Yes. I play music ,my cds are on the web, and I promote peace and love and KRISHNA. Krishna of course had a very large and powerful army and Duryodhana got the first choice so naturally he choose Krishnas army and that left Krishna, who was not going to fight, on Arjunas side. Whatever Krishna told as Gita, he was able to grasp with similar swiftness based on his then knowledge of society & scriptures. WHO IS SANJAY IN THE MAHABHARATA AND HOW HE HAS DESCRIBE THE CONVERSATION OF THE SUPREME GOD KRISHNA AND HIS FREIND ARJUNA WHO HAS GIVEN THE SPECIAL SEEING POWER TO SANJAYA ? Many thanks for this messsage, it is most insightful as well as helpful. It is a material art. How do you summon no AI mobs in Minecraft? That is how the famous image of Bhagavad-gita came about. I 100% share your intelligent point of you about such a tough subject! All these kings were kshatriyas or warriors. As per scriptures there are 33 crore demigods which is equivalent to 330 million . Also he married 16000 women as they were been kidnapped by a king and Krishna did free all these women and as these women were kidnapped no one would have married them so Lord Krishna promised to marry them and Mahabharata is a true story evidences of it are in Uttar Pradesh where u can find many places where the Pandavas used to live. Srila Prabhupadas books that are published in the Bhaktivedanta VedaBase (in several languages), are reliable reading. If you run away from performing your duty, then who will perform your duties. Most fallen soul Krishna did not want to be seen to be partial to either side so he met with Arjuna, the leader of the Pandavas and Duryodhana, the leader of the Kurus, and told them both that He would offer his army to one side and He himself would be on the other side but He said that He would not fight. At this point Arjuna was saying to Krishna that they should just leave the battlefield. Krishna says: The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts. In his Tamil work Gitartha Sangraha, which is analogous to Alavandars Sanskrit work by the same name, Vedanta Desika briefly sums up the essence of the Bhagavad Gita. What makes you think we dont revere Srimad-Bhagavatam? which is correct original form, With two hands or four hands? Krishna and Arjuna in The Bhagavad Gita are two of the most important figures in the text. So, when Arjuna was caught in confusion on seeing his kith and kins in the battle field, Krishna had to preach Bhagavad Gita to clear the confusions of Arjuna. (So this is a family quarrel. In Bhagavad Gita, It has been said by Lord Krsna, no living entity shall be killed as there exists a soul in every living entity. So this is the basic background, you can find much more detailed information in Srila Prabhupadas Bhagavad-gita As It Isbut now you have the general idea at least. Hare Krishna too, Hare Krishna Prabhuji, Please wake me from this doubt. The Bhagavad Gita was spoken by Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to His friend Arjuna on the battlefield of Kuruksettra around five thousand years ago. I am little confused on your recent article Krishna never gets old. No there is no contradiction. Krishna emphasised on two terms : Karma and Dharma. Like this article? #bhagavad-gita #krsna #arjunaWant to see the rest of the series? hare krishna pamho it is you that make me understood in first stage what is bhagavad gita thanks a lot maharaj ki joy ho.. HARE KRISHNA PAMHO, I have gone through the book bhagavad gita as it is more than hundred of times but never I can understand the actual meaning of the verse but it is very easy to understand what you described in this news letter so really it is the mercy of lord krishna and prabhupada and definitely you,myself is fortunate enough that such a person teaching me b/gita like ho , Hare Krishna Mahaprahbu And Prabhupada is a bona fide spiritual master. In chapters 10 and 11, Krishna reveals himself as the Supreme Being and finally displays his Vishvarupa to Arjuna. this proved the existence of mahabharatha and also krishnas existence. The Gita is not a long conversation. I do not know the exact date but you could do some research and find out when Mahabharata was first written down I expect. Lord Krishna, who is his charioteer, reasons with him. Why did Arjuna choose Krishna as his guru? He casts down his weapons and tells . Arjuna then tells Krishna that he cannot fight, because he sees opposite him his grand uncle Bhishma and his Acharya Drona. Your servant, He has learnt how to control his mind, but I have not. So gradually Jada Bharata got to the stage that he was constantly thinking of that little deer and if the deer was out of his sight for a little time he became so anxious about the safety of the deer. This is ordained by Heavenly Father. So Krishna, although He had agreed not to fight, offered to drive the chariot of Arjuna. No. But when you realize that you have little control over the final outcome and when you don't focus on the gains, your efforts will be filled with more meaning. Because all we have to do is forsake position, no King ever wants to be King, and 5000 years ago, a battle didnt solve anything, so TODAY, we have TODAY , and we have great things now, modern things, and we should all pray and ask our superiors for Peace, so we can keep our things, and PEACE is a very good thing, and it is brought about by LOVE, and Krishna is LOVE. So everyone there assembled on the battlefield on both sides heard the Bhagavad-gita. The Bhagavad Gita is some 700 verses and is a part of the great epic Mahabharata. The Gita is a dialogue between the warrior-prince Arjuna and the god Krishna who is serving as his charioteer at the Battle of Kurukshetra fought between Arjunas family and allies (the Pandavas) and those of the prince Duryodhana and his family (the Kauravas) and their allies. Arjuna was gifted with concentration abilities (e.g. Hare Krishna, Im still in Love with God, Krishna, because we know that His Mercy is there, here, everywhere. As a member of the warrior class Arjuna has the primary sacred duty of fighting righteous battles. