Internet Radio Show
Conversations on Technology, Time Travel, ET’s, Consciousness and Reality
- Hillary Raimo
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Welcome to “Healing From Within.” I am your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit a story of spiritual awakening, spiritual communication, healing alternative energies, miracles and ways to know or perceive yourself, the world and life in expansive ways. Today I am delighted to welcome Hillary Raimo award winning photographer artist writer and radio show host and author of The Hillary Raimo Show Transcripts
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate experiences and insights in the hopes of broadening our awareness and understanding of multi-dimensional aspects of our energetic and physical life in the hopes of improving the quality of human development, personally and collectively. We discuss topics that awaken our subconscious memories of Universal Life or the eternal soul living force and possibilities for reaching higher realms of consciousness.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Hillary Raimo who is a combination of healer journalist and spiritual leader with the perfect combination of left brain intellect and right brain intuition shares interviews with many leaders, visionaries and change makers who help us see the world and ourselves as much more than a physical being.
Sheryl asks Hillary how the experience for so many years of talking with many of the important news makers risk takers earth shakers and ground breakers on the planet changed her own nature or perceptions of reality or did she perhaps much like them just enjoy the openness of their observations and the energy of their soul brilliance?
Hillary responds that it was a great privilege and joy to bring to the public information and events that had been concealed by government and media as much goes on behind the surface that takes time to reach out into the world but eventually in time much is revealed and Hillary and her guests talked about subjects that may not have been mainstream at that time.
Sheryl interjects her feelings and appreciation for hosting a radio show for eight years by saying that the many topics she has explored as host of “Healing From Within” have Ma healing and to this end I have interviewed some of the most incredible metaphysical experts, religious leaders and open-minded medical professional at work today. The knowledge these guests have provided me with has greatly expanded my awareness and improved my own practice.”
Many of us know that change must happen and can be desirable and necessary yet so many people fear and fail to change even when provided with opportunities from the Universe to do just that. Fear like every other emotion serves a purpose and if confronted can allow us to overcome past restrictions and limitations and to grow personally.
Sheryl says….Fear of not being in control or able to handle the consequences and challenges of finding new solutions or ways to do things keeps most people stuck in obscurity, not allowing them to explore their spiritual gifts and find greater happiness peace prosperity and success. In her book The Living Spirit Sheryl addressed this and wrote, “Many choose to believe its life circumstances that are at the root of the destruction of so many fine plans, intentions and opportunities. I believe it is the perception of limitation and self-doubt not our circumstances which destroys dreams and thwarts wonderful ideas. What I call The Law of Attraction is a universal energetic truth of creating our own reality by bringing to us the people and circumstances that our mind and actions generate. What we focus our thoughts time and energy on—whether knowingly or unknowingly, whether positively or negatively, whether lovingly or hatefully—sets up a ripple of interaction with other people places and events that ultimately brings these possibilities into reality. The thought begins on an energetic mental level and sometimes proceeds after days, months or years into a manifestation of a concrete reality. We can observe that in addition to our ability to heal and change certain patterns that separate us from our natural state of well being, difficult and tragic events are occasionally the precursors of taking a soul to the next level of their development.” Therefore change is necessary and often good
When asked to select one of the interviews documented in the book and to tell us about the importance and relevance to the changes we are experiencing worldwide at the present time Sheryl says she herself liked the story of Dr. Steven Greer who Hillary met on one of his expeditions to Mt Shasta in Northern California in 2010. At the time Hillary was exploring the world of UFO’s alien agendas and Ufology in general on her show. Some of the perspectives at the time focused on the fact we needed to protect our world from aliens who may be a threat. Dr. Greer was teaching a new story: that of off- world intelligences actually being friendly and seeking our cooperation. Dr Greer is an American physician UFOlogist and founder of the Orion Project and the Disclosure Project. In 1990 he founded the center for the study of extraterrestrial intelligence know as CSETI. Dr. Greer also teaches the use of meditation techniques that he claims allow attendees to remote view locations and times, both past and present and develop what he calls cosmic consciousness and supernatural abilities such as precognition.
