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Cancer Conquered Health Restored
- James Templeton
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” with host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love a story of spiritual awakening spiritual communication and transformation and ways to use your intuition for living your best life. Today we welcome James Templeton author of I Used to Have Cancer a story of not giving up, especially when all avenues of conventional medicine fail, and finding the way back to health becomes a personal journey of courage and destiny.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware my guests and I share intimate stories that have guided us to understand life and death in its many layers of reality as we explore metaphysical aspects of energy and as a result find new ways to combine our spiritual and physical lives for greater happiness prosperity and health. We are indeed complicated humans.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we will learn how James who was especially mindful and active in pursuing a healthy life routine as a result of his father and grandfather who had died of heart attacks at an early age and he wished to help himself avoid that prognosis but during a routine physical found out a mole on his body turned out to be a melanoma a dangerous form of skin cancer. James followed the conventional medical protocol including surgery radiation and chemotherapy but the treatments weren’t working. We will discover how a miraculous turn of events saved his life.
When asking James to think back to his childhood and remember a person place or event that may have shown them or others the interests work or lifestyle that would be important to him as an adult we learn that James had more loss in his young life than many people. He writes, “My mother died before I was two, so I really don’t remember her. I never had a chance to get to know my grandfather either. He died at the ripe old age of thirty-six, many years before I was born. I was told he died because he had a bad heart. My younger stepbrother died at the age of eight, never really getting to enjoy life. But when my father—Daddy—died unexpectedly of a heart attack when he was only forty-six, it affected me deeply, unlike anything that had affected me before. I became enraged that life had dealt me yet another blow. I’m deeply grateful for my sister Judy, who is two and a half years older and was my guardian angel. To this day there has never been an unkind word between us. Judy has been the thread that has held our family together over the years and provided me with the stability I needed.”
My sister Judy and I agreed we couldn’t have asked for a better father. He never had an unkind word for anyone and he was a talented man rich in all the things that mattered kindness character and loyalty and a rich love of his family. A machinist be trade he could build or fix anything. He took meticulous care of all that he did and everything he owned. He took me to little league and football games, hunting and my father remarried when I was four years old and Mama as I called her was always there for us and kindhearted. They had a son Melvin who was born with physical and mental disabilities and we all cared for him round the clock. He died when he was eight years old. James was seventeen when my dad simply had a heart attack and died. In my attempt to numb the pain and sadness of still another loss I did what a lot of people do which included self-medication plenty of partying overindulging in food and too many beers. I went on to college as my stepmother felt my Dad would have wanted that. James began taking criminal justice courses but soon discovered that was not the path for me. He worked for a father and son who owned a gas station and soon was able to purchase it and he and his new wife Melissa soon had three gas stations. Life was good.
While James knew it wasn’t possible to prevent every premature death he decided do the one thing he could to help. He ran every chance he got—in the rain heat or bitter cold. He later realized he was running from fear but back then he thought he had found a way to sidestep his families curse—heart disease. Running also became a time for meditation and deep thinking and away to feel fully alive.
After being told that the cancer had infected the lymphatic system and having surgery to remove lymph nodes in the groin and leg James was told with the hypothermia and chemotherapy treatments that there was about a twenty percent chance of surviving three to five years. His wife had left and here he was with this terrible prognosis.
Lying there in the hospital James felt miserable when the phone rang and it was Ron the preacher from Huntsville. He told James to get in there and fight and to beat this cancer. Here was a preacher sounding like a coach giving a pep talk but at that very moment I truly felt the presence of God The Creator, the Spriit and realized I needed help so James began to pray.
James then had three visitors who he felt made all the difference and were divinely sent to help him.
The first knock at the door was Ronnie Davidge a college friend James hadn’t seen in over seven years Ronnie had papers in his hand and showed James a special diet the macrobiotic diet for cancer he had used successfully.
