Internet Radio Show
Be the Light that Your Are
- Debra Landwehr Engle
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” I am your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Teacher and author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love and welcome Debra Landwehr Engle author of Be The Light that You Are which shares an approach to moving from bitterness and divisiveness to peace during these highly charged political and emotional issues facing the nation and world and a way inspired by A Course in Miracles to tap into your own alignment to higher consciousness and to live with kindness decency and authenticity in troubled times.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware my guests and I share personal intimate stories and insights as we seek to understand our dual nature as spiritual beings having a physical life and how we may become attuned to our inner sense of intuition and guidance from Spirit so we may know that the physical world and all its challenges provide opportunities for self-growth and to master our emotions leading to health and happiness.
In today’s episode Debra Landwehr Engle, a longtime teacher of A Course in Miracles and the author of The Only Little Prayer You Need and Let Your Spirit Guides Speak, will share 10 simple ways to live with the light energy force and love that is your true nature and offer ways we may all change the world.
When I asked Debra to think back to her childhood and remember a person place event or a challenge that might have shown her or others the values and interests she would pursue in her adult life for I believe we are born with a soul destiny and life plan and it just unfolds as we begin to remember who we are and where we come from. Debra told me she was in a family who was very interested in metaphysical subjects and was always aware that life was so much more than we were able to see.
Debra writes, “When I was a little girl, I knew there was something more than this world of houses to live in and Monopoly games to play and bicycles to ride. On some level even though it wasn’t conscious, I knew that we each had a soul, spirit. Our dog Pepper and her puppies had souls. The sycamore tree I climbed in the front yard had a soul. The fireflies we caught in Mason jars with holes punched in the lids had souls. The word soul means different things to different people, but I mean it as a spark of light, a mysterious but animating energy that brought us to life and gave us the ability to feel care and experience. I knew this light came from a source beyond me and that we all embodied it…..Our gruff old neighbor across the street had it. So did my teachers—the ones I liked and the ones I didn’t like. So did Billy, the boy in my class who talked with a lisp and was the target of other kid’s jokes.
Sheryl asks Debra why on the back description of the book it says “Life is hard” for Sheryl likes to think that many people may think this but she prefers to think of life as riddled with mysteries and unsolved ways to bring out all our talents and remembrances of our heart or soul so we can see the beauty of nature the world and Spirit and learn to accept everything as necessary for our soul development and evolution. It is not exactly hard as much as it is what it is, a physical world where change is constant so we must find ways to make it easier for ourselves and for others. Debra immediately says those are not her words, but the words of the publisher as they try to capture the fear which resides in the ego mind reality and not at the heart of the matter as Sheryl and Debra further discuss.
Some of the ways we can stay true to our higher values and spiritual principles and understand life as a vehicle for our best interests moving beyond thinking it is hard and is thinking of it as necessary events for our growth. Here are some of the ways to stay true to our spiritual principles:
Claiming your unique gifts and blessings
Fostering self-love
Meeting others without judgment
Asking for help
Rising above the battlefield
Taking the path of forgiveness
Although some of the teachings seem basic in a Course In Miracles it is still difficult for many people to implement them into their everyday lives. Debra tells us about some of the constant thoughts or main theme and direction of A Course In Miracles.
Perhaps A Course in Miracles simply takes you back to the memory of Who you are. You are an eternal beloved soul of Universal Divine Creative life within the force of Creation or God and through the challenges of the physical world growing more into the magnificent force of your light and goodness. Debra writes, Consider the stories you’ve told yourself about who you are. Pay attention to how many of those stories are based on your “shortcomings” or “failings.” When you become aware, you’ll likely see that those stories, no matter how deeply embedded they may be, don’t fully explain who you are or what you’re about.”
“Listen to the voice deep within—maybe long buried and faint—that says, I am more than my fears. I am more than my mistakes. I am more than my shame. There is a light within me I have not yet seen….As you remember the light that you are, you’ll expose your old structures and beliefs for what they are: simply a story. Because you’ve lived with that story for a long time and it feels like home to your nothing will be gained by making yourself homeless. So be patient and gentle with yourself. Don’t try to dismantle the structure all at once.”
In discussing what it means to not judge others we cannot judge ourselves either. Once we stop doing that we will be free of the pain that we are not enough and begin to realize we have everything we need to accomplish our soul mission in this life, whatever it is.
In Sheryl’s book in reference to implementing faith, allowance and acceptance for our life plan and having what we need within us, we can achieve the evolution of our light or soul essence. Sheryl wrote in “The Living Spirit” in order to receive energy and Divine inspiration from that Higher information band of spiritual knowledge or Source, it is necessary to conquer our need to control others and it is necessary to be honest with ourselves about what we need to do for our own highest good. Therefore, we must not make judgments about other people’s behavior and actions, and we must not interfere in the way they choose to conduct their lives. Detachment from judgment and great expression of love towards those suffering is the best way to help them. By the same token, we must not allow others to make decisions for us and take away our personal soul power.”
