Internet Radio Show
A World beyond Our Physical Life
- Sagar Constantin
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Welcome to “Healing From Within.” I am your host Sheryl Glick RMT Medium and author of a trilogy with the newest book A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shows us our challenges in these difficult times are not economic political or societal but a deep disconnect from our inner soul wisdom. We welcome Sagar Constantin a best -selling Scandinavian author whose new book The Life shares “The In Between” a temporary home for people who pass from their phyiscal bodies before their time, and are allowed to decide whether to return to their lives on Earth, or move on to the next stage in their soul development. Some may have called this experience a Near-death experience, or the world between worlds their personal sanctuary.
As listeners of Healing From Within over the years have come to expect from listening to my amazing guest and authors who share stories and insights into the quality of life, both our spiritual and physical components as we come to realize the true nature of a human life journey is to gather experiences refining our energy and thoughts and realizing where we come from, who we are, and how to live life by merging our many energies and awarenesses
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Sagar Constantin shares how the idea for The In Between Series came to her on the way home from a business trip in India. Sagar has a remarkable ability to make psychological issues easy to understand for personal growth while being highly entertained at the same time. We will glimpse a view of the Afterlife as well as explore the choices that are available to us both on earth and beyond.
When Sagar is asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that may have signaled to her, or those around her, the interests, values, and lifestyle she shows us in the following paragraph what she might pursue as an adult for it seems the soul has a life path, and it unfolds as we move forward in developing our lives. Sagar writes in this paragraph, and we can tell some of the influences of her childhood that guided her to write and share spiritual thoughts with his readers Sagar writes, “I am not the type who scares easily, but I must admit that some‐ times I can’t help thinking about how I would react if something suddenly happened, that is, something critical. Would I act heroically and be the one who takes over and calms the other passengers, or would I save my skin and hope for the best? My mother has always said that I was born under a lucky star. I think she’s right. It seems like things just come to me when I am in need. Not that I just lean back and wait passively; I am not the type who goes around searching for a lucky chance. Deep down, I believe that I will be all right, and everything will be one. That is, at least until I’m not meant to be here anymore.
Sagar shows us what the book and her search for a greater understanding of life is all about. This paragraph might show what the book is about…”While on an airplane there is strong turbulence and then….My gaze fixes on Thomas, who is now sitting next to me. He is wearing a long blue silk shirt with a simple gold thread that forms a pattern of cascading flowers from the shoulders downward. The upper part of the garment hangs loosely, revealing his muscular body. He looks like a prince from a fairytale, which makes me confident that this is a dream. Thomas places his hand on my shoulder and supports me as I sit up. The room changes: it is as if the walls are moving. Am I on drugs? Have I gone crazy? If this is a dream, I would like to wake up now and be on my way. I’ve got a plane to catch and a family waiting at home. “Welcome to In-Between,” Thomas speaks slowly and clearly, looking at me and smiling so I can see his beautiful white teeth. His eyes sparkle as he talks and become even more transparent. “In be—what did you say?” I mumble and let my eyes wander while I move my head in small jerks. “In-Between,” Thomas repeats calmly. He seems to be very understanding. “Come, I’ll show you around.”
“Hey, wait for me,” I call after Thomas. “I’m coming.” I feel almost like a small child trying to keep up with an adult who has much longer legs. With careful steps, I pass through the opening and enter a large room. My eyes widen, and a shiver runs down my back. It is so bright, light, and open, but there are still walls of some kind. I can’t feel my feet, and I squeeze my hands together tightly. My brain can’t make any sense of this place. I don’t know what it is that I’m seeing. Thomas stops walking and waits for me to approach. “The place we just came from is the reception area.” He turns toward me when I join him. His arms hang loosely along the sides of his body, and he projects serenity. “That is where everyone who comes here lands. I am one of those appointed to receive new people and ensure that you get settled comfortably. Over here is our center, and from here, you enter In-Between and can move about freely.
