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A Little Bit of Dreams and Nightmares
- Stase Michaels
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher medium and author of a trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us our challenges in the physical world is not economic political or societal but a deep disconnection from our true being or soul self. I am delighted to welcome Stase Michaels author of A Little Bit of Dreams and Nightmares to help us explore the world of our subconscious mind or that which connects to the metaphysical realms of life beyond the physical.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her intuitive and insightful guests share intimate and thoughtful awarenesses of man nature and spirit that help us know who we are where we come from and what happens after a physical death. We don't just have a soul, we are soul beings, having a physical life in order to refine our energy thoughts actions and reactions resolve karma and make more loving and compassionate decisions, as we have a host of experiences learning not to judge anything as good or bad, just experience for further personal and collective growth.
In today's episode of “Healing From Within” Stase Michaels who has three degrees in psychology and has written eight dream books offers a new potential in problem solving and suggests medical researchers’, scientists, and inventors, can harness the power of dream as a source of practical insights for sought after breakthroughs. Dreams, like everyday events, can teach us more about how to love learn and seek answers to age old questions. Today Stase shares how dreams and yes, nightmares, offer us a way to learn more about ourselves our relationships and lead to healing many fears and past traumas.
Stase shares with us how she got interested in dreams and describes what dreams are. Stase Michaels arrived at her definition of a dream. When you have a dream, your first inclination is to wonder what it means. Few ask, "What is a dream?" and even as a dream expert, Stase did the same. For years, she focused on what the dream meant and never questioned what it was. From sleep lab studies, we know about Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, brain wave activity during sleep, and sleep stages. However, such facts do not explain the origins or the function of a dream. Mystics, on the other hand, spoke of dreams as a message from the soul, or other souls in spirit. That may be true, but again, does not define the mechanics of how a dream comes about. It finally dawned on Stase that she had no clear conception of what a dream really "is." Her curiosity led her on a ten- year trek to find the answer. She read books and explored scientific journals. These helped her see what a dream does, but not what it is. The closest link to an answer emerged from Freud's idea which looks at dreams as leftovers about daily concerns, a concept later expanded by Montague Ullman. Dreams as day residue became the seed thought that led to a true definition. Mobilizing a lifetime of observations about dreams, a picture slowly unfolded about the mechanics of how a dream comes to be and what it is.
As the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, here is the ultimate definition of a dream, the one that satisfied. “You Juggle Two Lives. You live two lives: an outer life of actions and an inner, hidden life of emotions and thoughts. These inner and outer parts of you are mediated by "the psyche, which, in the context of dreams, is defined here as your total interactions between your mind, your body, and for believers, your soul.”
Your Outer Life. As you go about your day, you carry out your roles as a parent, sibling, friend, student, doctor, bus driver, teacher, social worker, etc. Each role defines what you do, but does not define who or what you are.
Your Inner Life. While engulfed in daily routines, your mind conducts a silent, on-going and internal dialogue as it matches up your immediate experience with what you think and feel. These inner-to-outer "matchups" may leave you feeling conflicted or feeling at peace. So many matchups get tacked onto your silent background bulletin board, that these memories of your daily experience pile up, and, like a stack of papers, they will eventually need to be sorted and filed.
The Psyche as a Silent Partner. So much of your experience takes place during this silent, inner dialogue. Because this inner dialogue is a private conversation with yourself, ninety percent of what you think and feel remains unshared, even with your best friend or spouse. The Psyche Knows All, Connects All. The part of you that does fully share in your inner conversation is the psyche. A little -known fact is that when you dream, the large body muscles, like in your arms and legs, become immobile, as a temporary state of paralysis. The Dreaming and Waking States Can Overlap. Though waking and dreaming are separate states of awareness, their boundaries are not always distinct and there can be a few rare moments of brief overlap. If you accidentally wake up at the end of a dream but are not yet quite awake- which can happen during an intense or scary dream -the effect can be startling. Your mind may still be partly lodged in the dream and yet partially awake. You may notice that you can't move, an experience people often cite with trepidation. Not being able to move during a dream is normal.
And Sheryl validates this experience that can happen “After foot surgery, she was given a painkiller which contained Codeine and upon waking, had exactly the reaction that Stase described. She was unable to move, she felt there were people around her, not physically but in spirit, and she was terrified. Sheryl assumed it was the medicine and never again took any painkillers with Codeine in them.”
Stase describes why do we get nightmares. Before we try to learn about nightmares it is important to consider how dreams work with etheric or soul energy. Fate and the Divine Hand can be considered. A less common type of ESP dream emerges from the soul or from the divine hand. This form of ESP dream sends shivers up your spine because it defies logic as it predicts what is beyond. J. B. Rhine, a modern researcher of paranormal phenomena, logged a famous example. He described how, years ago, a handful of children in a Welsh mining village predreamed that their school would collapse under an avalanche. Several days later, the event happened. You may pre-dream something that is important. Intuition also an aspect of soul wisdom, gives many people advanced notice to events.
