Internet Radio Show
Angels Now and Forever
- Rev. Thabiti
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Welcome to “Healing from Within.” I am your host Sheryl Glick, author of The Living Spirit, which shares stories of spiritual awakenings, spiritual communication, healing, miracles and ways to go within to find your true soul essence. I am delighted today to welcome Reverend Thabiti to talk about a new film “The Illumined Ones” that Rev. Thabiti has worked on. He has been a former guest on Healing from Within to discuss his book All About You and The Time Line and that show can be heard on my website by going to the radio page and accessing that interview on May 2015.
As listeners from “Healing From Within” know Sheryl and her guests share illuminating interesting metaphysical stories of personal encounters with higher energy, life forms, and the divine to know ourselves as both physical and spiritual beings for without acknowledging the totality of our human and divine potential, we miss out on developing the spiritual gifts of intuition and love that can transform life as we know it.
In today’s episode, we will explore the angelic realm and how it is the hope of all the people connected to this beautiful film documentary to examine personal stories of encounters with Angels. The synopsis of the story professes that The Illumined Ones: All Things Angels & More documentary film is a medium used by the angelic realm to reach out to YOU at this critical time.
Crystal Dawn, the director of the film, always held onto a secret until the day she decided to make this documentary. Crystal was struggling whether or not she would reveal her own experience with angels until she went on an assignment directed by illuminated guidance. She sought out and interviewed best-selling authors, inspirational spiritual teachers, a cross-section of professionals and ordinary people to satisfy the request sent to her from the angelic realm. This film explores the existence of angels and ventures into the lives of individuals who acknowledge and believe in their encounters with these supreme spiritual beings.
Join filmmaker Crystal Dawn as The Illumined Ones show all things angels and other spiritual entities becomes an all-access pass to the spiritual knowledge you need to create miraculous results in all areas of your life. To attain insight into understanding and getting through a dark night of the soul episode or traumatizing events in life that many people experience and if they are aware, they may learn how to contact their supportive angels and may be able to access their life purpose. The Illumined Ones: All Things Angels & More also features real-life stories of angelic encounters. Through this transformational film, the angelic realm desires to assist you into bringing healing into your life and to our planet. This film is a must-see to elevate personal and global consciousness.
Some of the people in the film who tell their stories are
Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney, Starr Fuentes, Joan Of Angels, Terry Lynn Taylor, Christine Alexandria, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Tracey Ash, Stewart Pearce, Alex J. Hermosillo, Dr. Susan Shumsky, Gerry Gavin, Michelle Gordon, Curtis Childs, Larry Cook, Bill & Shannon Jeralds, Dianne Ippel, James John, Josie Grouse, Sue Berard, Crystal Dawn Dawn Doty, Cara BrotmN, Marcus Rothkranz, Kristel Kernaghan, Lisa Scrivens, Rachael Bleau, Peter Sterling, Kimberly Meredith, Antonio Newton and Colette Miller.
Sheryl tells Rev. Thabiti that Stewart Pearce was a former amazing guest on “Healing From Within” and listeners may go to her website and open the radio page link, then go to November 18, 2013 to hear an amazing show with gifted mystic Stewart Pearce a Shakespearean actor and voice coach. The title of the show is “The Ancient Realm of Atlantis”. Dr. Susan Shumsky has also been a former guest on the show several times. To listen to her shows go to open the radio link to November 27, 2017 or June 16, 2017, to learn about finding the key to energy health through the chakras and communicating with the wisdom of Spirit.
Angels have been described by religions or in literature, poetry and music in so many various ways. Angels are beings who have greater power and ability than humans. They exist in heaven, or the spirit realm, which is a level of existence higher than the physical universe. Thus, they are also referred to as spirits.
God created the angels through Jesus, whom the Bible calls “the firstborn of all creation.” Describing how God used Jesus in creation, the Bible says: “By means of Jesus, or the first man which some believe to be Adam, all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible,” including the angels. Angels do not marry and reproduce. Instead, each of these “sons of the true God” was individually created to support the loving creative expansion of the Divine and to support humans.
