think of a man, Muslim or not, refusing sex unless he is emotionally disturbed or something is worrying him. Sister when you said i will never accept this part of islam you could have come out the fold of islam!! do that which causes harmony to grow in the family and ward off disputes and In some of the following hadith, it is stated. I have two kids with him and I dont want my kids got hurt. we believe in the whole of the book and accept Allah swts rule even if we cant fully understand it because He knows us better than we know ourselves. You have the free choice to decide. Below is one of the hadith narrated. The way the Prophet did fair to his wives, Rasulullah SAW, we know that Rasulullah SAW has more than one wife. To all the women reading this post, understand that this was written with good intent, women constantly want to have a better understanding of a mans thinking, to be quite honest, the author only intended to shed more light on that, these are all mens nature, Allah built us this way. interests and desires? Is it true? This will also keep a man loyal to you. We need to understand for some men it is difficult to control themselves. Does everyone here agree with #4? My above statement was based on what I have understood from the article. Hiding passwords only mean his hiding worse things Germany has five million more females as compared to males. So.If the women is the bread winners, is the shoe on the other foot? Whatever I used to ask my husband he always said no for it but he wanted me to say yes for whatever he ask for. In the very same verse it is stated clearly that if a man cannot treat his wives with equity, he should not marry more than one woman. Yh im a girl and right now i wish i could punch u in your face!!!! of a martyr. This hadeeth was classed as daeef (weak) by al-Albaani in it says in quran it is permitted i wouldnt accept it.but it also says its better for him to take only one does it not and you need the permission of your wife also you can divorce him if you cant manage that,,,which would be very hard but if he did that,, that would tell me he doesnt care about me . Im not married yet but hearing stories like this really discourages me from wanting to get married in the future. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account Thats another story to many men with second wifes ask them how these wifes came into their lifes haram way or halal see the majority take care sisters truly we are all being tested. since its Allahs will and polygamy is halal. i) If he feels that his sexual desires may lead him to sins(sex out of marriage and all the things that come with it). Good morning But if a Muslim prays istikhaarah with regard to Very good knowledge!! I read most of the post over here Sister Sabeeqa, this life is a test for us to be rewarded in the life hereafter. and the wife wishes for a man with whom she can live in peace. @Paula- So sorry that you have to deal with all this:(. i wont share my husband even after my death. Allah knows best of this world. I was nervous the day of the meeting. Nice. For me it is so repulsive to imagine my beloved husband having another woman, making love to her and then the next day coming to me and making love to me. Win his trust, by not avoiding unnecessary problems of the day as much as you can, and tell him the most necessary ones, at the right time. love you or does he love himself and is only looking out for his own All of these are virtues and standards of character in Islam. I take care of myself, very physically fit, attractive and for being a westerner, I do not fit the stereotype of an easy american woman. Shukuran! Excerpted, with slight modifications, form: The author of the article should revise that fact about multiple marriages and how it say it should be undertaken only due to dire needs (not because He wants to for fun). nobody is forcing anyone luv. and she should realize that her husbands marrying another woman is Dont make things harms..where does it say men should ask their wives permission to many another???????? Am I not good enough? Some of us are fortunate enough and some of arent. A father should be responsible for the life of his children even though he has separated from the mother. I so agree with you I was shocked to see how lightly da matter was put up like its no big deall. Please know that when a man does not respect you, and does not keep private what goes between you and him, its a red flag against him. We must gave been in our friendly relationship stage about year and half when a coworker of his contacted me, asking me out. (2) The lady is trying to get her daughter married. I appreciate your responses! For me, my husband wanting another wife would make me feel a failure and that no matter how hard i tried to be the best wife, i would feel that im just not good enough because my husband looked elsewhere. According to my teachers, the first wife does not even have the right to give consent to her husband if he wants to marry another wife as long as he treats her justly. In the same line, wearing the cap (sorry, dont know the technical term for the cap), going to the mosque etc. else who is also married or not married? I think the writer of this article is a bit misinformed. But its true (usually). So for example if he chooses to take a second wife he must ensure that the rights of both wives are fulfilled. Yes, your right. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account I will appreciate that. Oh Dear how I understand you, my ex boyfriend, we were together for 5 years and hes Muslim. Any true Muslim woman that follows the Quran and not her husbands list of expectations would know how to treat her husband, a stupid list like this is not even necessary. However, if you are afraid that you can not be fair (between wives if you have more than one wife) marry one wife or provide with the slave girl you have (Verse 4 : 3), 7. It does not store any personal data. I may not have it word for word though. unbearable hell. The man whom I have spent my life with, snatched away from me in a second. 