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A New World Teacher On the Horizon
- Felicity Eliot and Julian Crème
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” and join your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which shares stories of spiritual awakening spiritual communication healing energies miracles and ways to remember your intuition and connection to Universal Energy. Today I welcome Felicity Eliot and Julian Crème who will discuss Maitreya and the Masters so we may understand how spirit is working with us throughout the ages and most especially Now.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware my guests and I share intimate experiences and insights into the world of energy and observe a metaphysical view of life, in the hopes of answering age old questions…Who are we? Where do we come from? And What is the purpose of a physical life experience? In understanding the duality of our spiritual and physical concerns we come to realize the oneness and value life often finding our destiny and life plan.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we will discuss a spiritual perspective on understanding terrorism poverty hunger desperation and despair in the Middle East and throughout the world and possible ways to alleviate the pain of the world by learning to share the world’s food and resources more equally leading the way to justice and peace. We will discuss how spiritual teachers throughout history have emerged to show humanity the next step forward. We will learn through the futurist Benjamin Crème how a group of such spiritual teachers living in the modern world, not as religious leaders, but to inspire all people, religious and non-religious alike, to create a civilization based on sharing justice and peace.
All the great religions posit the idea of a further revelation to be given by a future Teacher. Christians hope for the return of the Christ, the Buddhists look for the coming of another Buddha (the Lord Maitreya), while Muslims await the Imam Mahdi, the Hindus a reincarnation of Krishna, and the Jews the Messiah. Students of the esoteric tradition know all these as different names for the same individual — Maitreya, the World Teacher, the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters, and they look for His imminent return now.
In July 1977, Maitreya emerged from His centre in the Himalayas, when least expected, “like a thief in the night.” Since then, He has lived in London as an ordinary man concerned with modern problems — political, economic and social. Since March 1978, He has been emerging as a spokesman in the Pakistani-Indian community. He is not a religious leader, but an educator in the broadest sense — pointing the way out of the present world crisis. According to esoteric teaching, Maitreya manifested Himself 2,000 years ago in Palestine by overshadowing His disciple Jesus — now the Master Jesus.
This time Maitreya has come Himself. Maitreya’s spiritual teaching: Maitreya does not intend to build a new religion around Himself, nor to create followers, but to teach humanity “the art of Self-realization.”
The first steps are “honesty of mind, sincerity of spirit and detachment.” Maitreya’s social concern is reflected in His list of priorities: an adequate supply of the right food, adequate housing and shelter for all, healthcare and education as a universal right.
His social message can be summarized in a few words: “Share and save the world.” Maitreya knows we will accept His advice and that we are on the threshold of an era of peace and goodwill.
In late 1991, Maitreya began carrying out a series of appearances like the one in Nairobi, Kenya. There, on 11 June 1988, He appeared miraculously, “out of the blue,” at an open-air prayer/healing meeting. He was photographed addressing (in their own language) thousands of people who instantly recognized Him as the Christ. Similar events have now been witnessed by large numbers in different countries.
In December 2008 Benjamin Crème a visionary and founder of Share International announced that in the very near future a large, bright star would appear in the sky visible throughout the world, night and day, heralding the imminent appearance of Maitreya in His first interview on a major US television programme. Within weeks reports from all over the world of an unusually bright star, often moving and changing colour, began to appear in the media and on YouTube
In thinking about what a spiritual master is Sheryl says… For me….A spiritual master is one who has discovered the being within and the eternal life force as a result of a spiritual transformation and lives in alignment to Spirit Nature and man learning to trust and be open to the possibilities for creative change and to living joyfully accepting and allowing to be detached from judgment and control, and knowing All is happening as it should according to a Universal Divine plan.
I wrote in my book The Living Spirit, “Spiritual transformation is the key to manifesting a better physical experience, period. It is also necessary to attain life achievements that are not only materially advantageous but are a real reflection of your true Divine Self. Coincidentally, spiritual transformation also allows us to find our higher selves and a connection to universal energy….By seeking deeper knowledge of your soul, heart energy, and your life purpose, you automatically begin to remember that you are more than your body, more than the material or physical world: you are part of a higher life force that is eternal and divine.”
On 14 January 2010 Benjamin Creme announced that Maitreya had given His first interview, on American television, and that millions had heard Him speak both on television and the internet. Benjamin Creme explained: “He was introduced not as Maitreya, the World Teacher and Head of our Spiritual Hierarchy, but simply as a man, one of us. In this way He ‘ensures that men follow and support Him for the truth and sanity of His ideas rather than for His status’. He spoke earnestly of the need for peace, achievable only through the creation of justice and the sharing of the world’s resources.” Maitreya has now given a series of 92 television interviews [as of 11 April 2013]—in the USA, Mexico, Brazil and Russia—and more are expected to take place in the Americas, Japan, Europe and the rest of the world. Maitreya’s open mission has begun. Maitreya expects this approach to lead to the Day of Declaration, when He will leave no doubt that He is the World Teacher. Maitreya will mentally ‘overshadow’ all of humanity simultaneously. Each of us will hear His words inwardly, telepathically, in our own language, and all will know that the World Teacher is now among us.
