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A Guide for Women Athletes Seeking Wholeness
- Mina Samuels
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Welcome to “Healing From Within.” I am your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit which shares stories of spiritual awakenings communication healing energies miracles small and large, along with ways to discover and use intuition for a healthier more prosperous life journey. Sheryl is delighted to welcome Mina Samuels author of Run Like a Girl 365 Days a Year advocating an authentic life that embraces the mess, the complexity and the contradictions: a life where personal transformation comes from within.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories and insights into the possibilities for securing a healthy prosperous and adventuresome life as a result of self awareness and realizing higher consciousness as we explore the metaphysical world seeking to discover the multidimensional aspects of human and spiritual life. By knowing more about who we really are, we are able to create through thoughts actions and behaviors the best version of Self and life.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Mina Samuels will share with us the quickest path to authenticity, knowing who we are and then embracing our strengths while forgiving our failures. We will discover that having a friend to remind us that transformation is an ongoing process with no finish line in sight, and an unlimited potential within us that seeks to reach out into the world help us make connections that enrich our lives.
When Sheryl asks Mina to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that may have shown them or others the adult they would grow into the or the work or lifestyle they would embrace Mina tells us of being a teenager in camp and going into a canoe by herself into the middle of the lake and while she felt some anxiety as she had never done that before she was able to have a moment of silence and connection to the bigger plan of life and Sheryl reminds her that by conquering that fear and facing the challenge she set herself on the path to do the same throughout her life…to challenge herself learn and share the many beauties of nature as well as our spiritual and physical essence.
Mina goes on to tell us something about the format of her book and suggests to the reader how to get the most out of the format. This book is constructed the way our lives are built—day by day in a series of daily reflections, often unrelated, always accumulating, which slowly knit together to create each of our unique designs. You could read this book daily if you want or on days when you are moved to read it. This is a book to read when you need a boost when you need a reminder of your worth, or when you question why you run or simply why you are alive and get up each morning. If something annoys you move on. Or maybe sit with it for a moment and ask yourself why it annoys you or you might simply want to flip the pages each day and see what message may be relevant for that moment in time.
Mina is like a Vetruvian woman a person of many intellectual and spiritual talents. She is a very creative person a writer playwright and performer and has past life interests. She senses in a previous incarnation she was a litigation lawyer and human rights advocate and is very involved with the issues and needs of women in these changing challenging times.
She offers suggestions and practices for how to advance an understanding of one’s spiritual goals and potential.
Some of the practices Mina recommend are:
Engage with the world
Pay attention
Challenge our bodies and minds to be stronger and happier.
Access our ageless girl-spirit..Chose whatever you need to move your body and get your heart pounding.
Sports Work Communities Families Friends are all stimuli for learning about yourself and the world.
On January 1 the first day of every new year when people expect so much of themselves Mina suggests it is “Time to Distell” and think about what you may be aiming for, but, not something that sets you up for disappointment. Perhaps make a list of possibilities for illumination for growth for steady vitality and to recharge if necessary and to flow in spontaneity pleasure simplicity
Sheryl’s one word is “Love” for life and for each day to come
Mina speaks of many injuries small and large that athletes deal with and on her January 8th entry says ….the symphony is playing.
Mina writes, “As athletes we often feel like our body is a symphony tuning up. That the concert hasn’t started yet, that our body is not quite the body it’s supposed to be. We are waiting for the magic moment when everything is tuned, and in sync: when all the various aches and pains and injuries and ailments as a result of our sports are healed. I think of myself as a healthy person but at any given time there is some boo-boos I’m monitoring sketchy hamstring or a tender hip flexor an incipient blister on the arch of my foot from an orthotic, plus a hangnail or two or a persistent crick I my neck. I’ve been talking about our bodies but I could just as easily be talking about anything else in our lives. We are 100 percent and we all have things we are hoping to change or improve. We wonder when the symphony is going to start, when every instrument will play together as it should. The symphony is already playing. The piece has started and the music our life as it is right now.”
