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Clearing Chakras Changing Beliefs Improving Life
- Nikki Gresham
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Welcome to Healing from Within with your host Sheryl Glick author of A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us that our challenges are not economic, political, or societal just a spiritual disconnect from our true being or soul wisdom. Sheryl is delighted to welcome Nikki Gresham Record author of Working with Chakras for Belief Change who is one of England’s spiritual healers as a chartered counseling psychologist and teacher of Reiki and Qigong.
As listeners of Healing from Within well know Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories of awakening recovering and exploring all aspects of our full multi-dimensional possibilities for creating and living our most purposeful and joyful life experience learning to use the many spiritual tools of our inner soul wisdom. It is in the remembrance of our deep connection to Universal Source and energy and how to merge this part of life with our mind-based ego reality physical world.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Nikki Gresham Record will share with us how to transform unhelpful beliefs through the clearing of the chakras which metaphysically are the wheels of light that connect us to the energy all around us and within us which are the true essence of our life force and connect to the issues we face in our daily physical life experiences. When the chakras are clear and healthy, we are able to raise our vibration to higher thinking for greater health prosperity and happiness. In finding ways to eliminate unhealthy beliefs and energies in our chakra system that take root in our subconscious or soul-based energy we are able to clear dysfunction and return to a state of well-being.
When Nikki is asked to remember her childhood and any issues that may have contributed to her lifestyle as an adult, she tells us to constantly felt aches and pains and was eventually diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus a serious autoimmune disease which she had for 18-19 years. She goes on to tell us that her spiritual awakening began when she hit rock bottom and had been unable to breathe properly for a few weeks with inflammation. At the time she had a 16-week-old baby and a 19-month-old toddler and desperate she called out to a higher force repeating, “I open myself to the healing energies of the universe. She had her first experience of energy or spiritual healing and became curious about the mind body and spirit connection. It was a five-year journey of healing to a full recovery which led Nikki to surrender to her full spiritual awakening—a three-hour emergence into a higher state of blissful pure loving consciousness. Nikki has had many experiences but it was there beyond all doubt that she knew she was connected to the infinite source of Love which she devoted herself to in that moment and decided to be of service to.
Sheryl says to Nikki that she thinks those like us born as Indigo Children or Change Makers and as empaths or sensitives engage with emotion and feelings at a level that can often make us experience health challenges as we are taking on the energies and experiences of those around us and indeed the chaos of the world. When intuiitves healers’ empaths finally understand the metaphysical aspects of soul potential they learn to manage and utilize their spiritual gifts to help themselves and others as indeed those in spirit are always guiding us and are well aware of the challenges, we have taken on in this particular life incarnation.
Sheryl wrote in her second book in the trilogy The Living Spirit, “As a practicing healer medium I am able through the channeling of energy and messages to help an individual or a group access their own soul being, leading them to know there is no separation between where we begin as energy beings and physical beings…As people discover their own energetic presence, they are able to perceive new thoughts about long term fears or limitations that have impeded their progress in a way that allows needed changes to be made…As we learn to feel and manage our energies and emotions, we increase our abilities to deal in a more effective way with all life’s experiences.”
Nikki reveals that we all have conditioning, we’re also all part of the collective consciousness and for a while now, the belief systems that we have shared have perpetuated our suffering. It’s so important now at this time of awakening we can align with the new energies connecting with the earth. Nikki came to realize our beliefs literally shape our reality and the became passionate through bringing belief to clients and witnessing the shifts. If we don’t believe healing or change is possible for example, and subscribe to one version of reality than that is all we can experience. Belief change is like opening a door to a new reality.
Shery says that Belief Change as well as recognition of who we are as spiritual beings having a physical life is what is needed now to deal with the corruption that had created many of the situations leading to the damage to our living planet and created so many health and mental health issues and a breakdown of virtue harming good living, destroying family life for so many and creating ecological and climate health and mental health problems affecting us globally as well as instigating a decline in human connectiveness and spiritual awareness of our complex nature as energetic and physical beings. This breakdown in government, economic, and political structures has led to dysfunction and corruption and may be the means to help us remember our higher values and to move beyond greed jealousy negative emotions feelings and actions and find once again the kind good beings we truly all are. It truly is a spiritual issue as we have moved away from knowing the true dual nature of life.
Changing ourselves and realigning to Universal Energy as a complete spiritual and physical oneness beyond duality and separation that mind group think has encouraged and past the misconceptions of an ego-based material-based life style will raise our vibration and that of the planet. We will begin to see miracles leading to immense progress good will and the restoration or creation of new systems that lead to positive actions.
Nikki goes on to say When we use the Healing Insight Method, she proposes we change our awareness our health and can bring our personality in line with our inner being. The inner being knows all that is possible and that we are infinite multi-dimensional beings playing with life in manifest form. We are creation, truly magical.
There are consequences of people holding onto their beliefs. If we stay stuck and live with what is giving our personal inner power or needs away to the collective the old paradigm, we become victims of the experience rather than creators of it. Many people do not move beyond, “what is” for fear of losing it all. When we take command of our own well-being, happiness and so on, by moving beyond other people’s judgment or concerns we grow expand and raise our own vibration or energy level.