Angels were created in the distant past, before the earth existed. When God created the earth, the angels “began shouting in applause.”
Depending on the context, the Hebrew word may refer to a human messenger or to a supernatural messenger. A human messenger might be a prophet or priest, such as Malachi, "my messenger"; the Greek superscription in the Septuagint translation states the Book of Malachi was written "by the hand of his messenger". Examples of a supernatural messenger are the "Malak
YHWH" who is either a messenger from God, an aspect of God or God himself as the messenger.
Scholar Michael D. Coogan notes that it is only in the late books that the terms "come to mean the benevolent semi-divine beings familiar from later mythology and art." Daniel is the first biblical figure to refer to individual angels by name, mentioning Gabriel (God's primary messenger and Michael (the holy fighter). These angels are part of Daniel's apocalyptic visions and are an important part of all apocalyptic literature.
Sheryl and Rev. Thabiti discuss what an Angel is in their view. Sheryl gives her view on moving past believing in her earlier life that angels were a mystical magical imaginary way to find solace and peace when times were challenging or had to face the fear of death, but after finding her innate energy healing ability and her ability to download information from Spiritual source she realized Angels were indeed a living force in the Universe. In Sheryl’s readings for clients when an Angel has appeared in her inner vision she always feels peaceful safe and have at times felt warmly embraced. Recently, when Sheryl was at a wedding and asked by her cousin, who had just lost her husband, if our relatives and loved ones were with us at the event Sheryl adamantly said, “But of course.” Then Sheryl closed her eyes and asked for a sign to share with her. We took several pictures with our cell phones and it was obvious to most that there was an angelic being present in the window above us as well as orbs of color, that could have represented human souls. Shortly after this when preparing for another radio show, Sheryl opened up the book being reviewed The Not So Little Book of Surprise and immediately saw a picture so similar to the light being, or angel, in her photograph that she knew Spirit was purposefully showing her the truth about Angels. Still another amazing seemingly coincidental event…The other night on Fox News there was a segment of an event in Michigan. In the backyard of a resident the motion detectors had photographed what could only be described as an Angelic presence. It seems as we are evolving in our understanding of spiritual energy, these loving, helpful beings of energy who serve Gods purpose to love human beings, seem to be appearing more often.
”Yes, God uses his faithful angels to help people today”. Angels are used by God as he directs his servants in the preaching of the good news of the Kingdom of God. This direction benefits both those preaching and those hearing the good news.
Angels help all human beings to appreciate the good intentions of those in spirit to act honorably and to avoid contamination by unloving, unjust and negative actions.
Angels guide and protect those who are faithful to God and perhaps encourage even those who don’t understand how to live a faithful, trusting life.
Sheryl says “It is my belief that we all are supported by spiritual helpers, Angels, other souls, teachers, loved ones, higher vibrational beings, who have been with us from birth are present at times of physical traumas to support the souls journey and help us transition when we leave this physical life, so we are never alone.
Other intuitive and religious folk believe, as does Sheryl that although angels look out for the spiritual welfare of God’s servants, this does not necessarily mean that God assigns an angel to each person but many spiritual people believe that we each have three guides from birth, either angels or other soul guides who remain with us for an entire lifetime as a personal guardian.
However, during the course of a person’s life, other appropriate angels will assist in their trials and tribulations. Angels do not protect God’s servants from every trial or temptation. The Bible shows that God will often “make the way out” of a trial by giving a person the wisdom and strength to endure.
Angels present themselves in many ways sometimes they physically present themselves to those who call upon them when needed.
Many people believe that angels sometimes present themselves as ordinary people to help in very challenging Earth Angels.
