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A Form of Journaling-Scripting for Achieving Intentions
- Royce Christyn
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick author of the newest book in her trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us our problems are not economic political or societal just a spiritual disconnect from our true being or soul wisdom and Sheryl is delighted today to welcome actor Royce Christyn from the Disney Channel and author of Scripting The Life You Want who will share ground breaking science focusing on journal entries that detail his big breakthrough to land a lead guest starring role on Disney Channels Wizards of Waverly Place.
As listeners of Healing From Within are well aware the harnessing of energetic thought and action can make a world of difference in our health happiness and our self -development. As spiritual beings having a physical life we must learn to use all our unseen talents and potential to thrive beyond what the physical world displays, and what is within us, to alter negativity and create positivity beyond fear and limitation. It is a process of living well that we seek to find and implement into our every day lives. We create and transform reality.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Royce Christyn details a simple scripting process that harnesses the Law of Attraction and manifests much of what you want in your life—happiness wealth travel love health the perfect career or simply a good day. It might seem like magic to some folks but actually it is based on science intuition and inner life experience as well as an awareness of the true nature of life.
Royce when asked to think back to his childhood and remember a person place or event that might have signaled to him or those close to what lifestyle he might choose as an adult immediately mentions his mother and grandmother who were open minded open hearted aware of the nature of intuitive life psychics and a higher reality.
Royce comes from a family who believes in serendipitous events maybe even miracles. He tells the story of his mother and father who visited the small barrier islands where the border of Maryland meets Virginia the Assateague and Chincoteague Islands the weekend she knew she was pregnant with Royce be cause she saw a backward falling star that night not falling from the sky but rising up from the ocean and flying upward in an arc into the sky. Not believing in aliens what could this phenomenon have been? At the same time she saw this she called her husband in from the ocean and then saw sharks nearby and was glad he didn’t become Jaws dinner. My mom and grandmother starting teaching me concepts related to creating your own reality when I was very young. When most of my friends were going to Hebrew school and Sunday school, they were teaching me how to meditate and write down affirmations. So while the concept of creatisng my own reality was not new this creating on demand that I was learning was completely foreign.
Fifteen years later when the family was driving down to that spot and Royce’s mind was consumed with negative thoughts as a result of a fight with his best friend the batteries in his CD went out and my mom and I who have always been very connected noticed and handed him a book Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn dealing with the Law of Attraction. My mom wasn’t into the book but Royce took a highlighter and began to absorb the thoughts and ideas. Though Royce was young, in his gut he knew that by selecting an ultimate goal and keeping that thought primarily active in our thoughts you could create or manifest the best things in your life.
One of the ideas expressed by Stephen Hawking author of Black Holes and Baby Universes who was a scientist who lived with ASL longer than most people wrote, “I have noticed that even people who claim everything is predetermined and that we can do nothing to change it, look before we cross the road.”
Sheryl Says…I always tell clients as an intuitive energy healer and medium I know nothing is random and we as souls are living out the journey we have created for our energy to refine and expand and while most people and events we encounter in our life are necessary for our growth, still we have free will and can make choices to approach how we handle any experience and that makes all the difference.
One of the goals Royce explores is to show how the chasm between science and New Thought or spiritual activity, positive thinking, vibrations and all the things many people call weird or woo-woo is even greater when it comes to the topics covered in this book. Elizabeth Svoboda in her self help book Saved by the Book concluded that some cognitively based self help books are effective and worth defending, while New Age and positive thinking books it is thought by some, are the product of woo peddlers who cheapen the field. She discussed two assumptions that make it difficult to discuss self help therapeutics. The first group of metaphysical works such as the Secret and books based on clinical study.
Mitch Horowitz who writes the Foreword for this book points in relationship to types of self- help books and says that being upset about a lack of science is not relevant: for there is a place for science and a place for belief systems. The point is they are beginning to intersect and this book tries to share the value in both.
Sheryl says..she feels that until we merge the wisdom and knowledge of science religion and spirituality we are missing part of the equation which helps us know ourselves in both our energetic and physical essence. Knowledge of both lead to unification of soul and ego- based mind reality. We find that the reason the science is not there is because of a massive lack of proper studies. Yet there is incredible new science on how we do create our realities and it will blow your mind. When it comes to human vibrations, we have two groups of people both looking for the wrong thing. There is a real actual scientific field of study that proves that emotions feelings and thoughts create our reality, but it has nothing to do with frequencies or even quantum mechanics…You have to decide if you believe in magic and miracles or not. Of course if your lie has been lousy you may not, Contrary to what many think science is not the enemy of Spirit. Experience allows one to know what they believe and often it doesn’t come from books or other people’s ideas but from truly knowing something is real from your own reality.
