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Afterlife Reincarnation and Proof that Rings True
- Stephane Allix
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” with host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Teacher medium and author of the newest book in my trilogy A New Life Awaits Spiritual Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit showing us our challenges are not economic political or societal just a spiritual disconnect from our true being or soul wisdom and am delighted to welcome Stephane Allix author of When I Was Someone Else who shares the incredible true story of past life connection.
As listeners of “Healing from Within” have discovered over the years, the power of an open mind and heart lead to the creation of many blessings and hopes for improving the human and divine condition, allowing ourselves to once again remember through coincidences, synchronicity, dreams, meditation, travel to new place, that we are more than our physical body as consciousness survives physical death. We are therefore immortal eternal souls traveling in many dimensions of life, beyond time and space, always creating and experiencing new potential for awakening to higher consciousness.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within,” Stephane Allix a journalist, former war correspondent, and a founder of the Institute for Research on Extraordinary Experiences, as well as the author of The Test: Incredible Proof of Afterlife, and the writer and director of the French television series Extraordinary Investigates tells of his travel to the Amazon while on a spiritual retreat in Peru, he had a vivid waking vision of a soldier dying on a snowy battlefield followed by scenes from the soldier’s earlier life. Listeners will learn about Stephane’s disturbing sense of closeness with the soldier who turned out to be a German soldier in WWII, and find out why perhaps this all transpired.
When Stephane is asked to think back to his childhood and remember a person, place or event that might have signaled to him or others around him the interests and lifestyle he might pursue in his adult life, he says he has forgotten most of his childhood and didn’t consider himself to be spiritual at first but focused on war and facts. When his brother died at the age of 32 years-old, he wanted to solve the many mysteries of life, war, death, and why we are having this physical life.
Stephane Allix tells us he decided to travel to the Amazon because he says the world is nothing but uncertainty. He writes, “I knew how important it was to follow intuition even when it seems to turn everything upside down. Wanting to be free means taking certain risks and putting oneself in question. Certainly we always find valid excuses for staying put, but how long can we put off discovering who we really are, when everything is on fire inside us. Is it caution or reason that dissuades us? Or habit laziness fear? And isn’t it this intentional blindness that ends up making us ill? I had been putting of the confrontation for too long, so I decided to jump ahead, whatever the price. I left in order to look at myself head on, in solitude and in meditation without the blinders that daily life holds permanently in place. I am embarking on this retreat far from my usual world with my loving wife and family with the desire to encounter myself. And I have no idea just how true that is going to be.”
Stephane tells us how he felt about himself before he went to this retreat in the Amazon to further explore the sense of darkness that resided alongside the lighter aspects of his thinking, and which he realized was part of every person’s soul life. Between the light and dark must lie the answers to many of his questions. Stephan remembered watching his father aged 85 before taking his last breath as he was beginning to fail saying something that touched him deeply His father said, “When I think of the future I see that it’s over, and when I look back, I realize that life has gone by in the blink of an eye.” And he accompanied that statement with a crisp snap of his fingers. What might have changed if he had been able to go back? What had not been carried through when it was still possible? What would he have been able to heal? What regrets did he have in the closing days of his life. All these thoughts affected the state of mind that encouraged Stephane to make that trip to Peru.
Setting off to discover himself can lead a man to travel strange paths. When Stephane Allix set off for a retreat in the forest to unwind and take a look at his life, he never imagined that he was about to face the unthinkable.
During the mediation at this spiritual retreat he had a vision: a Second World War soldier was hit in the throat and was dying. The man’s name and other information were also revealed to him. The experience was extremely puzzling. Why did he feel so intimately connected with this person?
Obsessed with this compelling vision Stephane launched into a meticulous investigation and was amazed to discover the soldier had really existed.
Thus, began an amazing adventure and answers to the existential questions that had always caused inner conflict.
This experience and retracing Alexander’s life affected Stephane emotionally physically and spiritually and he discovered much about himself.