Sheryl shares a story of when her mother was in intensive care suffering from heart failure and had a tube inserted down her throat. A young male nurse walked in and said to Sheryl, “I will help your mother and stay with her when you leave”. Sheryl asked his name and he responded, “Timothy”. Weeks later Sheryl’s mom was in another room far away from the intensive care unit and she had taken a turn for the worse and had a feeding tube inserted in her nostril. In walked Timothy and Sheryl ran to him and told him , “My mom is not doing well.” Timothy walked over to the bed and told Ceil (Sheryl’s mom) she didn’t need that tube could eat on her own. The very next day when Sheryl arrived the tube was out. It either had come out in the night or her mother had pulled it out and Ceil was eating a little jello. Sheryl went to find Timothy to thank him for his help but no one in the hospital knew him… an angel, a miracle, a blessing? Whatever it was, helped Sheryl deal with those difficult times before the passing of her mother. Since that time whenever Sheryl has met a Timothy there is a sense that there is a message from Spirit of hope and love and Timothy’s have appeared at other challenging times for Sheryl. In Sheryl’s next book New Life Awaits she has a story of a man she met when she was a hospice volunteer. He had a near death experience and tells how when he was stranded in the car that night and not feeling well, a man suddenly appeared in the dead of night, in a deserted area and took him home. He was never able to repay the man for his kindness, for as soon as people came to help him, the good Samaritan was nowhere to be found. Many people share stories of miraculous helpers. Are they angels? We certainly like to think so.
There are many angels and different categories of angels. The Bible does not give an exact figure, but it does show that their number is vast. For example, a vision given to the apostle John included a glimpse of hundreds of millions of angels. There are also different categories of angels: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones. People are extremely fascinated with the word "archangel" which comes from the Greek words meaning chief angel, meaning to be first in rank or power; and angelos which means messenger or envoy. The word is only used twice in the New Testament: Only the Archangel Michael is mentioned by name in the New Testament.
In most Christian traditions Gabriel is also considered an archangel, but there is no direct literal support for this assumption. It is also worth noting that the term 'archangel' appears only in the singular, never plural, and only in specific reference to Michael.
The name of the archangel Raphael appears only in the Book of Tobit. Tobit is considered Deuterocanonical by Roman Catholics (both Eastern and Western Rites), Eastern Orthodox Christians, and Anglicans. Raphael said to Tobias that he was "one of the seven who stand before the Lord", and it is generally believed that Michael and Gabriel are two of the other six. A fourth Archangel is Uriel whose name literally means "Light of God." Uriel's name is the only one not mentioned in the Western Christian Bible. Another possible interpretation of the seven archangels is that these seven are the seven spirits of God that stand before the throne described in the Book of Enoch, and in the Book of Revelation. The Seven Archangels are said to be the guardian angels of nations and countries, and are concerned with the issues and events surrounding these, including politics, military matters, commerce and trade: e.g. Archangel Michael is traditionally seen as the protector of Israel.
I want to thank Rev. Thabiti for sharing his amazing experience working with Crystal Dawn and the many gifted metaphysicians who shared their personal stories in the film of interactions with Angels. It is just amazing work when dealing with energy and love of spirit and angels in order to bring greater awareness to the public of the expansive nature of the world beyond this world and how many life forms and helpers of the divine connect with us in our human journey for the improvement of the human condition as we continue to learn greater compassion and love. In order to learn more about this film go to
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing from Within we have journeyed through the world of spiritual beings who help us lighten our daily lives with hope and trust in the divine plan for evolution and the expansion of our human hearts to know greater awareness of how much the Divine loves and looks after his human progeny. Knowing more about this Divine presence in these times of stress between cultures, religions and nations can bring us together in unity if we perhaps call upon them to assist us to move past our ego based physical reality, past materialism, past industrial focus of life and technology and to once again communicate with nature, spirit and man in loving ways that creates opportunities for all to share life to its fullest instead of succumbing to weaker impulses and negativity such as greed, corruption and disloyalty to our fellow citizens and to a concept of Divine Creation.
Rev. Thabiti, and I would have you begin to explore the possibilities of asking your guides, teachers, holy vibrational beings and angels to be part of your everyday thinking and to assist you in discovering the many truly amazing interactions we have with heaven and earth, in life and beyond, in love and in finding peace no matter the challenge or the issues our soul has chosen to explore in this physical realm. If we look at live with hope goodness and feel good we will draw more of that to us. Remember our thoughts and actions are guided by our helpers in Spirit who wish us to remember our connection at all times to the eternal Life Force.