Dr. Greer goes on to tell of an encounter he had when he was eighteen years old in North Carolina while hiking on a mountaintop path. He says he had a shared experience on this craft and sort of procreated this concept of how humans could contact them using consciousness and expanded awareness and remote viewing. Where you see distant places in space and see into the future not just the past and present. Hillary asked Dr Greer to speak about the quickening of disclosure events. We have reports of UFO’s in China Manhattan El Paso, Texas. The UN has recently assigned an extraterrestrial Commission. Dr. Greer goes on to say at around the time of 9/11 there were about 110 people working on top secret military and intelligence and corporate aerospace people and now there are over 550. Since that time massive releases of files from the French space agency , Japan and the
ministries of defense of Great Britain Denmark Chile and Mexico showing footage of these crafts all over the world. Dr. Greer says that when he briefed Bill Clinton’s CIA director R. James Woolsey for nearly three hours he didn’t need convincing that UFO’s were real. One of the things that Dr Greer’s Orion Project has been working on is understand the physics of this new energy where you use very high voltage systems to pull energy out of what is called the zero point energy which will be the prototype of something that would run your house or car pulling energy out of space energy rather than burning oil or gas and coal…this will be the way of the future. President Eisenhower in the past discussed the way that secrecy within the CIA The DIA and other agencies or a small group of shadow groups were keeping information that could have changed our entire economic system and modernized society as well as provide information on extraterrestrials.
When you ask the question how are these beings getting here from different star systems you find that there must be trans-dimension energy and propulsion systems and if disclosed would completely remove our dependence on oil gas and nuclear power and create a sustainable society. The reason it hasn’t happened is because there’s a 600 trillion dollar interest group that deals with these commodities and the whole financial structure would become obsolete. There are almost 8 billion people on the planet and the balance of money rests in a very elite small group of a few hundred or fifty families and individuals that have half of the net worth of the world. But for this change to happen and for the world to sustain free energy for all and for the deserts to blossom, the elite must lose their power and that is the reason so much has been hidden from the public’s view.
Dr Greer talks about nuclear missiles being disarmed in military facilities in many countries around the globe and that would hopefully suggest that intelligent life or extraterrestrials have a vested interest in ensuring we don’t blow the planet up.
Sheryl says she has interviewed many military people and people who have had their own interactions with aliens and suggests you go to her website over the past few years of interviews to listen to
Robert Salas former Military Show is entitled “Documentation of UFO Incidents Related to Nuclear and Military Installations” Go to Radio page link January 4, 2016
Nick Redfern’s shows “A Year of Alien Encounters” October 30, 2017 and “Did Ancient Alien Civilization Destroy Earth” September 29, 2017
Dr. Ardy Clarke “Conversations with Alien Visitors” January 8, 2018
Thomas Carey’s show “Intimidation and the Roswell Cover-up” August 7, 2017
William Hall “Ghosts Aliens and Holes in Space and Time” November 14, 2016
Betty Andreasson “Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind” April 18. 2016 and other shows on this topic…
Sheryl tells of her own encounter with a star traveler. Years ago in Arizona at a Conference of alternative practices and healing methods she was the last person to get to the room where a sound bowl healing session was being conducted Only one seat in a circle of 12 chairs was opened and so she sat down. Shortly, Sheryl turned to look at the woman sitting to her right. There was an unusual quietness to her energy and Sheryl took notice of it. The next day Sheryl saw her again at her booth where she was displaying CD’s with vibrational music to heal our planet. Sheryl discovered her name was Victoria. Victoria told Sheryl she was from a different star system and had been communicating with her guides or people since she was a child. She was not supposed to have children in this life but was married and raising his children. Then I asked her if there were more people like her that were living here and she answered “Yes.” What do they look like I asked and she responded, “They look like me.” She had very light blond hair but other than that and her quiet energy level she looked like all of us. That does not mean that there are not other life forms who are intelligent and either interested in working with us or that look like us.
We talked about an interview Hillary had with Phil Corso Jr whose father was a time traveler and great remote viewer. He said there are going to be some big things coming in the future and people are going to pull together to save the world. We already have many of the technologies and will get pass greed and be more in alignment with God.
