News & Events

Sheryl as Glinda the Good Witch
October 31, 2024
Each year I think of my own personal growth process and what’s happening in the world in order to select a costume that represents my hopes for our continuing human refinement, evolution and for gratitude in the ways Spirit allows me to serve my fellow human beings.
This year I didn’t have to think hard or long. The thought of Glinda the good witch and guardian of those searching for the truth about home and friendship popped into my mind. In The Wizard of Oz movie Dorothy is taken away by a tornado from her loving aunt and uncle and dropped into an unfamiliar world with many difficulties to overcome. Frightened and alone, Glinda magically appears and offers to help Dorothy navigate the dangerous terrain guiding her to do what must be done for her safe return home. We all have Spiritual guides and are not alone, and in these tremendously terrifying, catastrophic times we must trust our divine plan, forge ahead, and make good choices to protect a healthy free way of life.
Not too long ago, I did a reading for my eldest granddaughter, who was preparing to select a college. One of the messages I received was that I was Glinda for so many souls and specifically for my grandchildren. Like Glinda for Dorothy, it was my role to assist my granddaughter in finding the best way forward and to know I would always love and protect her. As adults, we must all love and protect the next generation, so they value a loving family and grow up to live a righteous and full life.
Let us during this Holiday Season come together to help those in need and grow in wisdom and love for life beyond fear and negativity. The best is yet to come!
Halloween, October 31, 2024

Miraculous Souls in Spirit Communicate
As to date, Sheryl believes there is no book like this. The book is broken up into 9 thematic chapters exploring Religious, Spiritual and Humanitarian Leaders; Political Figures; Scientists/Medical Practitioners; Energy Healers; Celebrities; Sports Figures; Poets and Authors, Musicians and Artists. It includes extraordinary people from different centuries and cultures who brought divine wisdom into the world through their work and interests. For each extraordinary soul in spirit that Sheryl connected to, she researched and learned about the triumphs and challenges of their lives before doing the reading where they were able to express the complete content of their physical and soul lives. Sheryl has done readings with 72 of the well-known entities who incarnated into life to share their spiritual talents and help the evolution of mankind by infusing goodness and wisdom into the world. Here are just a few of the amazing souls you will connect to in Miraculous Souls in Spirit Communicate.
For those readers who love to read biographies and learn about people throughout time and space who have lived and contributed much in this physical reality, you will delight in learning more about famous people you have heard about, but may not know the intricate details of their often complicated lives. READ ALL ABOUT IT and delight in the mystical, magical messages from Spirit!

Sheryl as Elsa Dutton Pioneer Woman from 1883
October 31, 2023
Each Halloween Sheryl selects a heroine from other eras, times or places, who stand courageously true to the highest human values of love compassion and freedom.
This year 2023 continues to be as difficult as the past three years, since the deadly covid pandemic unleashed economic, emotional, and health hardships throughout the world. Too many citizens are engaged with their physical survival issues, and unable to tap into their inner soul wisdom, which is the only way to develop greater understanding of life problems. To discover ways to grow stronger in our knowingness of the spiritual heart energies of love and compassion will bring a resurgence of time-old values of living with moral content improving the quality of life for All.
This year Sheryl represents Elsa Dutton, a young woman from the television series 1883, which shows her traveling with her family from Tennessee, alongside a group of pioneers from Europe who have very different customs and lifestyles. As they try to find a new home in the untamed wilderness of the West, we see Elsa develop into a strong caring freedom loving American. At one point, the wagon train is attacked by a group of Native American Indians whose women and children were slaughtered when the warriors were away from their teepees.
The pioneers of the wagon train had not hurt their people. It was a gang of thieves looking for easy prey, who had stolen their horses, and killed the women and children. When the Indians attack Elsa and her people, she rides away trying to have them follow her, to protect the others, and is shot by an arrow going completely through her body. She survives, only to succumb later to the deadly injury.
The courage and sacrifice of an early day American young woman, crossing the plains of America, are what needs to be found once again in the American saga for truth, justice, and the way for patriotism, to be remembered, in these challenging times in the 21st century. Those who can give, not take, and those, who can remember the spiritual nature of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, must lead our nation back to the dreams, hopes, and inspiration of the Founding Fathers. Phyiscal life brings many challenges, no matter what time in history we are living, but our spiritual soul wisdom, and help from those beyond this earth plane, can bring the answers we need to continue to create a more perfect union.
As we witness the hardships of these challenging times, let us remember that nothing is good or bad, just experiences to take us to new levels of perception and growth. Fighting for FREEDOM for all good citizens is the way Spirit expects us to live, with hope for a united safe world in time.
Halloween, October 31, 2022

