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Born to Share Messages From Heaven
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Welcome to “Healing From Within.” I am Sheryl Glick your host a Reiki Master Teacher and Medium and author of Life Is No Coincidence: The Life and Afterlife Connection and The Living Spirit which shares stories of spiritual awakening, spiritual communication healing energies miracles and ways to use intuition to gather a more accurate view of life both energetically and physically. I am delighted to welcome, once again, Julie Cross and Bill Johnson authors of Book of Diaries Messages From Heaven which may help us to understand and to be part of a healing for ourselves and the world during these changing and challenging times in human history.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate personal stories and insights into the metaphysical aspects of our dual nature or soul and ego based realities in order to learn more about Who we are? Why we are here? And how we may advance our own personal growth and evolve both spiritually emotionally and live our most ennobled healthy purposeful life.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Julie who is a seer in the Spirit since birth and in her journals writes what Jesus and His Chosen have given to her to share with those who want to listen, some messages about their personal lives and also an awareness of life in the Spiritual Realm.
Julie shares with us remembrances of her childhood and her mother who was also a medium so she helped her embrace and understand her spiritual gifts as a clairvoyant seer and someone closely aligned to the Spiritual Realm?
Julie explains the cover and back of her new book Book of Diaries was clearly shown to her by spirit and as we know there are many layers to the Universal plan and what Spirit hopes we can accomplish in our physical lives. their help is appreciated by those who are aware of the many dimensions and life forces that are with all of us.
Sheryl tells Julie and Bill that is so interesting because when she and her editor were looking at designs for the cover of her first book Life Is No Coincidence The Life and Afterlife Connection she was shown three samples and didn’t particularly like any of them. Coincidentally when sitting in her kitchen she looked up on the wall and saw the delicate and lovely pastel drawing that had been given to her by a medium and spiritual artist while at a workshop in Toronto Canada. The drawing was of a woman’s face which looked so much like Sheryl’s mother who had passed the year before and Sheryl heard while looking at the drawing, “Here is the cover for your book.” She simply faxed the drawing to the publisher and finds joy every time she sees the cover of that book as it was also given to her by Spirit.
The layout of the book was also received in messages. We were told to put excerpts of the messages in front of the work and the entire message in the back of the book. We were supposed to start with how the world began, and then move onto stories of disciples and prophets, and then Jesus story. Later we were to put what God expects of mankind today, and then a few prophecies added at the end before the messages. The last half of the book is the entire messages in order of dates received.
The story of God’s creation is told by your communication with Abraham. You write, “I am Abraham and come in truth of soul created in Heaven within the Holy of Holies. I sit within the throne of God(the inner circle) The Heavens were in dimensions of thought (in Gods mind,) a Oneness within the Creator It’s revolution of space exists not in time or space. It is a beingness of the All ( of all that exists) a love pure and divine. A source that is beyond the Heavens.
A lesson on the Light: It cannot be seen by the physical sight of man ( it is not a physical light but spiritual Light) It is seen by the soul which, in man’s terms is the subconscious state of being, transformed to the super-conscious state of man. Our souls are raised up from a mundane existence to a higher state not just temporarily depending on the situation, but normally in a higher state which takes looking within continually, and change from within, and not dependent upon religious beliefs and affiliations.
From Apostle Matthew..The Timeless Spirit comes from God and splits off as soul that descends through denser matter, called time until it reaches earth as human form. Time can into existence as an expression.
The universe lived out its spiritual life, creating layers of dimensions of time (created its own worlds within worlds) Worlds within worlds, that declared wars within wars to have dominion over its kingdoms (the evolution of the fall of mankind becomes dominant.) This set forth the veils of darkness spiritual blindness, separated the soul from the Spirit of God. The truth of our Father God Holy Spirit was not spoken of, we forgot where they came from, forgot the Spirit of love, forgot God. It was shadowed for a will called “Self.” Instead of God’s Will, self-will ruled the world and drew forces of darkness to themselves because of their self will and likeness to darkness.
As a medium seer clairvoyant messenger of God and Spirit myself Sheryl says it has not always been easy for people to hear that we are all able to connect to this higher realm of life and intelligence and to have intuitive messages to guide us and let us know we are not alone.