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Dharma is the way of righteousness or a set of rules and laws laid down. I agree with Srila Prabhupada on every point. If he reads even one line from one of Prabhupadas books that will help him. We naturally see so many contradictions in the beginning but there are no contradictions. Hare Krsna. his name is Gundayya Swami and he completely follow BASAVA DHARMA given by BASAVANNA in 12th century. What grade do you start looking at colleges? I am presently a student 17 years of age and I am unable to manage my time properly. Practically all the other editions of Bhagavad-gita attempt to hide the actual teachings of Krishna and the dishonest authors try to use Krishnas book to propogate their own personal ideas and philosophy. Krishna is identified as God. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Can you not work this out???? As for the reason why Arjuna should fight, Krishna invokes the concept of dharma, sacred duty, which sustains the cosmic order. What did Krishna told Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita? That is if you actually want a real spiritual master. You can also read it online at: If you have already studied the Gita then please study it again. Hes of the kshatriya caste, a warrior and a leader, and therefore its his duty to fight in this battle. (Shortform note: Sri, sometimes spelled Shri, is a term of respect that doesnt have a direct translation.). But they are all different names of Krishna only. Hare Krishna Prabhuji Krishna in Bhagavad-gita is instructing us to surrender to Him and to let Him instruct us as at to what our duty is. What Krishna told him through the Gita was Brahma Vidya. If this was the wording of god then why would god be concerned about someones family issues. Here Krishna is giving the history of the Bhagavad Gita stretching way back to the time when Krishna instructed the same Bhagavad Gita to Vivasvan the sun god. Pl help me to come out from dat bond. Un-able themselves to be the gods they want to be, IN THIS WORLD. Jesus has all authority. From the point of view of military strength and the number of competent generals to lead the battle the Kurus led by the great and expert general Bhisma were far superior to the Pandavas led by Arjuna. What does the Bhagavad Gita say about ordinary Vedic dharma? Yes. Your all mails are more valuable and waiting for your mails. So we have to be always vigilant, always very careful to remain in Krishna consciousness constantly. Krishna and Arjuna were on the chariot in the middle of the two armies and the conversation was going on there. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. What is one reason Krishna urges Arjuna to fight? I also said him wt i heard in SOS1 program at ISKCON Banglr. Please keep sending the Krishna Newsletter..I just love reading it. One reason a person could refuse to fight would be the fear of defeat. Prince Arjuna leads the Pandavas' army. What did Krishna say to Arjun about the war? Brahmins are the highest caste, the priests and spiritual leaders. That's my life and full-time occupation now really. Can you please explain to me the full story of your stand in relationship to Srila Prabhupada being the final acarya . Fast or slow. Best time is to get up before 4:30 AM in the morning. The exact number of verses in Bg is mentioned in your article above to be 711. Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. So he was the one who needed instruction. Ive observed that as the Love of Krishna permeates ones life, nothing can compare, people observe it, and are naturally attracted to the Rasa. Hare Krishna, can kindly comments whether we can chant the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra without the Mala.and what is the actual significance of having the TILAK. Santosh, 1 46, 2 72, 3 43, 4 42, 5 29, 6 47, 7 30, 8 28 I always have ,I always will. Sometimes it is good to get back to basics on the philosophy of Bhagavad Gita. So what were Krishna and Arjuna doing on the battlefield of Kuruksettra and how did this conversation between them that has now become the Gita take place? An ashram inspired by Narayana Guru dares to remain esoteric and elitist consistent with the gurukulam ideal It's springtime in Ooty. Doing so would hurt his chances of reaching heaven andpossibly even worse for a kshatriyadisgrace him in life. The Kauravas were on the side of Adharma and had broken rules and laws and hence Arjun would have to do his Karma to uphold Dharma. Yes. . Plus ,I really Love Radha, she is most beautiful to me, I would enjoy being with HER, greatly, ya know, all the time, night and day. Dharma is the way of righteousness or a set of rules and laws laid down. It does not store any personal data. The entire concept of Nar and Naryana, and the former needing the guidance from the latter. Even I am doing the same. Required fields are marked *. Srila Prabhupada is living in his books. Yet, as Easwaran points out, the Gita is not what it seems - it's not a dialogue between two mythical figures at the dawn of Indian history. I think it is better Prabhu for you to ignore this old man and become more and more serious in Krishna consciousness yourself. Krishna said he was surprised by these sentiments of Arjuna and considered that Arjuna was acting in a unmanly way and chastised him. