This is a separate church for each ethnic group. 1Center of Excellence for Nursing Scholarship, Rome, Italy, The Evolution of Professional Nursing Culture in Italy. Clinical nurses focus group expressed that: Nurses have lots of fears; fear of changes; fear of losing autonomy; fear we are not competent . In fact, nursing education was not completely autonomous in the Italian universities, as expressed below. Job satisfaction of Italian nurses: An exploratory study, Nursing roles and levels of practice: A framework for differentiating between elementary, specialist, and advancing nursing practice, European nursing students academic success or failure: A post-Bologna Declaration systematic review, The Bologna Process: The quiet revolution in nursing higher education. Some religious holidays are still celebrated. In conjunction with the need for courage, we found that younger Italian nurses were particularly concerned about maintaining a firm focus on the relational aspects of patient care. ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. Specifically, we leveraged the distinctive Italian style of focus group discussion (FGD), whereby metaphors are frequently used to communicate meaning and passion about a given topic (Carpenter, 2008; Sandelowski, 1998). Info: 1653 words (7 pages) Nursing Essay This impacts multiple areas, including education of the young., Other quotes included the following: Leopard spots are in the territory of evolutionary changes. The inclusion of three generational levels of nurses (ranging from young students, novices, experienced clinical nurses, and seasoned head nurses) provided a broad lens through which to examine the meaning of change. Undergirding these paradigm shifts are efforts to understand the nature of professional culture and culture change in health care systems and organizations. In 2010, the Regulatory Board of Nursing established a center of excellence to build evidence-based practice, advocate for interdisciplinary health care, and champion health profession reforms for nursing. Different content standards create confusion. Clinical nurse participants stressed the need for guidance on how to navigate the deductive jungle to practice competently. This continues the deductive jungle. Nursing Shortage: As Serious As It Is Publicized. . (Lyn & Killian, 2010) Parenting styles vary within the different regions in Italy, but in general, most parents take a casual approach to discipline. We have to do something with the means we have, with our IPASVI, with our professional associations, with our Regulatory Boards, with the transformation of our image. Nurses cited the need to change the model of health care delivery in Italy. What (if any) is the contribution of IPASVI toward either positive or negative cultural change in nursing practice and research? IPASVI coordinates Italys Provincial Colleges, which hold the registry of the nurses. These included (a) critical processes (to build, manage, and sustain changes), (b) resources (including physical and intellectual capacity and funding), (c) multi-level supports including intra and intercollaborations (involving other disciplines), (d) cross-sector partnerships including the Italian Ministries of Health and Education, and (e) active community supports. Focus groups utilized many descriptors to characterize the range of emotional turmoil and, at times, instability and fear experienced by and perceived by nursing professionals. It's funny how similar they are to my own culture when it comes to family and food. The practice is changing. It is found that the Italians have a high intake of carbohydrates, low intake of fat with a high intake of monounsaturated fats compared to saturated fats. If the stipulation of the best probable curing for all patients is the aim, decisive care nurses must have experience and skill in the release of culturally suitable and culturally competent medical care. The aim of this study is to validate in Italian the "Nurse Cultural Competence Scale" (NCCS), an assessment tool which measures the cultural competence level of nursing staff. Affonso D. D., De Marinis M. G., Finocchi G., Piredda M., Pulimeno L., Tartaglini D., Rocco G. (2007). Lunch is the biggest meal of the day and is known to be followed by a nap. This certainty is particularly true in critical care components, where patients with life-threatening diseases are cured. What consequences are there for the future of the nursing profession in Italy if the current change did not happen? Gennaro Rocco, MScN, RN, is director of the Center of Excellence for Nursing ScholarshipIPASVI in Rome, Italy. (Kittler et al., 2017), Less pasta and more meat are consumed meaning that the amount of saturated fats in the diet is increased and the carbohydrates might decrease from that of the Italian culture. So the care is different. Coraggio was also discussed relative to its dimension of economics that drive social-public systems change. Kittler, P. G., Sucher, K. P., & Nahikian-Nelms, M. (2017). Italian translators, fluent in English, transcribed the FGDs under the supervision of the first author. These included coraggio (Italian semantics, meaning courage), signifying nurses resilience and fortitude to traverse negative forces; investment in nursing infrastructure development; and paradoxical dilemmas permeating changes in Italian nursing culture. The social context of nursing is important for our professional identity. The complexities that underpin the vortex were also discussed by doctoral students as follows: The decisional autonomy, the right way to communicate, the process of decision-making, the right way to practice is to be studied by us [nurses]. The main course a dish with fish or meat served with a starchy or green vegetable, followed by salad (Kittler et al., 2017). The sample limited comparisons or contrasts of nurses perceptions because most of the participants were largely urban nurses from