Sheryl tells Mina that one of her granddaughters was recently involved in school in a bullying situation which is all too common in today’s fast moving technological societies where social media and our competitive materialistic society puts so many expectations on our children . So I made her a personal book something like yours, with each page reflecting a new way to value herself and her uniqueness so she could develop self confidence and an awareness of her many spiritual gifts. And on your January 12th entry you mention, “Strive for excellence not perfection which Mina also emphasized with her and others when they find themselves unable to be perfect.”
We know you’re not perfect and nobody else is either so we can’t waste time comparing ourselves to others. As Carl Jung who is one of Sheryl’s
favorite spiritualist psychologists believed to help people discover who they were not to live in the past and relive what you believe to me less than perfect or conceived of as mistakes allows us to focus on creating what we need in present time. He believed in finding our talents and what made us happy without bringing and reliving the pain of past memories and events. Carl Jung understood the soul nature of our lives and had a near death experience so he was well aware of the fact that we are spiritual beings having a physical life and that consciousness survives physical death. Carl Jung famously said, “Perfection belongs to the gods: the most we can hope for is excellence.” Excellence is within reach. Excellence is personal. Excellence is an intention, a commitment to manifest your potential. Excellence is putting in our best effort and holding our own selves to our highest standards. Not every action we take is excellent (that’s why we practice), and give it our all.
On the January 13th entry Mina talks about the voice in our head. Mina writes, “There’s a little, but persistent, voice in our heads. . She’s not us, but she is. She can be pretty judgmental, first and foremost of us, but of others, too. That voice might tell us that our best intentions are stupid, that our potential is limited and possibilities--? More like impossibilities. Our voice might throw out an offhand remark about being fat or ugly or aging. She might try to convince us were not up to the task: that we are weak: really, that we’re just plain not good enough. Never mind all the oughts and shoulds she slings around. She’s a spin-doctor of the worst kind mounting smear campaigns and posting attack ads at every opportunity.
Sheryl says that we can quiet that voice, transform it with uplifting positive feedback meditate and connect to our Higher Selves and rewrite the story of our words thoughts and actions to manifest and create a new version of ourselves and our lives. “The Law of Attraction” reminds us that what we focus our thoughts time and efforts on over time materializes. Consistency and attention to what we wish to create brings forth what we need into our lives..Be love and draw love to you… Be hateful and expect to dwell in continuous troublesome events. The Universe gives us what we ask for so we need to be mindful and conscious our thoughts and goals.
Mina tells us that “Some mornings I wake up and wonder if my life has meaning, like after I’ve talked to someone as passionately engaged as Leslie Sobel who wrote the Kaskawulsh Terminus Reliquary. But we can all make the world a better place, be good people and contribute. Our athletic attempts are preparation and practice for that greater work.
Sheryl says that she often thinks have that any hardship or challenge are simply opportunities to remember who we are and where we come from so we truly know the magnificent potential that lies within our memories of eternal life. In Sheryl’s book The Living Spirit she wrote, “ I believe our loved ones in spirit guide us to expand our understanding of our soul nature. They knew us in their physical lives, but after crossing over they may become our teachers, helping us to gain knowledge of life death and how to better navigate this three-dimensional physical plane earth. There is a universal sphere of continuous knowledge beyond Earth; it is the point where the past, present, and future merge. In reality there really is no past, present, or future. There is only energy. Even the challenges, no matter how hard, must be experiences in order to understand the strength and power of our divine energetic being.”
So now we begin to know the meaning of this physical life experience which is to remember who we are as spiritual beings exploring the world simply for the chance to appreciate love and grow our most compassionate soul energy through the beautiful connection to nature man and God.