This book Be The Light that You Are is not a Christian book or a Buddhist book or a Jewish book but a book for humans. Be The Light that You Are is about the higher ideals that govern all no matter where we live, what we do for a living, the color of our skin, our sexual orientation, our age, our culture, or whether we worship or not and where. This book depends on a belief in a higher power. We use different names for this power or force of life such as God Source or Divine Spark but ideally these names all stand for the same thing, “the Creator” who is not defined by a particular religion or theology. You might think this book excludes atheism or agnostics but that is not the intent, but if we substitute Love instead of a higher power or God, we can all see that there are many ways to work beyond fear and negativity to find our higher source of well being and happiness by living with kindness, cooperation, and a clear hope for peace according to a divine universal philosophy.
Debra has written a book The Only Prayer You Need, and the prayer that we need is simply to ask to help us find the way past any negativity or fear or limitation of our heart and mind, so we are always searching for the best in ourselves and life.
Sheryl says that she feels herself to be in constant prayer all day includes using the words that share blessings with others and heal them such as “thank you” and “forgive me” along with other words of an uplifting nature, preventing her from lapsing into judgment or fear and asking spirit often during the day to “Help me to know the path that will best serve Spirit and my human and spiritual destiny.” Sheryl is grateful for all the love and help that comes to her each minute of each day and for feeling the beauty of Spirit when channeling messages that help her clients and herself to bask in the innocent kindness and gentleness of unconditional love.
Debra says the only thing her book requires from the reader is a willingness no matter how small to believe that we can live without constant drama violence and conflict.
Sheryl says that in her book The Living Spirit, she addresses the way to find peace and happiness regardless of the drama and violence and unknowingness of other people’s behaviors and writes, “Since I receive intuitive messages for my clients, many people have asked me, “How can I find peace and happiness in my life?” “This is the answer I give them: Before there can be peace and happiness in a person’s life and in the world, every person must be responsible to do their own work about acknowledging what needs to change within their attitudes or actions so they can better relate to the outer world. Finding true happiness and joy is the natural outcome of self-investigation. There are no shortcuts. No one can make you happy or unhappy unless you give him or her the power to do that by surrendering or giving your own power away. It may seem easier to become a victim and align yourself with other unhappy people making your status or inclusion in a group secure. But this is a copout. Most people want to be loved and accepted by a group regardless of the cost to their own individual character. Therefore they tell themselves many stories in order to be accepted by others. Many less evolved souls may even choose to blame parents spouses or children for any unhappiness they experience or any delays in achieving immediate goals or desired outcomes. However it is not only by our own efforts and choices that each of us can develop a sense of accomplishment and self-growth but by recognizing the greater whole of our being and the role we play in creating everything in our lives.”
What is the light that shines within each of us? Debra writes, “Within all of us, there’s a light that shines like a lantern’s bright flame. We may call it love, divine energy or an expression of our Source. No matter what name we give it that light never goes out. As we go through life, though, our self-doubts dim the sides of that lantern. The drama in the world adds its own layers of soot. And eventually, it’s easy to lose sight of the flame burning within, forget how bright it is, or believe it was never there at all.”
The idea that you are the light may seem radical. But references to being the light show up in every major religion and spiritual teaching.
A Course in Miracles says, “We are the light of the world.”
The Buddha says, “Be your own lamp, seek no other refuge but yourself, let truth be your light.”
Matthew 5:14-16 says, “Your are the light of the world…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deed and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Each of these quotes alludes to the truth that the Spirit/Creator/Higher Power who created us is divine love and so are we. In other words, the Spirit/Creator/Higher Power who created us is not broken sinful bad evil or incomplete. And, as Spirit’s progeny neither are we.
You remember that you’re the light as you get past the fears that have been taught for many centuries by so many learned people that they have been institutionalized in our schools our lives and our government. That’s why it is important to remember when you were little and could feel or see the pure light in yourself and others, before it became stained with fear. How do you get to the point where you look in a mirror and say, “Yes I am the light” as easily as you say I am a mother or I am a teacher. Who are you? The answer to that question is the great equalizer because it is the same for everyone. “We are the light.” This truth comes from a level a higher consciousness or higher self and is soul based as well as based in the divine light of Spirit.
Debra discusses changing the concept of sin and changing it to the word fear. That can help us understand the troublesome ways and acts of people. As Debra writes, “Let’s think of all the gay men and women who marry because they believe their sexual orientation is sinful then live lives in shame and fear of being found out. Think about the adults who abuse children a punishment for their “sins.” Think of the millions of lives lost in wars that have been fought because another country or culture was “sinful.” Teachings about sinfulness can sometimes lead to mercy and compassion but they can and do lead to a distrust of God yourself and the world. This can make you feel alone cynical and adrift because you always wonder if you deserve to be loved. And even when you are surrounded by love, you cannot let it in. So if we change the word “sin” to “fear” instead of saying the school shooter is sinful, he is overwhelmed by fear and pain. And instead of “This world is sinful,” it feeds our fear.” This language reflects the fact that we’re not broken we’ve simply forgotten who and what we are.