Rome and Genoa. You may switch to Article in classic view. The young We need courage to do change. Study participants also recommended consideration of strategies to strengthen the smaller, localized branches of IPASVI at the provincial level throughout Italy. must. It has been interesting and informative for me. We are educated health professionals who are doctors in miniature, with small skillset. National health care reform initiatives are focused on improving access to quality care, integrating services across the continuum of care, managing costs, and building the long-term sustainability of the health care system as a whole. Many nurses noted that the hard core of the Italian health system difficult to break and the persistent medical umbrella were obstacles to advancing not only nursing but also other health professions. We utilize security vendors that protect and Metaphors in qualitative research: Shedding light or casting shadows? . Free resources to assist you with your nursing studies! (Kittler et al., 2017), When counseling someone from the Italian culture there are a few things to keep in mind. It is known that when a Italian goes to seek help from a health professional they tend to be open and willing to explain their symptoms. They expressed awareness and also concern that other resources were urgently needed to sustain the IPASVI-CoEs infrastructure: IPASVI-CoE is the rock of salvation for nurses in Italy; it [is] the major support system to promote professionalism of nursing in Italy. Another participant noted that IPASVI-CoE gives opportunity for us to reflect practice, talk of changes, and have a path to a better future in nursing. Moreover, nurse directors added. Nurses across the majority of groups also discussed the importance of life-long learning, with the IPASVI-CoE being cited as one of the leadership institutions that provides opportunities for professional development via new educational programs: Life-long learning is important for the contemporary nurse in Italy. A discussion paper, Medical dominance in Italy: A partial decline, Autonomy, evidence, and intuition: Nurses and decision-making, Professional autonomy in 21st century healthcare: Nurses accounts of clinical decision-making. Nurses described the evolutionary process, using terms such as searching for meaningfulness; striving to manage changes at all levels of physical, psychosocial, ethical and legal ramifications; hoping for new standards of practice congruent with international nursing protocols; and struggling with autonomy to evoke a new image of professional nursing in Italy. Italian nursing students have more positive attitudes than those of other countries. (2010, November). Outcomes included phrases and descriptors representing categorical evaluations of the codebooks/worksheets. Nurses are in a vortex where the only objective is to come to the end of the shift and then come out from that vortex. Throughout ages, nursing and medical care have always been a dynamic, steadily sprouting study, modifying and adjusting following a broad assortment of factors. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. In contrast, cultural reforms for Italian nursing are largely compelled through public laws, which are enacted by the Italian Ministry of Health. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Camerino D., Estryn-Bhar M., Conway P. M., van Der Heijden B. I., Hasselhorn H. M. (2008). Nursing Culture refers to the way of life of a given group. All participants signed a consent agreement signifying acceptance of the procedures involved in study, the focus groups in particular. Cultural values, beliefs, traditions and behaviors inform our care and make us . Trying to adjust your nursing practice on the assumed cultural needs of a patient will only get you in trouble. (2021, September 1). In Italy, professional cultural reforms connote different perspectives among the health professions. Children are encouraged to live at home until they're married, or even longer. Declaration of Conflicting Interests: The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. Reflections and decision making emerged via investigative team discussions (face-to-face and by Skype) to increase credibility of the interpreted data. . How are we to give quality standards of care? 3. Study authors convened to generate themes from the codes and categories. Furthermore, these metaphors shed insights into understanding system changes, such as that of the Italian health care system. Laura Sabatino, PhD student, MScN, RN, is a lecturer at Tor Vergata University in Rome, Italy. Throughout this paper I have found that though it is easy to generalize a culture in to stereotypes with the Italian culture I found that there is diversity within the culture that is found in every other culture. Though older immigrants fear that drafts (Kittler et al., 2017), hidden emotions and the supernatural might be the cause of illness. We need ways to be courageous. They included (a) clinical hospital-based nurses (n = 10); (b) nurses in community practice (n = 9); (c) a mixed group of hospital and community nurses (n = 9); (d) designated nurse scholars (n = 6), including three deans of schools of nursing; (e) hospital nursing directors (n = 8); (f) doctoral nursing students (n = 8); (g) masters nursing students (n = 7); and (h) baccalaureate nursing students (n = 9). Gratitude and appreciation are expressed to all collaborating partners of this study. Otherwise, why be a nurse? For example, possibilities exist for a nurse to have a managerial career. 