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An Abundance of Pleasure by Looking Beyond Daily Challenges
- Julia Paulette Hollenbery
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher medium and author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us that our challenges are not merely economic political or societal but often a deep disconnect from our true soul life and inner wisdom. Sheryl is delighted to welcome Julia Paulette Hollenbery author of The Healing Power of Pleasure which shares her lifelong love of the mystery and reality of sensual relationship and the life of the body as it informs each soul to merge their mind and body for optimum satisfaction during this life journey Julia Paulette Hollenbery works as a bodyworker therapist mystic healer and facilitator.
Julia as listeners of Healing From Within have come to expect over the years Sheryl and her esteemed guests share intimate stories that employ the intuitive spiritual gifts supporting the view that we are spiritual beings having a physical life and are indeed much more than we often allow ourselves to remember. By exploring our energetic thoughts, we come to realize that we are creating our life story with our thoughts and actions and by shifting certain awarenesses we can improve and enjoy life more intensely and also improve the quality of life in our human communities.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Julia Paulette Hollenbery author of The Healing Power of Pleasure combines scientific fact with ancient spirituality, insight humor and poetry to reawaken your body, realize the dept and web of relationships within which we live and embrace the pleasure power and potency that arise when we look inward as well as confidently relate outward with the world around us. Julia shares her step by step journey and techniques to function and grow through a sensual journey of healing and transformation.
When Julia is asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that may have foretold something about the interest they might pursue in adulthood for it seems we are born with an inner life plan that unfolds as we grow in life Julia tells us that with her birth by forceps, trauma and brain injury she has lived through intensely difficult times….Sometimes she would literally feel herself moving up and out of her body. It was quite scary and she didn’t know how to “be” with this when she was amongst other people. It was a silent invisible private occurrence she couldn’t talk about because she thought no one would understand. Most of the time she senses her body first and then translates arising sensations and feelings into language words and paragraphs in order to communicate with other people. As we have seen being a body can sometimes be uncomfortable.
Julia Tells us about our personal healing/spiritual/transformational journey as spiritual beings in a physical world. Our cultural story emphasizes the importance of thinking, visibility and usefulness over kindness. This view is that of a masculine perspective. Meanwhile the counterpart that offers balance, a nuanced inclusive and receptive feminine view have been disrespected and forgotten. Somehow men and women have become opponents, rather than opposite equals in partnership. Throughout history the female capacity to create and sustain life has been dismissed as negative. Women were thought of as just being possessions. During the Inquisition in the fifteenth to eighteenth century, nine million women were killed. Even now in the 21st century 137 women are killed globally each day by a family member, 200 million girls are genitally mutilated, while 15 million adolescent girls experience forced sex.
We can feel sickened by these numbers and crudeness and primitiveness of past tribal atrocities to human life. Did you know that we usually think of human conception as male sperm competing for and then penetrating the female egg, whereas in reality says Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen American researcher while 400 million sperm face towards the egg it is actually the egg that does the choosing opening to receive just one of the sperm? It is the ignoring of the power of the feminine that has disallowed a good balance in life of both male and female principles.
As babies and small children, we may have learnt that love nourishment and pleasure came to us from outside. However, as we grow up, we need to realize that pleasure arises within us: it lies in our experience, whatever our external stimulus may be----a person, food, touch song, fragrance, or a picture.
When as adults we believe our pleasure is dependent not on ourselves but on other people and things, we come to feel that we have given away our power. We become resentful of others, whoever they are, although actually it was we who made the unconscious choice to rely on them. This misunderstanding lies at the root of the frustrating fundamental mess we are all in now!
Julia writes, “This book is an adventure that may change your life, allowing you to enter into a dynamic stillness of full-bodied being. It is about sexuality and healing sustainability and the Earth love creativity and mystery. It shows how pleasure is nourishment, transforming us from an existence as competing individuals to collaboration as a cooperative community. Life itself wants to evolve through us. We, just like the rest of the natural world, yearn to be fully alive, full of passion and pleasure, humility and sensuality, purpose dynamism and peace.”
