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A Philosophy That Makes Sense of Life
- Katherine Jegede
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In this episode of “Healing From Within”, your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love, which shares stories of spiritual awakening to intuition and to inner wisdom or truth which sets up possibilities for creating a life of personal growth prosperity and love. Sheryl is delighted to welcome Katherine Jegede author of Infinite Possibility: How To Use The ideas of Neville Goddard to Create The Life You Want. Katherine Jegede has searched for and found ways to rethink and change old beliefs and offered her opportunities to develop strength and fortitude, important qualities for being resilient and for understanding life in its multidimensional aspects.
Katherine shares with us her unique and interesting background as a British television presenter and author with a background in science. She was first introduced to metaphysics as a teenager by her mother, a former yoga teacher and educational specialist. Katherine developed a penetrating and enduring fondness for the self-empowering teachings of Neville Goddard, a philosopher and metaphysician, and she remains just as steadfastly devoted to spreading his message today. Katherine moved to Switzerland where she developed educational resources for rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Another important influence in Katherine’s spiritual development was her relationship with her father. Her father was and still is a Freemason and a deeply religious man who was brought up in the Jewish faith. Katherine’s appetite for mysticism was encouraged by her father and she was also fascinated by the menorah, the Hebrew language, the robes, rituals of the temple, bags for the tallit, the tefillin and the books covered in gold lettering.
Imagination had always played a role in Katherine’s life. Somehow as a child her instinct was: if you wanted something you had to focus on it already being yours. Sheryl says that she has this feeling that wishing and believing with your imagination is an important prerequisite for manifesting what you desire into the physical world but it is not only the focus of your thinking and desires but the persistence to be consistent and work towards the goal, not just being but doing in equal measure.
Katherine’s mother, in pursuit of her own spiritual growth and hoping to make sense of her husband’s great love of God, joined a church in order to integrate and merge with community life but by the time Katherine reached her teens she had decided that church was not for her. She found it horribly restrictive. Endless rules and double standards were the norm. Katherine was in search of a true connection to the universal laws of creation.
Sheryl says that most people, with an open heart and evolved soul life, discover that religions while they mean to bring us closer to the divine wisdom of the universe or God actually cause more separation because of the many man- made interpretations of what they believe to be God’s will. Katherine says, in response to her trying to understand her way or path to God, the ideas her mother shared with her about Neville Goddard, James Allen, Erich von Daniken, Norman Vincent Peale, Florence Scovel Shinn, and other advocates of positive thinking and New Thought, were wildly at odds with the traditional approach to religions that many people practice. There were never answers that completely satisfied Katherine. Sheryl, in a way similar to Katherine, also felt guided to study philosophy, religion, mysticism, spiritualism, psychology in the hopes of understanding who and what we are, and why we are alive in this physical world that offers so many challenges.
Sheryl tells Katherine that a few years ago she was scheduled to interview an author on the teachings of Neville Goddard but it didn’t happen. As Sheryl knows all is going according to a Divine Unfolding of Spirit’s plan for the evolution of humanity which includes our personal journey to know ourselves and life in a clearer more accurate way. Sheryl has conditioned herself to always allow and accept all events to happen as they must, so Sheryl was delighted to be able to learn about the teachings of Neville Goddard in today’s discussion with Katherine because this must be the right time. Sheryl believes the mentors, relationships, experiences and interests we find or discover by what seems to be chance, we were really born to experience, not randomly but for our soul or divine human journey. All events help us rediscover much about the nature of life.
Katherine goes on to tell us the core message of the book. Katherine claims that Neville Goddard is the most radical mystical figures of the last century, a prophet who popularized the astonishing concept that your mind is God. She writes that “According to Neville there is only one power in the universe out of which all things emanate. Not a good source or a separate evil one, but one Universal source bending in obedience to the creative will of men and women everywhere. Kate adds that “The how remains a mystery: but this eternal fact is nevertheless true. As soon as she was able to feel and accept this to be true she found herself free.”
