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A Dramatic Resurgence of Feminine Power As It Must Be
- Anaiya Sophia
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Energy Teacher medium and author of A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares a new path forward for those opening to the truth of our divine and physical duality so we may improve health prosperity and happiness through awareness and higher consciousness. Sheryl is delighted to welcome Anaiya Sophia a mystic author and teacher of kundalini yoga and author of Fierce Feminine Rising a passionate step by sage in step guide to comfort your spiritual anguish and dispel the helplessness of not knowing what to do.
As listeners of Healing From Within are well aware Sheryl and her guests and share intimate experiences and insights into the metaphysical view of life while discovering we are spiritual beings having a physical life journey in order to refine relationships as well as our awareness to know the possibilities available for us to create with our thoughts purposeful and dynamic happy healthy lives. Through experience we refine both our human and divine capabilities to love and develop greater love for all life.
In today’s episode of “Healing from Within” we will be encouraged to feel the call of the “Fierce Feminine” to embrace our sacred mission and allow ourselves to rebalance the powers that govern the planet as well as harmonize our minds. After millennia of suppression the Fierce Feminine or Dark Mother is making a dramatic resurgence to express universal outrage in order to set things right in their own lives and seek justice for those who can’t defend themselves. We will find that when we allow the justice of the Fierce Feminine to flow within us, we each become an active participant in creating needed change. We will discuss the collective spiritual uprising and discuss practices from Eastern tradition to heal from predatory relationships and gain access to ancient wisdom within the untapped portion of the female brain to deal with sorrow or anger.
We define fierce femininity and the qualities of fierce femininity The Fierce Feminine or Dark Mother is not a person but instead our universal individual and collective expressed outrage. She is rising collectively now, especially within women and has a unique and individual expression for each of us. We must allow her to authentically arise and acceptance of her truth is only given in authentic surrender. It requires to be in the moment as is humanly possible and to reach for new words and ways to transmit knowledge that comes from an unused part of the feminine brain which She calls “primordial wisdom. Primordial Wisdom does not require learning, only living. It is our inner compass for what lies ahead
Anaiya tells us she is using the seven forces of creation to lie the template upon. The seven forces are encoded into our psychospiritual bodies known as our chakra system. She is imbuing our centers of power with her own and birthing a new vocabulary that is laden with catalyzing codes that start to take shape and form and will eventually be spoken. From What she understands the Fierce Feminine’s mission is twofold. She intends to address and rebalance the powers that govern the planet making sure every inhabitant has the right to thrive and the equilibrium is maintained but also she will apply the same rigorous methods to fully balance and harmonize our minds.
FINALLY we will not be the spectators of this massive global cleanup campaign but participants ourselves.
Perhaps the most powerful thing a woman can do is to understand there is an innate predator and killer in psyche. A psychic force that cannot be changed or rehabilitated. The challenge with all archetypal energies is to learn how to relate to them without being overtaken. For the feminine psyche, which always wants to connect and relate, this anti-life force is probably difficult to come to terms with.
It may also be important to understand that fairy tales are simple and pure expressions of the collective unconscious and offer a clear understanding of universal patterns in the human psyche. Just like a dream, a fairy tale is not to be taken literally. It depicts the dance and the dynamics between the masculine and the feminine, as they manifest in the collective as well as the individual Both dreams and fairy tales can be a roadmap to discern for the princess to get her prince and for the union of opposites and the sacred marriage of the masculine and feminine within one’s soul. Women must be wise and learn to avoid all forms of excessive and repetitive emotionally abusive behavior. The emotionally abusive person is often a pathological narcissist unwilling/unable to genuinely feel for anyone including themselves. Because they are disconnected from a nourishing center in their psyche, they always put themselves and their ego into the center of the lonely universe Their alienation from the Source forces the pathological narcissist to take more and more drastic measures. That often leaves a trail of blood and corpses sometimes symbolically sometimes literally. Remember the story of Bluebeard. The Fierce Feminine encourages women that she must not get lost in denials or pretending the problem doesn’t exist. When she sees, she knows and there is no turning back….Our willingness and strength to face the truth are activating positive masculine energies in us, which manifest our ability to sever the ties to abusive relationships.