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. That was in 1989 and at that time I did not even know the word ritvik and had never heard about the July 9th letter. Which is a uniquely modern human Homo sapiens trait? She wrote her first short story at the age of six, about a lost dog who meets animal friends on his journey home. But Arjuna is a great warrior, and defeat is unlikely in his case. So it is such a disaster if you think of your dog at the time of death. We can only become a disciple if we actually surrender to the discipline of the spiritual master and accept his orders as our life and soul. Why are Lamborghinis so low to the ground? He appears before His mother Devaki as Narayana grown up and complete with beautiful clothing and ornaments with the six kinds of opulences in full.Firstly You mentioned Two hands and at the same time you mention narayan form which has four hands. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Krishna says whatever state of consciousness you have at the time of death that state you will attain. A decisive battle between two sets of cousins, the Kauravas and the Pandavas, was just about to commence on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Bheeshma was the embodiment of chastity, and remained a lifelong celibate to fulfill the vow he had made to his father. It is only a sign of our immaturity in Krishna consciousness. Actually this whole arrangement was made by Krishna so the Bhagavad Gita could be spoken by Him. So you can not say that Krishna took birth like any other human being. Arjuna says that it would be better to lay down his weapons and let the Kauravas kill him. What is this most dangerous type of fear? There was a reason why Arjun choose Krishna, he was the person who provided the intelligence,the guidance, and he knew the weakness of every warrior in the Kaurava camp. Krishna wanted Arjuna to fight the Mahabharata war because Krishna as an Instructor is leading the human beings (Arjuna) on their path of practical spiritual realization and the process of realization demands that human beings fight with their inner tendencies, desires, and character traits, even those, which are very . You have to become a devotee of Krishna and you have to at least theoretically accept that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and hear the Bhagavad-gita in a submissive spirit from beginning to end including the purports [explainations] by Srila Prabhupada. RE: talking to unbendable people Could u kindly clarify the following: Krishna confirms this many times in the Gita so if you simply read the Gita you can understand this simple point. Thanks for explaining, as you said I m reading Gita second time and I lv speaking to Madhavan, I lv reading it, I lv singing and hearing, it is very interesting to do his works, only some times I struggles to do his work. However the librarian was hesitant to give us that book since that was the only BG in the library. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Srila Prabhupada says in the purport you mention: Material activities and their results end with the body. Krishna did not create Arjuna's passion. I simply repeat what Srila Prabhupada has said. The mother deer was either killed by the tiger or died somehow leaving the baby deer with no one to look after it. I have written it a long time ago and it has still not appeared on this site. Therefore it appeared that the Kurus should be able to easily defeat the army of the Pandavas. If he did then how could Sanjay was able to see all the things? So it is all to do with the subtle elements of mind, intelligence and ego. He was not born like an ordinary child. Das.s.Pillai. I have a question on presence of living entities, and their transformation in different bodies. Translation: Lord Krishna says: I have been arriving and will arrive every time the evil gets an upper hand over the fair and good. Shortform has the world's best summaries and analyses of books you should be reading. What is the verse number of essence of Bhagavad Gita? Dharmaraja was an intellectual and Bhiima was dull due to emotion. Please bless with your postings. It has been said in Vedas like if a lower grade animal is sacrificed into the fire during Yagnas, it will come out alive into a better living entity and it will be prove that the recitation of mantras by the Brahmin's was very powerful and effective. I would suggest to all the Gods and Demi-Gods, the necessity, at this time to supernaturally cause PEACE , because many in nthe World here, are so lost, and so resentful, that things could get worse before they get better, in many areas, so ..with hope, I ask that Peace would BE, and that PEACE could BE, and that PEACE will BE . all glories to Srila Prabhupada So a little Krishna consciousness can save one from the greatest fear, taking birth as an animal or a plant in the next life. I have a simple love for Krishna. Because krishna knows that arjuna is a kshatriya or warrior and has to fight to get back his kingdom to do his occupational duty of administrator or king to rule the kingdom or people. The epic describes the war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas on the battlefield of Kuru-kshetra. If Arjuna was not confused and bewildered there would have been no need for Krishna to speak the Bhagavad Gita to clear up his confusion. I would to know more about what happened in the movement after he left his body. Prabhupadas Bhagavad-gita As It Is is in English Language. So Jada Bharata took compassion on the deer and started to care for it, feeding it and petting it and whenever he was doing his yajnas and spiritual practices that little deer was always there nudging him and distracting him. So he could describe to the king exactly what was happening as it happened. Chant all 700 Bhagavad-gita slokas and see how long