In her book Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting Grabhorn discusses the basics of manifesting.
She has boiled her process of how to get what you want into b
Know what you don’t want.
Find out what you do want.
Get into the feeling place of having the want(s).
Allow the thing you want to come into your life (aka be open to receiving or chill out and let what you’ve asked for arrive.
This book is very real and no nonsense. Royce calls out some teachers of manifesting as lying to their audience—why did you do this in your book? Royce writes, Look, I’m not dissing New Thought Teachers. Anyone brave enough to go into the public sphere and teach this stuff has my respect. Some teachers don’t even know they are lying or withholding key steps to certain methods. Why? Because whatever they are teaching has been repeated from the original source in SO MANY BOOKS over the past hundred years or so that the new teachers don’t even know they are lying. This is because at some point key steps were left out and then many authors and well- meaning teachers repeated the fill in the blank method or tool with the missing steps. There is no secret: there is just a pile of old discoveries and ideas being repackaged as new or hidden with missing steps. I’ve found that a lot of people are afraid to get down in the trenches, get their hands dirty, and test these methods. It took me four years from the day that I first read about scripting back in2003 to figure out the key to it and I was already working with the practice almost daily.
Mitch Horowitz who wrote the foreword for you book tells about RHJ or Roy Herbert Jarrett who prescribed the following process for attaining things you want in life
Write down your desires
Think of your list constantly and
Remain silent telling no one what you’re thinking
Then give thanks when your wishes arrive.
Yes people can use this process to help with healing physical illness or depression. it is possible with self investigation knowing yourself better and creating through journaling or scripting a vision and new reality that can manifest. When it comes to using scripting to
And once you get to your highest then you have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch. Don’t isolate. That’s the key. You have to be selfish enough to reach and achieve your goals and dreams so that you can then use the good you have acquired in your life to spread to others.
For the purposes of this book, there are some basic terms w need to know: wants(and their big sister intentions), beliefs, and scripts/scripting. A want is a desire plain and simple whether it is an experience, thing, place you want to travel to, type of person you want in your life or the way you want to feel It is really important to keep your focus ON the thing you want and OFF the reality of it not being there yet.
Intentions focus wants and the system to do this is:
Write down the following I want today to be a great day
Stop for a moment and how that makes you feel.
Look at the statement and give it a rating from 1 to 10 with 10 being This feels really perfect!
Now write this I intend for today to be a great day.
Analyze how that statement makes you feel. Rate that statement.
For me, it feels more like an 8 or a 9
So the word intention has movement and momentum to carry out the mission.
People who have an interest in “The Law of Attraction” will tell you manifesting means bringing forth into the physical world a wish dream or desire that begins in your mind.
In the dictionary Manifestation is defined as an occult phenomenon specifically materialization.
Scripting and things in your Daily Want List are in many ways a waking visualization or wakeful mediation and even utilized by Olympians because it really works
Royce talks about memes and memetics—and how we’ve been misled by them. Scripting as a whole when done properly is all about taking control of your life and circumstances. Scripting at its core is just as much about getting into the feeling and focus place of having your wants as it is about taking the reins back from the outside world. Your life is YOUR life and you ae now the sole writer producer and director. A meme is a idea behavior or style that becomes a fad and spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbolic meaning representing a particular phenomenon or theme. Memes as described by Richard Brodie in his brilliant book Virus of the Mind can and do run your life probably to a far greater degree than you realize.” He goes on to explain that “the memes you are programmed with, even without considering the culture around you affect your life in every conceivable way. That’s why a virus of the mind is to be taken seriously. These viruses fill up your mind with memes—ideas attitudes and beliefs that make the results you get in life very different from the results you may want. Most of the time these people strangers advertising executive anonymous people online, faceless government officials, publicists—who are implanting these memes into our lives. This is not a conspiracy fallacy. This is real scientifically backed fact. The great news is that scripting overrides much of this and allows you a way out.
The book Scripting The Life You Want offers a tool- Scripting to assist people in really contemplating what it is they might want to create in their life, and gives details on how to use manifestation visualization and scripting to begin the process. How can we live our best lives and play the game if we don’t understand the world of nature man and spirit. As spiritual beings having a physical life we must merge our talents and mind body soul to bring about positive thinking action and results that are truly understood before they manifest. Life is a journey of experience which has nothing to do with age race gender socioeconomic factors politics but is a creation of thought love compassion and Universal Source or the life force energy that brings everything scientifically and magically into creation.
