Internet Radio Show
A Blueprint For BUILDING A Better Future
- John Peitzman
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” with your host Sheryl Glick author of Life Is No Coincidence and also The Living Spirit which share stories of spiritual awakening, spiritual communication, healing energies, empathic qualities, miracles, and ways to know your intuitive sense of knowing from within. We welcome today John Peitzman author of The Build Framework who shares with us that although politics and weather change with or without us our lives go on and we can master ways to create change that allow for personal growth prosperity health happiness and making the world a better place.
As listeners of the show are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories and insights into the human and energetic components of life as we seek to know ourselves, the world and Universe, with clarity wisdom and to find ways through our thoughts attitudes and actions to create the best version of ourselves: no matter what challenges we face. We eventually come to understand more about The Universal Laws of Energy that can help us predict and provide us with better choices that lead beyond the expectations of others, as we start to self-investigate and confront our emotions and master our fears.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” John a Certified High Performance Coach will share the BUILD philosophy for managing your energy, keeping your resolutions, balancing your lives and work, and making small and large changes—all for the better. If there is one thing that JP knows it’s that you, and only you, can make changes in your life.
When Sheryl asks John to think back to his childhood and remember a person place event or value that may have alerted him or people around him to think about the lifestyle work or interests he might have as an adult John tells us how he always wanted to amuse and help people resonate with happiness and also wanted to go on an audition. At eight years old he went on an audition and landed the lead part in a Dr. Seuss musical play. On the night of the first performance he simply froze and the woman playing his mother in the play pushed him onto the stage and of course he reached deep within to his power source and wooed the audience. He has been shedding his powerful enthusiastic bright into the world in many ways to encourage moving past the comfort zone to take risks and encourage personal growth.
John tells a story of when he was 18 working as a security person at Target and also studying karate at that time. One day a large burly man came in and filled a cart with loads of merchandise and just exited without paying. John sprinted after him and thought to himself I may have to fight this guy. When I caught up with him John decided to psych him out and did a Superman dive through the air and came up right in front of him and stood in position just like in the Kung Fu movies ready to fight. And this guy just dropped to his knees and pleaded Don’t hurt me Karate Kid! John cuffed him and returned him to the store and his nickname became Karate Kid and no one messed with him again.
That story reminds Sheryl of when she was in High School and being in the gifted class was not used to dealing with bullies and she was kind of small for her age. One day walking into the bathroom Sheryl was surrounded by a group of girls like the scrappy group in the movie Grease. Sheryl being a Sandra Dee type was not used to how they talked and they looked tough. They were smoking and maybe thought Sheryl didn’t like that or didn’t like them. One pushed her against the wall and for a moment Sheryl felt like a cooked goose. Immediately she looked her in the eye and told her she liked her pointy shoes. For some reason the girl backed off and Sheryl smiled at her. Just like John, it took a bit of courage and intelligence, as well as good will and trying to see the similarities of people’s needs not their differences.
John goes on to tell us how he created the BUILD Framework, and what does the acronym means.
First of all to have a beautiful life you have to achieve balance within your own energy, thinking, and life style. Happiness does not come from the outside world so success based on the expectations and social norms of others is not an individual internal sense of well being. Happiness comes from within and is expressed through confidence and consistency hard work and a desire to share the best with others.
Build builds upon Build
Build Relationships
Understand the Business
Implement strategies
Lead and Inspire
Deliver Excellence
You are probably thinking when you’ve mastered one letter, you get to sail on through to the next. But nope! At each level you have to go back to the previous letter: then you’ll have the momentum to propel you with greater effectiveness to the next letter and level.
The Build Framework is sequential tied together in a centrifugal loop. Note that none of the pieces is optional. The parts may represent different percentages for example the relationship piece may be 60 percent for you and implementing strategies may be 15 percent and these numbers will be different for each of your employees but the total across the BUILD Framework will be 100 percent. And it all comes together in the heart.
From the standpoint of true leadership everything we’re talking about is more about feeling than it is about thinking. You already know how to think about your business because that has brought you this far. To be more successful you need to implement The BUILD Framework from the heart.
