Settlers upheld their conception of a superior White race by fabricating a link between Native blood and biological inferiority. Well outline some of the most commonly-held viewpoints here. Fletcher, Indigenous Law and Policy Center, Rose Cuison Villazor, co-editor, "Loving v. Virginia in a Post-Racial World", Carla D. Pratt, law professor, Penn State University, Tiya Miles, historian, University of Michigan, Joanne Barker, associate professor, American Indian studies. (Lineal descent basically means that, if your ancestors were enrolled in a tribe, you can be, too.). Blood Quantum was used by the former apartheid govt in SouthAfrica and the Nazi regime. Blood quantum simply is the amount of "Indian blood" that an individual possesses. And first, I want to be clear that I don't intend to speak on behalf of any specific tribes or even on behalf of my own, but I'm happy to walk you through some of those arguments that exist in support of maintaining blood quantum requirements for tribal membership. It's an extremely progressive and interesting move, and they're really changing the game. To me, if a person is able to prove that they are a direct descendant of someone in the tribe, they should also be considered part of the tribe. Later, they used blood quantum in treaties to limit the number of Native individuals receiving benefits. By contrast, many tribes and nations do not include blood quantum as part of their own enrollment criteria. A person's blood quantum is defined as the fraction of their ancestors, out of their total ancestors, who are documented as full-blood Native Americans. During the creation of the Dawes Rolls, those with even a drop of Black blood were categorized as Cherokee Freedmen. Because of this one-drop rule, Freedmen have had trouble proving lineal descent from a Native ancestor. When pressed to identify a crush, I often pick a random guy instead of being honest about any sexual attractions I might have. Natives have to carry a Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB, issued by the Bureau of Indian Affairs). Bennett Caperss article Against Prosecutors challenges us to imagine a world where we turn away from prosecution as we know it, and shift power from prosecutors to the people they purport to represent.[1] In this world, crime victims decide whether to prosecute their own cases, and public prosecutors play a subsidiary role, taking primary responsibility [], When I was a prosecutor, I relished closing arguments, especially standing in front of the jury to deliver my rebuttal to defense attorney summationsplural since many of my trials involved multiple co-defendants and hence multiple defense summations. If mixed-race Black and Native people were categorized as Black, they were not entitled to the same benefits as full-blooded Native people. FOR OUR DAUGHTER[S] . Over 90 million of the 138 million acres originally designated as Indian territory were lost, and thousands of AIs (American Indians) were displaced.. Even though they're using what a lot of people say is a "Colonialist construct"? why blood quantum is problematic Because they dont want to deal with us anymore. Congress issued a statistic that 60% of Indigenous individuals will have one-fourth or less blood quantum in the next century. For Indigenous people, the blood-based rule is referred to as blood quantum, which measures the fraction of Indian blood that a person possesses. Together, we can create a more connected and informed world. I'm glad my tribe is based on lineage and not percentage. Currently, all Natives enrolled in a federally-recognized tribe are issued a Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood, also known as a CDIB, by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Few friends believe me when I say that I dont have an interest in having babies or finding a sexual partner. endstream endobj 15 0 obj <> endobj 16 0 obj <> endobj 17 0 obj <>stream Typically. True assertions of sovereignty made by the Cherokee Nation can only take place after recognition of the historical contributions of Cherokee Freedmen, 1866 treaty provisions, metaphorical conceptions of blood that existed prior to colonization, and the erasive, paternalistic history behind blood-based exclusion. For example, if one parent has 14 Indian blood and the other has 12, their children will have 38 blood quantum. The importance of community dialogue in the development of Cherokee citizenship requirements was articulated by S. Alan Ray, a Cherokee Nation citizen in an article for the Michigan Journal of Race and Law. In 1912, Congress conditioned funding and membership for some tribes on blood quantum, limiting its obligations to only those tribes and individuals it deemed to have enough Indigenous blood. The federal government used blood quantum to deny some mixed-race Native Americans land during this time by requiring at least one-quarter Native blood to receive allotments. Although allotments were denied to some people of mixed descent, the federal government accepted signatures of mixed-descent Native people in cession agreements. I am strongly opposed to the colonial BQ policy but I also see the catch 22, if we dont enroll in the tribe then the govt gets our trust land. Just not for yourself). Many Native nations, including the Navajo Nation But what the heck is a real native? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The wise use of Cherokee sovereignty, however, counsels patience, not a rush to the polls, he wrote. 