Phil said his Dad said that God is the intellect so is God is the intellect and that is us…we are each the messiah or God then we might get into trouble with the many religions that offer other philosophies. The Bible is still being written and religion needs to be upgraded or young people being guided by technology will not be interested any longer. They’re going to find their way which might not be the right way so the religious leaders need to address it. The Pope says he would like to baptize and E.T. and we seem to know we may have to deal with foreign entities real soon. Perhaps ET is waiting for spirituality to catch up with science and technology so we can truly know the achievement of God or Universal Wisdom is within us already.
Hillary asks Phil Corso Jr. Are there two worlds converging? You have the UFO and alien activity and planetary hierarchy masters angels guides religious beliefs…Are they the same? That’s a great question and does it really matter as life is eternal and whether we are in or out of a body we are evolving souls merging with Universal Energy change and greater love and compassion
Phil describes it as, ”Well you see there’s a level of government that we learn about in school, the judiciary, the Congress and so on, the President You have this college level or entry level. The next one is the secret societies. They all think they run things that they have the power over this other lower run. They’re going to impose their will with the wealth and then you have a third level. You have the great military which President Eisenhower warned about. Above that you have the alien agenda, and above that you have God.
By the way my father was friends with President Reagan who was very aware of ET’s as was Khrushchev …It’s a Secret war not unlike the Cold War. We have been working on The SDI or planetary defense system and why don’t they want the public to know about it, because there’s not much they can do about it.
Hillary You interviewed Jim Marrs who spoke with you about investigator into stories like JFK to UFO sightings. Truth is part of the problem Jim insisted. We have all trusted the government to tell us the truth and they haven’t. Some of his books include the Rise of the Fourth Reich, The World By Secrecy Alien Agenda and Crossfire and his most recent release The Tillion Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order Man-Made Diseases and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America.
Marrs goes on to say “Well let’s start with the Middle East. What’s happening in the Middle East is that the New World Order guys, Wall Street City of London the financial masters of the world are aligning with middle men They’ve been popping up for decades now in the Middle East and its becoming problematic because they no longer want to be subservient to other leading powers.” He also suggests our elections are rigged and the financial powers and corporations have taken over the state. Sheryl says, We have just seen in the 2018 Midterm Elections much manipulation by groups trying to change the results that they didn’t like and the chaos and anger it generated in states like Florida Arizona California Georgia and so on. Must find ways to fix these disruptions to the law.
We are now seeing President Trump fighting all these factions: media Hollywood corporations and Congress all aligned to their own financial interests.
Marrs goes on to discuss how Obama gave military aid to Gaddafi and then decided he’s a big dictator and launched hundreds of tomahawk missiles bombing this nation that had done nothing to us. So it appears this is a move by the New World Order people, of which many of the elites of this nation and others, are part of. They are trying to do nothing more than a return to the Middle Ages where you’re going to have the super rich and then the Serfs with not much in between. That’s why you hear so much about the decline of the Middle Class and that’s why they’re eliminating their costly aid to support middlemen in these countries, and putting military leaders in, many of whom are trained and educated in the United States with much help from our CIA. That’s what seems to be happening in the Middle East. All this is tied to the approval of the International Bankers and when they are threatened, character assassination and propaganda take over.
Many governments including The United States are hard pressed to find seize and suppress any sort of alternative energy sources or technology that might interfere with the monopolies enjoyed by the ruling elites of the world. The Iraq War may have been an attempt to find ancient forms of energy that have been hidden from the world since Biblical times.
Marrs goes on to tell Hillary that certain sections of his book The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy were actually censored. He had a whole section on the corporate media and how it sensors the news and how that of the five major corporations that own virtually everything you see and hear have interlocking dictatorships. So in other words there’s a handful of people who control the five corporations and all the information being dispensed to the public. Even when it’s not entirely censored they can still leave stuff out:censorship by omission. That is what President Trump is trying to fight against when he keeps calling MSM Fake News.
Some people believe that in our pre-history of the planet there was a world-wide highly technological civilization and that one of the centerpieces of their energy system were gigantic pyramids…Saddam Hussein French and German archeologist were making amazing discoveries in the ancient Samarian cities and perhaps the technology of that time. We might be looking at the reality of ancient technology that actually shows us how to build Stargates and manipulates energy at the sub-atomic level. So are we at war with countries who may have lost technologies hidden in their museum collections. It does seem odd that the Middle East has sustained so much fighting and invasions by other government during the present time.