2021. Kinn L. G., Holgersen H., Ekeland T. J., Davidson L. (2013). Yet, these decisions largely reside in socio-political and governmental forces as described below. The social context of career choice among millennial nurses: Implications for interprofessional practice, The regulation of autonomy in nursing: The Italian situation, Industrial action by nurses: The Italian situation, The coding manual for qualitative research-hers, Writing a good read: Strategies for re-presenting qualitative data. Education and experience can model and transform students' attitudes. Please don't misunderstand and assume I'm looking for stereotypes. Learn about Top Italian Nursing Schools. The capability to offer culturally capable care is particularly significant for critical care nurses, who act in high-perception, high-pressure healthcare surroundings. There was a culture of silence around talking about death and terminal illness (Heyse-Moore 2009). Italian Americans may seek medical advice from family and friends before consulting a health professional (Kittler et al., 2017). Retrieved August 4, 2019, from Many Italians use alternative therapies--homeopathic medicine, acupuncture and massage. Cooking methods dont change from their Italian origins as they are close to the Americans cooking variations. Lahtinen P., Leino-Kilpi H., Salminen L. (2014). Critical care nurses are required to enhance the cultural capability to be successful in founding relations with patients and to accurately assess, develop, and implement nursing interventions designed to meet patients needs. Transcription and content verification enabled (a) retrieval of key words and phrases, and (b) detection of nonverbal communication, gestures, and behaviors. We explored the perceptions of Italian nurses regarding their developing culture as a health profession. student. A Delphi survey of Health Education System and Interprofessional nurse' role,. Healthcare providers need to be adequately trained to provide culturally competent care. The Italian nursing profession is still struggling to reach significant academic positions across the country. In this study, focus groupsinvolving 66 nurse participants from various educational, clinical, and administrative backgroundswere utilized to better ascertain how the profession has changed. The American Nurses Association recognized the necessity to offer culturally competent care and established in the association's code that nurses, in all qualified relations, are required to practice with care and respect for the intrinsic dignity, significance, and individuality of every person. Meal patterns might change to have the larger meal at dinner time instead of lunch. The contribution of nursing to the safety of inpatients: A multicentred qualitative study on near misses.. This limitation, however, enabled two strengths of the study. available We will write a custom Nursing essay specifically for you for only $16.00 $11/page Learn more. Necessary changes had not been fully embraced in health care organizations, and as a result, with little or no institutional buy-in or designated resources, there had not been widespread improvements in the quality of patient care. Get Access Related Better Essays Meal wise lunch consists of an appetizer course to start, such as ham, sausages, pickled vegetables, and olives, or crostini (Kittler et al., 2017). I enjoyed this cultural analysis because I got to research and learn about someone elses culture in-depth and determine a way that I would be able to counsel them. Lack of cultural consciousness and breakdown to offer culturally competent care can significantly augment the stresses undergone by seriously deceased patients and can outline insufficient care offered by healthcare specialists. Academisation of nursing: An ethnography of social transformations in Chile. Prompt questions to stimulate group discussion were as follows: Focus groups were 60 to 90 min in duration, facilitated by an Italian nurse investigator (fourth author), and conducted in Italian. American nurses may not understand patients and make wrong conclusions. If a ward, department doesnt work, it is [the] responsibility of the nurse manager to raise problems and try to solve them, through life-long learning. The substance is present, but we have to give it visibility, said a study participant. Table of Contents 1 Chapter 01: 21st Century Maternity Nursing Chapter 02: Community Care: The Family and Culture Chapter 03: Assessment and Health Promotion Chapter 04: Reproductive System Concerns Chapter 05: Infertility, Contraception, and Abortion Chapter 06: Genetics, Conception, and Fetal Development Chapt This essay on Italian Culturally Competent Nursing Care was written and submitted by your fellow But one structure is not enough. Mrs. S compared American-Italian patients perception of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and urinary tract infections and corresponding medical care actions throughout the patients admittances to the rigorous medication and care unit. Nurses bring these rich cultural values with them to the profession. (Kittler et al., 2017), A healthcare provider should use respectful communication practices that are warm and empathetic. In conclusion, this study presented valuable information for program development that can continue to build and support the practice, education, and research directives of Italian nurses. Cultural diversity is important in nursing for a number of reasons. This paper is an analysis and critique of a published nursing philosophy and theory by the nurse theorist Madeleine Leininger, called Culture Care theory. IvyPanda, 1 Sept. 2021, Vortex described the turbulent changes and transitions associated with the cultural evolution of nursing as a health profession. A convenience, purposive sample of 66 nurses (22 males and 44 females) enrolled in the study. Italian moms are known for their warm, involved mothering, which can border on over protectiveness. Email: Received 2014 May 2; Accepted 2014 Jul 28. First and foremost, it allows nurses to provide more effective and culturally sensitive care to patients from diverse backgrounds. This facilitated and enabled full participation by all study authors, including those who did not speak Italian. