Internet Radio Show
Conquering Trauma Stress and Chronic Illness
- Cyndi Dale
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Welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick RMT author of the final book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit to show us our challenges are not economic political or societal but a disconnect from our inner energetic soul wisdom and connection to each other and all life. Sheryl is delighted to welcome Cyndi Dale author of Energy Healing for Trauma Stress and Chronic Illness who will share with us that most illness is a result of thought based fears and intentions and if we change that we can heal and manifest our best reality.
As listeners of Healing From Within have come to expect over the years Sheryl and her intuitive compassionate guests share intimate insights in the true nature of physical and energetic life in an effort to truly understand human and divine qualities and the way we may merge the best of both realities for creating and manifesting health, peace, prosperity, and more loving relationships for a happier, compassionate and loving life journey.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within, Cyndi Dale who is the author of 28 books on energy medicine intuition, and spirituality, will share an understanding of trauma and stress and why it is so important to consider the subtle inner causes of trauma rather than only the physical causes. We will discuss the energy of disease and how fear and our thought processes encourage illness to thrive and then suggest how to make changes that can heal illness and these same fearful limitations.
Trauma is related to stress. Cyndi says “To understand what trauma is we must understand what makes forces destructive or harmful and that is not the energies themselves, but whether or not they’re compatible with our original energetic signature. This is our master energetic code, the culmination of everything unique about our body, mind, and soul. This signature determines what external energies will nourish us or harm us, whether they enter during life events, through food or other physical substances, or as subtle feelings and thoughts. Whether we’re facing a one-time crisis or an ongoing challenge, we’ll be able to respond to the energies that match our original energetic signature, and we’ll react negatively to those that don’t.
Cyndi defines “trauma as the damage caused by the initial disruptive, incompatible force, which is delivered from outside of ourselves. Because trauma is inflicted outside to inside, it must be healed the same way. We require help from another person, living being, or even a spiritual guide or the Spirit. Beyond that initial trauma, there is the damage caused by secondary energies or secondary forces. These secondary energies or forces are created from within, during our system’s physical and energetic response to the initial trauma. If they aren’t addressed, they remain “stuck” in our body and our energy systems, continuing to cause more harm—harm that, over time, most often manifests as chronic illness or other ongoing challenges. Because these secondary energies are self-generated and harm us from the inside, they must also be energetically healed from the inside. I’ll provide you with insights and techniques that will allow you to accomplish this deep inner metamorphosis.”
The differences between….and also the inter-personal relationships between physical and subtle causes of trauma can be observed. Cyndi gives us an overview of how incompatible energy not only harms us during a traumatic event, but also keeps adversely affecting us over time if we don’t address it. Now we’re going to unpack some of the key concepts Cyndi introduced, including our subtle energy anatomy (and how it relates to our physical anatomy), our original energetic signature, forces and how they operate, and how our physical and energetic responses to trauma can lay the foundation for chronic illnesses, including autoimmune disorders.
Energy has two components: information and movement. The information is the programming that tells something what to be. For instance, the information within your morning java tells your coffee to be coffee. If you alter that information, that coffee might change—maybe it goes from dark roast to light roast; perhaps it becomes a cup of tea. The energy of everything in this universe also vibrates or moves. Even something as hardcore as a solid object is actually vibration, or waves of frequency. The two types of vibration are light and sound. These core units of energy are differentiated by the rates of their vibrations. We know what color something is by its vibration; we can tell the difference between a dog’s bark and a cat’s meow in the same way.
When we adjust an object’s vibration, it changes. Vibrationally, we are modifying reality all the time.
Governed by the laws of classical science, physical energies are measurable and respond to concrete actions. Subtle energy, on the other hand, can’t always be measured and operates according to different rules, or the lack of them. There are many other names for subtle energy, such as psychic, spiritual, and mystical. I like the word subtle because it best describes the nature of these slippery, sly, and stupendous energies, which are explained by quantum science. Quanta are the smallest units of reality. There are various types of quanta, including quarks, tachyons, and gluons. The truth is, we don’t really know how many types of quanta exist because of the unique ways they operate. For instance, in the quantum world, an object doesn’t exist unless it’s observed. If two particles meet, they forever remain entangled, or interconnected. They will continue to affect each other, even when thousands of miles apart.