Stephane went on to learn that Alexander Herrmann was in a division that had been integrated into Army Group North which was headed toward Saint Petersburg where he died in a zone where the battle was fierce during this initial phase of Operation Barbarossa…He had participated in front line combat. Operation Barbarossa is the name the Germans gave to this campaign in the USSR. Several million German soldiers participated in it. It began June 22, 1941.
For Stephane before perceiving Alexander Herrmann in Peru in that waking vision, he saw his brother Thomas who had died in Afghanistan years before and the day he received the folder with the information on the German soldier Alexander Herrmann was Thomas birthday March 23rd. Just validation perhaps that Thomas soul was working in Spirit with Alexander to heal their wounds from this past life and the journey in discovering as much as he could about the German soldier helped to heal them all.
Discovering this “past life” has taught Stephane much about himself and he hopes the experience teaches other to find a connection to their soul and to the souls of others who work together always as one to guide us to higher consciousness and truth of life death and beyond.
While Allix’s initial impression is that this German soldier was a past life, as he progressed in his rigorous investigation and his decoding of the events surrounding it, he realized that it was actually his own work with the paranormal and his unresolved feelings over the death of his brother and his father that made him particularly sensitive to the veil between life and death, allowing for and culminating in the soul of this dead soldier coming to him in search of forgiveness and healing. Allix realizes that his mission is not to bring about the rebirth of this person but to heal him—and the victims of his ignominious actions during the war.
‘Offering a fascinating exploration of clairvoyance, synchronicities, reincarnation and the connections between the spiritual and physical planes, When I Was Someone Else shares a powerful message of healing after death along with the profound epiphany that” light needs darkness to be perceived.”
In Stephane’s encounter with Alexander and seeing his death validated by a medium that he visited when he returned home from the trip to Peru and the files kept by the Germans we can declare it proof that reincarnation does truly exit. It is the explanation Stephan sought in all these years to understand his own inner suffering, the melancholy, the dreams that are not totally his own and that nevertheless impact his life feeding his emotions enlivening his darkest fears and participating in unconscious parts of his personality.
Sheryl believes since the soul is eternal and the Akashic records spoken of by many mediums contain all the memories and lives of each soul so, yes past lives are real, and each life is created by the soul to learn more about itself for personal development and to correct relationship problems from past lives a create greater love and compassion within their own energy.
Sheryl tells Stephane that like him many years ago when questioning if soul life was real, she was given a book by her yoga teacher written by Sonia Choquette a psychic medium who had survived the Holocaust. In the book was a meditation which asked that I visualize myself on a stone bench calling out to my soul and quite suddenly saw a tall woman in a brown hooded robe approaching me and heard in a far away voice Helen….Troy. I later reviewed the story of Helen Troy Queen of King Menelaus of ancient Greece and found out he was much older than her and not sensitive to her needs. Helen meet Paris the prince of Troy and escaped with him to that very civilized advanced society Troy. The Trojan Wars began when all the Greek Lords united to help Menelaus recapture his wife ultimately destroying their love and the beautiful city and people of Troy. Whether Sheryl was that soul or in between lives in Spirit communicated with her and in some sense was living out that reality Sheryl cannot be sure. But our souls connect to those who help us grow in spirit and in heart wisdom.
Stephane learned a great deal and felt sad for the brutal battles of war Alexander faced. Obsessed by the power of this extraordinary real vision Allix’s investigation revealed that Alexander Herrmann a German soldier died in World War 11 during the 1941 Russian campaign. As he began retracing Herrmann’s past, he found that the other images accompanying the battle scene were also of people who had truly existed and were close to the man who died. Diving into the German military archives, meeting the man’s surviving family members and following his own intuitive hunches, the author also discovered that the soldier was part of the Waffen S.S., the infamous Totenkopf Brigade and his investigation broadened to explore what drove Herrmann to become part of such an devastatingly brutal and destructive organization.
