No. After training in the Pearl Harbor area, she steamed for Ulithi via Eniwetok, joining the 5th Fleet there 11 April. This report is based on references (a), (b), (c), and (d) submitted by the Commanding Officer or the Senior Surviving Officer as the case may be. Due to sinkage and port list as the result of torpedo explosions forward, most of these compartments on the second deck were flooding through the shell holes in the port side as surviving personnel were abandoning this area. Help| On the afternoon of 13 August, in company with four British cruisers, one French cruiser, and four American destroyers, QUINCY departed Malta for the landings on the southern coast of France, arriving Baie de Cavalaire 15 August. 4 mount out of action. The seams were opened and bulged inward but were forced back into place, and no appreciable leakage resulted. The other hit at frame 74 in way of No. E. Notes and Recommendations by Commanding Officers. The hit on the face plate of turret I made a clean hole 11 inches in diameter through the 8" class "B" face plate and the 51 lb. After a port visit in Haiti, the QUINCY proceeded north to her new homeport of Norfolk, Va., where she arrived on 16 July. At 0155 when enemy searchlights illuminated ASTORIA, the main battery was trained out and fire was opened immediately upon order of the gunnery officer. Exposed powder was set on fire, apparently from hot fragments. About 0209, No. Midship Repair Station and Second Deck Ammunition Hoists. 26 and 28, respectively) which were reported to have exploded the ready-service boxes starting intense fires. During the next fifteen minutes. 20), about seven minutes later, caused all fires to go out and fuel suction to be lost. Two minutes later No. Diesels were started and they supplied power to turrets I and III. 3. As a result, QUINCY was without fire power about eight minutes after contact with the enemy. No hits were received in the after engine room. 2 mess hall were hit repeatedly, apparently the same hits mentioned in the preceding paragraph. These fires eventually necessitated the abandoning of the firerooms and engine rooms due to intense heat and dense smoke. The person's rank/rate ? It will be noted in the narrative that all three of these ships sank by capsizing. special treatment steel) passed down into No. Special incendiary projectiles may have been fired by the Japanese, but the burning "grape-nut" fragments referred to in paragraph 41 might have been fragments of explosive from a low-order detonation. About two 6-gun salvos had been fired to starboard by the forward two turrets when turret II was struck, probably by an 8" A.P. Five-inch A.A. ammunition in the port passageway was set on fire by at least three hits (Nos. Letters from a Sailor, My Uncle Ted just celebrated his 83rd birthday (11-9-2013), was on the USS Quincy for 2-1/2 yrs, remembers Lt Kenneth Farmer,Woodrow Kirk, Ira Jay Hopkins Jr, Roger Miller, Roger Dudley. Between 27 July and 13 August the cruiser participated in training exercises at Malta and Camarota, Italy. (b) C.O. Control was shifted to the after steering station. 42 set films in the movie lockers on fire. Fragments from the hit also severed steering leads which resulted in the loss of steering control. At 02:10, incoming shells killed or wounded almost all of Quincy's bridge crew, including the captain. Now Deceased (1982) QUINCY continued to support carrier aircraft strikes against Okinawa, Tokuno Shima, Kikai Jima, Amami Gunto, and Asumi Gunto until the force returned to base 13 June. Samuel Moore Class of 1913. QUINCY was detached from European duty 1 September and steamed for Boston, arriving one week later. Many 5" hits were also sustained in the wardroom country. Life rafts and life nets and other floatable objects were thrown overboard, and the senior surviving officers present directed personnel to abandon ship. Some of these are briefly discussed below. Jump to:navigation, search. 3) in the barbette in way of the shell deck. They were still able to fire in local control. The fires amidships which were started early in the action undoubtedly contributed more in an indirect fashion to the loss of these three ships than any other factor. Ammunition hoists to secondary battery were put out of operation by either direct hits or fragments. Also history and medals. The spotter was unable to clear this. After fitting out at Boston for a Presidential cruise, Quincy steamed for Hampton Roads, Virginia, 16 November. USS Quincy CA39, USS Astoria CA34 & USS Vincennes CA44 Loss in Action, U.S.S. These explosions either ruptured the hull or opened seams, which permitted water to enter causing the ship to list to port. Baxter was participating in the 25th reunion of former crew members since the USS Salem Asslociaion formed in the late 1980s. AP37/A16-3/(00500) dated 