Quantum laws actually underlie classical science’s rules of energy’s behavior. Quanta aren’t concrete unless voted into reality consciously, and neither is the material world. Everything around you? Most of it is empty space; the objects in it are determined by the appearance and disappearance of quanta, or subtle energies, which are made of infinitesimally small, vibrating strings of energy. As Albert Einstein once said, “Matter is simply slowed-down energy waves that vibrate at different frequencies, all occupying mainly empty space.”
It is important to consider the subtle causes of trauma rather than only the physical causes. If you were to ask an anatomy professor where your liver is, they’d point to a specific spot on the right side of your upper abdomen. But ask a Chinese medical practitioner and they’d point to many different places in your body. That’s because in traditional Chinese medicine, as in other Asian and indigenous healing modalities, the liver organ is merely the visible component of a much vaster, albeit invisible, structure. Most of us have been educated about our physical anatomy, at least to some degree. Its components can be grouped into three major categories: organs, channels, and electromagnetic fields. The organs include the liver, heart, and spleen. The channels include the lymph and cardiovascular vessels. Every part of your body, including the tiniest atoms in your cells, generates electricity, which in turn creates fields made of electricity, magnetism, or electromagnetism. Most of these fields add up to a collection of electromagnetic fields (EMFs), or fields of light, that is the self. So, in a way, you’re a giant light bulb field.
Less well known is our body’s subtle anatomy. It’s formed from the same three constituents as the physical—organs, channels, and fields—but the components are more interactive and powerful. The most influential subtle organs are the chakras, or energy centers. Every chakra regulates and impacts a region of the physical body and its related functions. It also regulates a set of psychological and spiritual tasks. When they’re humming along, chakras convert physical energies into subtle energies and vice versa. This means that chakras register what happens to you not just physically and materially, but also emotionally, mentally, verbally, and spiritually. They also serve as mini brains for your body, deciding how you’ll respond to stimuli.
Cyndi and Sheryl give an example of someone being traumatized physically and also subtly. It is very important to understand why we do better with some people and their energies than others. Since our original energetic signature is programmed into our bodies during conception, allowing for life to begin, we begin immediately to interact with both physical and subtle energies that aren’t always constructive for us. Much of the time, we adapt. We absorb and process beneficial energies and neutralize debilitating energies. But if the absorbed energies are extremely detrimental or we are chronically exposed to incompatible energies, the following can occur:
We can’t personalize our decisions.
When we can’t relate to our original energetic signature, we can’t figure out what is good for us.
We flail about, unable to select anything from healthy foods to uplifting relationship partners.
If we are not in alignment to our soul life journey and destiny and do not remember who we are or why we are having a physical life in the first place, we often make mistakes and take detours from our original energetic signature, wasting time and harming our body and subtle energies which then need to be restored to well -being.
Sheryl says “Long ago when she was a young woman a man approached her and a thought floated through her head, “I don’t think so!” Now she knows it was a flash of intuition or subtle energy imprinted by a thought energy to save her from suffering in a limited relationship, one not of her own energy signature. But like most of us we don’t pay attention to this divine help until often years down the road when we are able to understand more about the physical and spiritual realms and discover ways that we are being guided to fulfil our original soul purpose or mission, as well as live an interesting physical life gathering experiences.”
Cyndi says that there are subtle or invisible energies carried in on “forces” that cause most of our trauma. She gives us some examples (Environmental, physical, verbal, digital, spiritual?)
All Challenges Are Energy Based. Energy is information that moves, and it comprises absolutely everything, including both the tangible and intangible aspects of ourselves. Energy underlies every life disrupter and resulting hardship—physical, psychological, and spiritual. It also underlies every good thing in life and the resulting joy and peace—physical, psychological, and spiritual. This means that powerful changes can occur if we work on an energetic level to fix them. To understand how, you first need to know that there are two types of energy: physical and subtle. Most healing processes, such as the use of prescription medicine, specific diets, physical therapies, simple cognitive processes, and even the old adage “Time heals all wounds” are based on physical energy. The physical universe certainly counts when we’re working toward alleviating our adversities.
