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Channeling Prophecies from Master Guides in Spirit: Help for Challenges Ahead
- JD Cross
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In this episode of “Healing From Within”, your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Intimate Love which shares remarkable stories of awakening to spiritual communication and to a clearer understanding of the human and divine connection which ultimately allows us to renew and refine our energies for an improved personal life and world condition and is delighted to welcome, for a second time on the show, JD Cross, author of The Veil Lifted As an intuitive visionary she shares messages from Jesus and other master souls for the coming events in 2018 and beyond and how best to prepare for the many challenges and changes ahead.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her guests share their spiritual intuitive gifts and insights into the human condition to help those to lift up and accept the reality of higher soul life beyond ego based mindsets to refine thinking and to incorporate gratitude, love and compassion along with the Spirit of cooperation from higher intelligent forces that wish to help us grow and evolve in both our human and spiritual essence.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within,” JD Cross and William Johnson, who both receive spiritual messages are asked by Spirit to share these important messages during this crucial time in human evolution. JD has experienced a near death experience which heightened her abilities from childhood and now offers prophesies for holistic solutions for the body, mind, spirit and emotions. At the present time JD and other visionaries have been called on by Spirit as seers for prophesies that warn mankind of coming catastrophic events that will ultimately bring a new beginning to humanity. There are remarkable statements made in this book that will be discussed today. Sheryl says that the messages in this book can only be validated over time, as history records these events without judgment, truthfully. Using insights from Spirit may help us make choices that will soften some of the predictions made here. If you believe in Spirit know that with love and compassion we can shift the tide of despair and distress, to higher energies of love for better results. That is what we all must strive for, but we must look truthfully and honestly at events and not excuse those who have participated in less than righteous ways. The time is now and the choices are ours so we can avoid some of the prophecies that we are currently observing.
JD tells us why she selected the title The Veil Lifted and what is happening now to awaken many souls to the path ahead. She begins by explaining that from 2014 to January 2017 Jesus and several of His Apostles and prophets such as Moses, Samuel and others have come to her with messages to prepare for the days ahead. Climate change and catastrophic natural events have been given to her and over the past few years and right now, we have seen flooding on the Eastern Coast of the United States, by hurricane Sandy and hurricane Florence, storms and flooding in Florida, Puerto Rico, volcanic action in Hawaii and other parts of the world. These messages are eternal in nature…This book The Veil Lifted follows Prophecies as part of the Christ Consciousness: awareness of the internal interconnectedness of all life. Because man has been blind to what was given in Revelations of the New Testament Bible, we are now being enlightened to the coming catastrophic events in order to save as many people as will listen and act.
In this book God is pouring out his messages for people to evolve. The earth changes will come in the way of volcanic eruptions both dormant and active. Much of these changes started long ago but has been exacerbated through experimentation with the earth’s core by scientist’s perhaps in the hopes of healing climate changes. The process is speeding up. The polar shift has begun as the result of man’s quest for knowledge. It may not simply be climate change, we may be in the beginning of Revelations, according to JD’s channeling of messages. There are rumors of war and there will be wars and terrorist attacks both domestic and foreign, with catastrophic results in the way of famine, pestilence, death and economic collapse worldwide. Currency flow will cease worldwide, according to the downloading of messages that JD has received in hopes of helping us make changes that will minimize these many worldwide problems.
JD shares with us what we have to keep in mind as we read this book to understand the influence that is creating most of the serious destructive forces at play right now.
As you read this book keep in mind these points:
- The United Nations is the New World Order (NWO), but at the expense of marginalizing the cultural, national, and religious needs of such a diverse world and projecting certain realities that are good for some but not all. In Spirit we are all one energy but in the physical world, according to the laws of nature and man, we must live independently not competitively perhaps but cooperatively with respect for our personality differences and national needs. Biblical Rome who wanted to become the demonic dictators of the world can be likened to this New World Order that the globalists have sought to encourage.
- Russia, China and Middle Eastern leaders along with their allies also want to divide the world under their control.
- God has allowed America to come back into His arms as an example of our Constitutional freedom for all to emulate.
- God will defeat evil using earth changes as was done in Noah’s time, that man created.
- And last of all God isn’t punishing anyone. God is love. Mankind has created all that befalls humanity and God warned of this through Jesus. As in the past where the religious belief system of Man attempted to overpower those who had a spiritual motivation and understood the Christ Centered news or Christ consciousness that understood a loving heart could hear the inner voice. God looks at the heart first as opposed to the ego based mind (knowledge and experience) which many tend to value more physically, motivated values. After the devastation into the 22nd century we will live in the Christ Light or Consciousness of the Unseen Eternal world.
Some of the events that JD suggests won’t be evident to everyone because the media is focused on presenting propaganda of the United Nations New World Order and not broadcasting the facts that surround us worldwide. This can be seen by the many different books flooding the market and news reporting that are so opposite ended and can be seen as controversial. The chaos of war and earth changes will be spiritually and mundanely exacerbated by the many religious belief systems: however, a loving God will have the last word and many will find faith, goodness and trust once again in the beauty of both physical and spiritual life. This will lead to a New Beginning for humanity but many will suffer over the course of these changes. We can’t pray it away. Correct thinking behavior and action are called for.