Sheryl says everything changes no matter how hard one tries to hold on for change evolution and awakening is the urge of the soul and heart for which we are eternally programmed. We are programmed for individual awareness as we strive to come into alignment with “All that is” and always will be—the Creative Divine force of Universal Energy and life that is within us and which the chakra system responds to as it helps heal any past challenges.
When asked what role the chakras play in our beliefs Nikki claims not to know exactly how it works but as a practitioner is assisting in releasing blockages of energy thought or constriction and like most practitioners is able to read energy distortions that may reflect as pain and pick up information about dysfunction in life experiences emotions and help clients to perceive new valuable thoughts of clarity. Each chakra it seems carries an aspect of consciousness or life connection and responds to various nerves and organs in the physical body. Limiting or unfulfilled needs may create distortions in the energy chakras.
One of the people who have inspired Nikki’s work is Bruce Lipton She remembers a video which showed how the environment affects our genes for we are constant receivers of information from the environment. Nikki loved the concept that he offered that we each have our unique vibration in order to create white light or refined energy. Nikki really appreciates the new science along with spirituality by teachers like Joe Dispensa, David Hamilton. Rupert Sheldon as well as Eckhardt Tolle. Nikki tells us that her husband was very into the Law of Attraction when she met him while she was busy working hare focusing on” doing”. He was aligned to love a nice home and family new job through his asking and being. He was doing a great job working with the Law of Attraction and the Universe.
Nikki Gresham has developed a unique transformational process called “Healing Insight.” How does your process work? Nikki tells us it utilizes the spiritual process of Qigong and principles of wuji—emptiness. It uses movement, focused intention upon the desired belief and the process of allowing and acceptance as you activate each hemisphere of the brain, reprogramming the subconscious mind, so you release the resistance and realign vibrationally, the beliefs. There is a head and gut procedure, so you end up really going inward, releasing and becoming a vibrational match to the new belief—aligning with the inner being and putting us in the flow. We then end up responding differently, shifting our perceptions thoughts and feelings. Nikki also shows us how we can muscle test for confirmation of the shifts but also to test through the many beliefs to see where blockages are held in the chakras
Nikki tells us she wrote this book Working with Chakras for Belief Changes because she is aware that it is time for us to heal on a massive level as we are awakening and just no longer know how to deal with things when the pain and stuckness surfaces. People are finally ready. Nikki knew she had to move beyond time for money and material success to reach more people.
This book as indeed all metaphysical books and concepts are for anyone who is willing to take the time to surrender to the light within and let go of what is not part of that great wisdom of the soul and universal source. It’s about disempowerment from the circumstances of the physical world the thoughts and control by others to empowerment and to choosing and creating your own beautiful life.
Sheryl believes that souls are guided to the teacher’s practitioners and methods that best serve their soul journey at any given time. Nothing is random and there are many approaches to reach this state of higher awareness and consciousness so no one ideology or spiritual method is better than another and all patterns of self-investigation allows us to master our emotions leading us to peace harmony balance and the most beautiful lives possible.
The message Nikki would like to share with those who read her new book is, “You are whole, beautiful you are Light. While we have layers of conditioning that is not who we are, we’re not our stories, our illnesses, our past, we’re not who other people tell us we are…and healing is indeed possible beyond any limitation or challenge. Nikki suggests to be courageous and to take the reins to start trusting and steering ourselves in the direction that most serves our life plan and unique destiny. As we raise our vibration to love we change the collective consciousness and create more white light and share it with all.
We thank Nikki Gresham Record for sharing a beautiful bool with a clear understanding of our spiritual energy system, the chakras or wheels of light that support our physical and spiritual life and connection to Universal Source. Her book is well done artistically with cards and charts to aid you in mastering your own energy awareness.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing from Within” we have shared the lifetime and soul time journey of an amazing dedicated consistently mindful person’s exploration of life both in spiritual and in terms of the changes individuals and world communities are experiencing at the present time in human history.
As we are awakening to the possibilities and probabilities of our potential as spiritual beings having a physical life we recognize the ability to create and manifest heaven on earth plays a role in the unfolding of the Grand Plan of human evolution and though we are all on different life journey’s it becomes easier to accept that people perceive life in the way that best serves their destiny and we stop trying to control them. As a soul healer and soul sister to Nikki and those of us who have already learned the truth of allowing accepting and surrendering to all that is both here in the physical realm and beyond, the words truth healing and living as the loving beings we are and discovering the courageous souls we have always been are within our combined energetic and phyiscal form. As empaths Nikki and I know what one person feels affects us all so it is our calling or choice to be in alignment with the higher realms of life and creation, as well as to find ways to better understand the differences and similarities of all our living brothers and sisters who all yearn to transform negative fearful feelings to positive joyful and healthy expressions of life even if they are not yet actively aware of that desire for change.
Nikki and Sheryl hope each and every one listening follows their heart instincts, become slow to worry and anger, appreciate all the people around you and find work and leisure time activities that will encourage well-being allowing you to be evermore grateful for this gift of life.
I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and author of the trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening and invite you to visit my website to read and listen to authors and leaders in the metaphysical field share their thoughts about our changing reality even as we seek to know who we are and what life is all about? The answers we find are there within us and we are complicated beings of immense potential to love and learn. Shows may also be heard on and