Sheryl as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
October 31, 2022
Sheryl represents Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen chosen by her father, the King, to succeed him after his passing, knowing full well, there is much dissent and opposition for a woman to assume his position. Still, her father a fair minded, imaginative, true leader, knew she was the best choice, as she exhibited the courage needed to be a strong leader dedicated to her people, and not likely to be corrupted as so many were. In Medieval times, political mishaps caused much tragedy, as it continues to do now in modern times. ONE hopes humanity will evolve and recognize Righteousness and Goodness the best way to lead!
Halloween, October 31, 2022

Sheryl interviews James Jensen
September 1, 2022
interview I shared with James Jensen for “Healing From Within” will airing it’s regular spot in line up on my website on September 1, 2022 and remain there. It will be picked up quickly by and air shortly after again.
Interview, September 1, 2022

Sheryl as the Third Eye in the Universe
October 31, 2021
This year, 2021, for many, has been almost as difficult as 2020 was. As the world turns and we try to find our way past economic, political and societal problems, we must remember to reach within our heart essence, and explore the quiet world of connection to Universal Source, and, to eternal life forces that provide guidance and help in exploring our life path and destiny. As souls, working past individual situations to grow stronger in empathy, compassion and love, we fulfill our goals and succeed.
On December 28, 2021, my sister Suelle passed shortly after arriving at her new home in an assisted living facility, where she was well cared for. A month later, after her transition, I meditated and connected to her soul energy to do a reading with her so she could share her observations of life in the next dimension, which were full of light, positivity and wisdom. My costume this year reflects one of the thoughts she shared with me.
Suelle, when asked what message she would send me from time to time to show me she was not far away from me said: “My message to you will be the Egyptian Third Eye for in all of history those who had vision, always knew who they were—Beings of Eternal Wisdom and Life.”
As we witness the hardships of these challenging times, let us remember that nothing is good or bad, just experiences to take us to new levels of perception and growth.
Be courageous, loving, kind and brave, and help as many as you can.
Halloween, October 31, 2021

A New Life Awaits with Author Sheryl Glick
March 22, 2021
Hosted by Rebecca Hall Gruyter
Sheryl Glick is delighted to be interviewed by Rebecca Hall Gruyter of RHG Media Productions who edited and published Sheryl’s new book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening. As always we all shine in the energy of souls that seek truth and share their love of life in all pursuits of excellence. Sheryl is always delighted to work with Rebecca and share our vision for improving the quality of life through knowing all is as it should be.
To listen the show, please click

Magical Moments with Alena Chapman
On this week’s edition of “Magical Moments” with Alena Chapman, Sheryl Glick – Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Energy Healer, and Spiritual Medium joins the show and discusses “Healing From Within” particularly in the areas of practicing intuitive psychic techniques for personal development, and advocating the merging of alternative healing methods with allopathic medicine
To listen the show, please click
People’s reviews suggest that Sheryl’s experiences with people worldwide show us that we are all connected to an eternal life force energy that offers us unlimited potential to manifest a joyful purposeful and happy physical life as we explore human and divine qualities.

Delighted to join Sherianna Boyle on her radio show Emotional Detox to talk about my new book “A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening “ and other energetic thoughts on our duality as spiritual beings having a physical life learning how to manifest our best lives through awareness and a higher conscious view of Self and human nature!
To listen the show, please click