She also writes, “Without realizing it we are often split inside into several personas. These represent parts of ourselves that were hurt and separated and parts that compromised, in order to please and belong to our family, school or culture. We are unknowingly divided between what others call good and bad, and the sense of our own heart. We have often disowned our naturally good and healthy pleasure, settling instead for artificial treats as rewards.
Sheryl says… It reminds us that separation often suffering encouraged by religions is what brings trauma fear and an inability to trust and love ourselves and others.
In her book A New Life Awaits Sheryl shares how this division and separation between gender religion culture and political and economic factors has caused more pain and dysfunction to our families Institutions and personal soul growth.
Sheryl writes, “There are patterns and meaning to all things in heaven and earth, and for each human, there is a series of events to guide them to face fears and negative thoughts and, with help from loved ones, to turn fear into beauty and love. This was truly what a spiritual being having a human experience was supposed to be about. The spiritual being transforms the human experiences and has a spiritual experience that will increase the soul’s vibration and perfect whatever unloving fearful urges remained. It is a continuous and difficult procedure for most people. Really, it now seemed to me to be the major purpose of our earthly experience. ….. I had met many people of different backgrounds, religions, and races there. I felt it was a place of healing, as any place where people who work on the body and share energy often help others open to peace and healing. It is when the body and mind quiet that healing might occur.”
Julia tells us that “Life is uncertain. We do need the nourishment of the Universe of Deliciousness—so we can feel our fears and pains, our despairs and failures—and then create something new and beautiful. When our hearts break, instead of violence can we be curious. Despite disaster can we also find delight. Can we co-create together with Life each of us a sensual intelligence within the multi-dimensional sensual intelligence of life. As you discover the body of your partner you are discovering their soul. As you are touched physically and emotionally you are sharing your soul with them. Through the heart through devotion and attention we connect deeply and enter the Universal Deliciousness.”
The global requirement now is compassion consideration and cooperation. For this to easily happen we each need to be sustained by a subtle experience of pleasurable abundance.
Julia tells us about the Seven Practical Medicines which is your signature system
- Slow the medicine of slowing is the first step. Slowing down does not necessarily mean physically slowing down and stopping. It means vibrational slowing so the mind and body can connect at a similar pace and together work well. Practices for Sensitivity To enter the Universe of Deliciousness we will need to slow down and use our attention We need to learn to take pauses. A pause is a mini-ritual a mini-reset. It means the end of one activity and the start of the next. It can be a conscious moment out of activity allowing you to return to yourself, to breathe, think or stretch.
- Body: the medicine of embodying Practices for embodiment
Body is where life is lived, your life and mine. Here, now, we are alive. In this three-dimensional fleshy messy smelly dripping and feeling form. Yet, modern life encourages us to become separated from our bodies and desensitized to our physical feeling selves. As children many of us were criticized for inhabiting our bodies too fully, from being too much alive sensual and sexual. Encouraged to take our attention away from the full richness of interior sensations feelings and knowing, away from immediate wisdom. We became diminished. This is a dislocation, a fragmentation a split from our true soul being. We learn that the body is vulnerable and sometimes gets damaged and this can be painful so much of the time, most of the time we move away from bodily sensations and are quite disembodied. We may have shut ourselves off from our bodies because of trauma which brings a feeling of hopeless and helpless inactions freezing confidence and preventing our imagination from creating other possibilities
Many traditional healing and spiritual paths teach that our physical form and our personality and soul are all interconnected. We can look at ourselves being made up of elements such as Earth Water Fire Air and Ether. Each has a different energy, character and home in the body and each person is a unique mix of these elements in their unique soul potential and in their actual everyday reality. Do you have a physical weakness that flares up repeatedly when you’re under stress? Your gums your lower back for example. Here are some simple techniques to help calm you back into your body.- Slowly rise onto your toes, then drop back onto your flat feet rhythmically
- Go out in nature and walk barefoot on the earth
- Take Rescue Remedy drops
- Reach out to other people to support you when you feel overwhelmed.