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you Moreover, strong investment in clinical practice via other innovative programs that focus on life-long learning (cited as an important goal by nurse participants) and evidence-based practice was noted by group participants. The fourth and the fifth authors of the study, assisted by a group of trained undergraduate nursing students, then developed categories, based on the codebook, which reflected topics, issues, and other concerns of importance to the group. The sample included a wide range of nurses from the students of undergraduate, masters, and doctoral programs to hospital-based and community nurses, nurse directors, and nurse educators/scholars. Study participants also noted that IPASVI has a pivotal role in promoting nursing as an ethical profession, demonstrating value of the cultural evolution processes of nursing and portrays a normative view point of nursing as equally important to other health professions in Italy. Some nurse directors, however, declared that IPASVI has to be present effectively in all regions of Italy and not only at leopard spot. Different visions of the various IPASVI Regulatory Boards were noted as an obstacle to achieving a shared vision that could guide the profession. The Obesity Society is a great public health program for the Italian American culture as obesity shows up in 45% of women and 66% of men throughout the culture. Critique of Madeleine Leininger's Culture Care Theory. The Italian culture is as complexed as any other culture. A specific challenge that was addressed was the current limitation of advanced practice roles for nurses in Italy that stunted nursing as a career. In this regard, study findings had implications for the Italian Ministry of Health. Study authors provided written assurance to participants for protection in confidentiality of the data. Moral courage: A virtue in need of development? Noteworthy, partnerships between IPASVI, the Italian Ministries of Health and that of Education, and other key nursing organizations were discussed as future possibilities based on strong relational commitments. Leopard spots represented the innate unchanging way of the old regime whereas Deductive jungle conveyed nurses individual struggles in clinical decision making throughout their professional experiences. Posted 8:04:48 PM. Managing professional change is viewed as an essential component of health care system reform in several countries (Ayala, Fealy, Vanderstraeten, & Bracke, 2014). With a rise in obesity in the Italian culture this is an important factor to keep in mind when counseling. (Kittler et al., 2017), Stews, baked dishes, roasted meats, grilled meats, and pan fried food items are popular cooking methods. In these circumstances, the necessity for culturally competent curing is prominently obvious. The doctoral student focus group emphasized a unique dimension of coraggio, namely, that of social change and public policy changes when they commented on the need for courage to push policy forward and sustain policy for professional development. We used a qualitative focus group design. We established dependability through coding, sub-categorizing, and categorizing (Bryman, 2008). Although these changes were largely seen as progressive (Barazzetti, Radaelli, & Sala, 2007; Sala & Manara, 1999; Sala & Usai, 1997), Italian nurses perceived them to be controversial. Unfortunately, we, in Italy, have unions that are not ready to value nursing competencies. Beliefs and Health Practices Italians often complain of all of their symptoms and require an immediate medical response. Families may want to take dying member home to care for. Since coraggio is [one of] our deep Italian values, it has to be in our ethical code in our professional identity. IvyPanda. Undergraduate nursing students (three, one observer per focus group), trained as participant observers, took notes, paying particular attention to nonverbal behaviors and dynamics during group sessions. Breakfast normally includes coffee with milk, tea, or a chocolate drink, with bread and jam (Kittler et al., 2017). Several building blocks were found to be critical to cementing nursing infrastructure in Italy. The program is designed for students to receive three credits in undergraduate NURS 4126 (nursing core . The research team made a contribution to the field by making salient the significance of metaphors that enrich group dynamics in qualitative research. Public atmosphere is more relaxed; private more controlled. Coraggio was communicated to underscore the importance of nurses psychological well-being when enduring the difficulties associated with change (Kidder, 2005). (Kittler et al., 2017). This is exemplified by several quotes of clinical nurses and nurse directors: We are seeking nursing autonomy for a better and more meaningful image of Italian nursing. We need to have modern models to increase our motivation and better manage the changes upon us. We strive for professionalism; its beginning now in Italy. Preliminary evidence, however, told us that reflective clinical decision-making was a means to cope with the deductive jungle and the IPASVI-CoE had to use it as a source of educational training, with a particular focus on skillset development in clinical decision-making. Focus group sessions took place in a private conference room. In confidentiality of the procedures involved in study, the Evolution of professional culture and culture change in nursing and. ; re married, or even longer contribution of nursing as a health (. We will write a custom nursing essay specifically for you for only $ 16.00 $ 11/page Learn nursing care for italian culture,! One of ] our deep Italian values, it allows nurses to provide more effective and sensitive... Lunch is the contribution of nursing is important for our professional identity profession is still struggling to significant. 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