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Build Confidence Grow Your Business and Life
- Joie Goodkin
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Welcome to Healing From Within I am your host Sheryl Glick author of A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shows we are not experiencing a political social economic or religious issues just a divide from our spiritual inner wisdom and shares ways to know the eternal circle of life so we may improve the human and divine condition. Sheryl is delighted to welcome Joie Goodkin author of You Can Do It. which inspires you to go within and access your true spiritual gifts and thoughts so you can manifest your best reality.
As listeners of Healing From Within are well aware Sheryl’s accomplished and articulate guests share intimate and personal stories to help us remember once again that we are spiritual beings enjoying a physical life at the present moment and this duality of energy allows us to bring our thoughts into reality if only we can conquer the fear and limitations of our societal and parental training and tap into the unlimited soul potential to create health prosperity and happiness as well as finding attitude is the most important tool for our success.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Joie Goodkin will share many ways to discover your intuition trust yourself and learn to harness your inner strength developing resilience self-awareness and a greater love for life. Joie has met many influential leaders starting with Eleanor Roosevelt who she was on stage with in elementary school so she learned early on that the power to create your best life resides in your knowing you can.
Joie goes on to tell us what situation prompted her to write this book and writes, “ In a chance encounter years ago when my husband was having an operation in a San Francisco hospital I went to have dinner and while waiting on line behind a young woman who was alone, I suggested we might have dinner together. Nancy related a lot of her company and marketing strategies and many of my own thoughts about how a woman could successfully project herself in male dominated situations by using skills and abilities to present one’s unique qualities were in tune with hers. Before we parted, she suggested that I had inspired her so much and should write a book. Reflecting on my own path in life, I realized I was a trailblazer in business and was often the woman sitting on a board at either a bank or some other institution. I was even one of the first women ever invited to break the gender barrier in Rotary International. My attitude was always, “Who says I can’t do that?” This book is meant to show you that YES, You Can Do It.
This book is filled with Joie calls Joie-isms or truisms— and tells us about them. She begins with sharing a very important defining moment in my life which came at the age of eleven when Joie had the honor of introducing Eleanor Roosevelt the widow of President Roosevelt to a large audience in her elementary school auditorium. Eleanor Roosevelt towered above Joie not only with her physical presence, but with her radiance and wisdom. It was Joie’s first time speaking in front of an audience and still she felt calm and empowered. Eleanor Roosevelt stood regally radiating a bright wisdom and depth of spirit. She smiled at me and touched my left shoulder as she told me something about my future being whatever I wanted it to be, if I worked hard and was determined to succeed and persevered to create my dreams whatever they may be. All this was conveyed in less than a minute but was so enriching that affected my life long belief that yes, if you put your mind to something we can turn it into a reality.
Sheryl says she has much synchronicity with Joie and in her childhood became aware of the powerful potential to create with our mind and thoughts and positivity …Much like Joie as Sheryl watched her favorite show Star Trek when she realized that one day the transporter room which could rearrange the molecules of our body and transport us to other locations could one day be a reality, not science fiction, for Sheryl discovered early on whatever the mind could think of hope for wish for, could be created. And many years later like Joie when she was a volunteer at hospice one of the doctors she worked with asked her how she was able to spend time in hospice as many thought it was depressing. Sheryl simply answered, “Because I can.”
When Sheryl looks back, she realizes many of the things she has accomplished began with a thought and then with perseverance consistency and hard work she always completed the mission. Now as an intuitive healer and medium Sheryl realizes some of the thoughts she had were from a higher realm of Universal Source guiding her to accomplish her soul mission or life plan. In her book A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening Sheryl share stories of soul excellence and the understanding of our human and divine energies that lead us to improve ourselves and the human condition.
Joie offers advice for young people starting out in business telling them always to do what they say as that defines developing character integrity honor and truth and will always lead to good things.
We might say discover the courage that is within you to become your authentic self, and follow the path your soul was born to follow leads you to become your authentic self. Joie writes, “ Perhaps I was never supposed to have a business or become a teacher or nurse and find a man to marry and have two children and a big mortgage and a low golf handicap as the outside world determined was my way to live. If it is not what you want you don’t have to follow blindly what you think you are supposed to be doing. You can find a way to share your light and love into the world in so many wondrous ways. You can become involved in the world and be of service and participate rather than enclosing yourself in a bubble of self -serving ways to remain isolated from the real world.
Once asked by Gloria Steinem publisher of Ms. Magazine to do a feature on me because of my magazine Broward Life I turned her down. Gloria I said, “I love you but your magazine seems to bash men and position women as being somewhat better and that doesn’t work for me. I think the thrust of what is written should respect both men and women and their talents, and both should have equal opportunity to pursue careers, be promoted and advance due to their skills and not their gender.”