- Depth: the medicine of deepening Practices for Presence There is another world, but it is in this one W.B. Yeats, poet. Life is not the way we are taught it is. It is deeper and more mysterious than we will ever know.
Yet depth is all around us horizontally. Everything we can see, hear smell or touch is physical but it is not just physical. It is imbued with something much more…something we might call intelligence, or energy or being. The further we relax back, outwards, the more possibility truth and perspective we would find the more powerful this realness and the greater the relaxation of self and trust in the whole. The deeper our contact with Life, the less disturbed we are by occurrences at the surface of life. The more settled we are in the depths, the clearer an overview we have of what’s happening. Life is constantly changing in order to adapt to conditions of non-equilibrium. This perspective can change how we see ourselves: we are active participants in the big wide deep multi-dimensional reality of space and stillness(the Universe) existence and void, solid and non-existent. When we realize there is much more going on than meets the eye, we become engaged in life aware we are acted upon as well as acting. We are each a unique refraction of the dept informed by the light or intelligence behind us. Traditionally religion and spirituality have been regarded as the domain of depth. Everyone without a priestess shaman iman rabbi or minister has equal access to the deep. But essentially each human is made alike of soul infused flesh in search of Universal Source and knowing who they are where they came from and how life and death are interconnected. - Relationship: the medicine of relating Practices for Nourishment
As we travel through the galaxies of SLOW BODY AND DEPTH, we realize we are already in many different relationships with ourselves others and our god or gods. We are never not in relationship. Relationships create our sense of self and how we see the world. They can squash and limit us, or they can be doorways, through which we can experience and see ourselves more clearly.
If we are fortunate we usually live as part of a local network of family friends enemies colleagues and we all live in the world as one part of a big global story unfolding through us. We were conceived, born and nurtured in relationship created from the relationships of our parents family and ancestral tribe but often forget that and just think of ourselves as, “me.”
And we are constantly exchanging information with other in all relationships. Information is being exchanged by us all as we breathe air in and out air that contains evaporated water. We can all immediately read the atmosphere of a room when we walk in. Is it heavy or bright? We can respond to people’s emotions perhaps psychic phenomena are actually us responding to the information around us. We are never alone. Be alive to synchronicity interweaving the material and spiritual in everyday life.
We might reflect that when someone is happy in an intimate relationship, they are open in their relationships with everything else—their relationships are relaxed communicative bright interested and wise. By fine-tuning our relational ability and heightening our sensitivity, we can sense people, animals, plants and places deeply emotionally and vibrationally. We enter int a cooperative state of being.
Sheryl in her new book A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening writes, “Resolving wounded feelings from past relationships is also part of this spiritual process, which, when completed, allows for a greater state of peace. Peace moves us to truth and beauty beyond the physical and joy beyond any living expression of happiness. It is the ultimate moment of connection to the God force. Mother Teresa once said, “To pray is to believe, to believe is to love, and to love is to serve.” A prayer is only a moment of gratitude and self-awareness of soul energy and positive thoughtful intention. Everything miraculous flows from the simplicity of that element and mode of thought in conjunction with Spirit.”
Relationships are therefore the real reason a soul desires a physical life. It is in and through relationships that our vibrational impulses or connection to higher Universal energy increases and moves us past any fear limitation and restriction to be free and to flow with life in all its many aspects. - Pleasure: the medicine of sensing Practices for Fulfilment
While a personal relationship is really a container for our evolution The reality of pleasure is something essential. Pleasu re and happiness is our true soul nature. Pleasure has become conflated with sexuality and many of the other sexual pleasures have been forgotten. When was the last time you smelled a rose? Or appreciated a glorious sunset? Or really tasted your coffee? I mean a practice of paying attention and our noticing reveals to us the pleasure that is already within us. We must each find our own unique personal enjoyment of pleasure. Unfortunately, most of us don’t even have the basic 5 senses of touch, taste, sight, smell and sound fully open.