29 Aug. 1942 (War Action Report). President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his party embarked on Quincy on 23 January 1945, at Newport News, Virginia, for passage to Malta, arriving 2 February. This action of August 9, 1942 was the first action of this war in which one of our task forces was engaged in a night gunfire and torpedo attack. The person's command ? projectiles. Naval Drydock, South Boston Mass. 23), cutting off the cartridge case bases and causing them to burn like "Roman Candles". Although not reported, it appears as though a hit was received in the forward engine room because the exhaust steam line carried away and a flange on main steam line began leaking badly. En route, Quincy safely rode out the severe typhoon of 5 June. I am not sure of some information and so left the fields blank. The increased draft and port list which resulted, brought the projectile holes in the skin of the ship below the water line. 6 and 30) struck doubling plates but did not enter the hull. From then until 0200 the enemy was hitting with large and small caliber projectiles with increasing rapidity. 8) was received on top of the turret but did not penetrate. Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories. Eventually, the powder or the projectiles in the forward 5" magazine exploded, rupturing the hull. USS Quincy (CA 39) From USNA Virtual Memorial Hall. As told to me as a kid by my grandpa at night I was in normandy rode with President Roosevelt and family and 2 maids, and winston Churchill was a cook for them. All the ships were in condition of Readiness II, material condition Zed. She was commissioned at the U.S. She was the third ship to carry the name. Quincy's assistant gunnery officer, sent to the bridge to ask for instructions, reported on what he found: "When I reached the bridge level, I found it a shambles of dead bodies with only three or four people still standing. The Commanding Officer immediately ordered bridge and foretop abandoned as 1.1" ammunition in the clipping room above the bridge was exploding, endangering surviving personnel. She steamed westward the afternoon of 24 August to support minesweepers clearing the channel to Port de Bouc in the Marseilles area. Click here for a larger version of this plate. 48). The use of 8" A.P. A powder fire was reported in this turret as a result of the hit in the barbette. On the other hand, six of the nine turrets on ASTORIA, QUINCY and VINCENNES were put out of action due to direct hits by 8" A.P. During the meeting, President Roosevelt tried to persuade Ibn Saud to give support for Jewish immigration to Palestine, and hoped that Ibn Saud might be able to offer constructive advice on the Palestine issue. Ambassador Ray Mabus unveiled a detailed model of the meeting on Quincy, paid for with private donations, and this model is still on display today at Quincy House.[8]. 35 and 39) passed through the laundry and detonated in the uptakes. One 8" projectile passed through the. This fire was not extinguished. 62. room, diesel generator room, bomb stowage, and the 5" A.A. handling room were immediately flooded. projectile in the forward messing compartment. This fireroom was then secured and later abandoned. At 0155 the gunnery officer on ASTORIA sighted an enemy cruiser force bearing about 230 relative, range 5500 yards. The Chief of Naval Operations directs that this report be shown only to those persons to whom the report would be of value in the performance of their duties. 32, USS Lexington CV2 War Damage Report No. VINCENNES, U.S.S. The hangar curtain had been previously removed because of blast damage received during the bombardment the preceding day. One 8" projectile set ready-service ammunition at gun No. 21) and library (Hit No. 28. The ship then capsized to port, the bow went under, the stern raised, and the ship slid from view. Undoubtedly, there were many other hits in these and other spaces which were not reported. The first hit (No. These hits cut fire main risers and started fires which filled the compartments with smoke. Her own aircraft strafed targets in Omonawa on Tokune Shima 19 May. Quincy sat in the reserve fleet at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard until she was stricken on 1 October 1973. Dense smoke and fires cut off fore-and-aft passage on the second deck. Assigned to Cruiser Division 8 of the United States Navy Atlantic Fleet, Quincy's first mission was to sail for the Mediterranean area in Jul 1936 to protect American interests in Spain during the height of its civil war. 22), log room (Hit No. At 0330 a rain squall passed over the ship. 57, Wartime Diversion of US Navy Forces in Response to Public Demands for Augmented Coastal Defense-CNA, Wartime Instructions for United States Merchant Vessels 1942, Washington Navy