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A World in Crisis Many Choices for Reawakening to Healing with Maitreya
- Dick Larson
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher and author of the newest book in my trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shows us that our challenges are not economic political or societal but a deep disconnect from our inner soul wisdom and life force. I am delighted today to welcome Dick Larson will discuss the biggest event taking place in the world—the emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher to help mankind to once again remember who they are and how they can end this time of trauma for the world which is in the throes of a world pandemic, struggling economies and people separated from each other and the wholesome life enhancing universal values of cooperation and sharing.
As listeners of Healing From Within are well aware, Sheryl and her esteemed guests share intimate, sometimes unusual events and stories and insights which in a metaphysical sense show us that we are spiritual beings having a physical life, in alignment to the duality of physical life and both the spiritual and physical energies, which ultimately when understood, and merged, produce the ability to live miraculous lives leading to well being happiness, hope, joy and love. Of course it is necessary to remain open minded and open hearted for new ideas and thinking to come into minds filled with belief systems and habits acquired during a life time of influences imprinted on each individual through family and social mores.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Dick Larson will tell us about Maitreya the World Teacher who has returned to show humanity the way. Sharing with us also, interesting insights into the work of Maitreya history and his group known as the Masters of Wisdom, equally divine and perfected Men, who have likewise returned to the everyday world to help humanity in the great changes and challenges facing mankind right now. We will discuss the group who has come with him known as the Masters of Wisdom and why they are working to help humanity to express oneness, achieve unity (in diversity) and equilibrium finding the transition point from upheaval and turmoil to cooperation and sharing which is a set of priorities Maitreya has to rebalance society and our planet. Maitreya’s advice will bring humanity to a simple choice.
When Dick is asked to think back to their childhood and remember a person place or event which may have shown him what lifestyle and interests he would pursue as an adult he tells us he always loved his family church and thought he would be a preacher or minister. Wishing to help people his mind and heart were open to seeing the world beyond the limitations of the ego and as a result became aware of many forms of life both here and beyond the physical world and Earth.
Dick goes on to tell us about Maitreya, who he is, where he comes from, and why a World Teacher comes now. Maitreya is the embodiment of what we call the Christ Principle, the energy of Love. Maitreya is so advanced, so pure, He can embody in His own being, and not simply channel, the energy of Love, the second aspect of God. Through Jesus, He showed that Love of God in its perfection in a man for the first time, just as through the Prince Gautama, the Buddha showed the Wisdom aspect of God in its perfection in a man for the first time.
Now, for the first time in history, the Teacher has come into the world Himself. Maitreya is the head and leader of His group of disciples, the Masters of Wisdom, and holds the office of World Teacher. He has held this office for the last 2,000 years, appearing through Jesus, and will be the World Teacher for this coming age, the age of Aquarius, which is now beginning and will last about 2,350 to 2,500 years.
For thousands of years, Maitreya has lived in retreat in the high Himalaya. But Maitreya arrived in the everyday world — He has never been away from the world but July 19, 1977 was his physical emergence into the world once again. On July 8, Maitreya descended from His mountain retreat in a self-made body, constructed especially for this mission in the world. This body allows Him to live at our level of existence, and at the same time be sensitive enough to bring in His consciousness as the World Teacher. Maitreya stayed on the plains in Pakistan for some days to acclimatize that body, and on July 19 came by plane into London, England. He has made the Asian community of London what He calls His point of focus in the modern world.
Maitreya’s advice will bring humanity to a simple choice between two lines of action: to ignore His recommendations and continue in our present mode of life, and so face self-destruction; or to accept gladly His counsel to inaugurate a system of sharing and justice which will guarantee a peaceful and prosperous future for humanity, and the creation of a civilization based on the inner divinity of all men. Maitreya is in no doubt of the choice we will make and looks forward to the open continuation of His mission on our behalf.
Maitreya has a set of priorities: food, shelter, health care, and shelter for all people, and the restoration of the environment to health. The achievement of these priorities rests on shifting our socio-economic structures away from competition and toward cooperation and sharing. Maitreya will advocate a crash program of aid—a global Marshal Plan—to end the worst elements of poverty. He will advocate the creation of an office of the UN for the redistribution of resources. All countries will make an inventory of resources (natural, technological scientific etc.) and what they need. Anything in excess of their needs will be fairly distributed to any nation that is lacking that resource . Maitreya’s message is simple: we are all brothers and only by equitably sharing the world’s bountiful resources among all people will we manifest love, justice, freedom, unity and brotherhood?