JD says that God is not to blame for all that man manifests for he has created Universal Law and it has not been respected by enough people. God created Universal law to bring about balance, to overcome darkness that humanity has created through acts that aren’t for the greatest good of all. So it comes down to either being “selfish or selfless”. Universal Law will prevail. Universal Law is like the law of gravity. Gravity is invisible and it can be good, or it can affect us in negative ways depending on how we interact with it. God didn’t create gravity to harm people, but gravity is necessary to keep us from floating away from the planet’s surface. Universal Law is similar. It was put in place by God. “We reap what we sow, not to punish us, but for our own good.” When we have negative thoughts and emotions or we do negative acts it will, generally, come back on us essentially in a negative way to teach us there are spiritual consequences in physical form, for our thoughts feelings and actions.
JD Cross tells us that the Obama Presidency affected the Trump Administration and there are implications as a result of these very diverse policies and different philosophies in these changing times.
This is a message that JD downloaded on January 9, 2017 and it came from an ancient spiritual messenger of God, Moses. JD wrote “Much challenged the acts of deadlock. The Democrat’s remain in arms of anger. Will this change? In time, of acceptance with crimes and rebels coming from all directions and classes of ethnic groups. This has been seen in Moses’ days on the earth. It is times of despair and disorderly conduct. This anger between the House and Senate breeds hatred around the world. When they see that this disorderly conduct will be at their doorstep’s, their heads will turn in a direction to compromise in terms to agree with Trump’s policies, in order to better America and other world leaders. Ex-President Obama has a lot to do with disrupting the course for peace in the world and the US government. His smug attitude will carry on at Trump’s inauguration and thereafter. Obama is carrying to heart the changes to be implemented to his many past policies in what he considers his legacy. Yes, Obama stands firm with the United Nations New World Order and is loyal to the New World Order and will not lay down his guns to Trump. “
The earth, as has been said before, is shifting proportionally in a clockwise degree yet tilting on its axis with a plate that is cracked and its seams that need mending so as not to give further cause to its tilt. Nature has a way of taking care of this matter. It is not time for the earth to become extinct.
Sheryl says that we have seen these inevitable changes. President Trump is intent on making many changes to improve conditions that have brought our nation and world into decline over the past forty years. President Trump is efficient, a business man who wants results and solutions and works much faster than government officials who are limited by so many restrictions and protocols. Some we may assume are necessary, but many just stifle effective and efficient policy. Many people are disturbed by the changes President Trump has made in his cabinet, but it may be better to let someone go if they are not in alignment with his huge agenda and promises made during the campaign, than to waste even more time. Many people are afraid of change, and that’s why we find ourselves with so much to do now as too many important decisions were put on the back burner for fear of offending or unsettling either their parties or their plans for re-election. Who knows why the process has stalled, but it is refreshing and necessary to see people elected who will work for the people, rather than make money off lobbied groups, other governments, and corporations for deals that do not necessarily benefit the country and citizens. We are seeing much of that unfolding now and all these problems need to be corrected.
JD downloads from Moses these words in reference to what I just said. On January 18, 2018 she received this message, “There is much activity in your world, earth this day. The government leaders are all in a type of activity for the change in power of leadership from Obama to Trump. There is much alarm in the hearts of humanity in truly not knowing what to expect. There are many people that will contest and bring disruption for they have not accepted the good of the change to all areas of the governments around the world. The UK has increased their security due to threats received. The Muslims are and remain in a rebel takeover, causing disruption to alarm the people. The banking worldwide is truly a state of what we see as fear, negative beliefs that shall give great cause to their fall worldwide. They are all in levy of what the turn in the economy will have in the World Bank. My child, this system is so corrupt that its means is only to collapse in order to bring about change in its trade and market worldwide.”
Furthermore JD talks about many of the events that will happen in Africa, particularly there will be changes in leadership due to wars within wars: an outbreak of rebels acting on terrorist actions as there is much corruption occurring in these lands. She mentions many problems in Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Romania, Austria, Turkey, and Syria as they are not able to trust each other and are not working cooperatively.
The clock is ticking in alignment to all nations to behold the changes that restructures the worldwide economic market…these trade wars between the US and its foreign international nations is bigger than WWI and WWII.
Moses goes on to say to you “Change is inevitable among nations leaders and the United States shall be on a new journey, a course to unify that which is broken and
scattered with greed of power, leveling out the control to many leader’s hands will occur in time. What can be expected now is the beginning of a battle to undo corruptness, to reclaim freedom and liberty fought for by the people. “America can and is in place through the Will of thy Father.”