Happy Halloween 2020
Each Halloween Sheryl selects a heroine from other eras times or places who stand courageously true to the highest human values of love compassion and freedom. This year prior to the 2020 Election she has chosen Martha Washington wife of President and Founding Father George Washington who is intricately woven into the stories in Sheryl’s recently released book A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Messages to Support Global Awakening.
In Spirit as in physical life recent circumstances have drastically altered the quality of American life through pandemics, racial and class tensions, natural disasters: fires floods hurricanes which threaten the beauty and sanctity of our society and our planet. In the Epilogue of A New Life Awaits our First President George Washington shared through an intuitive spiritual reading with Sheryl his love of America, the Constitution, and his sadness for our troubled Nation as well as his hopes for citizens to restore peace and unity by respecting the divinity of the still revered Constitution, our Democratic Republic, heritage, history, and our cherished Freedoms. Halloween is a time for a closeness between higher dimensions and souls, as well as finding fun in the mysteries and complexities of life. So let us choose to celebrate this holiday season joyfully finding peace and love! Vote to secure Freedom!
Praise Excitement and Reviews on Goodreads for A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening by Sheryl I. Glick RMT. Click here for more
Trailer for Sheryl Glick's book "A New Life Awaits" to show readers the healing and mysteries that Spirit shares with us within our hearts and minds each and every day! The journey to peace love and happiness is not in the illusions of the outside world but within the wisdom of eternal soul life!

A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening
Sheryl Glick announces her next book A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening available on Amazon February 7, 2020.
Read Introduction by clicking here
Read Chapter 11 by clicking here
To purchase now on Amazon click here
"Spring Equinox Spirited Woman Top 12 Pick List
Part of a trilogy this book shares how these changing times can lead to great advancement and healing for humanity.
We are not having a worldwide political economic religious social problem, just a disconnect from our Spiritual essence."
Check it out by visiting
Among offering ways to return to our core needs for health and creating our best afterlife, A New Life Awaits shares how the spiritually guided Founding Fathers of this nation were entrusted with a template for the creation of a democratic republic: The Constitution, which protected the rights and freedoms of all citizens. It was the hope that all nations would eventually emulate this great document and aspire to a fair minded way of life.
A New Life Awaits postulates how our first president George Washington and our current president and leaders must and will support this divine mission for democracy to thrive, as well as Spirit’s trust in our decent human concerns to awaken the world population to their full human and divine potential.

Conquer fear challenges and live a creative life!
Sheryl Glick shares the launch of her third book in the trilogy, A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening on February 7, 2020
Find out how to be happy healthy people who conquer fear challenges and live a creative life!

Happy Halloween 2019
In our greatest dreams and imagination we seek to be bold courageous loving and full of goodness to share with the world. I always admire women from any era or circumstance who stand in alignment to their spiritual truths survive challenges to triumph in serving the Common Good. This year I am happy to be Sansa Stark Queen of the North from Game of Thrones who survived war loss and betrayal but honored her traditions, served her people and loved her family and life. In these challenging changing times remember the answers for thriving in this world reside in our heart!
Wellness Gala
October 28, 2019
Sheryl Glick is happy to share news of an event that Dr. Eben Alexander will be hosting in New Jersey on October 27 and 28th. Dr. Alexander is a former guest speaker on “Healing From Within” where we discussed his book Proof of Heaven his challenging near death experience and his discovery, beyond any doubt, that Consciousness survives physical death.
To listen to the show,
click here.
Life Is No Coincidence
Sheryl Glick shares the Book Trailer for her first book Life Is No Coincidence: The Life and Afterlife Connection capturing the magic and mystery of Spiritual communication throughout time and space that she discovered in dreams meditation prayer and simply by paying attention to the healing clues Spirit sends us to enrich our everyday awareness of infinite possibilities!
Trajan's Fund - A Life-Saving Service Dog
August 2019
Gregg Glick, Sheryl’s son shares his inspiring experience living with Type I Diabetes and Trajan a service dog gifted to him by the wonderful organization Dogs4Diabetics who train special helpers that are life saving companions to those living with the challenging managing of their condition. Read Share Donate…Thank You!
For more information, please visit Trajan's Fund - A Life-Saving Service Dog
For more information, please visit
Trajan's Fund - A Life-Saving Service Dog
Enlightened Women-Enlightened You Summit
September 2019
Sheryl I. Glick Reiki Master Teacher/medium, author of Life Is No Coincidence: The Life and Afterlife Connection and The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love is delighted to join Ruth Anderson on September 29th with the Enlightened Women-Enlightened You Summit. Real Women “Living Real Lives” Working with Spirit as we grow evolve and share the mysteries of life and love.
For more information, please visit and scroll down to the bottom by clicking here:
Enlightened World Network
Healing Energies from Universal Source Influence Dreams
Tuesday July 16th at 6pm PT
Sheryl Glick is a guest speaker on “Dreaming Healing” with Kat Kanavos and together they share how dreams, day dreaming and intuition offer us an awareness of possible health challenges and offer ways to heal. Sheryl Glick a Reiki Master Teacher/Practitioner/Medium is delighted to learn that Kat Kanavos and Dr. Larry Burke in their book
Dreams Can Save Your Life explored the ancient Asclepleion Dreaming Temples of Greece where the practice of Incubatio also known as temple sleep would allow the patient to go to sleep with the expectation of being visited by Asclepius himself or other healing entities in their dream state. Hippocrates the father of early medicine as well as Edgar Cayce a modern day healer and prophet connected in the same relaxed state to the divine healing energies of the universe. This same technique is practiced today in that ancient healing modality known as spiritual healing. As Reiki practitioner Sheryl enters a light meditative state, somewhere between sleep and consciousness, to receive messages, impressions, feelings, and validation for the person to understand their own physical emotional spiritual needs. In today’s show Sheryl shares stories that illuminate the power of Universal Healing through energy and the guidance of Spirit.
To listen to the show, please visit
Dreaming Healing