Dick Larson shares where he gets his information from and why we should believe him. He gets a good deal of his information from the book by Benjamin Crème, who details the planned return of our planetary Hierarchy and the descent of Maitreya from His Himalayan retreat in July 1977 and of His work in the world, albeit behind the scenes, since then. The book speaks to the enormous changes that His presence has brought about; of His plans and projects, and His priorities and recommendations in the immediate future time. It shows Him as a great and powerful Avatar and, at the same time, as a friend and brother of humanity. Maitreya’s advice will bring humanity to a simple choice between two lines of action: to ignore His recommendations and continue in our present mode of life, and so face self-destruction; or to accept gladly His counsel to inaugurate a system of sharing and justice which will guarantee a peaceful and prosperous future for humanity, and the creation of a civilization based on the inner divinity of all men. Maitreya is in no doubt of the choice we will make and looks forward to the open continuation of His mission on our behalf. (Benjamin Creme London, March 2007).
Maitreya does not come alone. Fortunately, Sheryl does not believe believe that we are alone, or have ever been alone, without help, without guidance. There has stood behind humanity, from the earliest days of its existence, a group of men of extraordinary insight and wisdom, called the Masters of Wisdom, the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet. The Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy This group of men have gone ahead of us in evolution. They have come to a point where they need no further incarnational experience on Earth, but nevertheless, they remain to act as a kind of inner government of the world. The Masters are the Custodians of the Plan of evolution that is driving humanity forward and upward, whether we are aware of it or not. They have brought humanity from the stage of early animal man and woman to the point where we are today — guiding, protecting and stimulating the evolutionary advance of all people. Sometimes they have worked more openly, but for the last 98,000 years, with very few exceptions, they, have lived in the remote mountain and desert areas of the world, such as the Himalaya, the Andes, the Rockies, the Carpathians, the Urals, and the Gobi Desert and other deserts. From these mountain and desert areas, working mainly through their disciples, men and women in the world, they have guided humanity along the evolutionary path with their love and wisdom.
For over 500 years the Masters have known that sooner or later they would be required to come back into the everyday world, known to us for what They are. This pertains to their own evolution, quite separate from the human evolution. The only question was when humanity would be ready for the return to the everyday world of such spiritual giants. Until relatively recently, it was thought it would probably be 1,200 or 1,300 years yet before we would be ready to receive men of that kind of spiritual potency into our everyday world. But in June 1945, at the end of the Second World War, Maitreya, the head and leader of that group of perfected men, announced His decision to return at the earliest possible moment into the world, along with a large number of His group. Maitreya said that He would come when a measure of peace 6 had been established in the world, when the energy we call goodwill, which the Masters see as the lowest aspect of love, was manifesting and leading to the establishment of correct human relationships, and when the religious and political groups were putting their houses in order. These conditions did not have to be perfectly met, but when our minds were at least moving in these directions, Maitreya said that He would come without fail at the earliest possible moment.
The coming of Maitreya was foretold 2,600 years ago by Gautama Buddha, who said that at this time would come another great teacher, a Buddha like Himself by the name Maitreya, who by dint of His colossal spiritual stature, would galvanize and inspire humanity to create a brilliant golden civilization based, as He put it, on righteousness and truth.
The following article is edited from Benjamin Creme’s public lectures in Tokyo in 2003 and in Osaka in 2006, and presents an overview of the emergence of the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom. Much of what Benjamin Crème has to say is already known, or if not known, easily available. Beginning in 1875, some of this information has already been published in books translated into many languages, and is available to anyone who takes the trouble to read them. The great disciple, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, began the dissemination of this information. She lived for three years in the Himalayan mountains with the Masters of Whom Benjamin speaks of. Her work was followed in 1924 by that of another great Russian disciple, Helena Roerich, through whom the Agni Yoga teachings were given to the world, and by a great English disciple, Alice A. Bailey, between 1919 and 1949.