Yard: History of the Naval Gun Factory, 1883-1939, Washington Navy Yard - Pay Roll of Mechanics and Labourers, c1819-1820, WAVE QUARTERS D STATION RULES FOR LIFE AT D, [UPDATED] Washington Navy Yard Station Log November 1822 - December 1889, The Story Behind Names of Different Ranks, History of Warrant Officers in the US Navy, Women's Uniform Regulations, Yeoman (F), US Naval Reserve Force, 1918, Women's Winter Uniform Regulations, Yeoman (F), US Naval Reserve Force, 1919, World War I British and German Naval Messages (1918), World War II Invasion of Normandy 1944 Interrogation of Generalleutnant Rudolf Schmetzer, Deck plans of ASTORIA showing hits and locations of fires, Outboard profile of VINCENNES showing hits. 28, USS Princeton CVL23 War Damage Report No. 11). The 5" magazines were not flooded probably because the valves to the sea floods were inaccessible. [4], Quincy returned on 25 January 1942 to Icelandic waters on convoy duty with TF 15 and made a patrol in the Denmark Straits from 811 March. The after mess hall was hit at least once (Hit No. Just as the collision was averted, steering control was lost on the bridge and transferred to central station. Radio II, Mess Hall and After Repair Station. She spent the remainder of 1939 on patrol in the North Atlantic due to the outbreak of World War II. At the same time, turret I was put out of action due to a fire in the upper powder room and a hit on the shell deck. Home Join Now About Hullnumber Before You Register Tell A Shipmate FAQs Related Links Contact Us. Men manning the secondary battery and antiaircraft stations on the foremast suffered especially heavy casualties due to fragments from 5" projectiles. Two days later she departed Ulithi and joined Rear Admiral Wiltses Cruiser Division 10, in Vice Admiral Mitschers Fast Carrier Task Force. As a result, there is a great deal of information which, naturally, is contradictory in many instances. Director I was jammed in train as the forestay had carried away due to damage, and caught around the radar antenna. Excess equipment, paint on bulkheads, records, and so forth in officers' spaces and in ship's offices provided fuel for a fire which gradually worked downward exploding ammunition in the 5" hoists. The surviving personnel realized that it was necessary to abandon ship as quickly as possible. Since there were no survivors from the No. 31). The new year saw the ship visiting Cannes, France; Valenica, Spain and Oran, Algeria, before the QUINCY returned to Norfolk. U.S.S. does not share your information. 34 and 37) exploded ammunition in ready-service lockers and set fire to the cane fenders stowed aft of the searchlight platform. During the engagement described in paragraphs 12, 13, and 14, ASTORIA sustained an unknown number of hits from 8", 5", and 20mm projectiles of which about 63 were reported in references (a) and (b). 14). ASTORIA, plus two destroyers on the night of August 8-9, 1942 comprised Task Group 62.3. No. These fires were never brought under control. No. The CA68 class are better in this respect than the CL55 class, so that, on this latter class, there are also installed two 60 kw emergency diesel generators for use with the casualty power system. The turret was completely gutted and left burning like a torch. Quincy was authorized on 17 June 1940; laid down by the Bethlehem Steel Company, Shipbuilding Division, Quincy, Massachusetts as St. Paul on 9 October 1941; renamed Quincy on 16 October 1942 to perpetuate that name after destruction of the second Quincy at the Battle of Savo . Preliminary Design Branch The layout of the Crew List can be adjusted to the existing site one's and your visitors will be able to quickly and securely contact old shipmates. The heat from this fire forced the crew to abandon the after engine room. 15. 1 in the officers' galley (Hit No.'s mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. 11 and 23) 3 fireroom". He died in 1992. QUINCY and U.S.S. The structural damage, though severe, was not of a serious nature except in the cases of the penetrative hit into No. 95. 24. [4], On 28 July, Quincy sailed with TF 16 for Iceland on neutrality duty which included a patrol in the Denmark Straits from 2124 September. (b)The projectiles used against BOISE had a flat nose with a windshield. 85. Besides the damage from the projectiles, two torpedo hits were received. Two attempts were made, the latter successful. 30. Both smoke stacks were reported riddled by fragments and minor caliber hits. However, the coming of theKorean Warbrought a need for more active gun ships andQuincywas recommissioned in January 1952. Over 1000 men were killed or lost at sea. Her loss was widely mourned and for the 1983 Little Beavers reunion, when Bath Iron Works wanted to present a model to Adm. Burke and asked shipmates which ship it should be, Spence was the answer. Numerous hits during the early part of the action put out most of the guns of the secondary battery. room about frame 45. Later, the Commanding Officer ASTORIA estimated this enemy force to be composed of at least three (probably four) heavy cruisers of NACHI class and about four destroyers. 