In fact, there are biological reasons why our body requires (but also resists) healing, and there are physical energy modalities that support healing. The key to freedom from physical and subtle complexities, however, often lies in the other energetic domain—that of subtle energy. Subtle energies—also called psychic, intuitive, and quantum energies—are inseparable from the material self. They aren’t just some mystical phenomena that float around haphazardly. They actually underpin and organize physical reality, including your physical body.
In Sheryl Glick’s second book in a trilogy, The Living Spirit: Answer for Healing and Infinite Love, Sheryl addresses the many subtle energy techniques available to balance the mind, body, and spirit, which is true healing. Sheryl writes “For years, the metaphysical community has predicted a tremendous shift in human consciousness, and it is happening now. More than ever, people are feeling the need to rediscover their life’s purpose, and the economic downturn in recent years has given many the freedom, opportunity, and necessity to change their lives and work. Energy healing—including Reiki, Healing Touch, Reflexology, Chiropractic Adjustments, Acupuncture, Massage and Body Work, Rolfing, Polarity, Trager, Chromotherapy, Radionics, Alexander, Bioenergetics, Feldenkrais, Deep Tissue Work, Osteopathic Manipulation, and other modalities—has become one of the fastest growing fields of complementary health care, and it is part of Sheryl’s healing mission to help healers develop their God-given gifts.”
Cyndi proposes that very specific subtle energies are the main causes of chronic illness and other intractable challenges. During a crisis, we’re hit with a type of subtle energy called “forces.” Any of the six vital forces—environmental, missing, modern, physical, psychological, and spiritual—can create problems during the crisis itself, but it’s the stress response set off by the forces that can eventually lead to chronic illness and other lingering hardships. As we continue to be afflicted by the original forces, those forces trigger mechanisms within us that surround the wounded self (the aspect of our psyche most afflicted by the traumatic event) in a bubble of shock. Unless this wounded self is freed from the shock bubble, it will continue to suffer in darkness, triggering new energetic responses that cause even more damage.
An example….Maureen was a sixty-year-old high school teacher suffering with constant fatigue, aches and pains, arrhythmia (an erratic heartbeat), lung infections, depression, anxiety, and uncontrollable moods. By the time she came to me, she’d already been to dozens of medical doctors. Their diagnoses included an autoimmune disorder, hormonal imbalances, and idiopathic pain, which basically means “pain we don’t know the cause of.” Her holistic practitioners had suggested she had Lyme disease, leaky gut syndrome, past-life challenges, mold infections, and more. The treatments she’d tried included a mild form of chemotherapy, cognitive therapy, vitamin supplements, and hypnosis. I could tell that lying deep inside Maureen were problematic energies that had never been addressed and cleared; in fact, there was an aspect of Maureen’s self that was locked away, trapped in these energies, unable to become free and healthy. It wasn’t hard to identify the events that put these energies in place: over a few months in her childhood, Maureen had undergone one catastrophe after another. A tornado had wiped out her family’s farm. Soon after, her father had died from a heart attack. Her mother then developed a serious mold infection in her lungs and began losing control of her emotions, often yelling at the kids. Maureen was still experiencing the suffering she’d been through during that horrific period of her childhood because the energies associated with those events were still present and active, not just in her physical body, but also in her energy anatomy. Beyond that initial trauma there is the damage caused by secondary energies or secondary forces. These secondary energies or forces are created from within, during our system’s physical and energetic response to the initial trauma. If they aren’t addressed, they remain stuck in our body and our energy systems, continuing to cause more harm—harm that, over time, most often manifests as chronic illness or other ongoing challenges.
Because these secondary energies are self-generated and harm us from the inside, they must also be energetically healed from the inside. I’ll provide you with insights and techniques that will allow you to accomplish this deep inner metamorphosis. When I looked at Maureen’s conditions from an energetic point of view, I could see that her physical and subtle energy anatomies had been compromised and traumatized by forces that greatly mismatched her original energetic signature. Because no one had been available to help her grieve and recover from the traumatic childhood events, the aspects of her that had been traumatized and encased within a shock bubble had never been freed. Meanwhile, the original force and its energetic effects had been absorbed into both her body and energy systems, where they lingered, morphed, and began damaging her physical and subtle anatomies from the inside, eventually triggering a chronic illness. She needed help to heal both outside to inside and inside to outside.