Live Show with Sheryl Glick on
Wednesday March 13th at 4-5 pm
Sheryl Glick, Host of Healing From Within is a guest on Robert Sharpe’s LIVE show “Bringing Inspiration to Earth Show” on Wednesday March 13th at 4-5 pm. The title of this episode is “From Skepticism of Eternal Life and Soul Being to True Awareness”.
Sheryl shares her work as a Reiki Master Teacher/Medium/Host of Healing From Within at and may talk about her books: Life Is No Coincidence, The Living Spirit and her next book New Life Awaits: Creating Your Best Afterlife by Living Consciously Now. In these challenging changing times follow this discussion to find a way to know truth and find peace in living your own destiny and life journey in pursuit of knowing yourself as a Multi-dimensional Being.
To listen to the show, please visit
Bringing Inspiration to Earth Show

Holiday Luncheon
Holiday Luncheon with my wonderful computer manager and editor of Healing From Within Soso Mui. Her dedicated attention to producing the best show is greatly appreciated. Each of us supports the other and brings light and goodness to our world. Happy Chanukah Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our friends and listeners of the show.

Happy Halloween 2018
Happy Halloween to All who sparkle with the joy of sharing imagination and good Will. As a member of the Universal Space Force I seek higher awareness consciousness and to respect people as they are wherever they are and to allow and accept ALL. Each year Sheryl attempts to capture what is happening either in the nation or world by her selection of a costume that is reflective of our changing awareness of humanity and Universal Consciousness with thoughtful good humor and hope for awakening to new adventuresome possibilities for personal growth irrespective of public opinion.
Sheryl Glick is featured on International Angels Network hosted by Dr. Ruth Anderson.
Mother Mary's Loving Messages of Peace with Sheryl Glick

Sheryl Glick and Family Attend a Joyful Wedding (Attended by Angels and Souls)
Only recently at a wedding, Sheryl’s cousin who had lost her husband and was distraught asked Sheryl if she believed that her husband and our other relatives were joining in the festivities. Sheryl said, “But of course!” Then she closed her eyes and asked for a message or a sign to support the healing of her cousin. In every picture taken with the cousins there are spiritual beings present.

Happy Halloween 2017
Happy Halloween Children of all ages enjoy costumes from a sense of fun and love of many beautiful cultures, races, religions, and freedom of their hearts to respect all. Honor everyone's choice!

Happy Halloween 2016
Happy Halloween 2016! The Red Queen Reminds Us That A Leader Without Heart and Empathy Will Not Rule for Long. Transform Ourselves.

Choose Freedom and Joy
Sheryl Glick is speaking on the FREE Choose Freedom and Joy Summit on October 24th! Over 20 amazing experts will help heal and create the life you want. Check it out at

The Shelly Wilson Show with Sheryl Glick
Sheryl Glick is a Guest Speaker for The Shelly Wilson Show. Sheryl Glick as Guest Speaker addresses many metaphysical issues with Shelly Wilson as they are both energy healers and mediums working with the public to discuss recognizing and using our energies, intuition and spiritual gifts to improve health, inspire creativity, prosperity and help heal emotional physical and the collective consciousness for the enhancement of our human condition. Please click here to discover ways to know yourself and the world of energy in a more meaningful way.

