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Channeled Messages from Wise Spirits of the Collective
- Lois Hermann
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick author of A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which share stories and messages from Spirit showing us the challenges we are facing are not merely economic political or societal, but a spiritual disconnect from our inner soul wisdom and sense of connection to Universal Source. I am delighted today to welcome Lois Hermann author of Chronicles of Hope The Collective—Book 2 who like me is a conduit for the relaying of messages from Universal Source to help us remember our soul journey and the potential we have to manifest our greatest potential to thrive and evolve during these changing and challenging times.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her guests share an understanding of the dual nature of soul and physical life as we try to observe ways to master our emotions and live lives of dignity and love exploring the world of man nature and the Universe. If we focus only on material needs, we often fail to observe the beauty of our soul energy and cannot succeed in either our soul or phyiscal life development. A merging of our total essence is the key to success joy prosperity peace and happiness.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Lois and Sheryl will discuss Lois’s second book in the series, Chronicles of Hope—the Collective—Book 2 which shares channeled messages from wise spirits of the Collective who teach us how to shift our energy to be more positive, to heal ourselves our families and communities, and our troubled world. In this timely compilation of ageless wisdom we hear from an ancient God, a beloved prophet, a little known Goddess a misunderstood Archangel, the expansive Spirit of the Universe and the Spirit of the Earth, our mother Gaia. Whether you believe in many Gods, one God or no God these spiritual beings of the unseen world are concerned humanity will soon be it’s undoing, but if we listen, they are ever willing to assist us in saving this precious planet and the life that lives in, on and around her. Lois will share miraculous messages of love from Spirit in order to help us weather these challenging times where humanity is being called on to remember their true being and to work cooperatively rather than in competitive fashion which is undermining the health and well being of our planet and our personal development as souls having a physical life.
When Lois is asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place event that may have shown her or others around her the lifestyle and interests she might pursue as an adult she immediately remembers her family trips to a camping ground by the water where every time they went she saw a lovely woman by herself with long white blonde hair who had a small tent and who just seemed to be so calm and quiet. Lois never got to talk to her but realized she was possibly different than all the others. Strange Sheryl says but you were drawn to her peaceful energy and Sheryl tells Lois that over twenty years ago when she was developing her healing and mediumship ability she went to a convention in Arizona. At a sound bowl healing workshop Sheryl was late and ran in to take the only seat left in a circle of twelve people. All of a sudden she felt drawn to look to her right side where a young woman with long white hair sat very still. The next day she met the woman at her booth where the woman told Sheryl her name was Victoria and she was from another star system and here to help humanity evolve by sharing vibrational music which she was selling at her booth. Sheryl asked Victoria if there were more beings like her and she said, “Yes.” “What do they look like?” Sheryl asked and Victoria responded, “They look like me.” It wasn’t so much what she looked like that Sheryl remembers, but the quietness and peace of her energy that she radiated. Funny how Lois and Sheryl both sensitives and mediums had a similar encounter.
What might be the ageless wisdom we would hear from an ancient God? Lois relays from Spirit a wise truth, “Something can only be good in comparison to something that isn’t. But make no mistake . . . there are spirits which do not have the best interests of corporeal life in mind . . . and a lot of times it is hard to tell the difference. It’s what’s in their hearts, not what comes out of their mouths (that matters). The people . . . who put the greatest good for the greatest number ahead of themselves . . . those are the people you can trust. [Speaks very slowly.] There are a lot of them on Earth. Their activities go largely unnoticed. It is much easier to attract attention when you do something that is perceived as being wrong, than it is when you do something that is perceived as being right. That’s sad. And . . . if you can find a way to fix that, you’ll go a long way toward making this a much better place. I wish I had an answer for you; I wish I could tell you how to do it . . . It would be nice if I could simply appear in the sky and tell people what I’m telling you. It doesn’t work that way. I depend on you to take these words and put them out where everyone can see them. Some will believe; some will not. Some will follow; some will not. But I will tell you what my Child (Jesus) said two thousand years ago . . . “I am not God. Don’t follow me.” [Indicates himself.] You are the Gods. [Motions to Lois and Paul.] Follow each other. Learn to love each other. That will solve all your problems.