Closely related to pleasure sensuality is expressed differently in every part of the world: in Mediterranean Europe it’s found in the sunshine sea food and art. In Japan it appears in sumptuous fabrics, gardens spaces and a cultural sensitivity to energy. In Eastern Europe there is a creativity of original color and music. The French have a famously sexy approach to beauty food and humor. By exploring our pleasure we create a positive vortex sharing nourishment, enjoyment and satisfaction. - Power: the medicine of empowering Practices for Powerfulness We usually think of power as an external currency something to be grabbed from others of held over other, a dominant physical strength. We think power is the freedom to get what we want. In this way power seems hedonistic and superior. But the pleasure attained from this kind of power is short-lived and often to hold onto power will offer ourselves into the bargain and give away our inner personal power or personal integrity. Power has changed over time. In very ancient times life was organized around the survival of the tribe. The essential life-giving power of the feminine was worshipped women were viewed as social and spiritual authorities and ownership was shared. When monotheistic religion took hold spirituality became separated from social and economic life and men became the holder of power. Life moved from being matriarchal to patriarchal. Individual men now owned wealth possessions wives and children. Life came to be about competition and individual success. However, we are now in a time of significant massive global change. The way things have been for the last several hundreds of years is rapidly changing in every sphere of climate, government economy media relationships definition of gender and probably more. Our civilization is changing….and with it our ideas about currency, power and community; We are discovering the true value of power of authenticity transparency and community and a combination of feminine and masculine attitudes and actions.
Throughout history many people have given away their power to select others: gurus, celebrities banks, governments and other managerial groups in an attempt not to realize how p owerful we actually are. We have avoided responsibility. Now it is time to reclaim our pleasure, power and potential to step into the role of co-creators and to participate more fully than ever before. It is a necessary step to the healing process individually and collectively. - Potency: the medicine of aliveness Practices for Potential. Once empowered as individuals we are ready to explore our deeper potential We as humans have barely begun to explore our potential and massive expansive nature. It would be wise to look to ancient wisdom with an open mind to explore possibilities. In ancient Greece, Aristotle called the realization of potential “entelechy.”
We tend to divide or separate our experience of the world into black and white, good and bad, pleasure and pain. But embedded in everything is potential, the light within the darkness. We can activate our dormant potential by feeling sensing into our relationship with everything. The path to potency is integration, having the full spectrum of experience to balance inside us and in Contact with the world outside. Integration is about living life in all its messy disgusting and self-hating truthfulness and its inspiring exciting and delightful truthfulness.
Potential is something we co-create together and with the outside world It is the unity of soul and physical life
The big ideas of the book Julia might like people to take away with them is that although almost everyone in the modern world is stressed and traumatized and our nervous systems are constantly turned on and off it is possible to find a state of being that relaxes the thoughts and body. When we truly deeply “soul witness” life we will reflect on our needs and can turn fear to love and contentment.
Understanding the conventional masculinized view of society is lopsided and only tells half the story. It ignores the power of the feminine and both males and females have both male and female energy. We need to have a good balance in our lives of both male and female principles to merge soul and physical needs.
The thoughts in the book The Healing Power of Pleasure help people in these intense uncertain modern times understand how the human story has evolved and how many misconceptions have divided and fractured our soul need for peace harmony and love.
We usually assume that what we think is reality. But to a large extent perception depends on the attitude of us, the viewer. Do we realize that our experience is only a small part of what is really there. Reality is so much more than what we can see or touch and we as spiritual beings having a physical life are much more than we appear to be. Physics botany astronomy, neurology, are studies that show us everything is energy and there are conscious and unconscious ways to base our experiences on. We do have contact with magic as adults we just call it something else. It shows up as creativity, flow intuition and synchronicity. We glimpse it in response to images symbols and archetypes: to nature and elements: to spirits, angels and energy: heroes, heroines and monsters, and God or gods. Beyond this tangible immediate reality is a deeper reality. It is magical and mysterious, invisible and imaginal world. It is no less real than the material world. Indeed, it is the unseen reality that shapes material reality. “
If this book shows you that we are all natural magicians and can conjure up visions from the realms of the invisible world in our own inner vision or third eye we can learn that Imagery is the universal language of soul. Our capacity to use this spiritual gift is our superpower. Vision of this kind are therefore both physical and emotional and actually shape our external world.