Relationships are more powerful when they are built from the heart. You learn to know how it feels when you are in the zone of doing well and being well and people are resonating with you. That’s not a thought. It’s a feeling
John tells a story of his work as a regional security manager for Electronic Data Systems and how the BUILD system helped him handle a challenging situation on the day of 9/ 11.
Calls were coming in from people claiming to be the FBI and wanting the names of all the passengers on the four plans involved. Because John was authentically connected to an FBI agent who had become a friend, John was able to call the FBI agents cell phone as all the lines to law enforcement were busy. He found out how to avoid giving any information to new reporters who would have used the information inappropriately. John started with “B” to build relationships with all kinds of people and on that horrific day had someone who helped him navigate the challenge and provide the right service to others.
We discuss how one may know when to make changes in their life.
Sheryl tells her story of noticing in her early 40’s that her heart hurting…something was amiss! As a sensitive empathic child she was often saddened by the behaviors and actions of many people young and old, around her who were often not acting kindly or with right action, right thoughts and speech, and it caused her to ask herself many questions about “Who we are?” and “Why” and “How” we make the world a better place. But she pushed these childhood thoughts aside to fit into the material world and be socialized by a general form of intolerance and insensitivity to her own heartfelt needs. At about 42 years old when her heart began to hurt she sensed there was something more to life and her purpose in life than home family children and work experiences. Something was surely missing. She was seeking a higher form of love and to be of service to others. In time Sheryl developed her natural healing gift after studying Reiki energy healing and also the gift of connecting to souls through energy and to truly bridge time and space, knowing life in its infinite eternal source.
Change is difficult for so many of us. Sheryl says “I guess change is so hard for many of us because we have simply internalized from childhood the many fears given to us in the name of love and the socialization process which hopes to show us how to get along with others but actually has for many instilled in them a lack of self worth empathy and the fear of failure, fear of loss, and fear of being judged or embarrassed . It is only when we confront our fears that we realize how irrational they all are. There are actually only two fears that are instinctively know to everyone: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. All other fears are learned and become part of a story we tell ourselves until we can change ourselves and change the patterns.
John goes on to share with us that when relationships are authentic and for the right reason to serve others, it will work. Inauthentic motives always backfire. You can call this karma, universal energy or just, “what goes around comes around,” but insincere motivation will come back in a negative way. And that is not building relationships with an open heart. You must make sure the intention is authentic.
AS time is limited you must prioritize and have a clear picture of why a particular relationship is important to you.
You have to take action and use all the tools and techniques you have learned..
Get it on the calendar.
Pick up the phone or write an e-mail and press send. Don’t think about it just do it.
Mark off a block of time that is used just for building relationships.
Finally be mindful and be consistent.
Building a relationship may mean checking in daily weekly or every other week but it requires effort and diligence.
Some relationships like a cactus need to be nurtured very little while other relationships need daily attention.
You can actually look at all relationships in all areas of your life not just business.
Always remember actions speak louder than words.
So if it is important to you plan to engage with people in your life on a regular basis.
Curiosity imagination and attention to the details and to the people and their thoughts and needs makes you more alert to your own talents and desires and feeds the heart with compassion and greater love so you must pay attention to what is within and direct those thoughts into the world and create the life and connections you need to fulfill your own destiny remembering that the expectations of others are not really as important as the expectations and hope you have for yourself.
As energetic happy and enthusiastic people we share with others the key ingredients to growing a positive flow of energy from within to share with the outside world. lives?
Sheryl says we are able to be more energetic and dynamic in our lives when we begin to take care of our inner heart needs: recognizing perhaps what makes our heart sing, and discovering our life purpose or destiny while not furiously expending time and energy based on the expectations of others for us. Through self investigation and self mastery of our own emotions we begin to thrive and to be in love with ourselves and life. We learn to take care of our spiritual and physical needs discarding many of the fears and traumas of our childhood and growing into the maturity of our inner soul wisdom.