Sheryl says, ”My journey has led me to find another such prophet Edgar Cayce whose work I continue as a hands on healer and medium working with Universal Energy and whose love of this Universal God or the laws of energy allowed him to assist in so many healings of mind body and spirit, for so many clients who came to him with fear and anguish created by their perceptions of the physical world and their separation from their true inner soul world of Spirit. Cayce and his clients found it was only by helping themselves go within to their essence and connection to the Oneness and the interconnectedness of Universal Source that he helped them to be free and create better lives.
In Sheryl’s book The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love she expresses this thought and wrote ”What I call The Law of Attraction is a universal energetic truth of creating our own reality by bringing to us the people and circumstances that our mind and actions generate…..Therefore I propose that you shall receive what you offer to others and what you wish for or ask for, continually from Spirit, and you’ll receive what you expect in response to your perception of what is important to your needs. Everything of both a positive or negative nature is often reflected and given back to you by a universal force that does not judge, but simply delvers. “Be careful what you wish for” is an expression that holds enormous accuracy. Universal force only acts on the vibration of our thoughts so we must carefully clarify our needs and refine our thoughts before making requests or expending too much energy on an undesirable pursuit.”
Jegede tells us what inspired her to write her book Infinite Possibilities and writes that this is neither a run of the mill modern self-help book nor an attempt to make the world a better or, lovelier place. Instead it puts into the hands of the reader the ability to make life exactly what they want it to be by revealing the substance and purpose of life. With this book the reader will be able to eliminate the delusions, illusions of the ego based mind that keep human beings powerless. It challenges our beliefs in the systems that are supposed to keep us safe and give us purpose, and it then replaces these limiting delusions with an infinitely creative authentic identity that is literally self-determining.
Jegede fell in love with Neville Goddard and his philosophy and she almost instantly indescribably felt something inside of her stir and began collecting his books and trusted him even when his words made no earthly sense to me and she always retained an open mind. Then at age twenty-six, disaster struck and Katherine was the victim of a horrible crime. As she returned to her house in shock she pulled out the Bible in her bag and the copy of The Power of Awareness by Neville. She was in shock for as a devout follower of Neville’s she had come to believe that her thoughts and her thoughts alone created everything in her life, and yet, how had she just become a victim of crime.
Katherine wanted to reject Neville for his story about the discovery of the human imagination as God was becoming her experience, even though how could she have had such an awful event happen to her. And then without realizing it she had undergone a spiritual transformation born out of her pain and hopelessness, and had received irrefutable spiritual validation of her inner change. The events of that assault actually was necessary for her to release old patterns and enter a time for truly knowing herself and accepting all would be well. She then went on to studying Neville’s 1969 lecture The Secret of Causation in which he details the ways in which imagination or perhaps fear creates reality and provides an explanation of why we seem to be the victims of our manifested ideas. Ultimately she wanted to know exactly how and why she had gone through such hell. Katherine concluded that the circumstances leading to my misfortune had a trace of origin—a preoccupation with a particular fear that had indiscriminately drawn into my world the very undesirable circumstances I had envisioned. According to Neville there is only one power in the universe out of which all things emanate.
The teachings of Neville lead Katherine to find her imagination to be God Her search for truth doesn’t lie within a particular theology but it is a journey of self-exploration that is expansive organic and dynamic. What Neville has done is to make real self-recovery from any trauma possible It has also taught Katherine to live graciously and nobly.
In an endorsement by Mitch Horowitz author of Mind as Builder he says why Katherine’s message is important and writes, In approaching these ideas, remember: you are not required to join anything or quit anything: change the outer labels of your life: rearrange personal relationships or pay money or tributes to anyone. In using these techniques you are working solely within the exquisitely private world of your mind. And in so doing, you may discover that your mind is all the world.
Just as Goddard’s prophetic teachings inspired a very particular response in his readers, this book will inspire that same powerful emotion. What makes Infinite Possibility so valuable is we believe the reader will emerge unafraid of the impermanence of life while recognizing their specific role in the great drama of it. In Neville’s own words, “ Stop trying to change the world since it is only the mirror. Man’s attempt to change the world by force is as fruitless as breaking a mirror in the hope of changing his face. Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself.”