Sheryl says her daughter Stacey was 15 years old and told her she wanted to go to a U2 concert at the Coliseum, and Sheryl got a vision of her daughter running and being trampled by other running teenagers. So, she didn’t want her daughter to go, but her daughter cajoled her and said she was going with her two very tall friends who would protect her, so Sheryl gave in and let her go. Later that night when Stacey returned, Sheryl looked out the window and saw her hobbling up to the doorway. Indeed, she had been running and was pushed and fell on a pole coming out of the cement and had a hole in her leg. Sheryl’s waking dream or vision, was correct and had we listened, and had Stacey not gone, this would’ve been prevented.
In the same vein, Virginia Beach's famed mystic, Edgar Cayce, suggested that you pre-dream everything of importance that happens to you. Such dreams about the future that your soul portrays, may best be explained by what Shakespeare's Hamlet said to Horatio: "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Some things are yet beyond our ken.
Stase described the different types of nightmares:
Like other dreams, nightmares can be distinguished by their origin and purpose.
The most common nightmares engage your struggle to grow in character and personality. A few bad dreams deal with specific life fears, and fewer still predict actual tragic events.
Nightmares That Unveil a Negative Character Trait Facing an unpleasant truth about yourself is never easy. Everyone glosses over shortcomings like anger, acting stupid, or failing at something, and no one wants to face a weakness. As a result, when a dream holds up a mirror about a trait that does not jive with your "I am great" image, your normal reaction is to say, "That can't be me." In colloquial terms, such nightmares expose your blind spots, which is an unpleasant experience for everyone.
For example, a man had a nightmare about a raging bull charging through his grocery store and wondered if the dream was a warning that vandals would soon raid his premises. Since most dreams are about you- the dreamer, he came to see that the bull was a metaphor of his short temper when dealing with employees. Seeing himself as an out-of-control bull was not easy, but the image produced the desired effect. The man softened his attitude and as a result, the atmosphere at the grocery store became more relaxed and as a bonus, his sales improved. When a nightmare acts as a mirror of a not-so great trait, it invites you to grow into a better version of yourself. After an initial "ouch," you realize that the dream is an ally, helping you correct what could cause problems down the road.
Some may think seeing a ghost or a departed loved one might be strange or even a nightmare especially if they don't believe in life after death. Most dreams are communications from your psyche, the inner part of you that is aware of all your experiences, goals, and memories. Like a best friend, the psyche (your inner self) acts like a bridge between your waking and sleeping self and uses dreams to guide you to be the best you can be.
The Soul and Beyond. Some dream insights come from the soul. You may be the captain of your ship but the soul is the ship's owner, and on occasion, the soul has something to say about your path in life. Speaking of the great beyond, many believe that guardian angels can whisper in your ear through a dream, and that, on occasion, the divine itself bestows experiences of amazing grace, healing, or inspiration in dreams. Many dreamers have confirmed such extraordinary dream events.
Some individuals believe that life continues after death and that dreams reconnect you with a loved one who has passed on. Anecdotal dream experiences suggest that the dearly departed visit on occasion to let you know they still love you . Sheryl says if it wasn’t for a dream she had 29 years ago, she would not be performing her duties as a Reiki Master Teacher, healer, medium and host of “Healing From Within.” 29 years ago,
Stase tells us of tricks to understand what a nightmare means, and writes “Astral Travel during Dreaming might help understand what the dream is all about. Mystics claim that the soul can leave the body at night, during sleep, to take short jaunts. The experience is called "astral travel, "also known as astral projection or an "out-of-body" experience. During astral travel, the sleeping body stays put while the soul soars out into the world and beyond, remaining connected to the body via a mystical thin, silver cord. The silver cord allows the soul to find its way back to its sleeping body. Types of Astral Travel.
Anecdotal accounts report astral treks that give glimpses of other heavenly realms. Or, they can be journeys related to near-death experiences whereby a person dies or comes close to dying, visits the afterlife, but revives and lives to relate their experience. Astral travel can also happen during sleep -as a dream that is a mystic experience -remembered as a dream. Astral Travel Dreams. Some dreams of soaring down familiar streets at night, high above trees or buildings, may be experiences of astral travel. Ditto for dream scenes of enthusiastic chats with friends or associates that continue conversations that may have begun earlier in the day or renew a friendship, as a chat between friends. Astral travel dreams often depict real streets, people, and places that you recognize, and when you return from such night travels, the body may feel a jolt as it land.
Nightmares and dreams can be an actual warning to help you deal with an upcoming situation or to help your soul remember your life destiny and put you on the right path, so they can be purposeful or preventative.