5Q~)Pv8Mgg%;q={I8&]m.?HC(x%_G{mF"Yb`2o" Like all the New England tribes on the coast were whalers and fishers that literally travelled the world. For purposes of land allotment, the government wanted fewer people to count as Native American because it wanted to keep the majority of land to itself. Yet, as an expression of sovereignty, the Cherokee Nations decision to expel the Freedmen could arguably be viewed as a valid, albeit utterly troubling, exercise of the right of self-determination. Get all the latest from Sanditon on GBH Passport, How one Brookline studio helps artists with disabilities thrive. Surplus reservation land was then open to homesteaders and corporations for purchase, creating patchwork quilt-like reservations with both American Indian and non-American Indian landholdings. How many tribes ore colonial times were pure. ne of the frustrating elements of U.S. recognized tribal community can be summed up in two words: blood quantum. Blood quantum, as a way to define native identity, was first seen during the allotment period between 1887 and 1934. Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation Chad Smith denied accusations of racism in the exclusion of Freedmen, instead arguing that later Congressional legislation like the Five Tribes Act of 1906 abrogated Freedmen rights to citizenship. Why is it important? Under this federal law, many Native nations adopted boilerplate constitutions developed by the federal government that included using blood quantum as a basis for citizenship. Should we wind back, you know, move away from it? There wasnt a single self identified queer in our town and suspected ones found regular beatings a part of their life. Similarly, tribes that have land tend to be more exclusive than tribes that do not. Blood quantum is a measure of the amount of Indian blood, expressed as a fraction such as one-half or one-fourth. The majority still do. The one drop rule measured the amount of "black blood" that black people had in society. What is blood quantum? Native Governance Center held a virtual event on blood quantum, Blood Quantum and Sovereignty, in March 2022. All in all, blood quantum limits the holistic meaning of what it means to be Native American. She's a doctoral candidate at Brown University who specializes in Native American studies, and also a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation. We couldn't do it without you. In Cherokee origin stories like the legend of Corn Mother Selu, ceremonial adoption practices were seen as sacred acts of creating new blood. Some fear that individuals with mixed ancestry self-identify as Indigenous because of a desire to affirm a marginalized ethnic identity and to reap land or health and education benefits. It is certain that natives face serious inequalities in health care services and not genetically identifying as native can lead to improper health treatment. She describes this framework in her book Real Indians, Identity and the Survival of Native America, proposing that Radical Indigenism illuminates differences in assumptions about knowledge that are at the root of the dominant cultures misunderstanding and subordination of indigenous knowledge. The Seminoles, for instance, have also employed blood differences to deny membership. Now blood quantum was forced on us. It was not meant to last - it was meant to eliminate us. We can still have tribal enrollments without BQ. Both parents enrolled? Taking blood quantum this seriously made me laugh, as did all the imaginary babies. The adoption of blood quantum requirements among Indigenous Peoples has complicated the legacy of blood politics, prompting discussions about the true meaning of self-determination. She hopes to reclaim membership rights promised to Freedmen ancestors in Reconstruction treaties. Blood quantum. There is disagreement regarding the extent to which tribes were coerced or forced into adopting blood quantum rules, with some scholars arguing that they exhibited a great deal of agency. And they way they see it is no more Indians = no one to keep the trust. This is because if they let too many people enroll, they risk losing federal recognition and tribal property. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Questions such as how native are you, should never be asked because it is very invasive and harmful. Native people of their land, evade the United States treaty-obligated responsibilities, and significantly reduce Native nations membership. Who Decides Who Counts as Native American? We leave. The federal government used blood quantum to determine allotment eligibility and also granted Native people with lower blood quantums the ability to sell their allotments. And that's that's one of the major problems with blood quantum today is that a lot of times, the people taking the rolls were federal government officials who were unfamiliar with Native ways of establishing and defining their own communities. Many Native nations currently use blood quantum to determine who can and cannot become a citizen. The attorneys representing the Cherokee Nation in the lawsuit did not respond to requests for comment. Today, about 70% of the federally recognized Native nations that share geography with the United States use blood quantum as a metric for citizenship. This article will focus on the Cherokee Nations history with Freedmen and their descendants, but the other four nations have equally rich histories worth discussing. Blood quantum is a complicated, controversial, and personal topic that has major implications for citizenship and belonging in Indian Country. She was denied on the basis of her Black ancestry. Blood quantum, like so many other factors, seemed an arbitrary barrier in sex concerns. It argues for the reassertion and rebuilding of traditional knowledge from its roots, its fundamental