It might be wise to have a clear understanding of the term Metaphysics and how it works. Perhaps a clearer understanding of the word Metaphysics…Metaphysics is all the underlying theoretical principles of creation. It is not merely concerned with the world you inhabit, but with everything that exists: that which is seen and known to you and that which is unseen and not known to you.
The three main ideas of Metaphysics:
Self-observation Before we undergo a psychological change we must become aware of what needs to change. It is our state of consciousness that is responsible for the circumstance of our lives, and once we are aware of our reactions, we are in a position to change them.
Clarity of Thought (Definition of Aim) Knowing what you want—to be, do or possess—is the crucial step on the path to the attainment of your aims. The clearer the image, the easier it becomes to physicalize, because your feelings towards it become stronger and the greater the internal commitment to make it your preeminent thought.
Detachment Detachment is both a willingness and an ability to separate oneself from the present state of consciousness in order to appropriate another. Having clearly defined your aim, you must detach from your present state of consciousness in order to take on the new consciousness contained within your aim. While our reactions moods and thoughts feel the most natural spontaneous thing in the world in reality we have simply become accustomed to them through habit. We must therefore practice detachment daily in order to break free.
Katherine goes on to discuss how this work makes a difference in the real world, a world in which people face real challenges and discusses a common problem for many p a families that of not having health care for instance. She says that the suggestion that metaphysical law can be effectively applied the moment someone picks it up may require tremendous courage when it comes to implementing them. What metaphysics can do and often quite immediately is offer an entirely new perspective on the challenges we face. These perceptions can give you insight that relive you of much of the burden of problems you are dealing with. So in fact, the greater challenge is the ability to accept the claims of metaphysics even before you have seen results. She can attest to the fact that the laws work, but never asks others to take that at face value until they make that discovery for themselves. So in the case of health care for example, being clear about what the problem is, in this work you are guided into accessing solutions that you may never have thought possible for yourself. These solutions don’t float down from the sky: they are tangible solutions and often people end up rationalizing them, but in time, the individual discovers the relationship between the operation of the imagination and their experiences.
Katherine gives an example of an event that unfolded most recently in November 2017. Katherine was due to travel to New York to participate in filming with Mitch Horowitz for his show on the New Thought Channel. At the time she said YES and everything was confirmed even though she didn’t have a penny to spare to fund the trip. But she put the Law of Attraction to work and tried to see what she needed coming to her and got into the mood of being in New York. A day or so later, my husband and I were invited to a wedding where a guest at the wedding paid my husband in advance, the commission for a land sale. That was the money I needed to fund my trip. I was unconcerned about where the money would come, from but certain it would happen in the best possible way. Sheryl calls these little miracles that happen to all of us when we allow accept and surrender to what is in our best interest and ASK Spirit for help. If it is right for us it will happen and in ways that are often so unexpected.
Sheryl says, “As an intuitive energy practitioner and medium who receives information to help people understand their challenges strengths and weaknesses to bring awareness for solutions for greater joy and well being into their lives Sheryl has help from observing the Universal Laws which Sheryl calls miracles that are happening to all of us. Only the other day she was thinking when is the publisher for my new book New Life Awaits going to surface. Maybe I could use a reading with some information about the way it will happen. As I do readings for others but for myself it is a bit more challenging. So Sheryl was at a shopping center and sat down to rest for a moment. Immediately a woman sat down and we began to talk. Sheryl told her how often she was guided to talk to people who either had a message for her or she for them. Sheryl heard a slight accent in the woman’s speech and asked where she was from. She responded she was from Greece. Sheryl told her she was aware of a past life in Greece and had many coincidences leading her to visit Greece and validate those feelings years ago. Sheryl also said she felt highly connected to ancient Egyptian life which lead her to tell the woman of a dream of Isis Osiris and Horus, the Egyptian Gods or Leaders that she had many years ago and never forgot. Then the woman pulled out her Egyptian cards and said this was a rare package of cards no longer available to the public, and she gave Sheryl a reading with those cards, which suggested that the book Sheryl was hoping to complete would be published, successful, reach a lot of people and that she should be patient and allow those in Spirit to help. Sheryl sensed this to be true and trusted the Universal Plan, but, how lovely it was to see the beautiful cards that reflected the way things would be before too long. Sheryl considered this pleasant meeting and reading with the woman a special birthday gift and miracle, as it happened the day before her birthday. A gift from the connected alignment to Source or the God Mind as Neville Goddard describes. These miracles and coincidences or messages from Spirit go on all the time. The more you allow and accept it, the more it happens.