Benjamin Creme writes, “I have been able to bring these teachings up to date, to show what is actually happening in the process of the return of the Masters to the everyday world. It is from my own personal experiences and contacts that I make these assertions. But I am not asking you to believe me. I am simply presenting my information to you for your consideration. If it appears to you to be reasonable and rational, if it seems to relate to present events, the happenings of the world that are taking place and have been for many years, if in a word it has for you the ring of truth, then by all means believe it, but otherwise not. I am perfectly conscious that much of this information will appear strange and perhaps unbelievable to some of you. If that is the case, please be assured that I shall not be the slightest bit offended or even disappointed. But if this information at least allows you to hope for a better future for yourself and your children, I shall be perfectly satisfied.”
Dick shares with us what he believes is a spiritual master. A spiritual master is someone who has stepped out of the confines and attachment to the world. Their interests in the concerns that are taught to be essential (romance making money having a great social network etc) are few to non-existent. Their interests tend to focus on what is nourishing, what is healing, and what is real. So if you ever happened to run into a spiritual master staring for long period of time at a field of unfolding sunflowers, this may not make sense to you because social conditioning has taught you that this is unimportant and that you should overlook it and otherwise assume that this blooming would always happen. But the spiritual master assumes nothing and embraces each moment as a beautiful unveiling and unfolding which will never happen quite like it ever again.
Dick is asked that assuming that what he says is true does it mean the end of the world? And why is there so much chaos/turmoil and lack of the divine human values taught by all religions?
Dick tells us that what the world needs now is the removal of fear and the renewal of hope. We are going through one of the greatest periods of tension since the end of the Cold War. This particular phase of tension and crisis began on 11 September 2001. On that day, an attack by foreign terrorists took place on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, DC, as well as a foiled attack on the White House. It was an attack not only on America, but on American power, represented by the Pentagon and the White House, and the major industrial nations of the world through the attack on the World Trade Center. That terrible, dramatic attack took America and the entire world by surprise and shock. The world has been in a state of shock ever since. But I suggest it should not have taken the world so much by surprise. It was one of the most daring, most audacious and most organized of many such attacks on the Western world. That attack resulted in an attack on Afghanistan in which more ordinary, innocent citizens of Afghanistan were killed than were killed in the World Trade Center on 11 September. This was followed by the American and British attack on Iraq, and the continuing occupation in which hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens have also lost their lives. The American, British and other governments have not recognized that the attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, and the foiled attack on the White House, have a cause. It is the effect of a cause.
In other words, it is karmic. It is the result of the Law of Karma, the Law of Cause and Effect. The cause is complex, but put very simply, it is the extreme difference in living standards between the developed Western world and the developing world. One-third of the world — mainly America, Europe, Japan, Australia, and Canada — usurp and greedily waste three-quarters of the world’s food, and some 83 per cent of all other resources
For the last 2,150 years that alignment was with the constellation Pisces. We have been in the age of Pisces, and that age has come to an end. The sun has moved away from the sphere of influence of the energies of Pisces and is entering the same relationship with the constellation Aquarius, and therefore, with the energies of Aquarius. The energies of Pisces began to be withdrawn in 1625. The energies of Aquarius 8 began to come in and affect our planet in 1675. Today there is a kind of balance. The energies of Pisces and the energies of Aquarius are, as far as we are concerned, more or less equal, and that is our problem. The energies of Pisces are being withdrawn and have left all the structures that were built under their influence: political, economic, religious, social, scientific, educational, cultural and so on. All these structures have become crystallized. They are extant, but they no longer have the energy that brought them into being, so they do not work anymore. As we have responded to the energies of Pisces, they have completely split the world into tiny fragmented parts. The energies of Aquarius, which are mounting in potency with every day that passes, work on us in a very different way. They have a completely different effect on humanity. They are the energies of synthesis. As the energies of Pisces have divided the world, the energies of Aquarius will draw humanity together, blending and fusing humanity into one group
We willrecognize him and know he is the World Teacher and what does he share about the future of our life on Earth and can we help also?
Dick and Sheryl discuss how the awareness of UFO’s fit into the work of Maitreya and If so where did they come from and why are they here? Dick tells us that there is life on Mars and Venus and that those beings have evolved beyond the physical and are in etheric form or energy beings and that’s why unless you have the abilty to see spirit they are not visible to you. Dick tells us they are highly advanced life and are here on Earth helping to clean up the environment from within and again only visible to us if they choose to make their presence know. Dick calls them our brothers and sisters and says they do not like to be called Aliens.