In Cyndi’s bio it says she is a favored teacher and healer for China. She tells us about her interest and work in China and her view of our conflicts at the present with China.
Your mind, body, soul, and spirit are all different aspects of your total self. These are basically Eastern Paradigms so health issues and all challenges are not just symptom based as in Western medicine. Cyndi defines your soul as the aspect of you that moves across time and lifetimes, gathering experiences. She believes that the soul can be supportive or unintentionally destructive in terms of your well-being and how you address the energies of challenge.
Your spirit differs from your soul. It is your spiritual essence, the aspect of you knowingly connected to what I call the Spirit. (You may call it by whatever name you use—God, the Divine, the Universe, Allah, the Goddess, your Higher Power, the All, or something else.) Your spirit gives you the most vital and accurate information about which energies are helpful and supportive for you and which are not. It embodies your original energetic signature. The idea of having (or being) a unique energetic signature isn’t only a metaphysical concept; it is also a scientifically valid truth. For instance, every human heart exhibits an exclusive biometric so individualized that wearable technology devices are now employing a person’s heartbeat as their password.
Covid figures into the concept of our inner and outer worlds and how it has affected so many people beyond the actual virus to incorporating an inner traumatic fear, connected to life and death itself. Sheryl says that after recovering from covid and knowing the disease through its many symptoms, she wasn’t’ quite sure why as an energy healer she had even needed to experience it. But of course, like everything in life, nothing is random, and Sheryl was to find out exactly why she needed to have it. Never believing the hype and horror that was being projected on television during the beginning of the plague, she knew like any virus it could be overcome. Months down the road she interviewed another energy worker who told her that at the beginning of the pandemic, this healer had been unable to work on anyone with covid as the energy was toxic to her throat and lungs and she wasn’t able to break through the toxic force field. After contracting the disease at the cellular level and when she recovered, her energy healing techniques could be used to break through the energy field of covid. Sheryl realized that she was able to send distant healing reiki to many hospitalized patients with covid after having conquered the disease within her own body.
People can “catch” the energy of and illness and get the symptoms- without “catching” the actual ailment or virus. Sheryl says that our energy system can absorb the energy of other people places and even thought systems as every field and corresponding chakra also emanates energy into the world. The decisions about what energies to bring in and keep out are complicated, but they are basically established by past life, childhood, and cultural programming, as well as one’s original energetic signature. The auric fields outside of the physical body can absorb energies that don’t touch your skin. They can also attune to another’s thoughts, feelings, or even the memories of that person’s previous experiences. They can even absorb the subtle effects of a physical blow to a person standing near you or the subtle effects of children bursting into giggles. In general, the energy of whatever happens around or to you, can make its way to the auric field that matches the frequency of that event, and, depending on the programming of that field, bring those energies straight into its related chakra, as each chakra is related to different aspects of your physical life. as well as your body.
All challenges are energy challenges. Now, their feelings get stuck within you, lowering your immune system and creating more depression or anxiety. Whether or not your interaction with the virus involves more than the natural environmental transfer, secondary forces can create complications for healing.
We can pick up on others’ anxiety and thus become injured by an emotional force. We might become connected to dark entities that propel us into fright, and thus we’re bonded to this virus through a spiritual force. We might become scared because of the news media, and thus be afflicted with a modern, or digital, force. In the end, we might find some part of ourselves hovering as a wounded self within a shock bubble. Toward that end, to really deal with and recover from the virus, we must uncover this self, invite grieving, and provide protection.
Viruses are unique in that they are attached to some external form of energy. Suffice it to say that from an energetic point of view, it is necessary to release these attachments in order to disempower the virus.
One of the most imperative concepts to grasp is of having an original energetic signature. This is your central governing code. We want our physical and subtle energies to match rather than conflict with this key code. How might this idea apply to the existence of, and fall-out from, the pandemic?
Consider the fact that there are many physical factors that determine who might be most affected by the virus or not. As said, these include age- and health-related functions. Smokers will most likely become sicker than non-smokers, and so on. What if one of the issues is our original energetic signature? If our signature is less viable and blurrier, if there are “gaps” or lots of spaces between our signature and our organic functions, we might be more vulnerable to the virus.