principles.. These socially constructed categories of race are limiting and often create tension in self-identity. But WHY do tribes want this? Starting in the 18th century, however, settler encroachments on Native sovereignty pressured Cherokees to adopt settler practices, including slavery, to maintain some semblance of control over their economic and diplomatic affairs. Ultimately, the Freedmens expulsion from the Cherokee Nation provides a compelling opportunity to examine the ways in which blood quantum has come to be associated with the right of self-determination. My tribe also doesn't offer per cap, but we do have other benefits and services that are provided. Some natives are out-of-touch with their own identity or dont feel native enough to identify as such. The thing that I've found to be most interesting about both arguments in support and against blood quantum requirements is the language of survival. The act ceded millions of acres of tribal lands to the federal government by administering individual allotments. If native communities uphold strict blood quantum rules, it is inevitable that enrollment numbers will decline and tribal communities will no longer be viable as sovereign nations. For tribes (like mine) who hold strict requirements for citizenship, the proof of your Nativeness often starts with the fraction included on a Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood. The government decided who would and would not receive land allotments by referencing the Dawes Rolls, the original lists of Native Americans compiled by the U.S. government. The question, its need, is ever constant. Wayne Ducheneaux II and Sally Fineday speak with the Counter Stories team about blood quantum. Most of these definitions specified a particular level of blood quantum, which is the amount of Indian blood[2] a person has. VEU;W%o7 X}2]i,8i358F`K57VF}xgw(ZG"1HBpf$xgz YFd~SlXl^5M+: Stream GBH's Award-Winning Content For Parents And Children. To address concerns about scarce resources, those exploring alternatives to blood quantum are also emphasizing the importance of differentiating between citizenship and qualification for benefits. h[ks) vs13Xz'k}? Since the U.S. government was giving the Seminole Nation a limited amount of money for the seized land, the Nation naturally wanted to limit the number of people who received funds. The government saw blood quantum as a way to strip. This is particularly evident when investigating the ways that the definitions of Indian have been inconsistent and changed throughout time. Sometimes this happens with a shake of his head. Some dont believe that blood quantum requirements will change in the near future. The amount a person has is measured in fractions, such as or . A consequential piece of federal legislation in which blood quantum was particularly relevant was the General Allotment Act, also known as the Dawes Act. Join us. Although it seems contradictory, equal protection law allows the use of blood quantum to give preferential treatment to members of American Indian tribes. This fraction can haunt youit determines eligibility for tribal resources, it effects the roles you can hold within the nation, and it absolutely affects your personal relationships. If you want to ensure your future children are enrolled, youre often forced to do the math early in your relationship. Speaking of blood libel, because that's what it is, protesting the 2020 election result is the same as slavery, as the KKK. In some tribes, people could gain tribal citizenship if they were born in, married or were adopted into, or had long-term residence within the tribal community, or if they assumed cultural norms such as religion and language. With your support, GBH will continue to innovate, inspire and connect through reporting you value that meets todays moments. And that assumption was based on their appearance, on their level of cultural involvement with their community. Its not uncommon for Native families to have some children who are enrolled and some who arent. The Dawes Act, passed in 1887, broke up communally-held Native lands into individual parcels, or allotments. Federally being considered native is a strenuous process in which many natives do not have the ability to do. Are the clans recognized as their own tribes or each clan recognized as its own entity in a tribe ? Others see disregard for blood quantum as a way to build up a nations numbers for the sake of survival. How did people know that those original enrollees had "full blood quantum"? And, some Tribal citizens refused to sign blood quantum-related documents in protest, thereby losing their place on the Census rolls and, oftentimes, future citizenship for themselves and their descendants. The programs that most nations run have a host of requirementsthey might be living within a certain boundary or having a certain income or age requirement, for example., Continued use of blood quantum requirements has major implications for Tribal sovereignty. hXM6Wj/&)|Iy&{$dy?`=} ,lZO" Mother and grandmother try to build love matches with men they know. Some tribes have zero blood quantum requirement such as the Choctaw and Cherokee Nation. Many Native nations also had ways of granting citizenship to non-kin, such as adoption and marriage. When I became a teenager, my family started requesting grand babies. Well, if a tribe has a casino there is a good chance that the tribal members are entitled to percapita payments. But, tribes today of course have to adapt, and blood quantum for some tribes in their view has been a way to preserve their community. Blood Quantum policies are little other than genocidal and will eventually lead to the extinction of indigenous people. Garrouttes framework would nurture a counter-hegemonic narrative based in a sacred logic to which notions of genealogical distance and blood quantum are foreign and even irrelevant. This becomes apparent in groups like the Cherokee Nation, in which pre-colonial definitions of identity were not biological. The use of Euro-American definitions of identity is outdated, as is blood quantum. 