4787)). Beat her. You cant know this because no one knows whats in the mind of every man. This is an old post, I am not sure what is your situation now. that I have to be pleased emotionally and sexually and if not, there are other men just like for them other women. I like your comment sister and I agree 100%, For those muslimah who are not happy about the content, please remember the topic is 7 Things Your Muslim Husband Wont Tell You. I need to write and submit a good article somewhere about this topic. It is very unfortunate that some women object less to their And if a sister gives him her all, it is duty of a man to be honest always. Now that I am on the receiving end, I realized how wrong I was in denying another woman this PRIVILEGE of a husband. These feelings and emotions would be enough to destroy the relationship, if not straight away, certainly, in the near future. How can a man who is supposed to love his wife in illness and health be able to make love to another woman? Agreed! A female child can fight the germs and diseases better than the male child. Secondly, although not required but would be of good practice would be to tell my first wife of the reasons to go for second marriage. I hardly ever hear any good. He told me the coworker was jealous because I liked him. You r married to him and having two children, just try to not as to much attention and care about ur children as long as hes good with you, respects you, caring about family financially then do it for your children,unless untill they are enough grown-up. withholding sex for some ridiculous reason, for a new gift or expensive bag, etc. Sounds like a rough deal, I dont see how any of this would make a woman feel proud. If you dont then dont expect much from him. U cannot judge Islam as for a single Muslim because most of the Muslims in the world do not actually/fully follow Islamic teachings & this is the main reason everybody/non Muslims abuse Muslims, u should read English version of Quran then u will understand. lets come to nowadays situation, in any country you will see women that are affected for she couldnot get one to marry or she may divorce or widow. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. But if she denies him for no valid reason then and only then will it be a sin. Finally, it may indicate that you are committed to the relationship between your husband and his sister-in-law. but Allah ordered it in quran, the order of allah is justice because islam is full. It is a mans NEED. arguments arise amongst them, which turn the marital relationship into an Dont unsubscribe from my mailing list just yet. If a man refuses to consider his wifes sexual pleasure, along with being a jerk, he will have to answer to Allah for his neglect The consistent and constant advices to women to be patient when husbands are complete failures is ridiculous and getting really tired in 2016. But the permission of plural marriage is given in the context of protecting widows, as they need to be taken care of. (i.e. .you can teach manners n respect n every thing else to a woman cause u feed her but who teaches the wild horse running around in the greed to conquer the ears are sick n tiered of listening to the word peer pressures.exposer n all that God theres a thing called shaitan n we all have to fight it. So figure it out It is not just about you. Insha Allah I will find a lovely lady soon enough who will be a means of light within my life and for whom I will be of great comfort. Why? Good advice, but zowji doesnt like sandwhiches! where it is not clear if the matter is good or bad, and the Muslim does not You do realize Muslim men can take multiple wives, and live in multiple countries that allow polygamy?. Husbands are supposed to be the head of a family, being head of the family doesnt just mean passing commandments. Right to Receive Financial Support. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It will keep him away from different kinds of sins and might also keep him from going to other woman. He never defends you but always defends the person that u have a problem with? dont thomp your thinking on all men! By marrying second woman would grant that wife and her children with the right of having equal share of mans wealth not just that they would get father support in their upbringing which women mostly ignores when they heard of second marriage. But not when normal conditions exist. His wife was to me, the woman that I could not be and I will be forever grateful for that. 3) If she loves U she will have eyes for NO ONE ELSE. Its HARAM to look at other women to begin with so how would it be ok for them to be attracted to other women.I dont look or think about anyone but my husband!! @Annie then hes just an ungrateful husband who will NEVER be satisfied even if he had an entire harem full of women. Thwart the plans of the shaytaan by not letting this young Remember Allah only help those who help themselves. Why only wife has to live her whole life with only sabr and pain.of husbands second marriage? (i.e., Ramadaan) and guards her chastity and obeys her husband, it will be If you can not afford it, you should marry only a woman. i would never share my man with anyone even if its about someones survival. Thats extremely difficult these days. We can hold up our own end and run the household just as equally like men. Sister Fatima, a husband is never permitted to force his wife to have sex with him. Husbands who have more wives, They are obliged to provide a decent wifes life. Jazakallah khair, I have been in the same situation as Paula I too fully supported my husband..he controlled passwords to my phone ipad etc. stabbing him in the back by tearing apart his family, so that his home and It is with this layout of rulings that it is hoped that man and woman will come to love one another, hence making the marriage peaceful, fulfilling, and enjoyable. I am American, a Native American or referred to as a Red Indian in countries such as India. I agree with you 100% Kay. Likewise, if he satisfies it lawfully, he is rewarded. Do you think that by thinking this way I am against Islam and I would not be a good Muslim? 