Internet Radio Show
Cancer Can Be A Spiritual Pilgrimage
- Sara Wiseman
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In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” host Sheryl Glick welcomes Sara Wiseman author of several books including Writing the Divine, Your Psychic Child and Becoming Your Best Self. Sara hosts, “Ask Sara” on Contact Talk Radio and writes regularly for Retailing Insight and other national New Age publications. Sara is a musician and has released 4 healing CDs with her band Martyrs of Sound. In 2012 spiritual teacher and intuitive Sara Wiseman was diagnosed with melanoma, one of the deadliest forms of cancer. During two surgeries and the recovery periods that followed Sara struggled with pain, but had extraordinary healing tools and resources that she was able to combine with traditional medicine. In her unique spiritual toolbox were included, prayer, meditation, intuition, visualization, working with Divine guides and sound healing. Miracles happened for Sara through the system of healing she was helped to create during her healing process and today she is considered cured of cancer.
In the show today Sara shares her new book Intuition, Cancer and Miracles her personal journey through the stages of being diagnosed with the disease and the messages and healing wisdom shared with her by her guides. Sara and Sheryl both spiritual teachers, intuitives and mediums say we can all learn to interact with Universal Energy and to receive divine messages. Some of the information shared will include: overcoming anxiety and fear, tuning into the state of your body, receiving healing from divine guides and angels, receiving support from departed loved ones, healing your body at the cellular level, shifting your vibration to include gratitude and bliss, surrendering to the miracle of Divine nature. In looking into these ideas expressed above Sara’s book Intuition Cancer & Miracles shows a new way of thinking about cancer and spiritual healing, complete with Seven Meditations for SelfHealing.
Sara relays to us that during a near death experience years before this health event she experienced a spiritual awakening and her consciousness shifted and her intuitive abilities were heightened. She likens her cancer journey as a second kind of near death experience—facing mortality and realizing you can either shut down in fear or open up in a whole new more expansive view of Self and life. Sara shares with us the story of her father who passed most likely from a melanoma that was not caught in time in 2000. During her cancer journey Sara connected with her father in spirit and was told quite forcefully that it was not her time to go and shown that the doorway to Heaven was closed with boards and a sign that said, “Do Not Enter.”
Sara describes a story of what could be described as psychic surgery. Using a carrot plaster described in the healing methods described by Edgar Cayce’s idea of using castor oil plasters to withdraw impurities in the body you placed this under your armpits and while in deep meditation saw healing guides appear who actually drew all the cancer cells in the lymph nodes into one tiny encapsulated spot. This tiny cancerous spot was removed during the first surgery but the surgeon felt a second surgery to remove all 13 lymph nodes in that arm was still necessary. No cancer cells were present. Seems like the healing guides did a great job in containing the cancer cells and in protecting your life as your father had said it was not time for you to leave this life.
Some advice Sara would offer to anyone or their loved ones when faced with the diagnosis of cancer that might help them through the experience is to let go of fear, trust you are a beautiful divine being and this experience is going to change you in ways you cannot even begin to anticipate. No matter what the outcome you may connect to a higher awareness of your soul or energetic life force and learn acceptance and surrender to the conditions on the outside, while realizing your inner being and the continuity of energy whether in a body or not..fear of the dying process is often eliminated in these extreme health issues or near death experiences and healing is seen to be a multi-dimensional process beyond the physical needs of the body. Of course Sara and Sheryl hope that whatever challenge we face it can be seen as part of our destiny and life plan and ultimately is not bad or good, just an experience for growth.
When Sara found the cancerous growth on her shoulder she reflected on the past 4 years of keep a busy schedule and being aware of a different kind of tiredness which she describes as a tiredness in her soul…a prolonged exposure to stress and adrenaline. Sara tells us that she believed this deep spiritual exhaustion was the precursor to her illness and the illness was the way for her to live a more balanced and fun filled life.
Sara comments on Divine Timing in all events of her life and this became clearer to her as at the time she discovered her own issue, her mom ended up in the hospital and her 12 year old was scheduled for scoliosis surgery. Sara postponed her own surgery, but, thankfully she was aided in helping the other people in her life and still had enough time to take care of herself.
Sara describes fear the most deadly emotion of them all and how fear affects our progress either forward or locked within its grips. The guides share this expression of fear with us, “ Fear is like a galloping horse…once it runs it is impossible to get control back. Fear is also the opposite of trust or believing the Universe is on your side. Fear is also allowing yourself to believe you are separate though this is an illusion and fear allows you to sink in the lower vibrations of fear, pain, hurt, rage, and anger…all of these emotions or vibrations are of no use when you are trying to heal.
Sara found that sound healing or Mantras which are words or phrases repeated frequently and repeatedly allow the breath and vibration of the body to shift. She wrote,” I actually felt yourself myself falling into space, my body sliding down and mind drifting off to dimensions unknown… tranced out, slumped in my chair, couldn’t move or speak, had astrally projected to somewhere else, and in that state felt the angels and guides affect my healing process. Mantra is actually an ancient method of chant using words with sacred meaning to create trance and an altered state. It is known that using the word Om as a mantra is in itself a holy act leading to a Divine Experience. The guides also told Sara,” Mantra is the word. Music is the flow. The vessel that both are poured into is your body: the collection of cells that create the universe that is your human form…when you continue to pour this vibration of mantra and music this Divine infusion begins to heal all that is with you. You reset your vibration in alignment with this higher Divine vibration.
Sara says that cancer taught her great lessons such as Cancer taught her to let go of fear that fear and anxiety about a future that is already divinely part of our human and energetic experience is a waste of our human energy and our experiences for the most part cannot be altered. Therefore fear serves no purpose. Cancer taught Sara to understand that mortality is reality and the finite container of our lives gives them value and meaning. Cancer taught her to in gratitude for all the things and people she loves. Cancer taught her the Divine can heal anything in the body, in matter in space—it’s all possible even if we don’t understand how.