One thing Royce might like people to take away with them after reading Scripting the Life You Want and what has always struck Royce when it comes to the world of New Thought or manifesting or creating your own reality and to eagerly embrace and search out scientific evidence that might back up claims that the world of science has often heavily shielded itself from the scientific world promoting doubt about what cannot be seen, but now we have physicists and scientists producing the most respected scientific peer reviewed journal on the planet and we find legitimate newspaper headlines like these: Is our World a Simulation?
Why Some Scientists Say It’s More Likely Than Not.”
Parallel Worlds Exist and Will Soon Be Testable Experts Say.
And perhaps Royce’s favorite, “Are We Living in A Computer Simulation.”
So what is happening? What is magic? Royce is not talking about the occult or witchcraft. The word magic means the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces. Supernatural is related to an order of experiencer beyond the visible observable universe or departing from what is usual or normal, especially so as to appear to transcend the laws of nature.
Sheryl says that as an intuitive empathic medium who experiences more coincidence or synchronicities from Universal or the Unseen world each day, she accepts Royce’s description that Science Magic and Supernatural events are part of the world of energy or the unseen world and also very real and used practically are the basis for scripting our best life.
In Sheryl’s newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening she refers to the magic and awesome power of our personal soul essence as being able to create great beauty love and wonderment in our lives and for the evolution of humanity and writes,” In reading A New Life Awaits, Sheryl knows you will discover much synchronicity with your own daily observations and find comfort in validating many of your dearest wishes to live life in an expansive and bolder approach, creating new perspectives, new thoughts, taking you in the direction that your soul and heart were born to experience.
Unencumbered by the rules and limitations of societal or family systems that may have temporarily made you forget the amazing, loving, magnificent entity that you are that was born to walk in delight on our beautiful earth landscape and in spiritual light, you will find that a new life awaits you, and know you do not walk alone. As spiritual beings having a human life experience, readers will also take away with them a greater awareness of human life in these tumultuous, changing modern times as we are encouraged to develop a more heightened and astute social consciousness in order to bring about worldwide cooperation when dealing with health, educational, medical, and political concerns affecting all of life: evolution in all our communities, spiritually and physically offering much needed new ways to go about eliminating injustice, the proliferation of crime, conquering disease, reinventing social graces and finding ways to integrate higher Universal Laws for wellbeing and success into our human daily lives. If we are being watched from above by those who live in gentler conditions than here on Earth and who, with love and hope for our advancement as a human species, expect us to expand and create more loving interactions and conquer warring impulses, the choice to do this is non-negotiable. It is a big project to awaken and realize your true potential as a divine force for change and improvement personally and collectively, but it is also amazing to learn the truth. I hope within these pages you will find a new beginning for your own evolution.”
We thank Royce Christyn author of Scripting The Life You Want for sharing a creative and authentic way to merge science art magic and spirit with a reality of soul based and ego based life so there is a plan that can make The Law of Attraction work all the time.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Royce Christyn has detailed a simple scripting process for harnessing “The Law of Attraction” and manifesting the life you determine is best for you and that you actually want. Whether it is happiness wealth travel love health the perfect career or home or simply a productive day, the process is backed by science and experience, yet it feels like magic. And all you need is a pen and paper and the honesty to dig within yourself to bring out through imagination the magnificent that lies in your soul essence.
Royce writes, “ Did you ever notice that the entire Law of Attraction/New Thought methodology seems to work best when you infuse strong emotion and passion into your want? Add that passion to the image of your goal and you will be on the right path to achieving it. Scripting does this, believe it or not, even though it is a process that uses words and writing.
Royce and I would ask you to think about the many memes that fill your head and heart and begin to select those that resonate within your subconscious memory of your brilliant light soul being that has your very best interest at heart and the potential to create possibilities that were once dreams, before they manifested. Life is the dream of your creation and you are the energy of eternal source.
I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and author of the newest book in my trilogy A New Life Awaits which share stories and messages from Spirit that show us our challenges are not simply economic political or societal just a spiritual disconnect from our true being or soul wisdom and I invite you to visit my website to read about and listen to the most thoughtful authentic authors and changemakers who bring their gifts of spiritual energy into their thoughts writing and sharing insightful thoughts with the public so we may all begin to see the truth of life in its entirety. Shows may also be heard on and