Sheryl says “Yes dreams can help you deal with an upcoming situation. in her newest book A New Life Awaits writes of what she thought was a dream that turned out to be something different.” Sheryl writes, "The night before my father died, I was lying in bed sick with the flu when quite suddenly, I felt a shadow or presence at my right side and knew it was my grandfather William. He projected a thought in my mind... "You have to write something for your father." I woke up very confused. The next day, still sick in bed, I received a phone call from my mom telling me my dad had died. He had been frail for years, but still, hearing he had passed was a shock. Sheryl wrote her father’s eulogy without putting together that she was putting together Spirit’s message, and that spiritual visitation, not a dream, was the impetus that set Sheryl’s true path in life to use her healing abilities to help others discover who they were and create lives they were born to live. This event would not be understood until years later when I would discover the truth of who I am...who we all are. We are all beings of divine energy and physical possibilities and at the same time, Becoming Conscientious Citizens. Ultimately, this discovery has helped me to accept the loss of my father and other loved ones, as I know we will all be reunited beyond life on earth. People involved in the study of metaphysics, psychology, quantum physics, and energy healing help others discover the truth about their soul longevity, allowing them to remember the eternal unbroken chain of life here and in Spirit. We do not have to wait to be beyond our physical life to realize the enormity of our soul's ability to bridge the gap between the two worlds of finite and infinite being. We are part of the endless circle of life.
It is possible for a character in a dream to give directions and clear guidance. A man or woman in a dream may at times directly present the information that you need, such as a family member pointing out where you misplaced a lost object or a mechanic working on a car part that needs to be replaced in your car. When that happens, no interpretation is necessary. Sometimes only the thought is implied, yet even if no words are spoken, the dreamer knows the intent. Whether words are spoken, thoughts implied, or a dream character demonstrates the information visually, the guidance can be direct and clear.
People in dreams like various dance partners, dance to different tunes and drum up a variety of messages. Whether the person portrayed is a family member, friend, stranger, or someone rich and famous, each carries a unique message. Finding the meaning of a dream person can be like engaging in a dance where the partners change, a couple of times.
While a true warning nightmare about a potential tragedy is extremely rare, a nightmare can be a warning about an actual tragedy that spirit protects you from, and it comes in the form of ESP dream, as in the following example:
A mother had several dreams that showed her only teenage daughter getting into a car with friends, then seeing the car in a deadly crash. Each time she had the dream, she debated whether to talk to her daughter about safe driving with her teenage friends, but decided against it. Sadly, the repetitive dreams turned out to be an actual warning and she lost her only daughter. Meeting this woman at a seminar, Michaels marveled at the grace with which the mother had resolved to learn about dreams, and to use future warnings for herself and loved ones. That took great courage. Only the Divine Hand can know whether a tragedy foreshadowed in a dream can be averted. However, no matter how a predicted event turns out, such actual warning nightmares serve a constructive purpose. On the one hand, they give a dreamer time to build up their strength and cushion the shock of the actual event, if it comes about. On the other hand, according to stories exchanged in dream circles, such warning dreams can, at times, avert the real danger. True dream warnings about dire events are extremely rare. They have noticeable features like repetition, intense emotions and literal details. whether the person relates to your past or present, note if and how they relate to your inner self, and sift the word play and metaphors about the person. There is also an emotional rhythm surrounding a dream character, that has to be honored. A dream person may lead you on a quick whirl or engage you in a long dance; either way, finding the meaning can be a kick!
Stase tells us when a character is a mirror of yourself, it can helpful for the most common purpose of this dream person, is to mirror your own behavior and traits for self-improvement. A woman dreamed of her sister having a temper tantrum. In real life, her sister was capable of a grand explosion or two. The dreamer noted how insensitive her sister appeared in the dream as she spewed venomous words, and she suddenly remembered the verbal mudslinging that she, herself, had engaged in with a co-worker, the previous day. She realized that the dream scene described her, not her sister. Though normally professional and constructive, the previous day she lost her cool and her dream mirrored how she had appeared to coworkers. The dream made her realize that a kind word would have gone much further to resolve the situation than anger. When you see someone behaving badly in a dream, take a breath and fess up. In the end, most of the people that you dream about, signify parts of yourself.
Stase tells us of a specific nightmare either you or a client had and explain it's meaning to us?
Here are a few examples of actual dreams and their practical messages, obtained using the Five Step Dream Technique. Dreamers from around the globe e-mailed dreams to the author at, requesting a free sample that is offered on the site. The dreams represent a cross-section of content and issues. Notice that the story line is what guides and prompts the direction of the message.
EXAMPLE 1: Lion Attacks Spouse. This dream shows strong emotional content. Notice how the ending is a hint about how things turn out.
ER: A woman in an African country, age 32.