Sheryl says That is correct. Until we understand ourselves as spiritual beings having a physical life and that we are spirit as is everyone else connected to the Creative force which is the divine spark or soul within each of us is that Creative force. We will have the personal power to conquer our fears. We can bask in the magnificent potential of our own divinity which is love and can create goodness, kindness and wonderful expressions of beauty into the world. But first, you must know who you are.
Sheryl has never been much concerned with sin or suffering and does not think of people as some religions suggest that we are all sinners. For like anything else we choose what we do and say and when you are aware that your choices are creating your reality and that the Law of Attraction is always functioning, you will replace fear with love and good and will monitor your every thought, disengaging from negativity when it surfaces, and embracing more productive ways to create a stream of more acceptable possibilities. Suffering is also a choice. Living with tolerance, acceptance and surrendering to all events lead you to know that nothing is good or bad; just experiences the soul chooses to know as it seeks its highest level of truth.
We can discover there are two primary emotions fear and love and everything negative and destructive to our soul well being lies under fear and we constantly try to find ways to move from fear to love and well being as it should be. Fear equals disease, distrust distress disaster dissatisfaction dismay disallow destroy deny denigrate etc. Love equals bliss health positivity joy happiness well being creation satisfaction etc.
Debra shows us why many people fail to show their great spiritual gifts with others and shy away from their greatness. We’ve been trained to think that claiming our gifts and grandeur equates with self-importance. But knowing you’re the light of the world doesn’t mean you’re a braggart or that you think you’re more important and special than others. There’s a big difference between saying, I’m more important than anyone else and I’m important because I’m a child of God—everyone else is too. In fact, A Course In Miracles says, If God made us to be the Light of the World who are we to deny His creation?
Debra leaves us with the idea that there are 4 steps to help you remember the light you are;
Pay attention to what you tell yourself. Make a commitment to say one loving thing to yourself each day. You will claim the truth of your inner light.
Spend time in your heart each day. Share gratitude for your blessings send love to those you care about and ask a power greater than you to extend love throughout the world on your behalf.
Bring more beauty into your life. When you start feeling frustration anger anxiety or shame focus on beauty buy yourself a bouquet of flowers or go to an art museum Beauty is effervescent. It lifts you up which will help you remember who you are.
Imagine the light within. In your mind’s eyes focus on a spot above your navel and see the light as a candle or open flame. See that light form a circle around you and grow brighter and imagine it touching everyone around you. Feel the peace or blessing and know they are real because you are remembering the light that you hare.
Being the light means:
You have a purpose that has nothing to do with your job or the many roles you play in life.
You’re willing to turn many of your old beliefs inside out and see them from another perspective.
You’re not alone because you’re connected to something greater than yourself.
Compassion kindness abundance and well being are your natural state so you needn’t do anything to earn or deserve them.
You don’t have to prove your values to anyone because your value is an innate state of being.
When you combine your light with the light of other, powerful and wondrous things can happen with less effort.
You are not a victim in a random universe.
Like you everyone on the planet is more than their bodies, opinions, and circumstances.
When you need answers and support, you trust that you’ll find guidance by turning within.
Sheryl thanks Debra Landwehr Engle author of Be the Light that You Are for the gentle way she guides those already on the path to awakening to validating their own remembrances of the “light within” and to be able to see the world with clarity as they use their spiritual gifts to achieve peace and well being.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have explored ways to remember our soul essence or the bright light within and the eternal nature of life so we may move past the restrictions and limitations of fear sin and the ego based illusion that society and old beliefs encourage us to think and which the physical world pushes us to focus on. In actuality, our inner world or soul thoughts are creating our reality and also the actions throughout the collective world. When focused on materialistic gains alone and forgetting the dual nature of life, our spiritual as well as our physical needs, we are in lost. It is simply in knowing we are beings of light and love and can create whatever we need to live in peace and harmony that we are able to combine our dual nature and live a more prosperous, purposeful and happy life. It is in forgetting the truth of the divinity of each of us that we feel alone, separate from spirit and each other and that is the great lie. For in truth we are never alone and always aligned to the creative force of life and in remembering that truth, we can know ourselves as co-creators and part of possibilities for all that is beautiful and good within us.
Debra and I would have our listeners begin to pay attention to their thoughts trying to rest in quietness rather than judgment or fear and allow thoughts to shift to more pleasant positive and loving ideas and values knowing their soul has the power to change life for themselves and others. Shift from negativity to loving thoughts and actions and watch the changes that you begin to behold. Step back and listen to intuitive thoughts and guide yourself to accept the love you are.
Debra Landwehr Engle link to
Be the Light that You Are link to
Sheryl Glick link to
The Living Spirit link to