Sheryl says that in her new book A New Life Awaits; Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening she writes about some of the guests who were on her radio podcast show who have had experiences with extraterrestrials. She herself had an encounter over 20 years ago that made her realize life was not exactly what she had always thought it to be. One of the people Sheryl met at a spiritual convention in Arizona was Victoria who told Sheryl she had been encountering guidance from extraterrestrials since she was a child. Sheryl asked if she found them to be friendly and what they looked like. Yes, they were friendly, and they looked like her: blonde, quiet, and calm. They were here, as was she, to help humanity. Thinking about it, aren’t we all ETs? Our spirit and soul come from a higher plane of energy, or star dust, and combine with a physical body. Some light workers are here to improve the human condition. Others are here mainly for earthly or physical experience, but we are all Spirit. I might have been slightly judgmental when listening to Victoria describe she was connecting to extraterrestrial light beings but was it so out of the ordinary? Years ago, I would have totally freaked out at such an announcement, but since I know all is illusion in this physical world, I cannot say one way or the other whether there is truth or falseness in this woman’s claim.
Sheryl wrote, “I realize that over the last few years, I have interviewed a group of scientists exploring infinite possibilities for life beyond what we can know in this three-dimensional world and have been amazed to listen to extraterrestrial stories in a more open-minded fashion. I have interviewed many notable guests who are exploring the extraterrestrial phenomenon. Robert Salas, author of Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon and a graduate of the USAF Academy with a degree in Aerospace Engineering, now retired from the Air Force, offers extensive testimony and documentation by military officers and airmen of their eyewitness accounts of UFO occurrences, alien abductions, and threats to military installation.
Another guest on my internet radio show, Healing From Within, was Betty Andreasson, a warm and everyday kind of individual who was studied extensively by government agencies for her remarkable drawings and descriptions of her 1967 abduction by what she described as entities who made her feel they were friendly and peaceful. Still another wonderful guest was Ted Peters, author of UFOs: God’s Chariots?, who has spent a lifetime exploring the many events and reports worldwide by people who have experienced interactions with higher beings. Most recently, I have interviewed Nancy Du Tertre, author of How to Talk to an Alien. As the other guests, her credentials and credibility are impeccable. “
Bill tells us why extraterrestrials make the crop circles that are seen around the world and what is their spiritual mission here? The crop circles are markers for these extraordinary exterrestrials to send light waves to help balance the damage done to earth over centuries of abuse of resources by humans. It is very important for Earth to restore itself and these advanced souls are helping in that area of restoration.
Sheryl says that there was a movie “Signs” with Mel Gibson whose character lived in a rural area and the crop circles were on his land so there is awareness of UFO’s and governments around the world have much documentation of this phenomenon.
Sheryl has interviewed many guests military officers college professors and Barbara Anderson who was abducted years ago. who have shown compelling evidence of the proof of UFO’s If you go to her website you can check out several of those guests?
Dick tells us his view of the Covid virus pandemic different from much that we hear in the news and why are there earthquakes floods wars pollution and social discord. These are called acts of nature, acts of God. But they are in this case a result of the Law of Karma. The crisis that manifested itself as the SARS infection in China and elsewhere, for example, the epidemics of flu throughout Europe, are the direct results of the fear generated from the crisis conditions set up by the US attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq. It is not a question of God punishing the aggressor. It is a simple law of the interconnectedness of all atoms in the universe. What happens here sets up something that will inevitably happen elsewhere by the law of action and reaction. When humanity truly understands this law, the Law of Karma, not just as an intellectual idea, it will see that every thought, every action, sets into motion a cause or causes. The effects stemming from these causes make our lives for good or ill. The need for harmlessness in every action in our lives becomes apparent. When we act, we have to know what the result of this action could be. If the action is destructive, it produces destruction in the world. If the action is not destructive, if it is creative, if it is harmless, it creates harmlessness, it creates good in the world. We have our evolution in our own hands. We are responsible. Every act, every thought is part of the thoughts and actions of all humanity, and affect all humanity. We cannot imagine how far our thought proceeds before it returns as the reaction to a cause. When humanity’s thoughts and actions are destructive, when we create thoughtforms of destruction, attack, killing and fear, we generate thereby thoughtforms that impinge on the forces of nature. These forces are under the control of the devic or angelic evolutions. They go out of equilibrium as we are out of equilibrium, and earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, typhoons are the results.