37 0 obj <>stream Thats why defending blood quantum has Indigenous people sounding like white supremacists products of white supremacy will ALWAYS align with white supremacy. And today, the ramification is that they do not have that original enrollee [in their past]. So, lineal descendant supporters think about high memberships through the lens of existence as a resistance right. Blood quantum was initially a system that the federal government placed onto tribes in an effort to limit their citizenship. Few people I talked to cared about the blood quantum of potential partners until college. My grandfather cut ties with his brothers after that long, loud battle. Certainly, American Indians have been racialized. Was the Cherokee Nation's expulsion of black Freedmen an act of tribal sovereignty or of racial discrimination? The conversation around blood quantum is continuously evolving. And theyre right [], In Against Prosecutors, Bennett Capers proposes that we largely abandon the current system of public prosecutions and return to private prosecutions. These amounts, often incorrect, continue to affect blood quantum determinations. For example, if they didnt believe someones blood quantum to be correct, theyd make a guess based on that persons physical appearance. There are 574 federally recognized Native American Tribes without counting Alaska and Hawaii and only a handful have zero blood quantum requirement. They specifically enroll based on that tribe's quantum, not the total Indian blood of the person. Such a belief was expressed by individuals such as phrenologist Charles Caldwell, who said that the only efficient scheme to civilize the Indians is to cross the breed.. Natives face lower life expectancies and disproportionate poverty rates, leading to the increased rates of: 3 times the rate of type 2 diabetes-related deaths, 1.7 times the rate of suicides, and 6.5 times the rate of alcohol-related deaths compared to whites. The event featured Megan Hill (Honoring Nations + Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development), Dr. Elizabeth Rule (American University), Dr. Jill Doerfler (University of Minnesota Duluth), and Gabe Galanda (Galanda Broadman PLLC).,,, They find me obstinate. As we mentioned at the start of this guide, blood quantum is controversial, with many different arguments for and against. Specifically, in the 1974 case of Morton v. Mancari, the Supreme Court held that a federal agencys hiring preferences of American Indians who met particular blood quantum requirements did not violate equal protection principles. Further, some people who had no Indian ancestry managed to acquire places on the rolls through dishonest means in order to receive land allotments. My body houses too much already. Blood Quantum is so effective because it expertly combines ingredients from the horror genre (in this case zombie horror) with a real-life horror story that needs to be toldthe story of the very human horrors that marginalized peoples like the First Nations have experienced for centuries, which continues to this day. In which case, what would happen, right? Fucking none. Thank you for sharing your powerful words. The reasons are as follows: first, blood quantum Whos Really Responsible for Climate Change? Simply Blood Quantum was created by federal governments to eradicate Indigenous peoples. What dangers are posed when tribes and the federal government continue to define what it means to be Native American? Because theres only one way those fractions can go long term without forceful intervention, with or without my womb. But it does happen and I just want to point it out again to show that there are difficulties on both sides and that there's not a clear-cut answer yet. You've used the phrase "personal gains" before to refer to some people who might've claimed Indian heritage. Or do they promote a legitimate political and non-racial purpose? The use of blood quantum as a genetic cut-off point for Indian people is viewed by many as an instrument of assimilation and extermination. All of the Nations use Blood Quantum as a requirement for membership. Soon enough, relationships become a constant occupation of classmates as well. 2022 Harvard Political Review. St. Croix requires a 50% blood quantum to be considered for enrollment. Blood quantum is a colonizer idea. I didnt understand how anyone thought to control their sexual attraction in such ways. Not really. To see more, visit The process was long and complicated; some people of Native ancestry were denied enrollment while others actively resisted registration. The Native nation would cease to exist. Edit: I really need to finish comments before I post. Blood quantum can also make relationships complicated. So that over time, Indians would literally breed themselves out and rid the federal government of their legal duties to uphold treaty obligations. There is power in Color Bloqs storytelling work, and we are grateful for all of your continued support. And, every Native nation has a different approach to defining citizenship and setting goals for the future. She's an amazing scholar. Other times, we leave quickly on our own, never to return. Native girls spend their lunches adding up blood quantum fractions, trying