JD writes why she thinks so many are resistant to this truth. JD wrote, “God’s prophets were scorned and laughed at from the beginning, and His prophets still are today. What is a prophet? One who carries God’s messages to man. Some believe that anyone hearing or seeing anything that can’t be seen by our earthly vision are possessed or influenced by darkness, or we are told that “We have the Bible, we don’t need an visions or messages. This has been my experience (Sheryl’s experience also). The Jewish people had their own belief systems and anything outside of that was considered blasphemy. I cannot persuade you, the religious, that this is not only possible today, but that God is indeed giving out the Spirit to many, generously, and that the veils have been lifted.”
JD and Bill have received messages about The Lost Books of the Essences and the Lost Books of the Apostles” that were hidden from man and not previously available for our viewing. The Essences the group Jesus belonged to were a mystical group of the Jewish people more in alignment with personal development and adherence to God’s order of nature man and spirit personally experiences.
The Essences were prevalent in the life of Jesus and later, in the lives of the apostles. Not much was written about the Essences in our present Bible history but Julie received many messages about them. The apostle Matthew heard Jesus speak and say. “Each day that we awaken to see the sunrise, give thanks to God for the blessings for awakening.” Jesus words were a deliverance of love hope and strength for all. Matthew says his heart was touched by His words but that presence of love I knew I had felt that before. It was when we were both youngsters in Jerusalem. Then He was just a boy standing on top of a wheelbarrow preaching to a crowd of people in the town square. Listening to Him this day took me back to the very moment in time when I was touched in heart by that same presence of love.
Sheryl says “The first time I felt Jesus near to me in meditation He was crying and I began to cry also. He said in my inner thoughts as I felt him at my right side.” You do the work I did. I have cried for many ills done by unknowing souls,” Jesus said, just as you and your group members also cry for the injustice and insensitivity of many.”
Julie writes, “Our Lord Jesus was a man that felt the needs in people. He wept not for Himself but for the Father God. Through His Son Jesus His God’s presence was not just felt but heard. You see it is no easy to tell the story of the Messiah my Lord Jesus for I and my fellow apostles were of the flesh. How does one conceive the presence of God in totality, in complete beingness…..we entertained doubt and fear for ourselves. This was not the way of our Lord Jesus. Yet, our Lord Jesus was there to lift us into the Light.”
Julie and Bill tell us of some of the spiritual speakers, some prophecy, and some of God’s Universal Laws.You speak of Abraham who prophesized the coming of Christ and the reawaking of the Holy spirit with the soul of mankind. You say his journey and path in the earth world was one of many heightened levels of his soul. His childhood was shadowed with darkness of influence of his family and neighbors, but his soul told him that there was more to living life than killing or swearing at his brothers and sisters. (the people around him who were family and neighbors kingship strangers did these things that he saw as a child.)
Sheryl shares with Julie and Bill that her childhood was hard as well. As an empathy Sheryl could feel the anxiety fear and anger of the adults around and also their joy and happiness and often knew it not to be the best of times or intentions. So Sheryl was either laughing or crying and trying to find the joy of her soul and reconcile it with the actual suffering she saw and felt around me in so many situations.
Julie goes on to describe how Abraham saw suffering and wrote, “ My eyes have seen, in this earth, suffering, a sickness that cannot find its way. Little children (speaking of people who were lost in Spirit) I have seen, looking for their mothers to find only the unknown of life. A sadness overshadowed them in search for its safety from darkness.
Sheryl goes on to say she knows these words as part of her own soul life and other sensitive gifted spiritual children who search for kindness and love from the elders or adults in their lives and these sensitive children often fear they will be left alone unloved and uncared for.
In the story of Moses we also find words that ring true to our loving hearts. Moses said, “To see the Creator your eyes cannot be shadowed with the mist of want or need for oneself. To supper in the taste of wine to pleasure (drinking and such) takes on its own likeness of pleasure and needs of flesh. I my child have been on that path of experience to find only emptiness, no comfort of heart only passion….Even Moses’ less than godly walk at times, in experiences in life, was used to help others because he knew that path before being called to the greater good of God’s path and could empathize with them instead of judging them.