In my book The Living Spirit I addressed this thought and wrote, “ It would serve us well to understand how our positive thoughts and optimism can bring us more feelings of self-empowerment self-esteem self-love and acceptance and contribute to how our lives unfold. We see that like begets like, positive action begets positive action and that positive friends and behaviors can allow for more personal growth leading to more internal or soul growth and greatly enhance the way we handle all experiences. In other words there are no experiences that should ever throw you completely off your game if you are aligned to the needs and values of your inner world. (The Law of Attraction)
Finally when you’re implementing strategies for yourself and your team you increase productivity and greater success for all. John who is certified in “The Reid Technique” of interviews and interrogations, the same training utilized by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies around the world, tells us about that process and how it can help us be more productive. Reid is all about obtaining “truthful” confessions not just getting people to confess. John likes this technique because it is used by those who are driven by integrity Reid has nine steps which include proposing an alternative question at step seven to obtain a truthful confession. But sometimes people get so caught up in the specifics of this strategy that they lose their flexibility One investigator was so locked into the process that when the suspect started to confess when he was only on step three, he couldn’t see that getting to the truth even when the suspect is guilty means getting the confession. Delivering excellence is the end game and adapting and being flexible is often a necessary part of the whole process.
John also tells us about the ABC or Action Benefit Challenge which is to identify the strategy, identify why the strategy is important to you and your business, and verify why, and solidify, how you are going to get this done.
What is the number one thing everyone in the world wants? Sheryl suggests that it is the need to love and be loved, to feel productive and to serve others as well as yourself and to be connected to the Universal laws of goodness balance harmony and peace. Those most people who look to the outside world to provide what they believe they may need may not be aware of what the really most productive people know. Quite simply to do our best we must accept allow and surrender to life knowing we are more than our bodies and are energetically connected to others and the Universal eternal source of life in infinite ways. In other ways when you merge your spiritual energetic soul force with your ego- based mind reality, you are able to enjoy life and work through the challenges without as much pain or suffering. Making the choice to respect life encourages you to choose life, no matter what daily challenges occur.
John shares the key areas that we should be thinking about getting more of to make this next year our best ever.
First of all, don’t be afraid to ask your questions. Whatever you are uncomfortable with, ask about that, so you can understand better and do it with an open heart. Asking questions isn’t useful if you don’t listen to the answers. Hearing is just with the ears but listening is with the heart and it occurs deep inside you. Finally encourage your team members at work to ask questions too especially when it is about something that makes them uncomfortable. No one can become an expert in every aspect of the business but encourage curiosity and also know when to draw the line. You can always look up what you don’t know. Understanding that limit, prevents you from wasting your valuable time trying to cover all bases.
John would like readers to take away with them after reading this book that the success attributes for implementing strategies are discernment and will. Discernment means knowing what to do and making the right decisions. Will is necessary to show up as your best self each and every day and to do what you know is right. When you have discernment and will based in the heart you can implement strategies effectively at a level above anything you can even imagine. The emotional contractions that stop us from being able to implement strategies effectively are worry and dishonor much like the fear we discussed. Discover that a heart based system for personal and professional growth is just a simple straightforward commonsense approach that helps you reconstruct your life, moving you towards success and well being, based on opening your heart and mind to new possibilities, pass your comfort zone, taking risks and acting on what makes you find most authentic and joyful in your everyday interactions.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” John Peitzman has offered a way to build heart based relationships to increase productivity for your life business or team and to implement structure for greater peace clarity and balance. We learn that when we have courage to move beyond any fear or limitation we expand our ability to follow our dream path and life journey with an energy of joy positivity and optimism and create a transformation of our personal life as we contribute more to the world around us from the inside out.
John wrote under the caption “Dream It Be It” “The success attributes for leading and inspiring are recognition and giving. With recognition and giving, you have the clarity to see what contributions need to be made and the ability to share with others. The emotional contractions that stop you from being able to lead and inspire effectively are overconcentration and anger. When we are in our heads all the time our attention and energy are focused inward in a contracting manner. This diminishes our ability to lead because it block our ability to accurately view life with an open perspective. When we are angry, we block giving love and kindness. And we can’t lead and inspire by being angry. We can only lead and inspire by allowing our hearts to expand outward.”
John and I would have you remember you possess the potential to create the best version of yourself which lies in beginning to set up a plan or action that builds on your loving inner soul wisdom and allows you to appreciate yourself and love life, as it is, and as you create it each day, in each moment with loving optimistic thoughts and actions.