You are in between life and death,” Thomas speaks calmly. “In-Between is a place where people come if they have left Earth before their time, or if they are not ready to leave their lives there, but have been forced to, as in your case, because of an accident.” He pauses and takes my hand that is cold and sweaty. “You could say that people get an extra chance here to continue their lives or to take leave properly.” He looks right into my eyes, leaving me no other choice than to return his gaze. “We are a sort of reception and rest center,” he says with a subdued and unhurried voice. “We receive people and give them the opportunity to continue at a suitable pace. It is important that people depart from their lives on Earth in a proper manner. Both for their own sakes but also for the sake of their loved ones.” My eyebrows are wrinkled, and I pull back my long hair. I don’t believe in life after death! Slowly I exhale and raise my head. “I have a son named Luke. What about him? Does he know yet? He’s with his father.” Thomas shakes his head, stands up slowly, and pushes a chair toward me. “The images you see are in real-time. It’s been 45 minutes since the plane went down.
Sheryl says to Sagar that she was once a skeptic about spiritual life or an afterlife, until 29 years ago when she began to have dreams and mystical coincidental, synchronistic, happenings that she realized couldn’t be happening randomly. Years of study travel and dedication to meditation and talking to Spirit led to her writing a trilogy of books from her journaling, which she was told to do by a medium many years earlier, who also told her to take yoga so she could slow her fast- moving energy and mind and become aware of energy in all its aspects. My stories came to me in meditation dreams and visions guided by spirit.
When Sagar is asked if she has a motto quote or philosophy to live by she responds by saying, “ The motto might be what Thomas the guide in the In -Between says to Eva…..
Thomas speaks deliberately, and I must concentrate in order not to think about anything else. “In my experience, when people become sick or die, it happens for a reason. There is something we must learn. If we listen and learn and enter the experience, then we can develop.” His voice is smooth as silk. I turn my head, and our eyes meet. “You are here because it is uncertain whether you will leave your mortal life now or not. There may be more for you to learn on Earth.” Other than Thomas’s voice, the only sound is the whistling of the wind.
The book The Life is relevant now because people have got to learn to be in the present and not waste time by being in the past or worrying about the future. There are reasons why some people slow their own progress and Sagar wrote “I’m staring into the distance, still far from convinced of the existence of previous or future lives, but I’m saying nothing to Thomas. I force myself to concentrate. His words will drift by on the wind, devoid of meaning if I don’t. The concepts and experiences here are coming at me so quickly. I need time to take it all in. There is a sense of loving care and openness from Thomas, even from In-Between itself, but my brain is trying to hold onto what I know. But I find it harder and harder to hold on. Sometimes I must fight just to see an image of Luke in my thoughts. What is happening to me? A knot in my stomach tightens. The idea of losing myself, my real self, frightens me. I sigh and clench my teeth slightly. Thomas observes me without saying anything. His eyes are relaxed, and he is breathing evenly. I can’t help but wonder where he gets all that tranquility. Part of me fears that he will quickly tire of me and my uncertainties. “Let me put it like this.” He cocks his head slightly. “There can be many different reasons that people come to a standstill in their lives or never pursue their dreams, or whatever it is that they long for. It takes a lot of courage to dare to look inward. But we all have opportunities to develop, to learn something new, and to let our souls’ advance.” He pauses and looks out at the horizon where clouds build up and form a beautiful landscape in many different shades of red. “There are some who choose to take what we call a ‘resting’ incarnation; that is, they don’t have major goals for themselves. Others give themselves almost inhuman challenges.”
When Sagar is asked if you can read any of the books, or should the reader begin with the first book? Sheryl says she feels whatever book the reader is drawn to is the one to start with. Sheryl has found that when she picks up a book if she just turns to any random page there will be a message or thoughts that are appropriate for her at that moment in time and an insight that could be meaningful and offer guidance in whatever issues she is dealing with…It seems our guides, angels, higher vibrational beings, the Divine are close by and helping us navigate challenges to move us forward. In her trilogy Shery’s first book Life Is No Coincidence: The Life and Afterlife Connection is about her awakening to Universal truths. Her second book A New Life Awaits Answers for Healing and Infinite Love is about developing and utilizing her Reiki hands on healing and mediumship abilities to download information from Spirit or transforming much of her old thinking to new realizations about energy and life here and beyond. The third book A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening is about transcending life’s challenges to refine and create your best life here each day and then, beyond this physical life.