“Consider for example, what people call God (Divine Source, Universal Energy, Great Spirit) as being the ocean, and each of us is one drop in the ocean. Individually, we are one, yet collectively, we are all part of the Group of Divine beings or God. It takes all of us and the uniqueness bestowed upon us to come together with love as the common thread that connects us. When Rae the higher vibrational being giving information through the channeler, struggles with the word “love,” understand there are many types of love, and some languages have different words for these different kinds of love. Everything good is love. Yet, the word “love” is often taken out of context and split into many definitions based on the person’s individual understanding. Each person experiences love in their own way, many without realizing or recognizing it. The message is the same one that we aspire to communicate today: “We must learn to cooperate and harmonize with each other.”
Rae tells us the Collective helps on all worlds and has lost some species where technology outstripped wisdom. They are concerned that no world is at such a tipping point right now as Earth with our future on an accelerating curve. Humanity’s future hasn’t reached the point that it cannot be corrected; however, that point is very near. The balance must be brought back before it’s too late. We must address the greed in our world. The fear of scarcity must be shifted. As we come to know there is enough for everyone, those who have much must be willing to give and those who have little must be willing to accept. There should be an exchange of resources, insight, or energy.”
Lois shares with us a thought about a beloved prophet Jesus and writes, “The angelic energy, the vibration of an angel, is that what Jesus would be when he’s not in corporeal form? Rae: That is a fair description. [Takes a deep breath.] He . . . his spirit, all of our spirits, exist in a higher-dimensional plain. We can, to one degree or another, lower ourselves . . . lower our energies . . . to enter the physical. It is easier for my Children than for us. We can only do this temporarily, and only under very special circumstances, which I’m pushing to the limit right now. [Strains uncomfortably.] Most of the spirits that people consider to be angels are my Children. Many of the spirits that people think to be demons are also my Children. The imposition of “good” and “evil” is a corporeal thing. When you see something that you agree with, you think of that as good. When you see something you disagree with, you think of that as evil. But those are your definitions. And you have yours and everybody has theirs. Good and evil are not absolutes. They are relative.”
Sheryl confirms this thought of good and evil as personal perceptions unique to each soul, but really not either good or bad and writes in her new book A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening the following, “ The Universe, it appears, is asking us to pay attention, wake up, and go beyond all differences and limited thinking to observe, make corrections, and reevaluate priorities and values. Let’s help the coming generations to have multiple and plentiful opportunities to live and discover the beauty and awe-inspiring hopes of past ancestors who were able to forgo uncontrolled impulses for material gains alone, finding genuine or authentic human qualities. I grew up in a time when there were peace movements along with world concerns for idealistic approaches to living well and where personal fulfillment was a valued commodity. But always, we brought the precious values of our ancestors in spirit with us, which positively affected our decision-making process and added to our spiritual awakening. Now, we must continue to work with all aspects of our physical and spiritual lives, to heal and create a world that offers hope in the face of personal or collective hardships, that may make us forget our divinity and ability to live with dignity. If we begin to do what feels right from within, without judging issues as good or bad, only as experiences, we will free ourselves from the many illusions or ideologies that still hold us prisoners to fear and the limitations of our conditioned minds and lift these challenging times to new heights for advanced human evolution.
Lois shares with us a story of one of the misunderstood Archangels was Samael. As much as Archangel Samael was a huge powerful energy, Lois’s heart went out to him. She could sense his deep sadness over being vilified and labeled as evil. He brings discord, which is similar to the concept of tough love. As a fatherly figure, Samael feels for his children and wants us to succeed, with strength. It is not that he enjoys the type of tension that incites war, nor is he inferring we must remove the infirm. The struggle that is essential for personal growth is based on internal conflict that must be mastered. If children are given everything without challenge, they don’t tend to grow into responsible adults. Those who are given much without having to earn it have a tendency to be dependent and never learn to support themselves. Give a person a fish and they will eat for a day; teach them to fish and they will eat for a lifetime. As we learn to rise above our internal and external struggles, we evolve into a place of strength, peace, and empowerment
Before this conversation with Samael, Lois had not realized that many of the damaged spirits will never recover. Her intention was to send them into the Light. Samael explained the number of extremely damaged spirits on Earth right now has never been higher, and that many of them will not reincorporate. When spirits do their life review, if they were full of hate and misery, they may choose to destroy their eternal spirit. Once that spirit is gone, it evaporates, and that energy is used to create a new spirit. The insight that there are so many damaged spirits on Earth right now explains the origin of the large numbers of new spirits. Archangel Samael helps transform the residual negative energy from the damaged spirits into positive energy for new life, new growth, and new beginnings. He is basically a master of spirit recycling, Lois mentions a soul like Hitler who needed to be destroyed so a new soul could form with opportunities for a new spirit to be of a higher nature.