THE DREAM: We are sitting outside on chairs. My husband's chair is facing me and he is sitting next to my uncle. I see a lion approach and tell my uncle and husband to move, but they ignore me. The lion spares my uncle but lunges at my husband and attacks his head. My uncle tries to help, but he cannot. I scream and find a stick to hit the lion on the head and make it leave. My husband is unconscious, but he survives. I see other lions that are not harming us, but I'm still afraid.
Main Life Issues: Husband is sick and there are fears for his business and health.
How I Felt: Scared.
The Story Line: Though intensely threatened, someone manages to save the day.
Main Symbols: Lion: Danger; that which frightens. Stick: A weapon; what saves the day.
The Message: Seeing lions in the distance mirrors your fears about your husband's health and earnings. Because the lions in the distance do not hurt you, his business and income will be fine. The direct attack by a lion on your husband relates to your anxiety about his illness. However, in the dream, you rescue your husband and the lion leaves. This tells you he will recover.
Bottom Line: The end of a dream often shows how things turn out. In your dream, your husband survives because you came to his aid. Do all you can and he will be fine.
Stase tells us some preconceptions that people have about dreams that might not be relevant. What a dream actually communicates: A dream memo from the psyche can include one or more of the following:
- An overview of unresolved feelings or issues.
- Past influences or reactions that are relevant to a current issue.
- Current unnoticed factors that affect a topic.
- Feelings with which you may not be in touch.
- An invitation to change a perspective or a goal.
- Advice on how to deal with an issue.
- General or specific insights into a problem or concern
Some advanced thoughts on dreams in relation to the soul are: Dreams like the soul enable us to know our emotions and proceed to make changes in life that align to our life plan or destiny. Stase writes Colors Can Have Meaning. Does color matter in a dream? "People wonder why some folks dream in black and white and others dream in color. Because more women than men dream in color, dream researchers suggest that dreaming in color may be related to the ability to express emotion. The theory makes sense, considering that women tend to express their feelings better than men. If you normally dream in black and white and then have a dream in bright color, the change to color can be a red flag about an urgent message. Or if you normally dream in color, look for unusual or intense colors, or a change to black and white. As a general guide, the more intense the colors in your dreams, the more intense the emotions. Seeing strong colors should make you curious about what is evoking strong feelings. Pay attention to features like colors that begin to change. Marked shifts can be road signs to look for a special message.
Stase might like readers of A Little Bit of Dreams and Nightmares to take away with them after reading this book that "some dreams need no explanation. The message behind some dreams is self-evident. A woman who went to sleep depressed about a recent divorce had a dream that she found a new love, and she woke up elated. Whether the dream was a prediction of finding true love or a mental pick me-up sent by her psyche does not matter. The fact that she woke up feeling happy says it all."
Sheryl would like to thank Stase Michaels author of A Little Bit of Dreams and Nightmare for sharing important data and examples of dreams that fascinate, frighten, or inform us of much that can help us to live our most productive and fruitful lives free of misbelief and able to understand ourselves and those around us in a clearer more useful way.
In summarizing today's episode of “Healing From Within” we have explored a greater view of dreams and the role they play in informing our waking hours with greater awareness of how to live our best lives improving our work, play and all relationships, as we learn more about ourselves, our world, nature, universe and the Divine.
Stase writes, "ALL DREAMS ARE MEANINGFUL. All dreams carry a message, and even a single dream image has meaning. Some dream messages are about your emotions while others relate more to your thoughts, attitudes, or actions. For example, in one such single-image dream, a man saw a large wooden wheel. At first, the image seemed meaningless, but later he remembered that when he was growing up, there had been a wagon wheel on his family's farm. After his mother died, he often sat beside that wagon wheel as he mourned. The dream image of the wheel made him realize that he still felt bad about the recent loss of a good friend. The dream suggested he needed to take the time to grieve for his friend, just as he had grieved by the wheel, for his mother."
EVERYONE DOES DREAM. Those who say they do not remember any dreams often wonder if they dream, at all. Research confirms that everyone experiences dreams. In fact, you dream about four to six times a night, whether or not you remember any of your dreams. Dreaming and recalling your dreams are two separate issues.
Stase and Sheryl would have you remember to ask for a meaningful dream on nights when you have a question. a worry, or need an answer, for healing or solving a problem. For by asking, you set up the potential for receiving that data which is necessary for you to do the best you can with knowledge received from spirit in a dream, that can advise, portray, confirm that which will enhance your ability to make good choices.
Sheryl Glick, host of “Healing from Within” Reiki Master Energy Teacher and author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening, which helps us to know we are not alone during these challenging times and change often follows difficult events providing enhanced awareness of life in all aspects. Shery invites you to visit her website to read and listen to leaders and visionaries show us how to merge our spiritual and physical world energies for personal and collective growth. Shows may also be heard on and