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Can Some Humans Be The Product of An Ancient Advanced Alien Civilization?
- Nick Redfern
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In today’s episode of Healing From Within, your host, Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love , a book designed to show that as spiritual beings having a human experience we are infinitely unique and that by learning about the Universal Laws of energy it is possible to awaken to our true human and divine potential, and is delighted to welcome Nick Redfern author of his newest book Bloodline of the Gods which suggests that a significant number of humans may be the product of an ancient and advanced alien civilization who has periodically modified and refined us as a species.
Sheryl relates to Nick that years ago she would not have thought much about this possibility of aid or interactions from extraterrestrial beings, but after interviewing so many scientists and metaphysicians over the years and observing how humans were able to go from cavemen to people who could construct massive structures like the pyramids so long ago in Egypt and similar structures at the same time in other parts of the world it becomes apparent that some higher intelligence skill and abilities may have been necessary. As we also look at how quickly we progressed into more civilized socialized communities with interests in advanced studies such as science mathematics architecture the arts and music the thought of help from an advanced group of beings might not seem so outrageous.
Nick Redfern, who is the author of more than 30 books on UFO’s, Bigfoot, lake monsters and Hollywood Scandals including The Real Men in Black, The NASA Conspiracies: Keep Out, The Pyramids and the Pentagon and others has appeared on numerous TV shows and shares his extensive research about alien abductions, hybrid children, secret and powerful societies and an elite bloodline that hold significant sway over the planet and its people revealing that these people may not be entirely human.
The question that Nick is addressing is “Are significant numbers of humanity the product of an ancient and advanced alien civilization?” Have we across the millennia been periodically modified and refined as a species? In short has our genetic make-up been manipulated by otherworldly beings that view human civilization as one big lab experiment. Answers to this controversial question may well be found by examining those people whose blood type is RH negative. This book demands that we take a very close look at our gods—or God depending on one’s belief system and see them as they might have been thought of in terms of a hellish or heavenly afterlife…this book presents our gods as something different…perhaps creatures from a world far away who came to Earth on an emergency mission in an effort to save their own civilization and may have mined the entire planet for precious materials and used advanced technologies to genetically mutate and UPGRADE early humanoid; Homo erectus. Perhaps some souls were helpless victims in a program of alien-driven inter-species experimentation.
What prompted Nick to write this book were these questions, “Do today’s Rh negatives born out of nothing less than an archaic alien bloodline pose a threat to the rest of society…in what ways are they mentally and physically different and why do so many Rh negatives hold positions of power in both government and royalty. Billions of people hold their religious beliefs close to their hearts and would not want doubt cast on these belief systems. Bloodline of the Gods is not anti-religion nor does not wish to undermine religion. It simply offers the readers an alternative viewpoint on the origin of the human race: of what we are, how we came to be and why….”
The vast majority of humankind, 85 to 90 percent, is Rh positive which means a person’s red blood cells contain a special antigen, a protein that is found on the surface of cells and which are designed to combat bacteria and viruses. We all have this protein in our bodies except for the remaining 10 to 15 percent of humans. If the theory of evolution is valid-that each and every one of us is descended from ancient primates—shouldn’t we all be RH positive? Yes we should…but here is the astonishing truth we’re not all the same…The negatives are unlike the rest of us. They are different. They are unique individuals whose bloodline may have nothing less than extraterrestrial origins.
Coincidence or not, Rh negative blood abounds among the both the famous and the infamous Lee Harvey Oswald and his wife Marina were both Rh negative, JFK was Rh negative (AB negative) and others in the White Hours were: President Dwight D. Eisenhower, (O Negative) Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton is AB Negative and George Bush Sr. is A Negative. Then there is the matter of British Royalty which has a notable connection to the history of the US President office and the bloodline from George Washington to George Bush are as much royal dynasty as anything in Europe. Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles and William and Kate are all Rh negative and could be born of the alien blood line of the Anunnaki group from hundreds of thousands of years ago.
Many of the Rh negative children are born with a tail …some hold with the theory that the development of the embryo shows the stages of evolution..usually male babies more than females for reasons that are not understood. Jim Marrs a noted researcher suggests that some babies of Rh negative nature are born with an extended cauda equine, in essence a tail, which must be surgically removed at birth. There is a school of thought that believes as a direct result of the tail controversy that the Rh negatives have a genetic connection and lineage to the so called Reptilians those bipedal lizard like creatures of otherworldly nature.