to figure out whether any babies will make the requirements for their tribe or their new boyfriends tribe. Due to the blood quantum qualification, many people were ineligible, thereby effectively reducing the Indian holding of land. When the Bureau of Indian Affairs began recording blood quantum designations in the 1880s, white settlers had the final say when it came to the numbers. Blood quantum is very harmful to our people and only further divides us. There are blood quantum preferences, for example, that seek to promote the property rights of indigenous groups in Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. territories of American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Although the federal governments use of blood quantum limits the number of Natives who have access to certain federal benefits, tribes currently have the right to determine their own tribal membership requirements. Throughout history, blood quantum was used to define a point at which responsibilities to tribes, entitlement programs, treaty rights, and reservations would end. Easypeasy. Many tribes use a 25% blood quantum standard. For tribes (like mine) who hold strict requirements for citizenship, the This measurement can affect a persons tribal identity and ability to become a federal member. We need to get tribal governments to do away with it. Before the arrival of Europeans, many Indigenous tribes used lineal descent and defined Native identity through social-cultural-territorial definitions. This amount is used to determine the individuals tribal belonging and legal rights. In the context of developments such as urbanization, large numbers of Natives are in contact with non-Natives, increasing intermarriage rates. Of course, there is a desire on some individuals' part to claim an identity for affirmative-action purposes. So the way that blood quantum is calculated is by using tribal documents, and usually it's a tribal official or a government official that calculates it. Even having the necessary parts, they refuse to be used in such manner. However, the Dawes Rolls commissioners only enrolled a small fraction of Native Americans. Russell Means explained that 40% of the natural resources are held on trust land. [2] I have put references to type or amount of blood in quotation marks because they denote social constructs, not biological realities. Because of their black appearance, they were listed on a separate roll. It makes absolutely zero sense. Ask Dave Epstein: What is freezing rain, anyway? 0 The book is a compilation of articles by Indigenous intellectuals examining the history and current use of blood quantum to determine tribal citizenship and why its a problem. More often, it occurs after a fist fight or long yelling match. That was really the underpinning of how we belonged.. We are a fully remote workplace. None? The government hoped that using blood quantum would eventually eliminate Native peoplesthat intermarriage would dilute the amount of Indian blood in the population, causing descendants of Native peoples to become indistinguishable from the rest of the population. Colonization caused a shift to legal and race-based definitions. They make fun of her and my uncle because they do not understand enough Spanish or Comanche. We encourage you to take action to meaningfully support Native nations in strengthening their sovereignty. And his son Tatanka Means. And howtribes use blood quantum varies from tribe to tribe. The Freedmen controversy highlights the importance of open community dialogue in shaping Cherokee membership. Vann began her advocacy for Freedmen membership after being denied citizenship in 2001. During the Treaty Periodthe time from 18171871 when the United States had a policy of negotiating treaties with tribes as sovereign political entitiesfederal officials used the language of blood to describe Native American ancestry, specifically those who were mixed with non-Native ancestry. In 1978, a congressional survey found thirty-three separate definitions of Indians in various pieces of federal legislation. Native Governance Center, Blood Quantum and Sovereignty Event Recording. Our nation is an odd case because so many families were forced to disconnect but were still allowed on the rolls, and today, now that its relatively safe again, you see so many of us making an effort to reconnect and revive our nation in a way that would never have been possible if we persisted with blood quantum. Before colonization, Native nations used various forms of lineal descent to determine membership. It is the US governments way of controlling who gets to be Native. There is no space for another being to fill, even short term. However, many tribes no longer follow these laws. On many reservations and within indigenous communities, blood quantum is a contentious issue, one often distorted by the blind acceptance of the concept. Blood quantum proponents state that their nation has had these particular rules in place for a certain period of time, and theyd prefer to stick with the status quo. Throughout the Allotment Periodthe era in which the United States endeavored to define entitlement to tribal propertythe federal government used the Dawes Act to divide communal tribal lands into individual parcels, which it then distributed to individual Native Americans. Sign up for our newsletter to receive news and upcoming event updates. I have heard of one example in Canada, where a First Nation has decided to open enrollment to people who have no Indian ancestry at all. Per cap, But we do have other benefits and services that are provided who. 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