When Sheryl asks Felicity and Julian how she can direct guests to hear the message of Maitreya Julian says he is “Incognito” but when you listen to leaders who are expressing these ideas of sharing and saving the planet he is seemingly speaking through many teachers and souls who are on his vibration and mission to heal and restore humanity and the world to the beautiful soul energies of peace and love.
Maitreya is going to inspire us to action such as with sharing based on an experience he will give us of our oneness , Humanity wil be motivated to share. Maitreya is not going to force anyone to share, but he is going to talk about the necessity of sharing as the only way to produce a rational economic system which will create justice. It is the influence of the present system which is bringing us to our knees. It is ending because the age which brought it into being has ended. It is a corrupt crystallized form which does good to a few and to the many a great deal of harm. Of course it also does harm to the few to whom it seems to be doing good. It is poisoning dividing and threatening the world, so it has to go. All of this will be spelled out by Maitreya.
Maitreya will also release his energy-the Christ Principle- in tremendous potency. As Maitreya himself has said, It will be as if I embrace the world. People will feel it even physically. If that energy flowing through us plus the words of Maitreya analyzing the economic situation and the harm which it is doing to the planetary life do not motivate us to share then nothing else will. If it does not motivate humanity then we will not learn to share and we will destroy the world. We have it within our hands.
Sheryl shares with her guests that she is a Reiki Master Teacher who during sessions can see the faces of her clients relax and release all fear and anguish and reconnect to the soul energy..the oneness of connection to Universal Source or Divine Life and that in those moments of connection one feels whole, at peace safe and trusting. That is the embrace of Love.
It is important to underpin the structures of Self-love selflessness and service to others and to share the best of our heart mind and body in a multi dimensional healing guided by the Universal Laws of Energy including The Law of Attraction. That which you give, so you shall also receive. Words from World Leaders support this truth.
If we listen to the words that inspire love and living fairly we hear Maitreya and the other Masters in their energy. Here are a few quotes that speak volumes of truth.
“Unless America finds a way to help more of the impoverished people of the world share in its economic prosperity and teach them how to help themselves, attacks like 11 September will always remain a threat.” Bill Clinton former U.S. President
“All humanity is one undivided and indivisible family and each one of us is responsible for the misdeeds of all the others.” Mahatma Gandi
Since the power in the world continues with the rich and the powerful is it up to the rest of us to wait until they change the world? Of course not! No, we will wait forever for that to happen. Few rich people and powerful people will give up their power or riches unless they have to. The mechanics of change is a world stock market crash will end the present distorted and unjust economic structure.
A quote from Nelson Mandela Former President of South Africa “Is the time now upon us when we should cease to treat tyranny instability and poverty anywhere on our globe as being peripheral to our interests and our future?” emphasizes the need to begin to rebuild our systems to include and improve life for all in a more balanced and healing way to live well in thought word and action.
Sheryl says…Just take a look as our southern borders and the large influx of immigrants migrating across thousands of miles to find a better life because of the gangs drugs and corruption in their lands. We have poured money into these places but have not been able to build lasting places to improve the poverty and lack of resources. We need schools, hospital, valuable work situations, and honest leadership and governing bodies. No country can absorb all these fleeing groups of people, but the civilized and more prosperous countries can provide teams to help build these poor nations into sustainable countries, so the people won’t have to flee their culture and country.
Improvement can only come through the efforts of all the people rich and poor who work together to become educated enlightened and caring and to build a New World of Justice Peace and Prosperity not for the few but for all.
Sheryl thanks Felicity Eliot and Julian Crème for joining her on “Healing From Within” to discuss the concept of Maitreya and spiritual teachers as they relate to the modern challenges facing our world and the ways we may begin to move cooperatively forward to share the resources of nature to benefit people across the globe.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have explored a new, or perhaps old spiritual perspective that says that sharing the world’s food and resources more equally is the way to justice and peace and to the evolution of the human soul, which will allow for human nature to evolve to a new level of compassion and love.
When more than 80 percent of the world’s food and resources are used and wasted by only 20 percent of the world’s population, mainly in the developed world, we know something is just not right. This inequality forms the basis of terrorism environmental degradation crime and social unrest. The greed of a few has placed the entire planet at risk.
Humanity is one family and the earth’s food, raw materials, energy and technological resources belong to everyone equally, not just to those individuals who can afford to buy these resources and those nations who control the global economy.
The time is now for the survival of present and future generations that we work towards establishing teams to go to support the disadvantaged masses of people so they may have enough of the basic necessities of life : food shelter health care and education. We can only help those struggling to survive by giving them the tools to do so, and to create sustainable life styles that support health, prosperity, and justice for all. While that has been the hope of the American Way it now needs to become the hope of the World’s way and we can do it with the grace and goodness of our heart’s intentions.
Felicity Julian and I would ask you to reprogram your fears of losing anything, by sharing everything, and supporting mental health care, homelessness programs, and helping in whatever way you can to become aware of how much you need to live well, and relinquishing your excessive hold on material goods so you can become more conservative of the world’s resources and become the solution for the change which we all know is coming.