How remarkably accurate Samael seems when he mentions Gaia’s frustration, and believes that in the near future we will see a drop-off in population growth. This certainly seems to be happening with COVID-19. As people experience the vast numbers of deaths worldwide, some are becoming more aware of how interconnected and similar we are as a civilization. Samael wants us to be more understanding of ourselves, each other, and our connection with Gaia. This virus is stimulating a new awareness among many. People are being forced to stop their robotic lives and return to nature, a practice American and other cultures have long embraced. The connection with our Earth Mother is deeply engrained in their history. Gaia and the others in the Collective can help humans develop their spiritual self. People need to experience nature, to truly listen for and receive the message of inner peace and atonement. Once people affirm their true identity, old patterns will slowly dissipate, culminating in the fundamental knowing that” I am enough.” Lois encourages people to be open to the traditions of indigenous cultures that have long been misunderstood, much as Samael was misunderstood. Humanity needs unity and inspiration. We all have flaws and our lives are far from perfect. Yet if we each do our own personal work to gain understanding, achieve clarity, and connect with what is true in our hearts, we can shift anger and hate toward peace and acceptance.
We go on to talk about the expansive nature of the universe. The expansive energy of the Universe is the eternal life force of each soul that seeks to refine it’s energy to the vibration of love and living more humanely both here on the planet and beyond. There are many life forces. “Humans do experience alien visitation. However, what is perceived as physical visitation is truly spiritual visitation and is referred to as astral projection. Humans can develop the ability to project themselves across time and space using the power of their minds. Our minds are amazing computers that we can engage if we train ourselves. Everyone has the potential to tap into extra senses that they are unaware of. Some people come by these gifts naturally, while others work to develop them. We refer to these individuals as being psychic or telepathic, or having a sixth sense. Have you ever thought about someone, and soon after, they contact you? That’s an intuitive connection. Many people also have the ability to see or sense spirits of those who have passed over. While in a light state of trance, most of Lois’s hypnosis clients are able to easily communicate with loved ones, angels, or Guides. They also readily recall past memories. When reflecting on old memories, even past-life memories, although the visions seem real, they are truly illusions. These mental constructs are accessible to help us understand or relate to situations. The only true reality is this present moment of now. Similarly, we can use our mind to develop skills to communicate with others by projecting ourselves in a trance or dream state. We can develop extra-sensory communication abilities, yet Rae states: “Why you want to do a thing is always more important than what you are actually doing.”
In early human life, the Collective attempted to make people think there was reward and punishment to encourage good behavior. Rae the higher vibrational being relaying information to Lois says there is actually no reward or punishment. There is no good or bad; everything is relative. When your body dies, your spirit reviews all the memories you had when in physical form, and you see your life with great clarity. This is known as a Life Review. Based on how they lived their life, the person’s spirit determines what they will do next. Some might reincarnate to start over, others might move on, some come back to learn and experience again. Those who have been hurtful to others may sink to such a low vibrational level that they cannot reincarnate. Part of the work my clearing consultants and I do is to help lost spirits find their place in the Light. Some are so badly damaged that we call on the Archangels to guide them where they need to go. Based on years of work with lost spirits, Rae’s explanation made perfect sense to me. I appreciated Rae’s clarification on the importance of maintaining a balance of vibrational energies within a dimension. When the dimensional energy lowers, it is easier for lower-vibrational energies to get in, causing disturbances. It also makes it harder for higher-vibrational beings, such as angels, to assist because of the greater differences in vibrational energy. Again, we hear that good and evil are subjective.