48, USS Canberra CA70 War Damage Report No. About 0300, when smoke was reaching down into the lower deck spaces, the small arms magazine and one group of forward 8" magazines were flooded. President Roosevelt and his party embarked in QUINCY 23 January 1945 at Newport News, Va. for passage to Malta, arriving 2 February. He unfortunately passed away in 2005 in San Diego, CA. The few CO2 extinguishers were entirely inadequate for the fires that existed. 16) struck the 1.1" clipping room on the battle lookout and machine gun platform. Personnel casualties suffered by QUINCY were by far the heaviest sustained on any of the three ships in this action. ; launched on 9 March 1944; co-sponsored by Mrs. Angelina Bertera and Miss Norma McCurley; and commissioned on 9 September 1944 at Boston, Mass., Capt. It also emphasizes the importance of reducing fire hazards aboard ship to the absolute minimum. Rear Admiral Wiltse transferred his flag 17 September to Vicksburg (CL-86), and 20 September, Quincy joined the 5th Fleet as a unit of the Eastern Japan Force, TF 53, basing in Tokyo Bay. Before contacting the Reference Staff, please read through these questions and answers first. In addition to DesRon 23's Presidential Unit Citation, Spence earned 8 battle stars. [4], After overhaul at Norfolk until 4 May 1940, Quincy again visited Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, returning to Norfolk on 22 September. In a letter to Cincpac, the Bureau has designated an inflammable stowage which is well forward and below the waterline. 15) and the ammunition set on fire. U.S.S. Home Join Now About Hullnumber Before You Register Tell A Shipmate FAQs Related Links Contact Us. USS Quincy (CA-71) was a heavy cruiser of the Baltimore -class of the United States Navy. There was a minor flareback in No. QUINCY transferred 19 August to TG 86.4, and until the 24th engaged the heavy batteries at Toulon, St. Mandrier, and Cape Sicie. as ST. PAUL 9 October 1941; renamed QUINCY 16 October 1942 to perpetuate that name after destruction of the second QUINCY at the Battle of Savo Island 9 August 1942; launched 23 June 1943; sponsored by Mrs. Henry S. Morgan, a daughter of Charles Francis Adams, and commissioned at the U.S. Other sources have also made this same recommendation in order to reduce fire and explosion hazards. Midship Repair and Second Deck 5" Ammunition Train. After a call at Alexandria, and a final meeting between President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill, Quincy steamed for Algiers, arriving on 18 February. Steering control was lost at this time - probably due to severing of the steering leads by a fragment from one of these hits. The personnel casualties, as on the other two ships, were very heavy. This projectile probably detonated in the gun chamber where exposed projectiles were, in turn, detonated and powder was set on fire. 25) The flames enveloped the forward control station. ASTORIA ltr. The other three entered the hull, but the holes were plugged and were found to be holding well upon inspection a few hours later. Quincy, the second ship to carry the name, was laid down by Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation's Fore River Shipyard in Quincy, Massachusetts, on 15 November 1933, launched on 19 June 1935, sponsored by Mrs. Catherine Adams-Morgan, wife of Henry S. Morgan, and commissioned at Boston, on 9 June 1936, Captain William Faulkner Amsden in command.[4]. Early in the action, battle II and the main battery control aft were rendered untenable due to the flame and smoke from the boat deck where the boats and the 20mm clipping room burned fiercely. It appears improbable that this hole resulted from the detonation of the 8" projectile because the average enemy 8" projectile traveled about 60 feet from point of impact to point of detonation whereas the distance from the hole in the splinter shield to the hole in the upper deck adjacent to the ready-service boxes was only 22 feet. 28 and 36, respectively). USS QUINCY was the fourth BALTIMORE - class heavy cruiser and the third ship in the Navy to bear the name. On questioning him I found out that the Captain, who at that time was laying [sic] near the wheel, had instructed him to beach the ship and he was trying to head for Savo Island, distant some four miles (6km) on the port quarter. Another hit (No. Quincy joined the Support Force, 23 August, and four days later, helped occupy Sagami Wan, Japan, and entered Tokyo Bay 1 September. Plate III shows