Sheryl says, “I was a sensitive child aware of more than my body but frightened by what I saw around me in the way people acted. I had to have many experiences, jobs, travel and learn about the world and suffering, before I began my work as a spiritual light worker medium or messenger and had to transform the fear so I could fill my inner being with peace and faith to help others connect to their soul Spirit and know God. So each path is right for that soul and we should forgive even the most lost of souls as they too reflect the divine Spirit of God, and must find their way back home. Moses shared that this path was a journey spiritual as well as physical.
From the very beginning of Sheryl’s studies with Reiki Energy healing she often sensed or wished herself to sit at the right side of the throne in Heaven. And Julie wrote that Moses said to her “In these Commandments know that you will have experienced them to know them in that you will be a healer sitting on My right side on thy Kingdom in Heaven ( a healer of man’s heart) In the nights of darkness when things aren’t going well accept not it’s darkness….don’t allow negativity into your thoughts. Know in heart and in the Spirit you are One with Me in the I Am. When Sheryl was writing her second book The Living Spirit one of her mentors told her to use the title “I Am.” But Sheryl felt it might be seen as arrogant to do that. Now I see he knew that my journey of faith and healing was my path to return to God.
Julie and Bill discovered some surprises from stories never told in the bible. We heard from King David who talked of some of the mistakes he made. Also we were told that Moses received a book from the Essences that gave him instructions of the Christ to be born. The cover of that book had a circle and a triangle and a Cross within it. Also you tell of the false story of Mary Magdalene called a prostitute. It was described to us that when she was a young child she went into a town with her parents and somehow was raped and the rumor spread that she was a prostitute. Lies gossip and untruths unfortunately are written in many people’s hearts and minds and even historical renderings.
The common theme is God wants us to find out from whence we come and find our way back to Him. I believe God wants mankind to begin to move forward spiritually to bring us back to Him. He wants to raise us up a level as Jesus did for the believers of His time. With all the world strife and problems, God wants us to stop and reevaluate our lives and change. We must change so that we can find out from whence we come. As earth changes, war on own soil and world economic collapse, it will become chaotic. He is giving the Word now to set apart his true believers. There will be a SPILT with religion and the Spirit-driven believers.
The split with religion and the Spirit-driven believers will show Spirit driven believers that the messages that He and his chosen bring mankind the message that He is here to help them evolve spiritually and to realize “from whence they come” so they can return to His Heavenly Realm. The messages and prophecies God is giving now are to enlighten humanity and bring their souls up spiritually: to meet their own Spirit who awaits the reunion of the Spirit and soul in Heaven. We, individually while in Heaven before we were born wanted to experience life apart from God, and He allowed it by creating earth, the solar system and the universe for us to be co-creators. This is the life we all lead now, a life apart from God but not completely separate from him. Only by realizing this and by making changes within ourselves will we be reunited with our Spirit here on earth and beyond. We do this on earth by raising our soul up to meet our Spirit. A lifetime of inside work, within ourselves, follows.
Most have a religious idea of how things are in God’s world but these are earthbound ideas that have mostly left the Spirit out of the equation. God sent Jesus to tell us of this. but mankind has converted it into religions that leave the Spirit dangling. Tell a Christ believing person that you see Angels Jesus, let alone Moses the apostles prophets from past times and you will receive a less than loving response from most. Their ideas of God are exactly that: ideas of God, instead of a relationship with Lord God Jesus Chris in the Spirit. Most religions are fear based: speaking of the rapture that leaves their fellow human beings, to get what they deserve: left here on earth to be killed or tortured. They look down on those that have no understanding of Spirit who need to be prayed for. Jesus said to have mercy on these people and pray for them instead of preaching and ridiculing them. Be an example of Love.
There were twelve messages from Jesus. Some of them include Jesus wanted mankind to know that God is in the heart and that we must prepare our heart to lead our mind. He speaks of religion and that it sometimes gets in the way of the Spirit. There is so much in his messages that it would be difficult to just grab today.
