Internet Radio Show
Connections from the Heart
- Ronna Prince
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In today’s episode of Healing from Within your host, Sheryl Glick welcomes Ronna Prince, who has produced a featured film, a new documentary which features bestselling authors, indigenous elders, scientists, and spiritual leaders who reveal the science spirit and healing power of the heart. Furthermore, the film Sacred Journey of the Heart reveals how modern science is converging with ancient spiritual traditions to create a new level of health and emotional development by many alternative and some ancient wisdom healing methods. Leaders in the field of science medicine and spirituality including Dr. Donald Backstrom, Gregg Braden, Dr. Rolin McCraty, Colin Tipping, Deborah Rozman, and others who present their ground-breaking understandings of the interconnectedness of all of life.
As many of us are learning, life is a matter of the heart as we begin to understand our deepest need to love more forgive ourselves and any circumstance that caused pain or dysfunction and to see the main reason for a physical life is to learn compassion and to connect to our higher selves, spirit, each other and the universe. A mature heart and soul offer us the tools to understand energy, creation, and manifestation of our higher thought processes so we may master our emotions and physical challenges to create a better life for ourselves and those we share our life with.
Ronna Prince, who is the producer of this film, is an intuitive counselor, coach, song writer and a guide to sacred sites around the world. She guides clients though the process of transition and creating a new reality that aligns with each person’s unique talents and dreams. A certified Radical Forgiveness Coach, an aura-some practitioner and licensed teacher of the Institute of HeartMath.
Ronna Prince shares the story of her dysfunctional earlier family life and long term sexual abuse by a father who was a respected member of the community-a Deacon in the church. Even when Ronna disclosed the abuse no one came to her aid. That was in the 70’s and while there is today more discussion of these aberrant practices, it is still going on and boys and girls are being wounded at the deepest level of their souls by such unnatural and criminal actions. Ronna and Sheryl both hope that by disclosing matters that have been hidden for centuries and which have damaged so many souls that people must begin to intercede where they feel such conditions are present. Educators, doctors, social workers, family members, everyone, must speak up and find the right agencies that will intercede…the time for denial and hiding is long gone….We will try to protect the innocent, our children and our neighbors children. Perpetrators will be held accountable. Ronna does go on to say that because of sexual abuse she sought many healing methods to help her deal with anxiety, fear, depression, and low self-esteem and through her own healing journey has been able to help many others. Spiritually speaking that was her life plan, but physically speaking we realize the extreme consequences to the injured party and will fight to limit the effects of such behavior. Ronna has thankfully found peace and forgiveness within herself which has freed her and allowed her to have her own loving family.
It is now known that heart the single is most powerful organ in the body and scientists and researchers are confirming that the heart literally sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. Dr. Rolin McCraty, one of the presenters in the movie, suggests “It’s not even a close competition. We do have the capacity to change patterns and start making more responsible choices…one of the fastest ways to do that is to get the heart and the brain working together”. Sheryl suggests that the brain representing our ego based physical life must work in conjunction with the heart-based or soul energetic patterns of life to achieve a more functional, balanced, physical and spiritual life.
Another presenter in the film, Dr. Donald Backstrom, in a 2002 study said “ We are literally connected to each other and if you are standing next to me your heartbeats would be registered in my brain and my heartbeats would be registered in your brain.” Sheryl would assume, as she is an empath and picks up many feelings and thought processes of others, that by using this understanding of connection to all people, we might assess and make good choices that would be best for our development. However, many more people need to be alerted to these life altering discoveries and this film, with the many new ideas it offers, attempts to do just that.
Mary Morissey, another presenter in Ronna’s movie, says “to learn to live from the heart doesn’t just change our feeling about life, it actually changes our life” and Dr. Joe Dispenza says “When the heart begins to open we see a whole new landscape…we see possibilities, we begin to fall in love with what we are creating”. Sheryl believes that when we put all of these facts together, we begin to understand the power of our inner knowing from the heart and then we start to function from our personal needs and realize that outside influences and the opinions of others are of little concern to what we really need to do in our daily lives in order to create wholeness new thinking, perceptions and actions so we may have abundance, health, and joy in our daily pursuits.
During the making of this film, powerful changes were observed for many people involved in the project such as the director, Skip Thomas, who was diagnosed with cancer during the editing. Listening to Ronna discuss these life altering awareness’ gives us a new understanding of the power of the heart to heal. The heart can help consciously create a harmonic resonance with all those around you as well as well as with earth, itself. The key for creating this harmonic resonance begins with each individual learning more about themselves and what brings them peace joy and happiness. Creating the best version of themselves by developing their interests and talents and attending to their own well-being is first and foremost. Each of us must release the patterns and wounds of our childhood or past experiences. By being kind and attentive to others and assisting them should they need it, you create an atmosphere of sharing, respect and honoring each person’s path or journey, without judgment, without needing to restrict anyone from what it is they need to learn or do. It means becoming an observer and engaging only in activities or situations that are for your highest good. If you resonate in a peaceful energy within yourself, you will project that to the others around you and as we are all connected of course at the heart level, the chances for greater cooperation rather than friction will become a reality.
Ronna felt it important to share the wisdom of indigenous elders in her film as they function purely from the traditions of their ancestors and a time when we were all connected to the natural cycles of the earth’s life force. Their wisdom and experience are respected by those who realize that not everything can be found in the written word, in the technological world of communicating via the internet, but still must be found in the heart and in the traditions that have evolved over the course of our human development.
Ronna and Sheryl have discussed the healing power of the heart for our personal well-being and for creating a worldwide community of enlightened highly awakened and conscious human beings who wish to remember and fulfill our individual and collective destiny as spiritual beings having a physical life. The refinement of the energy of our soul and the clarification of the intentions of our hearts when merged with our minds or physical ego based lives, ultimately bring about a shift in human consciousness that was foretold throughout history by ancient mystics, spiritual teachers, religious leaders, and those who love and value life and living cooperatively with their neighbors for the benefit and highest good of all. A heart based life will bring the universe, which resides in each of our hearts, to resonate with the light and intensity of goodness, kindness, and then the world and all the people will see great changes in all areas of life.