Sheryl says it seems important for personal development and the Collective or world consciousness that we endeavor to live simply, to uplift our thoughts of caring for others and learning and sharing a source of enthusiasm for life. We can engage that which supports our health emotionally and physically and seek to find beauty and joy in the natural world and in our actions. So the Buddhist thoughts of “Rightful thinking. Rightful action and Rightful living” are ways to hold this higher vibration of divine Spirit and bring Heaven to Earth in our own lives as we also extend that philosophy and lifestyle out into the world. Holding your own personal power of soul goodness repeals the negative intentions of others who have not reached that level of refinement yet.
Lois tells us one of the stories in her book that most resonates with her heart and soul. It is a story of Jesus. Jesus shares his humanness and how he felt emotions which many higher vibrational beings or other life forms might not and Lois wrote, Jesus: It is the same message I gave two thousand years ago. [Sighs deeply, sadly.] That message has been distorted through time . . . distorted through people. It sometimes pains me that . . . [Long consideration, then sighs.] I am close enough to humans, as I can incorporate, to feel emotion, as opposed to my kin that you’ve spoken to who have not (been able to incorporate or feel emotion). Although my father (Rae) has a particular fondness for you. [Smiles knowingly at Lois.] That is uncommon for us. But my generation [Holds a hand to his chest.] . . . the spirit that lives in this body day-to-day identifies very closely with the corporeal world. We interact with it constantly and can become part of it . . . and it pains us greatly when people suffer needlessly. That’s an important word, needlessly. Suffering is necessary. You cannot enjoy pleasure unless you experience pain. Every coin has two sides. However, there are those who bring willful harm to others. That is a development which hurts us greatly. We have always sought to teach the message that people need to . . . I don’t want to say: “Love each other.” [Shakes his head.] That word is so abused. It’s just a matter of simple compassion. Not all intelligent races have emotion. Some do have a limited amount. Compassion is not a strictly human quality to be sure, but . . . it is rare in the Universe. And it saddens us to see compassion wasted so often. Not all worlds have their own spirit. Gaia is the spirit of this planet and cares for all of you. In some sense, you are all her children. You are all made of her bones. Gaia provides well for her children. There is no real scarcity on Earth. There is enough to go around.
As Lois interacted with Jesus, as channeled through Gary, she was struck by my own emotion of slight confusion. I am used to experiencing Jesus as a kind, yet strong, protective, and supportive Guide when he comes to clients during hypnosis sessions. Lois always feel a loving calmness when he comes to her in prayer or reflection. But in this interaction, he seemed different. He exhibited human emotions of intense sadness and concern. It touched Lois heart deeply to see him so sad. We have learned in these teachings that human emotions are unique in the Universe and can be very intense. Watching Jesus emote in human form solidified just how powerful our emotions can be.
In regard to Lois thoughts on Jesus Sheryl tells the story of while in mediation with a group of her students she suddenly sensed Jesus next to her and in her second book The Living Spirit wrote, “I had been doing a reading for one of the members of my unfoldment group when I suddenly sensed Jesus next to me. He was crying and I found myself choking back tears as well. “I have cried for many ills done by unknowing souls,” Jesus said, just as you and your group members also cry for the injustice and insensitivity of many.” Several other members of the group including Joyce, who I was reading at the time, sensed his presence. His words to me brought a feeling to my heart that to this day is hard to describe. It was incredible to think that he would visit a simple Reiki teacher and her group, reminding everyone present of the loving messages he had delivered during his earthly life journey so very long ago.”
This book Chronicles of Hope can help people who don’t have a feeling for or understanding of the unseen world and the infinite possibilities for change and the improvement of our personal development or world evolution It can make sense of some of spiritual and religious beliefs offering reasons for some of the challenges and misunderstanding we all experience while dealing with the physical issues of our dual nature as both spiritual and physical life beings. I think what Jesus tells us in the following message we can realize what went wrong with the relaying of his words so long ago and now calls on people individually to act righteously and lovingly without so much restriction and control by religious groups or governments, as is being witnessed more and more in these changing challenging times. Let each person make their own decisions and choices and stop the blame judgement and restrictions being placed on us as part of this pandemic or any other emergency factor.