Psychic nature including matters linked to synchronicity or a phenomenon that suggests our minds can influence even create the reality around us is high for the Rh negatives as is extrasensory perception such as mind reading, telepathic communication and a fascination with astronomy and the domain of outer space alien lives..Some Rh negatives even feel they have been pre-programed to perform some specific task and are waiting to be turned on. More of the Rh negative population are born with an extra rib or thoracid outlet syndrome which may date back to the manipulation of human DNA of early Cro-Magnons in Europe or Africa and Genesis 218-25 talks about this. Rh negatives have an inability to tolerate strong sunlight and high temperatures (photosensitivity) Results can be nausea vertigo lightheadedness elevated heart rate and dizziness…also rashes inflammation and hives –intense itchiness. Rh negatives have blood pressure of a slightly lower normal figure than the average 120/80 In comparison 70 million Americans have high blood pressure a serious and silent precursor to heart attack and stroke.
The legendary powerful body of entities known as the Anunnaki take us to the heart of ancient Mesopotamian cultures including the Sumerians, the Assyrians, and the Babylonians which can be found in what today is southern Iraq and which is believed to have been first settled at some point between 5500 and 4000 BC. The Anunnaki more than 400,000 years ago before a huge devastation of the Earth and untold millions being killed were a mighty race of legendary beings who it is said came to our planet from the heavens above and during their time here brought some kind of stability and unity and even society to what were extremely primitive human tribes. Descriptions vary . Some believe they were giants of 8 to ten feet tall or bipedal reptiles and may have been both as they had the power of shape-shifting allowing them to manifest various guises. It may have been that the planet the Anunnaki inhabitated shared a trait similar to our 21st century concerns on Earth…its ozone layer was becoming perilously thin and something had to be done. In the 1970’s a physicist Edward Teller came up with the ambitious idea of flooding the Earth’s upper atmosphere with particles of heavy metals including gold to offer additional defense from deadly ozone and radiation. Perhaps these advanced aliens were here to find gold to support the changing climate and inevitable destruction of their world.
Since the Anunnaki encountered Homo erectus and called them “ Adamu” which is very similar to Adam in the bible many thousands of years later, they may have decided to sculpt and refine our very future as a species and to splice Anunnaki genes with those of the humanoid in Africa where the radically different torturous temperatures oxygen levels and gravity were very different than their home planet as were the climates of Central America Africa and Mesopotamia. Helping the human population to adapt and work for them in the mining of the necessary gold would guarantee a wholly subservient work force who could tolerate the environment and work for the more technologically advanced masters…the Anunnaki. So it could be the very first stage of genetic manipulation of the human race by these advanced aliens from a faraway world would ultimately be interpreted by ancient man as gods….
For the human race there are 4 primary blood types A, B, AB, AND O. Within the United States, 85 percent of all Caucasians, roughly 90 percent of African Americans and approximately 98 percent of Asian Americans are Rh positive. The small percent of the US population fall into the Rh negative category and then there is another group of people The Basques of central Spain and the western parts of France whose percentage of Rh negatives is incredibly high close to 40 percent.
Nick points to a specific group of people in Europe, a relatively small group of people the Basques who exhibit extraordinary and undeniable traits and characteristics. It is known that their language bears little resemblance to any other European language and is only slightly suggestive of a few linkages to the people of ancient North Africa. One of the most important and noticeable things about the Basque people is their physical appearance which is markedly different from that of their fellow French and Spanish people. Let’s start with the head. The chins and jaws of the Basques are far more powerful and sturdy looking than average. Their earlobes are overly long. Their noses are noticeably prominent, and their eyebrows are bushy—very often to an extreme. As for the bodies of the Basques, the differences are most obvious in the men: They are generally possessed of muscular chests, wide shoulders and thick and solid arms…this was also the appearance of the Cro-Magnons who lived in the same area….a millennia before.
There is no evidence to suggest that the color of skin hair or eyes can have a bearing upon the personality, mind set or belief systems of an individual. Blood of one particular type however can have such a bearing. People with Rh negative blood are very often of a specific mind set displaying a deep and keen interest in science, UFO’s and unexplained phenomena. They have higher than average psychic abilities, such as precognition and extrasensory perception. Their IQ is typically higher than most people. Physically they are different too. A low body temperature, slow pulse, extra vertebrae and low blood pressure are all common in the Rh negatives. They are far more resilient to illness viruses, and disease than the rest of the population. There is good evidence that demonstrates clandestine groups within both the US government and military have secretly monitored the rise of the Rh negatives and studied their associations to the UFO phenomenon.
As a result of nuclear war by different factions of Anunnaki, it is thought that most of this species returned to their planet and quite possibly a small group remained on the Earth but found themselves in a precarious evolutionary decline and faced extinction. They may have become reliant on our DNA that had been manipulated by their genetic experiments and rather than working on improving the human race so they could serve…the abductions we hear about now often describe the beings that take them as weak sick ailing entities that may need us to beef up their stock.. Perhaps after the Anunnaki turned on each other, it signaled a bleak unhealthy future for the straggling survivors whose chose not to return to Nibiru…Perhaps they have sought slowly to recover their original status power and longevity by using the spliced improved DNA of the humans they manipulated and improved.