Sheryl asks Hillary after speaking with all these advanced creative authors and visionaries what do you think individual citizens can do to improve the quality of everyday life when the shadow government is controlling the media, products water that we ingest and indeed the wars that we fight to maintain this New World Order they want.
She suggests that the way to begin to deal with this corruption is at the local level. You can take over your city council and local school board and county commissioners. You can write letters to the media. The media believe it or not still responds to the public as they have to build up numbers to show to their advertisers. Continue to ask for the truth..demand the truth.
Hillary would like readers of The Hillary Raimo Show Transcripts to take away with them after reading all the interviews in your book that it is indeed really difficult watching the bashing that’s taking place now..It’s like a never ending waterfall of bashing calling and its nasty and mean. It’s the same energy that many are calling Trump out on. Many are not aware that they are participating in the same energy. If you know what energy is and put yourself out there as a healer you have a responsibility to not do that. Angry hate energy whether attached to Trump or others is still hate energy and you are spreading it by hating either way. Anger is an elemental catalyst for change. Trump is just a catalyst for change. The emotional responses that are being triggered provide a healing moment for you. All the ranting can show with more clarity the things that have to be dealt with unresolved: victimization, unresolved traumas, and wounds, so we can find a gateway into our micro-dimensions What are you angry folks really resisting? Is it your own growth or a chance to look at your own healing process.
Let’s face it. He’s our president whether we like him or not. There comes a time when you have to move on..the election is over. We should have been concerned when Obama and The Bushes and the Clintons were in office. Many problems with economics, war, water, disease, famine were festering. Now all of a sudden, Trump is here and he brings out so much for people. Get real ..the emergence of your own Shadow Side and that of our government and world leaders needs to be addressed fairly. None of us have clean hands. This concept that in a four year period of time all consequences of actions are wrapped up and there’s a clean slate when the next person jumps in is ludicrous. We all have our prejudices our biases our knee-jerk reactions. Realize your own fears and work together with others to do what is right for the majority of our people. Just relate to your shadow side and that begins a process of growth and compassion. In the end that is the purpose of a human life: to remember our inner soul essence and simply fight our personal demons to be fair loving and honorable to ourselves and others.
Hillary’s many shows over the years and the many gifted and extraordinary guests she has been privileged to speak with have given her the tools and a powerful sense of peace and inner knowingness to relate to most issues with a quiet mind and heart, and that comes from “within” through a realization or remembrance of our true soul essence.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have traveled into the past to understand cultures that laid the foundation for modern civilization: technology and energy sources that are available to us now. We strive to understand the structure of government corporations media and educational systems that are not often used for the common good and at these particular time in history actually seem to be taking us back in time to create conditions that led to fascism also know as corporatism A New World Order which can allow the Shadow side of each of us, nature history and society to corrupt our spiritual source of Universal life force energy slowing down evolution and the movement of our citizens to improve life for themselves and their communities is at play in the dynamics of the cultural social economic and political situations we are engaged with.
Whether we study ancient history extraterrestrial life, wars in the Middle East, government controls and lack of transparency, time travel, 9/11 and an understanding of human consciousness and lives beyond this earth plane, we come to realize that until we stop repeating the same judgments biases prejudice and human errors made before, we are delaying our entry into the divine space of our eternal true life force for creating worlds of pure love and compassion.
The many authors that Hillary Raimo and I have interviewed over the years have delved deep into the mysteries of their own soul and physical life and studied the world through the lens of science spirituality religion philosophy antiquity medicine and the arts in the hopes of illuminating beyond our Shadow Side the potential for life to expand and to create worlds of beauty light goodness and the best within ourselves.
Hillary and I would have you remember that the world we leave to our children and grandchildren should possess some of the purity that we experienced before technology big business and corporate greed made social media and the opinion of the group more important than our individual talents and inner wisdom. Remember that as spiritual beings having a physical life we must leave the world a better place, and I have no doubt that we will do just that.