Sheryl Glick as Guest Author on Blog Talk Radio
Sheryl will be a guest on Susun Weed's show "Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & 'Living Spirit' Sheryl Glick". The show airs on September 29 at 9:00 pm. For more information, please visit

We Carry the Light
Yesterday Sheryl Glick was a guest on We Carry the Light to discuss her new book The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing & Infinite Love. To listen to the show now, please click here

Book Signing and Workshop with Sheryl Glick
Book Signing and Workshop with Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing & Infinite Love, a fabulous event Discovering Universal Energy for Personal Development and Health at A Time for Karma, located at 14 S. Village Avenue, Rockville Centre.(South of Merrick Rd.) on Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 7:00- 8:30 pm. For more information, click here now!

Capri Nail Salon Book Signing
Fabulous turnout at Capri Nail Salon! Book signing for The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing & Infinite Love with Sheryl Glick and her team..

We Don't Die
Sheryl Glick was interviewed on We Don’t Die as a medium and author to discuss the Afterlife click here now!

Answers for Healing & Infinite Love with Sheryl Glick Open Your Heart and Mind!
Sheryl Glick is featured as a guest on Maryanne Comaroto's show, Maryanne Live to discuss her new book, The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing & Infinite Love with Sheryl Glick Open Your Heart and Mind! Click here to listen now!

Namaste bookstore Book Signing
BOOK SIGNING by Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing & Infinite Love, a fabulous event at Namaste bookstore between 5th and 6th Avenue, New York City, a workshop on Answers For Healing and Infinite Love- Energy Healing, Mediumship, and Improving Relationship.

Journey to Personal Awareness
An essay donated by Sheryl Glick, author of The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing & Infinite Love - Journey to Personal Awareness using our 6th sense. To read more, please visit

On The Couch with Dr. Michelle
LA TALK RADIO “ON THE COUCH WITH DR. MICHELLE” (ONLINE; LOS ANGELES) Sheryl is scheduled for an interview on 8/1 at 2 p.m. ET. The show has airs on LA Talk Radio online and will be available for replay on the website and on iTunes podcast. Click here to listen

A Lifetime of Caring, Giving, Joy, Education and Healing Shine Bright
Annette Rochelle Aben interviews Sheryl Glick - "A lifetime of caring, giving, joy, education and healing shine bright in the latest book by Sheryl Glick titled The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing & Infinite Love and those who have read it are singing its praises everywhere." Click here to listen

Energy Awareness interviews
T Love host of Energy Awareness interviews Sheryl Glick. You are not alone. Understanding this spiritual truth allows us to expand beyond our fears and limitations to create a wonderful life. “What we need is to open our hearts and our minds to the universal force that is infinite love,” says Sheryl Glick, author of The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing & Infinite Love. It is her belief that we are guided by our “loved ones in spirit,” who send us messages to help us achieve our highest human potential. Click here to listen

Energizing Delivery and Powerful Interviews
Sheryl had a one-hour interview on 5/28 at 1 p.m. ET. Energizing delivery and powerful interviews with renowned leaders in the field of human potential is what the Dr. Pat Show is all about. The show airs on more than 300 stations nationally. Click here to listen now

The Living Spirit by Sheryl Glick
SelectBooks announces the release of new titles: The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing & Infinite Love by Sheryl Glick. Click here to read more

Book Expo America Book Signing
Sheryl will be Book Signing at the Book Expo America at the Javits Center on May 29, 2014 at 4:30 pm #1 Book & Author Event in the U.S. To the right is Sheryl Glick with Agent/Daughter Stacey Glick VP of Dystel & Goderich Literary Management at BEA

National Radio Shows
Sheryl Glick Talks About The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing & Infinite Love on National Radio Shows. Click here for more information

Who Pays the Price? The Human Cost of Electronics
Heather White, a previous Guest on Healing From Within, invites you to check out the new trailer, "Who Pays the Price? The Human Cost of Electronics" by visiting Who Pays the Price, The Human Cost of Electronics follows the stories of teenage Chinese workers in factories making products for the world’s leading electronics brands. Heather White and her team spent the past 18 months in China documenting chemical poisoning among workers and the serious injuries in the production of cell phones.

Lost Secrets of the Gods
Sheryl Glick’s interview on Healing From Within with Frank Joseph author of “Lost Secrets of the Gods” will air on this website October 1, 2015 Tune in to hear about ideas and facts that fire up our imagination and our views of human history. Below is an event he will be featured at….