the paths and damage resulting from 35 of the most important of these hits. Her bow is missing forward of her number 1 turret, both forward turrets are trained to starboard, with turret 1 featuring a jammed gun, and one of turret 2's guns burst. Those inflammable materials which are classed essential should be stowed below in compartments well forward and below the waterline and which are provided with a CO2 smothering system. About this time the ship received her first hit in the 1.1" mounts on the main deck aft. She also took part in Fleet Problem XX with the Atlantic Fleet from 1326 February. II turret. This recommendation, which has been discussed in reference (e), has also been approved. This was my father who passed away in 2008. Naval Academy, The Sullivan Brothers and the Assignment of Family Members, Historic Former U.S. Navy Bases and Stations, The African American Experience in the U.S. Navy, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Navy, Contributions of Native Americans to the U.S. Navy, The World Cruise of the Great White Fleet, Navy Underwater Archaeology Return Program, Annual Navy History and Heritage Awards - Main, Research Permits for Sunken & Terrestrial Military Craft, Scanning, Copyright & Citation Information, Obtain Duplications of Records and Photos, USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVB-42/CVA-42), USS George E. Badger (DD-196/AVP-16/AVD-3/APD-33), USS Guadalcanal (AVG-60/ACV-60/CVE-60/CVU-60), USS Lexington (CV-16/CVA-16/CVS-16/CVT-16), NH 94540 Commander John L. Hall, USN Commander Paulus P. Powell, USN, NH 80176 Destroyer Division Fifteen (DESDIV 15), NH 50709 View at Amoy, China taken from Kulangsoo, USS Perch (SS-313/SSP-313/APSS-313/LLPSS-313), 80-G-7861 USS Portland (CA-33) and USS San Francisco (CA-38), NH 107440 USS Thompson USS Davison USS Mervine USS Quick, 80-G-367853 Invasion of Southern France, August 1944, 80-G-368078 General Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S. Army, USA C-545 President Franklin D. Roosevelt, USA C-548 President Franklin D. Roosevelt, See More USS Quincy (CA-71) Related Content, See More USS Quinnebaug (ID# 1687) Related Content, NH 42543 U.S. 47, USS Enterprise CV6 War History 1941 - 1945, USS Franklin CV-13 War Damage Report No. The bombardment of the batteries surrounding the city commenced in conjunction with the Armys assault at 1207. room and central station as the last message from central station indicated that this space was filling rapidly with water. All Rights Reserved. 49, 50 and 51) were received in this station and other control stations in the immediate vicinity. It has been estimated that the average visibility was about 10,000 yards. By 1210, as the salvage party abandoned ship, the port waterways of the main deck were awash. These reports consist of the Commanding Officer's own summary, as well as reports made to him by various survivors of each ship. As nearly as can be determined, this occurred between 0235 and 0240. projectile inside a ship have few if any equals in setting fires within confined spaces. She departed on 14 March for the United States and an overhaul at the New York Navy Yard that lasted until the end of May. Name of the crew member ? The five airplanes on each ship except QUINCY had been drained of all gasoline. Undoubtedly, as in QUINCY, there were many other hits in these and surrounding spaces which were not reported. About 0206 director II was hit and put out of action. One 8" projectile (Hit No. Hit No. Flame and smoke made sky aft and control aft untenable. No. All communications were destroyed and steering control was lost due to the fragments from the last hit. In mid-July, she used her own eight-inch guns to bombard an iron plant at Kamaishi, Japan. These particles were about the size of 'grape nuts' and were glowing and burning everything with which they came in contact". As in ASTORIA, hits received in this engagement are numbered for convenience from forward to aft without regard to time, size, or source. projectiles were used by the enemy. During June 1944,Quincyprovided gunfire support for the Normandy Invasion and bombarded German positions around Cherbourg, France. 26, USS Saratoga CV3 War Damage Report No. The 5" director aft was struck, apparently by an 8" A.P. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website? The fire spread very rapidly on the well deck. [4], While on patrol in the channel between Florida Island and Savo Island, in the early hours of 9 August, Quincy was attacked by a large Japanese naval force during the Battle of Savo Island.[4]. The address of this blog is The mainmast is in the process of being redesigned. 59. 15 and No. One of these generators is installed forward on the second deck and one aft. Eight-inch A.P. 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