100355. O ye who believe! So, now YOU move away from in front of the TV and make ME a sandwich. I could not fathom him holding her close and whispering loving words in her ears. She stopped opening up to him after a while because nothing would change. The wife has the free will to either choose to have sex with her husband or not. You have to live your life to the fullest and your children deserve a safe and loving environment to grow up in, not one in which their beloved mother is abused. Giving no respect to our opinions, making important decidions without shura, making us shoulder financial responsibilities All these kinds of things make us feel switched off sexually towards you. We have been married for 18 years. May be it is not looking good for you but it would be good for the society as a whole. ALLAAH made them that way. My husband married his brother's wife. I mourned him for a long, long time. Masha Allah, Quite an informative and interactive forum. There are, however sir, double standards- and I think thats part of the root of what most people here contradicting you are getting mad about. Men cannot even manage one woman fairly, how would he be able to multi task with two women who have two separate needs and expectations. You have a nerve to say all men want another woman at some time. He told me that his first wife knows that he is intending to marry again but that she is obviously not supportive of the idea and that he doesnt know what her reaction will be when he tells her that he had found someone. After 2 weeks, a group of ladies from my family went to my in-laws house for patch up, but in front of them my husband again repeated the divorce words three times. I have also grown to have feelings for him but I try and hide it all the time.Is it possible for me to make istikaara whilst married and also what do we do? to continue to have any place in your life. Made us cook only traditional food. In particular the Hadith. When I thought that life would last forever and that nothing will ever change. From Maqil bin Yasar, he said: Somebody came to the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam and said: I have a woman who has dignity and beauty, but she is barren. If a man is ignorant, unaware or does not care about his wifes emotional and physical needs, then he has set the clock for her to NOT want to be with him. 1. to grant you what is desired by you The future marriage will be a happy one. Man is not allowed to divorce a woman just because she cannot give birth to his son/daughter but women are allowed to ask for KHULA (which is automatically granted) if man is impotent. I loved my first and my second and till date i remember them and i cry for them. Your email address will not be published. I love this reply, thats exactly how I feel about men marrying multiple wives today. And men have all and every right to get married 4 times if he can afford it remember ladies , no he doesnt need permission from you but its better you discuss about it . I came to my parents I told them and I told them I cant live with him please set me free. His age 31. I got married to him for my family, soon after marriage the day I went to his house the entire house burden n my father in laws responsibility was on me. 3) Its one of the things that will actually also keep the man satisfied. Allaah has caused men to be attracted to women, and women to be attracted to men, and this inclination sometimes results in haraam relationships such as zina, and sometimes it results in permissible relationships such as marriage. I will practice , When I get Maried.. Insha Allah , oh god, it was scary reading this and realizing theres an entire culture of people that think this way and live this way. Because ISLAM is the only perfect way of lifestyle. of reaching you or your family or children. It has to be earned. In marriage at least men are asking for HALAL sex , men are just more horny than girls so if you love your husband and he needs you to relieve his sexual desires then so be it . Also, there was and probably always be more women in the world than men, so technically you are leaving some poor Muslim sister without a loving husband to care for her. Men see things differently, so if you get into details of the things which he believes are childish and unnecessary he may get annoyed, and if you do it at the time when he isnt still out of the worries of the day then. should be noted that many marriages that are based on love are doomed to you, why is he striving to wreck your home and destroy your family? This does not mean husbands have the right to force their wives to engage in sex. Sure, I can fake respect. She lives in Senegal with her husband and his other wives. I dont understand why man cheat on wife so much. I missed him every day with every beat of my heart. It is far easier for man to get back in mood for sex than a women. There is a reason why the majority of the inhabitants in Jahannam are women. WOW where did you evolve that doctrine -_- I mean that holds true for slaves but for multiple marriages, nowhat if someone has more than average desirewould you rather see him satisfy it via haram means and let him go to hell or to have his company in a second wife can be taken without the permission of the first but it is strongly advised that permission be sought but it is not wajib [unless it was agreed upon at the time of Nikkah] saying so reminds of mullahs in sub continent, Tunis and Turkey [who actually have the nerve of deeming it illegal in its entirety] and a few other sexually liberated yet religiously repressed Muslim countrieswhat is Halal is halalif you dont like that or as you said This is one part of Islam I can never except then please say touba as you are contradicting the Hudood Allah by picking and choosingyou cannot bring jidat [innovation] to the deen nor can you pick and choose what you like or dont like. Brothers, marriage involves two people. You have the right to your happiness and to be treated with respect. Sex when he wants even if the woman doesnt?? when you bring it out again after all these years hell surely become again that fantasy sixteen year old you might have previously resorted to when he sheepishly said oops sorry just seems i aint in the mood luv. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. He uttered the divorce words three times in one meeting, then I went back to my parents house. Doesnt? get back in mood for sex than a male child its about someones survival his! Both wives are fulfilled Indian in countries such as India some my husband married another woman islam where its really needed man is. And might also keep the man satisfied another woman this PRIVILEGE of a better Muslim agree. And run the household just as equally like men a Native American or referred to a! 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