Sheryl says… JD You wrote this in 2017 and here we are almost at the end of 2018 and we are seeing the battle between the old and new: the Congress, FBI And CIA past administrators, fighting to keep control of polices that were seemingly unwise and unproductive for America and the world community, as this politically correct global system tries to hold on even though it appears to have been undermining many American constitutional values and the freedom of free speech: to disagree or make changes. Even by an election of a new President which the other side had resisted, obstructed at times with violence, and a Special Investigation brought about by those who later were shown to be inappropriate in their own responsibilities of office. These actions have not improved, but damaged all nations and still terrorism and lawlessness have been unleashed almost everywhere.
Moses goes on to say President Trump will experience politicians delaying cabinet members from being accepted and approved and this stifles efforts of the president. International foreign affairs are a great concern. There is no balance in the leaders of the nations in their thinking. Their mindset is working strictly in defense of their agenda, greed power and control. Trump will naturally seek to work around delays. His legal counsel and cabinet will have their hands full. All challenges by Russia, China, Japan and the Middle East will be quite trying in an attempt by them to gain greater position that hasn’t been given by previous administrations, there are also Globalists loyal to UN’s agendas throughout Congress and the Senate who want Trump out and want him set up for impeachment. Trump is trained in foreign protocols by having dealt with foreign countries in the private sector of business. President Trump has a tight mission to replace laws that have negative gain to positive gain and of course change is not easy. He will accomplish re-establishing positive over negative action .
Sheryl says she is happy to hear JD write “This is a new era, a beginning to restore freedom and renew the land and regain the US Constitution in liberty for all.”
Sheryl says In the new book she is finishing New Life Awaits in concern for the many problems our Nation and world faces in a meditation she received messages during a reading with President George Washington, who like Moses and Jesus, concerning his thoughts on the mission President Trump, the election and the direction our country needs to go. Our listeners can go to my website to the book link and read the epilogue and what was downloaded to Sheryl by our first president; a truly powerful universal soul.
JD writes , “There is always a shadow of darkness that travels with some people who do not connect to the divine force of God. “Trump is fighting these forces that want to bring him to his knees…..They will not succeed.” God prevails even if it means destruction to eliminate it. This yes means Mother Nature. God uses his Life Force to battle its “dark” energies.”
JD writes in bold print: “The UN is undermining the President of the United States, Trump. They will not back down but will be overthrown by Trump.” It is a battle. They are having an influence in trade and stock economically that affects the stock exchange. They are protecting financially their assets even if it is at the means of propping up their stock exchange worldwide.
JD and Bill want readers to take away with them after reading The Veil Lifted, “ There are two forces within creation that make up thy diverse universe and its galaxies. The positive and negative fields of energy are diverse in their creative force…time has come for humanity to know truths that God deems it to be known now and it is you.” JD and Bill are channels for this divine activity being revealed, issuing prophecy and leading the people to their beliefs to a new awakening. Jesus so tried to reveal its truths and change what mankind calls religion, that is no more than the beliefs. In its purest sense, God wishes us to be connected to the divine source of eternal life, love and compassion and end the separation that so many religions have forced upon us.
JD downloaded that “Trump is far from getting the support to run the United States and participate in the exchange of business with nations across the world. NOW, I must reinforce that Trump is in place of position by God and God shall see that he shall continue to enforce the liberty and truth for all humanity and return justice to government, on again, the United States not for personal gain and profit for the elite, but for all peoples to have opportunity of prosperity on earth. The UN will collapse. Its purpose is not that of freedom and liberty and shall be dismantled. Its original purpose to exist was broken many years ago. What the UN has become is of service to prosper itself, and to control the world under one government: a dictatorship that was not the plan to be done.”
The messages in this channeled book from Spirit imply and are interested in restoring fairness faith and trust in the Divine Plan for humanity to begin to restore harmony, balance, love, and peace. It can be done by letting go of so many problems and talking in terms of well being and honoring each other: not fueling the negative, rhetoric or anger of dissenting political and economic behaviors that demean and are deplorable. It is not people who are damaged and deplorable, but leaders who forsake their true nature as spiritual beings having a physical life who must move beyond blame anger denial to find fairness truth and justice in doing good for themselves and others, not out of greed and control impulses, but out of trust in a bigger divine plan that includes everyone.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” JD Cross and William Johnson in their downloaded messages from Moses, Jesus, Daniel, Samuel, Paul and other spiritual entities from the Divine realms share many truthful messages for these times: What is and What will be. Sheryl says that as a spiritual medium who resonates in the energy of both worlds, it is a great gift to know and be grateful that we are not alone, and though we face difficult challenges as a human population prone to believing what we have been told and failing often to make a very personal connection to God, much of this dysfunction has been brought into our lives through feelings of despair and thinking we have been forsaken. But JD downloads, “ What has been hidden for years will now be exposed in truth of who they are and what they are about in infrastructure.
JD, Bill and Sheryl are grateful to share the love and hopes of Spirit through these changing times and remind us all that the eternal nature of Life is indeed our divine destiny, but we must begin anew to think and love with our entire heart being, and then, and only then, will we create a better life for all people on this planet.