Sheryl says, “Joie you go on to say that while progress has been made there is still a wide rift between equal pay and equal respect between the sexes. We might note that the entire organization suffers whenever there is a real closing off of talent or ideas due to gender.
Joie was considered a trailblazer for women in business and tells us about that. In a column she wrote titled, “ Up Front” for Broward Life Magazine in a July 1978 issue which featured profiles of women who were successful members of the community she addressed how she viewed the role of women in business. “Many people think because I am a woman in business I must be strongly interested in women’s liberation or related causes. I am in favor of equal pay for equal work but in many ways I find the women’s lib movement confused self -righteous and embarrassingly atavistic. In the real world all are equal before the bottom line. Profit and loss know no sex. Neither does accomplishment. To some people it seems very important that I am a woman publisher. To me it’s more important that I am a publisher who just happens to be a woman.
Sheryl says, “Much like you Joie I am aware that all people have some male and some female energy or perhaps interest and when we combine and use all our talents we are most happy and most successful. Always being in the gifted class with boys and girls, I never really focused on the differences only the similar interests and concerns. For the last 25 years utilizing my abilities in a new way as an energy healer medium and author I have come to know that we are all connected to each other and a higher Universal Source and here in this life to pursue individual soul needs: so, like you have rarely said, “No” to a challenge and have often succeeded in most things I have attempted.” Sheryl also says that since men and women have both male and female energy if used well and not stifled they have healthier and more fulfilled lives. Sheryl also was not impressed with the feminist movement as she always worked with people honoring their gifts and interest not concerned about gender. Evolved souls look for similarities and cooperative measures not so much differences.
Joie tells the story of being invited in May 1977 to join Rotary International and seve on the board as I was the owner of a local publication. But then found out women were not allowed so Joie sent my advertising manager a charming man in my place. Down the road there was a annual diner and wives or significant others were allowed to attend. At the dinner my advertising magazine was listed and my advertising manager was listed as the publisher of Broward Life Magazine. I refused to pay any more dues and wouldn’t allow my employee to attend any more meetings. My friend Ed and a few other men were mortified by what happened and tried to solicit Rotary to change their point of view about women as members. After about a year I received a call from Ed and he said Rotary was approving women as members and I would be the first one to be asked. I was invited to join shortly after but was in the process of selling my magazine so I declined. In retrospect it’s interesting that I was the trailblazer for getting women invited into Rotary but never joined.
Joie shares a Joism with us and a story about her father. Joisim # 4 It’s rare you get what you want or need on the first try. Don’t take it as a personal rejection. You must realize that no often means you simply haven’t shown the value yet of what you have to offer.
Joie tells the story of your Dad who you called Pop and he was a rather shy man. But he needed a job and it was during the Depression and my dad got a job by holding a package over his head and navigating his way through the crowds for this one particular job until he squeezed his way to the front of the line and said I have a package for Mr. So and So who was the person everyone was trying to see. Once my father got close to him he admitted it really wasn’t a package meant for you, but it means everything to me that I get this job. And he got the job. I may have perceived Pop as someone who is not assertive but that story about him inspired me many times because it illustrated how perseverance and resourcefulness can get you where you need to go especially if it’s out of a rut in your life.
Integrity is something Joie talks about throughout the book—why is it so important to you and also in business? Joie tells of a story where she went to a Printing Show in Miami because she wanted to buy a cutting machine, a folder and a Heidelberg press. Going over to the booth she needed she was blown off by a salesman who told her to bring her husband back and then he would talk to her. But he’s not in the printing business I am. The Salesman looked away. I came back with my cousin Mort and another salesmen answered all my questions and I gave him a big order. The first salesman was stunned. I felt obliged to write to the U.S. president of Heidelberg Sales and inform him of how I had been treated. So I wrote him a letter and he actually called me and I was able to tell him how my workers loved the new equipment. The next year I received a gift of airfare and two tickets to the major printing show in Chicago and was happy to attend.
Most important “If you find yourself dealing with someone who doesn’t represent their company well, the person at the top will appreciate knowing of your experience. The key is to be professional gracious and come from a place of caring and wanting to right a wrong. I think you will get a positive response that way. Today, letter writing is rare so it will likely get attention. If no one lets those executives know, they may remain oblivious to the problem.”
Sheryl says “Honesty integrity fairness and authenticity are the qualities a soul based sensitive person adheres to because they can do it no other way. It is part of their soul essence and fiber and we must stay the course even when it may be tough or challenging.