The second knock at the door was Mama with a book in her hand Vitamin C and Cancer by Dr. Linus Pauling…..People who took high doses of Vitamin C tended to live a lot longer than people who didn’t.
The third knock at the door was the hospital psychotherapist who seemed to know a lot about the macrobiotic diet and felt it might be good for me. He also told JMWA about two other books Recalled by Life and Living Well Naturally both by Dr. Anthony J. Sattilarto
After beginning the extreme first hypothermia and chemo treatment and James would need 80 such treatments he was released from the hospital and returned home with his stepmother who helped him gather the foods needed for the macrobiotic diet. According to the macrobiotic lifestyle each mouthful of food should be chewed 50 times before swallowing. James ate brown rice after his walk for breakfast with some miso soup. For lunch he had leftovers from last night’s dinners. Little by little he began a stretching exercise called Dolin which along with stretching involves tapping on the different meridians an energetic healing approach. For breakfast there was aromatic grains miso soup some lightly steamed vegetables and condiments. We drank Kukicha a Japanese blend of stems stalks and twigs from evergreen shrub(Camellia sinensis)
One recommendation of the diet is to never go to bed until three hours after eating and sat up meditating or reading.. James also tried visualizations to see himself as healed and pain free.
After the next experimental hyperthermia and chemo treatment which was much more torturous than before the doctor told him he wasn’t responding well and James decided not to take any more treatments. He headed to the Kushi Institute in the Berkshire Mountains in western Massachusetts run by Michio Kushi to learn more about the macrobiotic diet.
Some of the lifestyle suggestions along with dietary requirements included:
Walk outside in the fresh air two times each day for thirty minutes or longer
Try to wear 100 percent cotton clothing next to skin and use cotton sheets and pillowcases. Cotton allows a smooth flow of energy with the environment.
Try to use natural quality body care products and cosmetics.
To minimize radiation exposure limit television or exposure to other electronic artificial electromagnetic fields preferably to thirty minutes a day. Try to take regular brakes. If you work at a computer get up and stretch at least every hour.
Maintain a clean orderly home and environment.
Keep green plants in your home and office to increase oxygen and improve air circulation.
Try to keep active from morning to night Greet everyone you met and maintain active communications with parents children and other relatives.
Light to moderate exercises, including yoga, martial arts dancing or sports.
Self-reflect a few minutes each day on your life and express appreciation to God nature or the Universe. This may take the form of prayer meditation chanting visualization as well as creating healthful positive thoughts and images.
Sing a happy song each day.
James found out something about the underlying and root causes of cancer that he had been unaware of.
At a seminar with Ann Louise Gittleman a nutritionist on the subject of intestinal parasites James learned that parasites are known for greatly suppressing the body’s immune system and she explained to James that the grayish tinge around his mouth was a dead giveaway for a parasitic infection. She encouraged James to see a world renowned parasitologist Dr. Herman Bueno in New York City.
When tested it was determined that James had 3 types of parasitic infection from Mexico another from working with animals in Texas and a third from drinking water from lakes and streams often in mountainous areas. Dr Bueno went on to say that he had never seen a case of cancer or Aids that didn’t have a parasitic involvement. To rid himself of the health issue he was given an herbal made him sick so Anne gave him another and he drank mugwort tea two to three times a day along with a lot of raw pumpkin seeds and on the next examination three months later there were no signs of parasitic infection.
Later James met Anne’s teacher Dr. Parcella who at forty had been given a terminal illness diagnosis having tuberculosis, her right kidney over 2/3 gone, her lungs were hemorrhaging and her heart was enlarged. Knowing we are what we eat she began to consume leafy green spinach and plenty of spinach juice She drank fresh water and developed therapeutic bath formulas as 65 percent of bodying cleansing is done through the skin. Her formulas were to pull out environmental chemicals pesticides heavy metals and ever harmful radiation. It was also necessary to rule out parasitic involvement and maintain the body’s correct pH level-the acid alkaline balance.