Is this a religious book we ask Julie and Bill. They answer, “Yes and no.” While we speak of the religious prophets and messages from God we also teach an understanding of the Universe in three dimensional terms of time space and motion. We think of time as past present and future. We also speak of ourselves as having physical mental and spiritual life. Abraham wants us to see the world about us that can be seen as having three dimensions of human awareness that are states of consciousness:
- the conscious mind, also known as the personality self-consciousness or physical awareness
- the subconscious mind also known as the mind of the soul, the reservoir of feelings thoughts urges and memories of our being
- the super conscious mind also known as the Spirit and Higher Self (God)
As Abraham further states. That even before the Universe was created by the Creator God the divine essence of Spirit existed in even higher dimensions. As Abraham says: “Love is the key to the Life Force, the heart and the Spirit of the soul
The Book of Diaries can be of help to people. People can begin to understand that we all seek the truth of being— Beingness not only seeking, but it is about BEING in God moment by moment, present in God.
A lesson on the Light: It cannot be seen by the physical sight of man (not physical light but spiritual Light seen by seers in the Spirit.) It is seen by the soul which, in man’s terms is the subconscious state of being transformed to the subconscious state of man. )( Our souls are raised up from a mundane existence of earth to a higher state of Spirit which takes looking within and making correction of our character flaws continuously.)
Imagine that the apostles and people of Jesus’ time were really heartbroken when Jesus was nailed to the cross. Well, one of the apostles was camping out and hiding from the Jewish hierarch, Jesus appeared before him and he thought his mind was playing tricks on him. But, Jesus spoke with him and basically told him to go about doing God’s will. And passing on the message of hope There were other apostles that also had experiences after Jesus was resurrected. Sheryl says , “ By resurrected it was I believe Jesus Etheric double or spiritual energy body that the apostles saw or Jesus in Spirit or afterlife. Many people may be confused by the term Resurrection and think he was in his physical body. Jesus taught of life after life or eternal life in Spirit with the Divine source of Creation known in religion as God Universal Source or Energy.
Readers might like to take away with them after reading Book of Diaries Messages from Heaven that ”Time is a blessing my child that the Lord God created to allow the birth of Christ to manifest within the soul of mankind. As time moves forward, mankind is to manifest the Christ within, more people more deeply to be Christed and perform Jesus work as he did when on earth: we are only at the dawning of this manifestation.
Sheryl’s says…It is Jesus’ statement long ago, “ What I do you shall do and more.” And from Moses These are His words to the people. “The very same words spoken by many a prophet of the Lord I say unto you: The seat of all truth lies with faith and love (faith that God will prevail and our love for all mankind.) If ye say to your neighbor I am your friend that ye can trust and have faith in, I will not let you down. I say unto you: Your trust and faith you put in no man but in the Lord. Our neighbor is liken to us (they are) but a soul in journey to know itself and from whence it comes. We must be that which we say we are ( our word must be our bond.) That tells us of our journey to God. (If we are honest with ourselves and others, we are on the right path to God here on earth.)
Julie Cross and William Johnson authors of Book of Diaries share informative interesting and truthful loving messages from the ancient teachers spiritual leaders and prophets helping us to understand human development in relation to the beginning establishment of the earliest Patriarch religions and also a spiritual intellectual heart based search for the Super conscious ways in order to know the many dimensions and realities of the Creative Divine God Force. We learn so much more about the Universe and our continuing search for soul life and a return to higher life from this book.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” it has been a pleasure for me to speak with messengers and higher vibrational thinkers who align to Spirit and fill their hearts and days in love peace and well being and accomplishing their unique soul mission to share the light from within to those who also wish to serve learn and explore in this life journey ways to know ourselves in all aspects of eternal life and purpose and just BE as in the BEING. We have heard wondrous words from beloved historical figures such as Abraham Moses Jesus Archangel Michael Luke Samuel and have discovered more about the mystical group of healers The Essences in hopes of finding our own pathway forward in light and love.
Julie wrote from a message from Samuel a disciple of Jesus, “Many things were not written by the early Romans who started the Catholic faith. We do not endorse any religion, as these messages explain later that religion has become like those religious church systems of man during Jesus’ Word. In over two thousand years, man has, again, distorted or lost the meaning of what God intended. These words from God, that I scribe only, are to correct the record that He desires mankind to listen and heed. He demands nothing for Himself, God only want our heart, not the heady loftiness found in religious circles.”
Julie William and I would have you move past the fearful language and judgments in the written words of many of the religious institutions which hope to know God and to begin to find within your heart and soul what lies within you: a personal eternal deep abiding connection to Universal Creative Source Energy the Divine or God and to finally know that suffering, as well as joy, well being, love and happiness, are your choice…Choose well!