Cyndi might like readers of Energy Healing for Trauma Stress and Chronic Illness to take away with them after reading this book that when people with chronic illnesses and challenges come to me, they usually tell me similar stories. They’ve addressed their problems in a wide variety of ways, including various branches of allopathic medicine, psychotherapy, and complementary and alternative medicine practices, and maybe they’ve experienced a certain degree of healing or relief, but something is still missing. They may not know what it is, but something is keeping them from feeling the way they want to feel—the way they know, deep in their hearts, they could feel—whether that’s happy or comfortable, safe or loved, whole or free, something is keeping them from healing to their original energy signature. The piece they’re missing is energy—or, more specifically, subtle energy. In our work together, Cyndi introduces them to the unseen but very powerful energies that govern everything in our world, including us. Together, we look at the various parts of their subtle anatomy, including the invisible centers, fields, and pathways within and around our physical body, and how these parts have been or are being affected by subtle energies. I show them how, very often, the unaddressed energetic damage from traumatic stressors and our subtle anatomy’s response to them eventually manifests in the physical body as chronic illnesses, which include autoimmune disorders. It can manifest on the physical level as other chronic challenges, too, such as addictions, learning disabilities, behavioral concerns, or recurring psychological, emotional, or relationship patterns that don’t seem to shift no matter how they’re addressed. Together, my clients and I uncover the subtle energies of trauma, the energies involved in the stress response the trauma has triggered, and the energies underpinning their chronic illnesses and challenges. Then we work with their subtle anatomy and other, more helpful energies to move them toward the healing they seek.
We thank Cyndi Dale author of Energy Healing for Trauma Stress and Chronic Illness for sharing a lifetime of insights into the world of energy medicine and a clearer view of how to use this awareness to heal and harness the power of Universal Truths so people can shed fear and immerse themselves in a channel of oneness and unity to all life and to raising our vibration to a higher level of consciousness.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within,” Cyndi Dale has shown with clarity how trauma experienced often in childhood may manifest down the road in illness dysfunction auto immune disease, how we might whether the case of a new virus like covid, to create conditions that impact our level of happiness, joy, and well being, and feeling incomplete or alone. We have come to know that by healing our deep-seated challenges, we emerge as the burnished ember of goodness that we really are, ready to contribute our unique light into the world. We all have the strength to live with trauma and challenges that evolved from any trauma.
Cyndi and Sheryl believe that you’re ready to heal, and to engage life as the magnificent soul being you are complete with courage and hope to improve yourself and our world.
Cyndi wrote, “Before you embark on your own healing adventure, let me share a few additional insights that I’ve gleaned from my years of working with clients. First, the healing you’ll be doing will be deep, and deep healing frequently takes time. Your chronic illnesses and challenges didn’t develop overnight, and they usually don’t disappear overnight either. While I have seen people experience sudden and dramatic improvements as they work with subtle energy, other changes happen gradually. Sometimes you make what you regard as a great leap forward, and then nothing seems to happen for a time. Please trust that however your healing unfolds, it will do so on exactly the schedule that is ideal for you. Second, subtle energy healing is a piece usually missing from our overall healing efforts. It is not a replacement for other pieces, such as allopathic care or other forms of complementary care. The effects of trauma and our responses to it are multifaceted, and your approach to healing needs to be multifaceted too. Sometimes subtle energy healing can help conventional treatments work more effectively; sometimes conventional treatments are needed to set the stage for successful subtle energy work. Don’t deny yourself the benefits of medicine or medical advice or the support of well-trained therapists or practitioners. If you do, you’re just leaving out other important pieces of your healing. Finally, know that you’re not alone,”
Cyndi and Sheryl might hope you look at any perceived illness or challenge as an opportunity to learn more about who you really are as a spiritual being experiencing at the moment a physical life and then begin to remember that perhaps you created this supposed illness or trauma for your soul to rise above it to greater awareness love compassion for yourself and life. Don’t think in terms of good or bad. Think in terms of the eternal subtle nature of life itself and that thought alone may set you free.
Sheryl Glick, host of “Healing From Within” author of her newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which hopes to awaken in readers knowledge of Universal Energetic Laws and the support we have from Spirit most especially in these changing and challenging times invites you to her website to read about and listen to leaders and visionaries in the fields of metaphysics science spirituality medicine law and the arts and science as we seek greater awareness of the true nature of all life.