Stephane thinks the two men were destined to meet in this extraordinary way in order to help one another Yes.. Stephan says he became a journalist for the sole reason to understand how someone could kill and to know who are these men who by the millions committed the Holocaust. Stephane is a tolerant man, educated by parents who inculcated in their children the most noble moral values. But still Stephane did have an obsession to want to understand the executioners. Stephan always had a desire to see war close up. It was if a darkness from those time resided in his heart and remembrances and in dreams.
Stephane as does Sheryl believes intuition should play a strong a role in our lives. Stephane believes that when we ask for help from the universe destiny comes to our aid. Even though it’s difficult at times to realize that it is always the case and -, ”Walking beside death for so many years has allowed him to understand to what extent, not listening to that inner quiet voice, and, beyond that, not being willing to see what part is suffering, is to risk in the end seeing your life pass you by. When you put something off till later, it’s often the case that later means too late. My brother died before my eyes in a car accident. He had just turned thirty and in a fraction of a second, at the peak of his vitality he disappeared. He was one who knew how to follow his instincts and to never compromise. He did well.”
After his visit to Peru and the vision and feelings awakened in him by Alexander Hermann Stephane goes for a session to Agnes a healer and medium who helps him understand the darkness residing in his soul memory that has been resurrected by his alliance to the German SS soldier and Stephane reveals that the interaction with the German soul involves a manifestation of the darkness he carries within him. Of his shadow integrated into existence and he accepts it as an archetype an unconscious personality trait. Violence war and anger are elements in Stephane and in his dreams.
Sheryl says that Intuition is that small still voice within that helps you remember your energetic soul life destiny and is the guidance system that navigates the physical world and helps you to make choices that serve your personal energetic growth or enrich your vibration and energy level to achieve a higher level of love and compassion which the soul already possesses. Intuition is the most important connection to spiritual awareness and allows you to accept and surrender to the challenges of life making it easier to not only survive. but thrive. no matter how difficult a moment we may be engaged in. When intuition and the ego based mind are in sync, miracles, synchronicity, coincidences are quite common and allow for a peaceful successful run of life. Dreams and remembrances of the soul and energy work, and meditation help us to face the imprints of past lives and to release and finally heal them. Often souls that engage with us whether in our daily lives, or in soul visits in dreams hope to find forgiveness and healing from that other reality of past lives.
Stephane tells us that he felt like someone or something was helping him in his search, Stephan writes, “One day stretched out and floating on my back , my eyes follow one of these masters of the sky as he passes in front of the sun. I blink my eyes and allow myself to be carried by the current suspended like a ghost below the surface, moving slowly. After a few moments, I go back and, dripping, pull myself onto a burning hot rock that dries me off. Sitting cross-legged facing the sun, I slow my breathing and close my eyes……. And something unexpected happens: motionless on my rock suddenly I am no longer alone. An Amazon Indian is there. Not beside me, but…how can I say this? In me. The sensation is sharp It is not my imagination. And it is very strange. As if I were perceiving an inhabitant from before. I open my eyes and I see nothing, But I know that my eyes can perceive only a small fragment of reality so I’m not surprised and I concentrate on the sensation. No doubt I needed this reminder that the invisible world is constantly accessible and present around us wherever we are. It is not in some distant place to be discovered. The door that gives access to it is in us—it has never been anywhere else.
Sheryl would say “Spirit, Souls, Higher Vibrational beings, guides, teachers, angels, and the entire force of continuous creative life some would call the Divine Oneness God are the messenger that as a medium I have journaled the many metaphysical happenings they have been part of. This one relates to what Stephane just wrote about. A colleague of Sheryl’s asked her to go with her to the hospital as her father was in a coma and she wanted me to access his soul energy. Her father let me know he wished to ascend to the beauty of his remembrance of his homeland Ireland very green and winds of freedom and was ready to take the rocket ride to get him there. The next day when Sheryl visited him again, he told Sheryl to let his daughter know he would be at the swings behind the broken fence in the schoolyard behind her house and see her and his granddaughter and he didn’t need a rocket only a helicopter as he would be close by. In other words, as I often tell my clients, All you have to do to have a loved one near is to think of them and say their name…they are not far away and our souls are swirling in the energy of past present future and can be accessed any time and that is what intuition helps us to do.
