Happy Halloween to All who sparkle with the joy of sharing imagination and good Will. As a member of the Universal Space Force I seek higher awareness consciousness and to respect people as they are wherever they are and to allow and accept ALL.

Sheryl Glick features on Internationals Angels Network hosted by Dr. Ruth Anderson.
Mother Mary's Loving Messages of Peace with Sheryl Glick
Sheryl Glick and Family Attend a Joyful Wedding (Attended by Angels and Souls)
Only recently at a wedding, Sheryl’s cousin who had lost her husband and was distraught asked Sheryl if she believed that her husband and our other relatives were joining in the festivities. Sheryl said, “But of course!” Then she closed her eyes and asked for a message or a sign to support the healing of her cousin. In every picture taken with the cousins there are spiritual beings present.

Happy Halloween Children of all ages enjoy costumes from a sense of fun and love of many beautiful cultures, races, religions, and freedom of their hearts to respect all. Honor everyone's choice!

Sheryl Glick, author of The Living Spirit and host of Healing from Within, was interviewed by Jodi Geline. Jodi is interviewing top expert teachers, coaches and authors in self-love, self-worth, health and wellness, presence, moving past limiting beliefs, spirituality, relationships, loving your body, communication, and more.
Click here to see Sheryl's interview with Jodi.
Happy Halloween 2016! The Red Queen Reminds Us That A Leader Without Heart and Empathy Will Not Rule for Long. Transform Ourselves.

I am speaking on the FREE Choose Freedom and Joy Summit on October 24th! Over 20 amazing experts will help heal and create the life you want. Check it out at https://vimeo.com/187498346/917c32d6e6

Heather White, a previous Guest on Healing From Within, invites you to check out the new trailer, "Who Pays the Price? The Human Cost of Electronics" by visiting http://igg.me/at/WP-Film/x. Who Pays the Price, The Human Cost of Electronics follows the stories of teenage Chinese workers in factories making products for the world’s leading electronics brands. Heather White and her team spent the past 18 months in China documenting chemical poisoning among workers and the serious injuries in the production of cell phones.

Sheryl will be a guest on Susun Weed's show, "Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & 'Living Spirit' Sheryl Glick". The show airs on September 29 at 9:00 pm. For more information, please visit
Sheryl Glick’s interview on Healing From Within with Frank Joseph author of “Lost Secrets of the Gods” will air on this website October 1, 2015 Tune in to hear about ideas and facts that fire up our imagination and our views of human history. Below is an event he will be featured at….

Robyn L. Reynolds, author of Let The Know…. That I am Here shares proof that her deceased son Kyle communicates with her and shares pictures of the energy presence of loved ones. On April 16th Robyn will be speaking at the National Greif Counsel in Indianapolis for those who are able to be present. Robyn’s interview with Sheryl on Healing from Within will be posted on November 1, 2015. For those who are struggling with the death of a loved one, be sure to tune in for inspiration and hope.
Yesterday Sheryl was a guest on "We Carry the Light" hosted by Dr. Susan Allison on WBLQ. To listen to the show now, please click here
Book Signing and Workshop with Sheryl Glick author of ‘The Living Spirit”, a fabulous event Discovering Universal Energy for Personal Development and Health at A Time for Karma, located at 14 S. Village Avenue, Rockville Centre.(South of Merrick Rd.) on Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 7:00- 8:30 pm. For more information, click here now!
Fabulous turnout at Capri Nail Salon! Book signing for The Living Spirit with Sheryl Glick and her team..
Sheryl interviewed on the show "We Don't Die" with Sandra Champlain on Tuesday October 28, 2014 1230 to 130 pm. To listen to the show, click here now!
Sheryl Glick features as a guest on Maryanne Comaroto's show, Maryanne Live: Answers for healing & infinite love w/Sheryl Glick open your heart and mind! Click here to listen now!
BOOK SIGNING by Sheryl Glick author of ‘The Living Spirit”, a fabulous event at Namaste bookstore between 5th and 6th Avenue, New York City, a workshop on Answers For Healing and Infinite Love- Energy Healing, Mediumship, and Improving Relationship.
An essay donated by Sheryl Glick, author of "The Living Spirit" -
Journey to personal awareness using our 6th sense. To read more, please visit http://www.religioustolerance.org/journey-to-personal-awareness-using-our-6th-sense.htm
Featured in Creations Magazine, "Taking Responsibility for Our Happiness"
by Sheryl Iris Glick. For more information Click here
LA TALK RADIO “ON THE COUCH WITH DR. MICHELLE” (ONLINE; LOS ANGELES) Sheryl is scheduled for an interview on 8/1 at 2 p.m. ET. The show has airs on LA Talk Radio online and will be available for replay on the website and on iTunes podcast Click here to listen
Annette Rochelle Aben interviews Sheryl Glick - "A life time of caring, giving, joy, education and healing shine bright in the latest book by Sheryl Glick, RMT titled The Living Spirit (answers for healing and infinite love) and those who have read it are singing its praises everywhere." Click here to listen
T Love host of Energy Awareness interviews Sheryl Glick The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love click here to listen
Sheryl had a one-hour interview on 5/28 at 1 p.m. ET. Energizing delivery and powerful interviews with renowned leaders in the field of human potential is what the Dr. Pat Show is all about. The show airs on more than 300 stations nationally. click here to listen now
SelectBooks is announces the release of new titles: The Living Spirit by Sheryl Glick ... click here to read more
Sheryl will be Book Signing at the Book Expo America at the Javits Center on May 29, 2014 at 4:30 pm #1 Book & Author Event in the U.S. To the right is Sheryl Glick with Agent/Daughter Stacey Glick VP of Dystel & Goderich Literary Management at BEA
Shelly Wilson interviews Sheryl Glick:
The Shelly Wilson Show with Sheryl Glick

"The Living Spirit" Now Available at Amazon published by SelectBooks N.Y.!
On Sale Now! at Amazon.com
Sheryl Glick Talks About The Living Spirit on National Radio Shows (Click here for More Information
Distant Healing Stories for New Page Click Here