Jesus said, “I realized then that my timing had been off, that my message was going to be lost. [Looks down as he shakes his head in despair.] I relied on my followers . . . if not to do the job I had tried to do . . . to keep the message alive . . . and try to bring peace to the world. [Sighs heavily.]
Lois asks, “Is it true that Mary Magdalene traveled to France to teach your words? Jesus answers, “All of my followers taught my words. Mary was very special. [Smiles softly.] Sadly, the message was changed. Instead of . . . following the simple message, leaders tried to force people to obey the message, and it was never meant as a command. [Pauses to consider.] The Ten Commandments were written by good men who wanted people to be good to each other. The message was simple. But, trying to enforce it on people . . . as I said, you cannot force people to change. Even if you give them something that they know is right . . . even if you give them something that they know is better to do . . . if you force them to do it, they’re going to resent it. And that is where it all went wrong. When the Christian religion was created, based on the messages that I gave, leaders tried to force people to follow their rules . . . [speaks with great remorse] and then worse, executed people who did not . . . in my name. [Long pause, then speaks with deep regret.] These are those moments that . . . these are the moments that hurt us. These are the moments . . . that at some level, we regret having gotten involved. That’s why we try not to get involved. Even . . . we . . .. as well-meaning as we can be . . . [shakes his head with heavy sorrow] . . . think of the number of deaths that went down in my name. It was not what I had intended.”
Our guides and messengers might like readers of Chronicles of Hope The Collective Book 2 to take away with them after reading this book that Spirit encourages people to do more inner reflecting, review their actions, and integrate what they are learning allowing their spirit to grow. Samael says humans are acting infantile. Many act like spoiled children full of spite, throwing temper tantrums when they don’t get their way. We should strive for a high-level, intellectual place of wisdom balanced with honesty and integrity. The current state of our civilization is considerably less evolved than many prior civilizations. This is evidenced in much of our religions, government, media, business, and entertainment arenas. Samuel tells us: “Do not let the fact that you have technology delude you into thinking that you are evolved.” Humanity has become so dependent on technology that we have forgotten what is most important. Technology is linear with processes, tasks, and impersonal structure. It is a valuable tool, yet it has come to define and control our way of living, our way of being. All life, including humanity, is truly circular by nature, co-existing in a world that is rich with rhythm and flow. Day follows night and spring follows winter. We need to remember our roots in nature and discover ways to tap into the natural flow of the cycles of our days, our seasons, and our lives.
We thank you Lois Hermann for the creative and true relaying of the messages shared in her new book Chronicles of Hope-The Collective Book 2 channeled from Universal Source and for her dedication to pursuing the mystical and magical world of energy life renewal and love.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have heard the fantastically inspiring messages of Rae and other advanced vibrational beings who exist in the Universe and try to communicate compassion and hope for an ever evolving human and divine existence for all.
At the time of this writing, we are immersed in the coronavirus pandemic with a worldwide practice of social distancing. The use of technology has been valuable to keep people connected in work and play. People are learning new skills, using video to communicate, playing online games together, staying connected, and keeping each other uplifted. Without technology, life would be lonely for many. By the same measure, instead of going to restaurants, people are spending time outside, playing in yards, walking on paths, singing in the streets, and sharing music from balconies and windows. In our separateness, there is a sense of oneness, of coming together as people, as one human collective to finally know ourselves as more than phyiscal entities and to heal mind body and spirit.
In other words whatever challenge we face, we find help in asking Spirit for guidance and to find a way to make life more compassionate and viable for necessary change. Rather than succumb to lower emotions of pain sadness dysfunction disease and depression we seek to uplift ourselves, our communities and that has been and continues to be the message of all spiritual teachers throughout time and space.
Lois and I would have you become more aware of the many messages you are receiving in the form or coincidences dreams synchronicity and indeed the miracle of life unfolding in every way, beyond good or bad, right or wrong, or any dichotomy of feelings, for each experience is necessary on the journey of the soul to remember and value all of life without judgment or loss. All is as it should be and we are the remarkable holders of love and compassion throughout many soul journeys!
I am your host of Healing From Within Sheryl Glick and author of the newest book in a trilogy- A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening and invite you to visit my website to read about and listen to leaders in the field of metaphysics science spirituality medicine psychology and the arts and music discuss the miracles of life. Shows may also be heard on and