it takes. The picture of Krishna at the front of Arjunas chariot driving it and Arjuna behind Him riding on the chariot and fighting the battle. As bhakti-yoga is Krishna consciousness, the change only happens through purification of consciousness. So the answer is to read Srila Prabhupadas books. As Krishna's explanations why Arjuna should fight were only a summary, and since Krishna glorifies both 'buddhi-yoga', intelligence used in spiritual advancement of knowledge (2.45, 2.49-50), and 'karma', work (2.47-48, 2.50), Arjuna becomes confused and wishes to use Krishna's instruction to perform 'buddhi-yoga' as an excuse to retire the battlefield for a life of contemplation. So if the real pure devotee acharya is preaching then it will be obvious to all except the most envious demons. Hare Krishna !! A vaishya who likes to be creative and produce something will have a prominence of rajas and tamas. All religion Holy books of the world teach you to pray to god and tell you what are bad and good things to do but the gita is only concerned about: The context of the Gita is a conversation between Lord Krishna and the Pandava prince Arjuna taking place in the middle of the battlefield before the start of the Kurukshetra War with armies on both sides ready to battle. Required fields are marked *. Really its amazing even though paining. Please my Lord take the form of an ordinary child. So in this way Lord Krishna took the form of a baby. 5 What did Krishna emphasise on two terms? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Rather Krishna appeared before His father and mother, Vasudeva and Devaki, in His four-armed Visnu form dressed very opulently with beautiful jewelry and weapons. But we have Srila Prabhupada and we have his books so we simply need to take advantage of the association of Srila Prabhupada by reading his books. so whats this about Krishna( so called god) having an army. Each and every incident in my life explained by Madhavan, he explains r intimate me thru inspirated msgs, TV serials, daily incidents at off and at home. Since, Arjuna had these qualifications, Krishna delivered Bhagavad Gita to him. As u said that a person will advance in his next life he will take a human form if he will be in Krishna consiousness for a short period of time bt what if he has been a devotee of Krishna and at the time of death he thinks about his pets? Why did Krishna tease Arjuna in the Mahabharata? Krishna tells Arjuna to arise with a brave heart and push forward to destroy the enemy. I shall start distributing immediately. Who are Krishna and Arjuna in The Bhagavad Gita? Krishna says: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku. Bhagavad-gita can only be understood by the devotees of Krishna, without becoming a devotee of Krishna you will never be able to understand it. Good morning, Thanks for the newsletter and this great enlightenment. Abhi Sharma Bhagwad Gita The Bhagavad Gita is known as the Song Celestial. Likewise just because someone has picked a fight with you, don't write them off for good the event isn't the person. You are very kind to help me for getting on the right track back to the supreme, our Krishna. Faith in: And be convinced that theres something beyond the material world. He wanted the battle and he wanted all the soldiers on both sides killed. How do I find my Asus laptop serial number? James How do you memorize flats and sharps on piano? What's more you will also look at every gain as a bonus and appreciate the rewards more. So chant at least 16 rounds on beads every day and keep chanting Hare Krishna the rest of the day on or off beads. Narayana is an expansion of Krishna. At least one is sure to have a chance in the next life of being born again as a human being, either in the family of a great cultured brahmana or in a rich aristocratic family that will give one a further chance for elevation. The Kauravas were on the side of Adharma and had broken rules and laws and hence Arjun would have to do his Karma to uphold Dharma. That is why he wrote them. What is he telling Arjuna to do in the Bhagavad Gita? The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Krishna emphasised on two terms : Karma and Dharma. Why Krishna had to preach Bhagavad Gita to clear the confusion of Arjuna? We only have Prabhupadas original books there. Thankyou Krishnaji is not restricted by these limitations.Here Krishnaji reveals himself as the Ishvara, the God. Arjuna continued to reason to Lord Krishna with his arguments as he was overwhelmed with compassion for his gurus and grandfather, Bhishma, who he considers as worthy of his worship. That is the most auspicious time of the day, the early morning hours before the sun rises. There are a lot of demigods, be happy with that. Thank you for the history of Bhagvad Gita it is well said, I have read Bhagvad Gita many times ,ofcourse a chapter every day but every time I read it it is more knowledgable,interesting and solving problems which arises in my day to day life.I think nobody cln claim that he has understood Gita completely.hare Krishna. Why does Arjuna say he is confused about his duty? Uddhava Gita is the message or speech given by Lord Krishna to his friend and devotee Uddhava before his departure from the earth to console him from his sadness and explaining why the Yadu race or Yadava community should fall; the Bhagavad Gita is a clarion call for action and for performing ones own duties. do u agree? Is there some contradiction? Swami I am a student and Im am very attached to Lord Krishna. He was the charioteer as well as guide for Arjuna, but he did not fight on his own.'- Realize that Ultimate. Is 1000 square feet a good size apartment? Work this out???????????. 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