Stephane might like readers to take away with them after reading When I Was Someone Else that while In Peru the only thing he wanted to follow was a regular and disciplined way in the program of body work and energy work that he had begun in Paris under the direction of Serge Augier. There are martial arts exercises made up of slow movements, designed to have the body work deeply in preparation for a more rigorous engagement. These physical exercises are going to accompany my future spiritual work for how can you pacify and explore spirit without cleaning and fortifying the body that is a reflection of it. And to realize as Stephan did that while immobile and in silence, following an instant of distraction, that the mind can just stop thinking for the space of a second. During that moment, we can perceive a kind of pure perception of the nature of things. For that fraction of time. you can feel something new, beyond thought, and a door swings open The solution as Stephane finds is there somewhere within you, and discipline is the key to finding more about yourself and the mysterious world of energy and eternal life.
We thank Stephane Allix author of When I Was Someone Else for sharing an amazing connection to the Spirit of Alexander Hermann a soldier who was reaching out from the dimension of life beyond this life and because of Stephane’s open sensitive empathic nature and past soul life needs was able to connect with him to find healing for them both..
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have heard Stephane Allix in his beautifully detailed and articulate book When I Was Someone Else describe the incredible true story of past life connection. As a medium I have been present with leading masters in healing psychic and past life sessions and while in deep meditation have become aware of several of my own past life memories. Prior to Sheryl’s work these past 25 years in spiritual studies she would not have considered past life a possibly or even life after death. Sheryl brought up in a scientific lifestyle was a skeptic and it wasn’t until she had her own enlightening events happen that she developed a natural spiritual ability and sensitivity as an empath within her since childhood, and allowed herself, to fully use intuition and that six sense of inner knowing, that she was able to transcend earlier misguided belief systems, and make the connection to higher dimensions of life beyond this physical one. Stephane also had many questions from within and has answered them for his own edification and for readers who will ultimately see that the facts of his vision are proven by a search into the life of Alexander Herrmann a German soldier who died in World War 11 and who presented himself to Stephane in order to resolve issues from that disturbing lifetime.
Stephane writes “During my life I have been aware of the existence of other times and other spaces. I felt in myself memories other than my own. But never before has that been so clear so powerful so obvious so disturbing…..For several weeks now I have the sensation of living between two times: the present time and the period between 1930 and 1940. I am reading so many things that plunge me eighty years back in time. I think constantly of Alexander, every day, every evening so that a part of my mind is carried into the past while my body in contrast, moves around in the present. My dreams seem more vivid and my day to day is colored by an increasing number of synchronicities some weight light like this dream fragment some more dense and disturbing.”
Stephane travelled to Germany and to Russia to find out more about the life and death of Alexander Hermann that began in a vision, an opening or tunnel between life and death, the past and the present, and he followed the path that his many questions from his vision of the death of a soldier led him to explore more fully.
Stephane and Sheryl would have you pay attention to the thoughts that suggest you are more than your physical body and to the passions that you wish to explore in your life even if not popular by other people’s standards. For the real purpose of life is to raise the vibration of your soul energy by accepting challenges and remembering you are spirit having a physical life with infinite potential to question and to seek the best within yourself, as you explore the physical world knowing you are never alone and life always survives.
I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories of spirit communication the truth about life and death and ways to improve life personally and collectively while in this time and place. Please go to my website to listen to and read about leaders in metaphysical scientific and spiritual searches for the truth of human and divine nature. Shows may also be heard on and