Many people say women can’t have it all—what’s your response to that? Sheryl might say…You can have it all if you are able to recognize the fears of your childhood and the imprinted version of life given to you by family and society and begin to recognize your soul or spiritual gifts which gently say to you…You can do it if you think it so it can be so and begin to move out of perceived limitations to achieve all your goals and desires. The soul has so much potential to create…you can create even miracles. But then you may not always have what you wish but what your soul needs to evolve and gain a greater perspective of self love family and Universal laws of energy. We each have a plan and our experiences whatever or however challenging ultimately lead us to our destiny.
Joie writes “Have you ever asked yourself, should I do this? And some inner voice shouts back a big YES! Or do you sense within yourself that it’s okay to give something a try, despite what others have said to you? Trusting your intuition, your inner wisdom, is a key to success and you need to learn to follow it. You have so many layers of consciousness, so many levels of awareness and sensing. Someone who performs really well has often learned to enter an intuitive zone at will. It’s a sense of trusting and knowing there is an ability within them that is so much greater than what they even think possible.”
Sheryl might say “It is the divine spark of the creative eternal Universal Source that is around within and we are within it. It is called Infinite Love.”
Community service has been a big part of Joie’s and Sheryl’s life plan and they tell us why they value that aspect of your life.
Sheryl says While I was always of service to people my family and all my work experiences trying to help people achieve the best for themselves and their families, it wasn’t until I had a mystical experience while sick with the flu and sort of delirious that I sensed my grandfather standing next to me telling me I had to write something for my father. Upon awakening I thought it different than other dreams, and the next day my mother called telling me my dad had passed…Of course I wrote his eulogy and so began my search for the infinite source of eternal life and spiritual communication which led me to develop my own skills as an energy practitioner and medium and I have written a trilogy for my father, both my earth Dad and my Spiritual Father in Heaven.. We are all guided to awaken but must answer the call. Doing hospice volunteer work for eight years has been a very fine way for Sheryl to serve many who have transitioned to eternal life.
Joie would like readers of You Can Do It to take away with them after reading the book that perhaps we remember what she wrote, “Having confidence in yourself and being able to effectively express that is one of the greatest gifts you can have. If you learn something in this book from my experiences that can give you confidence, that would be a phenomenal outcome and make this book all the more worthwhile. I’ve noticed in my life that when I am around people who seem to be very shy, they get used to being more assertive because they see how I can be and what I can do. If you think you can’t accomplish what you want, or think you’re too shy to ask for it, then think about the worst that can happen if people don’t respond favorably to you? It has nothing to do with you—its all about the other person. It just takes a little courage to push yourself further than you thought you could.”
Sheryl says “When my second spiritual teacher said to me You are a medium and must assume responsibility for that spiritual gift I said, ”Well I Don’t Think so…we all are intuitive.” But she insisted that I had work to do and many people to help and of course it didn’t take long for me to accept that reality.”
We thank Joie Goodkin author of You Can Do It for sharing a lifetime of positive thinking and positive action and sharing a sense of spitual personal power which leads us to trust our intuition and harness our inner strength to create our best lives no matter what the circumstances or challenges.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Joie Goodkin has offered ways to look at challenging or hurtful experiences, always as the way to move past restrictions and fears, engaging your personal inner power and doing your best to honor righteous thoughts and actions and not succumb to the words, “It can’t be done or I can’t do it.” For until we try many approaches to completing a task, we cannot say what is impossible or possible. Consistency hard work and trust in a larger divine plan often make the difference between someone who succeeds against all odds and someone who may fail due to lack of trust in themselves and a fear of asking for help when needed. Joie has shared ideas for cultivating confidence and trusting intuition as well as keeping your word and being proud of your dreams and goals.
Besides working hard and being productive Joie was open to shifts and changes in her thinking and understanding of inner life and the physical world and tells us of her awakening to higher consciousness or energetic truth.
Joie writes, “Like so many big shifts in my life, my unexpected spiritual awakening happened quite by chance. I guess the Universe was ready for me to discover the inner bliss and joy of experiencing a new consciousness. Many refer to this uplifting state as awakening to the Christ Consciousness, which refers to the Christ Light within. This is not about organized religion, but rather about the inner light and knowingness that glows from your soul and expands through your whole being and shines in a big smile on your face.”
Many of us are aware of our intuitive thoughts and feelings and an inner knowingness or guidance, but not aware it is the spiritual sense of the soul and it’s eternal connection to Spirit. While we might be benefiting and using that spiritual gift, we might not be fully aware of it until some awakening process happens and that awakening is not by chance nor random, as nothing in life is random.
Joie Goodkin and I would have you know that in a time when there is so much fear and change happening around you, that you remain grounded in the truth of your eternal soul being and provide positive energy, breaking down the pain and resistance in yourself and others so prevalent in the world today. Share your enthusiasm and joy for life as that really is all there is.