Sagar might want readers to take away with them after reading her books is that each soul and the life they create even before they are born, is unique and arranged so the soul can refine their energy and adapt to all situations for further growth and development. Your life will offer many challenges and opportunities, and it is how you approach and move through these experiences that allow you to either maintain, balance, find harmony love compassion or choose suffering and remain stuck in negative energies.
Sagar writes, “There are some who choose to take what we call a ‘resting’ incarnation; that is, they don’t have major goals for themselves. Others give themselves almost inhuman challenges.” A resting incarnation is certainly not of the sun trying unremittingly to break through, and the clear blue sky as a background. Why can’t I just relax and enjoy it? “Are you telling me that everything is predetermined?” I shake my head, grimacing. “No, but the opportunities are there. It’s up to you to take advantage of them.” “Yes, that’s easy for you to say.” My words come out more harshly than I intended, but I’m not offering an apology. Thomas seems unaffected by my sharp tone of voice. “Let me put it like this. You may find that your life goes in circles. You face the same challenges repeatedly, as if you are a needle stuck in a groove on a vinyl record and the record just keeps spinning round and round. You attract the same types of people, and the same sorts of things keep happening to you.” The simplicity of the image seems to make sense to me. I manage to speak evenly and without an edge to my voice. “Hmm. Let’s say that you’re right. How can you get out of the groove?” I stretch my legs and cross my arms over my chest. When Thomas looks at me, I quickly let my arms fall along my sides. “First, you must be aware that you are stuck in the groove. Then you need to be ready to let go of what you already know, whatever thoughts and behavior are long-established and secure in your life.” He speaks evenly in a low voice. “…Only then is it possible for you to get out of the groove. You can do that in many ways. It isn’t until you achieve a deeper understanding within that the changes will manifest outwardly, such as moving to a new home, finding a new job, or meeting a new friend or a lover. Changes can appear in many forms. What is characteristic is that before changes take place, you must learn something and begin a new way of living.”
We thank Sagar Constantin for sharing her views on Life in all its intimate and unusual ways for us to know ourselves more completely, and to find peace through knowledge, compassion, love, and intention.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Sagar Constantin has shared a fictional story of her characters finding the heart and soul of the matter by realizing who we are and what life is all about. Sagar writes about a woman who is in the In-Between between life and death for a review of her life and to decide or choose whether to move on to life after death or return to her physical life. She has just been in a plane crash and is in a coma. Sagar writes “Take you, for example.” He pauses. “You have a choice every single moment. You can choose to focus on the fact that you are not with Luke your son, or that you would like to return, or that your body is sore. You can also choose to be thankful that you were on board that airplane, that you are here now, and that you can get to know yourself even better.” I sit with a stone face, not offering Thomas my spirit guide helping me navigate the In-Between any reaction. What he is saying is very logical and quite simple. But I can’t see why I should be thankful I was on that plane. I would rather go home. And my body is sore; that is a fact. A small cloud passes over us, and for a second, we are completely invisible. It is cool, and I must wave away the mist with my hand to see Thomas. He is sitting there passively. “Every single moment of our lives, we have a choice. We can choose to focus on the negative or the positive. To a great extent, it depends on our attitude toward life. We can choose to enter each experience with the intent that something exciting can happen and that something can benefit us. Alternatively, we can expect that it is going to be a bore, that we are wasting time, or we can feel us.
Sagar and I would have you know that life’s challenges will come and go and if we think of them as neither good nor bad, we will navigate the waters of time and space more advantageously, than if we judge, or allow negative thoughts to flood our minds and hearts. The world and life are a gift for all souls to begin to understand the nature of creation eternal energy and life that never ends.
I am your host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher, medium and author of a trilogy, the newest edition A New Life Awaits which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us our challenges are not economic political or societal, but often a deep disconnect from our inner soul wisdom. Please visit my website to listen to authors visionaries metaphysicians scientists spiritualists medical professions energy healers and those in the arts and music share their amazing insights into the world of energy and creation.