Mina has wonderful photos accompanying her daily entries On the December 16 entry titled “pictures for my father” Mina shared a very intimate entry and Mina wrote, “Flying into Boise, Idaho for the first time, the rolling desert—brown, arid, sensual—surprised me. I often imagine walking into that kind of terrain and never returning. Snap
The sky is twilight orange, streaked with clouds curving into the horizon, smudged by a thin veil of forest fire smoke , Snap
I was snapping mental pictures for my father. Five months after my father died, he was more present to me than he had been since my childhood.
I started sending the photos to him when I was on a trip to Colorado, shortly before my father was diagnosed with melanoma. He liked getting the snapshots. I kept on, sending him glimpses of what I saw…..Once my father told me that I had a good eye. I stowed that compliment away in my pocket, like a lucky pebble, shinning his words between my thumb and forefinger when I was thinking of him. It was the most regular contact I’d had with him for years.
Snap. I took a picture of a sunflower while running on the Camelback trails in Boise. It was for my father.
Sheryl tells Mina that story and picture were very moving to her. Sheryl often remembers how much she misses her father, even though as a medium, she senses many of the thoughts that inspire her as she walks along the ocean edge to improve life for herself and others come from him. Our loved ones are in constant communication with us, but we need to develop a way to be still and feel the thoughts they share within our heart.
Sheryl tells Mina that when she looks at a book with individual dated entries she always loves to go to her birth date which is September 16th and so she did to read the entry…”Teardrop.”
Mina wrote, “With my shirt off, the light chill on my stomach felt like a childhood memory of my mother blowing on my soft baby tummy. Had my mother actually done that? Or was I tapping into the collective memory of all the babies whose mothers and fathers had blown on their tummies?
On that September morning run, the air and my skin merged and humidity mingling, as if I were suspended inside a teardrop, the breath of the universe ticking my skin comforting me.
Sheryl says that in reading that she wasn’t sure if parents blowing on their children’s tummy was a comforting or intrusive event..For Sheryl who is empathic and sensitive it would not have been welcomed So if a child shows you or any person for that matter that they are uncomfortable even though you are not you must respect the needs of each person and child and be mindful of how you speak touch and affect them.
Mina Samuels author of Run Like A Girl 365 Days A Year a journal of thoughts and insights into the beauty of life through personal self-investigation and finding joy and connectedness in the physical and spiritual aspects of nature family friends and daily experiences which incorporates a love for sports self and experiencing a merging of mind body and spirit for health and joy.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing from Within” we have followed a journey of the heart spirit and physical body, enjoying new sports activities and travel journeys finding in the poetic messages of each day, written within the pages of a diary or journal and the photographs as a way to see life and self in a connected interplay of energy that grounds us to our physical life as well as to higher consciousness and awareness. There is love and self-doubt, joy and some fear, sorrow and exhilaration, but always movement towards a personal journey of discovery of the really valuable ingredients for living life with passion zest and understanding who we are in the process.
On October 28 Mina wrote…. reforestation of the mind
“We have dendritic arbors in our brains. Dendrites are the branched projections of a neuron that act to conduct the electrochemical stimulation received from other neural cells to the cell body. As dendrites branch and grow, that branching is called arborization. It’s like we have these little forests growing in our brains the garden of our mind, without which we can’t think, can’t act, can’t be. The bushier our dendritic arbors, the more able we are to deal with the complexities of the world and, scientists speculate, the happier we are likely to be.
When we lack stimulation our dendritic arbors begin to wither. As this winter in our brains deepens, our engagement with the world begins to dissolve.
Sports, it turns out, are not just stimulating for our bodies but our minds too. When we go out running, or cycling, or dancing or cross country skiing or really whatever moves our bodies vigorously, we can think of it as our personal reforestation program. Oh and hugs are important too (science says so!)
Mina and I would have you explore the poetic thoughts that reside within you, in the music that sings to your heart and in our everyday appreciation of what’s good in our lives…our work family friends sports and how we are growing personally through everyday experiences while learning to allow accept and surrender to the flow of life without controlling it. Be aware and be part of the newness of each day and new interaction with others. Life is made better by simply participating and moving in sync with the rhythm of life.