Nick mentions Whitney Strieber who is the author of what is probably the most widely recognized book on alien abductions and suggests that the stories of Lilith from the bible may in fact have been part human and part Anunnaki and who is mentioned as the first wife of Adam an Adama as the Anunnaki the humans.
Another thought or possibility may be that the grays or reptile aliens are attempting to take over our world by slowly breeding us out and phasing in beings with alien DNA that might be able to survive the physical challenges and changes that might befall the earth. Perhaps the superior DNA of an advanced alien might prove beneficial to both groups of people and be a cosmic or Universal way to move into a state of Higher Consciousness and peaceful co-existence….
Most definitely theories of an alien race needing to create hybrids and merge with our blood line could imply that a dying race needs an injection of fresh DNA in order to survive or perhaps they are time travelers attempting to correct a mistake made in their past which is now our present. Movies referring to the Men in Black or Vampires and the BEC or black eyed children may just be unearthly additions to the alien bloodline theories which imply that hybrid children may look somewhat strange and sickly but not so different but the BEC children cannot pass unnoticed…they also seem to have pale skin, are emotionless and have vacant glances and some have the ability to control the human mind of others.
It is also quite possible that the Reptilians reported in later abductions more recently, may be shape-shifting entities that have lived among us since the beginning and that they may have a connection to the Anunnaki of the distant past. In the world of Mesoamerica Honduras El Salvador Belize Costa Rica Mexico and Guatemala and their history, a powerful character know as Quetzalcoatl, may have been of Anunnaki lineage…According to Aztec legend Quetzalcoatl was a highly advanced entity of near magical skills and possessed of incredibly advanced sciences who tried to bring civilization, technology and a new world to the Mesoamericans between 100 BC to 100 AD. He was a feathered serpent and that is the name of the Pyramid at Teotihuacan just a short drive from Mexico City.
Sheryl says “I would think we would have to accept these past alien visitors and our Rh negative population as we do all life forms always becoming aware of the positive integration and possibilities for intergalactic life communication. As we continue to evolve and conquer our own human fragilities’ and accept ourselves and others with their uniqueness and all the gifts of Universal Energetic forces of life we may build a world that supports all life.”
Nick Redfern author of Bloodline of the Gods shared an amazing trip into the distant past and into a time when some scientists feel proto-humans may have been genetically manipulated by ET’s perceived by ancient man as nothing less than all-powerful gods.
Nick and Sheryl have discussed the possibilities of help from an advanced Universal or alien life force which may have interacted with the human population and helped to speed up the development and advancement of our young planets population. This help would have supported the advancement and refinement of Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal Man long before our civilized societal communities began and long before religious systems were established. The reasons for this alien involvement may have been to help create a more advanced human population to work for them or to link humanity to the Universal community. This advanced group known as the Anunnaki’s might have also wished to have a symbiotic relationship with humans or “Adamos” as they were called as it is also possible they wished to use our natural resources most especially gold to help them maintain life on their planet which was facing natural evolutionary destruction due to environmental changes. Today we see our own planet and inhabitants face global warming the depletion of our natural resources and changes in the environment facing the same troubling life threatening factors that may have affected this group of space travelers. Perhaps they had hopes to share more of their diverse cultural values and perceptions in order to foster equality unity and harmony. Today in our world it is no longer uncommon or unusual to see marriages and children born of people from different ethnic and racial backgrounds. Perhaps this is a collective consciousness or inherent memory of altered and improved bloodlines by these highly advanced alien visitors. These advanced people who had a longer life expectancy than humans may have genetically altered some of the population and may have had hybrid children who exhibit the Rh negative factor in their blood type. Many of the stories of ancient mythology speak of these advanced people who could have been seen by the primitive human community as Gods and perhaps many of the later religious ideas and stories are linked to these people or extraterrestrials.
This research and investigation into the past and related present day issues may help us determine future considerations. We might consider that the Rh negative group of people on our planet may help us know more about ancient religious thinking and revamp and renew a more scientific approach to understanding the Universe and all of life. We may come to see that conflicting religious beliefs and teachings have been the cause of endless bloodshed death and outright warfare…if these thoughts of interconnection to ancient aliens supports the development of human history we have new and more humane ways to think of life, creation and interconnectedness to everything, beyond primitive and outdated beliefs that merely confine us to a status quo existence.
Nick and Sheryl would have you simply open your minds and see the possibilities for knowing things are not always as they seem and can be expanded to be more wonderful and illuminating when we view new ideas and information without fear but with hopes that this knowledge can help us make better lives for everyone and bring us together as the Ancient Astronauts might have hoped we would be able to establish in time.