I think Katherine hopes that readers remember that Neville teaches that as we change, the world around us being purely imaged changes to reflect our psychological state. In his 1948 lecture series titled Five Lessons Neville goes into great detail about the importance of addressing our own consciousness when we want to change the circumstances of our lives overall. These lectures are perhaps his most instructively practical. The world becomes paradisiacal as we achieve paradise inwardly, but it is just as capable of being a place of torment when we fail to use our imagination constructively. Does this mean that mental causation is solely responsible for our experience and if so what about the other forces of nature at play. Well if we are capable of believing in the sovereignty of imagination(God himself) and that creation in its entirety exists in the mind, then we can quite possibly also accept that the world around us is our mental activity… but if not, continue to hold others around you accountable for what they do to you and believe in a physical world of unalterable fact, acting upon a plethora of universal invisible laws: this is true and there is nothing wrong with that. Just be willing to allow experience to teach you what the truth actually is, that all things are subject to imagination. Faith follows results.
Sheryl says…this is an important message to get out there now in this challenging politically charged times where people think they can achieve what they want by obstruction resistance and accusations In actuality as you and I and Neville knew positive thought action and changing negativity in our own thinking is the first step towards creating a new reality.
Katherine Jegede would you like readers to take away with them after reading Infinite Possibility the fact that creation is infinite and there are no limits to the ways in which we can express ourselves. Human beings are merely unaware that they are asleep awaiting resurrection. Even the vilest emanations from the most despicable human beings, which are also forms of expression cannot be separated from God. Man as God can and will be redeemed which means that we can forgive anyone for the things they do: is the same God that operates in all of us. There is only man and consciousness which must pass through the furnaces of life together for purification: for a rebirth, and only we can save ourselves. We are it seems here for one purpose and one purpose only and that is to fulfill God’s plan for man, beginning with the crucifixion and ending with resurrection. The fact is Christ is not a man. The one talked about in the Bible who takes our infirmities and bears our diseases is your own human imagination which is God himself……Christ as we have established is God or consciousness, while the cross represents man (human beings)
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” I give you a quote from Neville Goddard, That which you do not claim is true of yourself cannot be realized by you. No truer words can express the fact that self-love, acceptance of all events without fear and judgment, are the only way to manifest and create your dreams or goals. You may discover your reason for being alive is simply to remember that you are more than your physical body or reality, and that life is as eternal and infinite as are our thoughts powerful, and our actions filled with energy which can never be destroyed only transformed transmuted or transcended. So in other words: life for each of us becomes what we perceive it to be. If we perceive beauty, love goodness, health and success, we may enjoy that reality. If we have fearful thoughts and cannot minimize or refine our limitations to new perceptions and dreams, we will live in the shadow of our wondrous possibilities for greater love and joy. We are what we think and must begin to think in a more appropriate way to create our best version of ourselves and life.
In regard to these thoughts Katherine wrote, “When you look in the mirror, if you are dissatisfied with the image reflected back, don’t accept it, change it. If you look in the mirror and are unhappy with what you see reflected there, you walk away and do nothing and you are sure to be confronted with the same thing later. Whether you realize it or not the face you see in the mirror is the mask of God. You may find this hard to believe since you can only see the mortal and not the immortal. But the being unseen by human eyes is the one doing this work. Have confidence in the fact that there is much more to you than you know and as such the true scope of your capabilities is far in excess of what you presently believe it to be.”
Katherine and I would have you know as she wrote, “We all place far too much emphasis on the conditions of life as the cause of our emotional state. It is our emotional state that is responsible for the conditions of our lives. What we think put attention on and consistency pray or hope for has every chance to manifest in our lives.