We must think about what the world need most right now. We must understand the Dark Agenda otherwise known as the Matrix Control System. This includes corrupt governments the war-making industries, the overproducing, mind-numbing addiction feeding, heartlessness of our modern day society as well as the covert influences of anti-awakening that seem to since World War 1. From that time, the families, or rather the bloodlines, started to work together as a cartel to dominate the world economy and prevent the full realization of our spiritual and abundant nature. We are at a very dangerous moment in human history. The Fierce Feminine is giving us the last change to flush our the patriarchal contamination from our minds. The journey will be scary but supported and sacred activism is called for.
In order to reclaim your feminine power you might remember yourself as a child perhaps shy often alone and eager to please. And then remember trying to fit into a world of fence sitting watching viewers of wrong doing and knowing there was something more you needed to do and trying to feel the NO inside but not daring to scream it out.. Remember that fighting the good fight was not allowed. Then remember an event a divorce a mystical dream a loss of a parent and how the remembrance of I AM made a reappearance in your life and how your soul destiny was reignited and the values beliefs and dreams of the past faded into insignificance. Remember when you began to prepare for a possible new future for yourself and the planet.
Sheryl says she was guided to becoming a Reiki Master Teacher and medium and then began to write about the power of the soul to remember its potential to thrive heal and spread the truth of love and compassion by sharing what was “always within” but had been hidden by the fears of the physical world of competition and survival.
We began to understand we need to stand our ground Anaiya writes, “There is a sickness within humanity today, a deep suppression of our interconnectivity as the powers that be or Dark Agenda continually attempt to segregate separate and stagnate our natural tendencies to share and pass on our wisdom. We must get connected to the causes and concerns that break our hearts wide open. We can no longer waste time.”
Several main obstacles might stand in the way of accessing this power. Materialism and social media as well as wasting energy on mindless sex that is goal oriented or plugged into the pornographic world and other addictions that make us unable to see or care about what is going on around us are a distraction to our real purpose for having a physical life in the first place that is really supposed to help us refine our eternal soul energy and develop greater love and compassion for all living things.. WE need to look at poor choices and feelings of entitlement and scream out NO more!
Accountability integrity and honor are the qualities that smash the doctrines of the Dark Agenda enabling us to see there are right and wrong actions in the world and we must be willing to be one who steps into right living and right action
Sheryl shares an excerpt from her new book in the trilogy, A New Life Awaits that seems to support the idea we must draw on our past values and interests to achieve rightful living and Sheryl writes,” Now, we must continue to work with all aspects of our physical and spiritual lives, to heal and create a world that offers hope in the face of personal or collective hardships, that may make us forget our divinity and ability to live with dignity. If we begin to do what feels right from within, without judging issues as good or bad, only as experiences, we will free ourselves from the many illusions or ideologies that still hold us prisoners to fear and the limitations of our conditioned minds and lift these challenging times to new heights for advanced human evolution.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.” -RUMI Page
Men can access a fierce feminine power. Wouldn’t the world be better if men and women can realize that we each have both energies male and female and merging them together creates the most successful blend of awareness to achieve miracles Perhaps, they could better use their energies and spiritual gifts in the physical world if they were aware of the actual reality of their being. Anaiya writes, “ This terrestrial human world is constantly invaded by the forces of the neighboring world, that is of the vital world, the subtler region beyond the Earth’s atmosphere and our five senses. This vital world is constantly penetrating the physical world and is much more subtle, It’s often quiets imperceptible except to a few rare individual. There are entities, beings, wills, and various types of individualities in that world who have all kinds of intentions and make use of every opportunity to either amuse themselves, if they are small beings, or to do harm and create disorder if they are beings with a greater capacity. We have tamed ourselves, kept ourselves small, and often ignored our pure knowledge for fear of being harmed, judged tortured shamed and killed because of it. No wonder it is so hard to trust in ourselves again. But that is exactly what must be done now.
Anaiya is asked what her cause is and what is the thing that most breaks her heart. She believes we are currently in a global dark night of the soul She thinks back to the 2018 movie Mary Magdalene where we get to see Mary truly standing as the embodiment of the first witness of the resurrection. In the biblical texts we are lead to believe this was a chance meeting by a grieving Mary who was sobbing outside Yeshua’s tomb. But that is not the story that lives in Anaiya’s heart. She believes Yeshua stated that it would be Mary that not only observed the transformation but absorbed it. Mary absorbed the passion of a human becoming Divine: Yeshua becoming Christ. And this is what the sense of the role of the feminine could be in the global dark night of the soul. We can be conscious and willing to soak up the despair of the world as an active witness and this can be the transforming catalyst that enables a global transfiguration. Anaiya sees this with Mary Magdalene, a woman willing and able to birth her beloved into Divinity with all the pain, suffering, ectasy and glory that goes with giving birth in physical form. However, for women now in this time and place it may not be a man but the world that must rise to its divine level of humanity.