Dick would like readers to take away with them after learning about Maitreya’s hopes for humanity that Humanity needs above all to establish peace. Without peace there will be no future for humanity because we have the nuclear capacity to destroy the world and all life, human and subhuman alike. How do we get peace? That is the essential question. Certainly not using the methods of the American and British governments in recent times when they attack one country after another. That is certainly not going to give peace to the world. It will not even end terrorism in the world. There will never be an end to terrorism until the world itself has changed. Only one thing will create peace and the end of terrorism — the creation of a JUST world. If there is no justice, there will never be peace. If there is no justice, there is no hope for any of us because everybody in the world will die unless we establish justice in the world.
There is only one way to establish justice and that is to share the resources of the world more equitably. It is so simple and yet we refrain from doing it. Without sharing there will never be justice. Without justice there will never be peace. Without peace there is no future for us. So what do we have to do? The developed nations have to realize that the world’s food and resources belong to everyone, are given by divine providence for all the peoples of the world, not just the developed nations who have the money to buy the food and resources. They have the money to buy because they are more advanced technologically, more advanced in industry perhaps. But the goods they produce do not give value to the resources and activities of the people of the Third World. This approach is cavalier, dishonest, greedy and selfish, and has to change, otherwise there is no future for the world. The Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy have plans for the redistribution of the world’s resources, which will be presented as soon as humanity says: “You are right. We believe that the only way is by sharing better the resources. How do we do it?
We thank Dick Larson for sharing his knowledge of Maitreya and his Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy who are here at this time in human history to help us move past these difficult times to raise the vibration of souls to a higher level of awareness and consciousness of the true nature of life and to find peace cooperation, to save humanity, and our precious planet Earth.
In summarizing today’s very interesting and futuristic look at the spiritual help that will and is being provided by spiritual teachers like Maitreya and his Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy we come to think about and hopefully know that we are spiritual beings having a physical life enabling us to refine our soul eternal life force through experiences in a world that offers many challenges and opportunities to learn and love becoming aware of all that is that is often forgotten by souls as they incarnate into a new physical life. Dick tells us the time is coming when Maitreya will be known by the world and in Benjamin Crème’s book he writes “The United States and European stock markets have been going up and down, up and down, but do not actually follow through as they have done in Japan. Maitreya is waiting for the collapse of the US and European economies to come forward, to present Himself to the world, to start His public teaching. But events in the world are so critical, with so much tension and fear, that Maitreya is concerned to come forward as soon as possible. He is taking every opportunity to present Himself closer and closer to the groups who are working for the Reappearance but also on a wider scale to the people in the world. He talks to people at all levels, ordinary people and those most useful at every level — political, economic, social, scientific, educational, and so on — people who can help the world, who have influence for good in the world. In this way He has built up a great body of people who in the immediate future will begin the changes necessary to transform the world for the better. When Maitreya comes forward, He will not at first use the name Maitreya. He will present Himself as an ordinary person, although, of course, an extraordinary person. He will appear at first in America on television on a large network, and then 14 in Japan and around the world. He will become known for His analysis of the world’s needs. Look for a man who is calling for justice for all the world, freedom for all the world.
Maitreya is omniscient and omnipresent, and everyone above the age of 14 will hear His words, His thoughts, His ideas inwardly, silently, telepathically in their own language. As you are watching this face, His lips will not move, He will not speak, but His ideas will come into your mind. The French will hear Him in French, the Germans in German, the English in English, the Dutch in Dutch, the Japanese in Japanese, and so on throughout the world. Whatever you are doing, if you are out fishing or under the car, if you are not watching television, you will still hear the voice, the thoughts, the ideas of Maitreya inwardly. This miracle is a repetition, only now on a world scale, of the true happenngs of Pentecost 2,000 years ago.
Maitreya will give a short history of the long history of the world, and show the height from which humanity has fallen into the materialism of today. He will introduce the fact of His group, the Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters. He will show the future, and outline some of the extraordinary scientific marvels that will open up new life for humanity. He will make His appeal for justice, for sharing as the only way to justice, and so to peace in the world.
Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and author of her newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening perhaps like so many healers mediums and spiritual teachers working to prepare the world for a great teacher like Maitreya and all the Masters of Wisdom Teachers who love humanity and work towards our awakening process. Sheryl invites you to visit her website to read about and listen to leaders in the metaphysical scientific spiritual religious medical psychological and arts and music fields join in seeking clarity truth and greater awareness of the nature of divine and phyiscal life. Shows may be heard on and