Sheryl says It is the pursuit through meditation and healing practices that help us remember our soul journey which is the real reason we have a physical life as it gives the soul the opportunity to experience the full range of emotions so we may perceive ourselves and others with greater love.
In Sheryl’s book A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening Sheryl shares this thought, “Imagination, intuition, and trust allow many of us to think outside of the box and find divinity and magic in the arts. There is always more that the eye can see or know. My desire to observe love in all its mysteriousness and nuances led me to the Spider-Man movie series. I was delighted to attend the opening of Spider-Man 2. I had been waiting to see it since the first edition, when I noticed so much synchronicity to my own life. The messages of responsibility, love, dedication, change, and loss are common themes we all deal with. We are also able to see that many people have a limited view of the nature of the soul”
Sheryl asks Julia In meditation if she were to ask Spirit what it is she can do to better to utilize her spiritual gifts what do you think they might reply Julia says they might reply Just trust that all is as it should be…..Sheryl says when she recently asked her guide in Spirit if there was anything more she could do than she had already done…giving healing session, being always available when someone asks for help, being a volunteer for hospice for 8 years writing 3 books hosting this radio show for ten years as she doesn’t want to miss the mark and fail to do what could be done to help others…Spirit replied, “Don’t have to do anything…Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice. So Sheryl imagines just “Being,” loving sharing enjoying and working through any challenge quickly is the best way to serve ourselves Spirit and others.
I want to thank you Julia Paulette Hollenbery author of The Healing Power of Pleasure for sharing your creative and helpful way to view the Seven Medicines for Rediscovering the Innate Joy of Being for when the truth is known, we can avoid many misconceived notions and live a happier and healthier life journey. It is all in the knowing that releases us from any trauma fear or limitation.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within we have discovered that magic is available to each and every seeker of truth and for a more complete understanding of who we are and what life is all about. Hidden inside everything is a substance, a creative potential as Julia tells us. Everything has a vitality, a force and inner life of its own. Everything contains Life. Julia also tells us that magic is healthy natural and positive. It is about being in contact with something bigger than just small “me.” It is an experience to reveal the many layers of life within us around us and to receive what the brain knows and your mind is capable of accessing. This awareness and open- hearted exploration of “all that is” is the key to increasing our experience of pleasure and satisfaction.
As Julia says “Life is not just black and white: it is all the colors, tones and textures in between. Learning that fear anger and other hateful emotions are inevitable but still a part of life and while feeling down and into the darkness we can access true healing. So we learn to find the support of family friends practitioners so these experiences hard as they might be at the time can make us whole radiant and eventually in contact with the magical.”
Julia wrote the following poem
Beyond the Ordinary
There are no answers
There is no objective meaning
No right and wrong
No up or down, left ore right, green or black, red or blue
There is only the truth of an experience and the pleasure of our experience of it!
Beauty and truth and pleasure
Curiosity and continual discovery
Of what is
This Here Now I You Us
Julia and Sheryl would have you know that when the time comes for you to embrace the reality of eternal life and know the magnificent of your soul and the many helpers both here on Earth and in spirit who watch over your lifetime journey of learning and love, you will never again allow anyone to take your personal power to thrive or see life in your own creative way, as you will begin to allow accept surrender to any challenge as an opportunity for expanded of life in its infinite possibilities. Remain open and grounded, in your own time and place, and you will have opportunities to make choices to see, feel, and know life in all its nuances and extreme passion. Life is but the dream that you and I create!
Sheryl Glick RMT host of Healing From Within and author of a trilogy, A New Life Awaits invites you to visit my website to read about and listen to visionaries healers spiritualists metaphysicians scientists authors and those from all walks of life explore what is within their reality to improve themselves and the world community. “Know thyself” is indeed an important part of this pursuit of life experience. Shows may also be heard on and