There is the difference between a fierce feminine and a nasty woman. We must realize that by speaking the voice of the Fierce Feminine and striking at the nervous system of those holding old positions of power or false goodness we initiate things we never would have dreamt of before. The way to know if it is the power of the Feminine Divine or personal anger looking for a fight is when we speak and act it will have little to do with our own personal gain. It will be on behalf of others. It will be a clean energy and while protecting our own light we will feel in our hearts that we are doing the right thing. There will be an upsurge of courageous goodness. There is only truth. The Fierce Feminine is working in realms where physical brawling is a thing of the past. We will know without thought a swift and direct action voice or response emerges. We will most likely be met by resistance and angry accusations from those that we challenge…We must remember it’s not so much a person that opposes us, but a system deeply enmeshed and living alongside old values, old beliefs and old ideas.
The Fierce Feminine is:
Showing courage
Seeking truth
Acting on behalf of the innocent and undefended
Responding effectively being willing to speak up and speak out
Protecting your Light and the Light of others
Taking a stand
Being fully aware of the visible and invisible situation
Inwardly praying for true alignment and blessings for the situation
Walking away feeling you acted on Her Behalf
Feeling restored and recalibrated by your action.
What is not the Fierce Feminine?
Displaying false bravado
Telling Lies
Acting From self-interest and personal gain
Reacting and causing a scene
Employing passive tactics to coerce, blame and attack.
Attacking the Light of others
Being defiant and stubborn
Losing awareness of the whole situation.
Inwardly building more aggression
Walking away
Plotting another attack
Feeling restless and agitated by your actions
Anaiya might want readers to trust their intuition and surrender the masculine minds and its insistent need for proof logic and clear thinking instead delving into the animal nature of your being so you can explore and observe everything. Everything you need to know is within you. WE must trust our intuition and see things as they really are. As Anaiya says cultivating an awakening process must be treated with reverence and care. The great work of the Soul is to gather experience and to allow accept surrender to the natural universal plan of evolution.
We thank Anaiya Sophia author of Fierce Feminine Rising for offering much needed perspective advice and a bevy of tools for channeling the righteous energy and sacred rage of the Divine Feminine which when understood and practiced will be for the greater good of humanity. Read this book to learn about a power that has the chance to rebalance the powers that govern the planet as well as harmonize our minds.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have had a most unusual and unique view into the sacred world of our Feminine Rising ability to connect to the instincts and remembrances of our divine nature that helps us to see the natural world, the animal kingdom the flora and fauna, the rivers mountains forests and deserts and the delicate ways we interact and depend on each other. We have seen the matrix—the artificial world of control fear otherworldly experiences war and oppression which seeks to dim the beauty of life from our vision.
We have explored not to oppose the Dark Agenda but to bring ourselves and our world into balance with nature or physical life. The Dark Agenda that attempts to segregate, separate, and stagnate our natural tendencies to share and pass on our wisdom as well as a deep suppression of our interconnectivity which allows us to find our natural tendencies to share and pass on our wisdom when understood can be overcome and lead to restoring ourselves and our planet.
We have learned there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. We have seen the dark night of the soul that can emerge dues to a number of challenging events like a terminal health diagnosis, old age, a near-death experience, a physical accident, loss of a loved one, a home, a job, of religious faith any of which can lead you to know you can’t go on living the way you have been. And these events can lead to amazing transformations for the betterment of humanity as we see now in the many global challenges facing all humanity.
Anaiya and I would have you know that the trust that was lost possibly by childhood traumas or disappointments and any betrayal we may still think about, can we healed and help us to establish a more loving journey and way forward. As Anaiya shares a quote from Khalil Gibran that I enjoyed Gibran wrote…..”Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls: the most massive characters are seared with scars.” We remind you to know that experiences may not be judged good or bad- just experiences, and they are provided by your soul life plan and destiny to create an energy that grows and lives in an expanded way eternally.
Sheryl Glick Host of Healing From Within and author of A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening invites you to visit my website to listen to and read about leaders in the metaphysical scientific spiritual medical psychological and the arts and music fields share ways to awaken to your inner soul potential to create purposeful healthy happy lives and improve the world condition. Shows may also be heard on and