Dr. Parcells told James that cancer is nothing but a man made word dripping with fear. To her it was simply evidence of a body out of balance and it was necessary to detox and get rid of the toxins affecting the body’s immune system.
She also told James that it was necessary to eat meat once again as he was thin and had lost muscle over the years of consuming only a macrobiotic diet.. The diet that had gotten James well was not the diet that would sustain him in the long run. James also learned that cancer grows in an acidic environment.
According to Dr. Parcells, the two most important ways to maintain health and longevity are the following
- Keep the body’s pH balance. Much like the pH level of soil must be correct in order to grow plants and vegetables the chemistry of the body must have the correct pH to maintain health. The level needs to be over 7.2 in order to heal. The cells and their energy are universal to health.
You can measure your pH with strips through saliva or urine. - Support the endocrine system. This network of glands that produce and release hormones regulate many important bodily functions. Glands are the energy centers of the body and our bodies are electromagnetically charged. Dr. Parcells stressed the importance of keeping the glands in balance. This involves the body’s chakras seven energy centers that work on bodily functions to the immune system to emotions. Each chakra is paired with a specific endocrine gland and the glands function. See chart on page 77
There are some other key supplements and therapies everyone can benefit from to prevent cancer in the first place.
Some patients with terminal cancer would take up to 10,000 milligrams of vitamin C every day and experience a miraculous turnaround. In an experiment one group was given a combination of vitamin c L-lysine, L-proline and EGCG and was helpful in controlling cancer.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and more than 80 percent of the skin is composed of collagen. Cancer cells contain an enzyme that can eat right through collagen. The amino acid L-lusine destroys the collagen-eating enzyme
James thinks beside following a macrobiotic diet supplements like Vitamin C and finding ways to eliminate stress and toxins in your environment I would suggest that even though it is hard to stay positive in the middle of a severe challenge retaining hope and positive thoughts is the best way to stem the tide of despair and lose the battle of restoring your health.
James wrote, “The cells in our body react to every thought and emotion that runs through our mind. It’s been proven that negativity suppresses our immune system. Each thought we think acts as either soothing cellular nutrition or a poison dart that releases destructive toxins in our bodies. What we choose to think about plays a central role in creating and maintaining our health. Think about it. If you’re driving in traffic and someone unexpectedly swerves into your lane a cascade of emotions will flood your body with fear and react to the danger. Your body will release certain hormones to prime it for a fight or flight response….. If this fight or flight response happens occasionally there won’t be a problem. It’s when you suffer from chronic repeated stress that the body can experience problems.”
We thank James Templeton for sharing an honest challenging journey to face and conquer a serious illness and to move forward in life appreciating honoring and treasuring all the human compassionate feelings one often remembers and honors as a result of facing and defeating cancer.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have in a concise and easy to implement way discovered many ways to help the body mind and spirit fight serious disease or simply provide a really livable style of everyday practices that can improve our auto immune system and provide preventative ways from developing some harmful conditions that will undermine our well being. We have learned that stress fear and worry can destroy your immune system and that meditation visualization positive thinking and allowing yourself to heal any condition by a completely renewed state of mind is not only possible, but probable, if you are consistent and put intentions to allow yourself to be healthy happy and live according to the rules of nature and energy. Healing can start with your thoughts. Remember negative self-talk is self-induced sabotage so avoid it at all costs. Keep your spirits up Get out into nature Be with kind loving people and enlarge positivity within your thinking and actions. Remember to optimize your Vitamin D and C levels and try to limit exposure to polluted air deadly mold cigarette smoke radon EMF radiation pesticides and other hazards.
James and I would have you know you don’t have to wait to have a health challenge to care for and love your healthy self. If we try to apply even some of the wise provisions James has shared in his journey and his book I Used to Have Cancer you will find ways for healing and sustaining health. It will be possible to live with greater energy and efficiently for healing small or large problems.