Internet Radio Show
Courageous Healing Stories for Hospitalized Children
- Jonathan Miller M.D.
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” with your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Teacher and author of Life Is No Coincidence The Life and Afterlife Connection and The Living Spirit which share stories of spiritual awakenings, spiritual communication, healing energies, miracles and ways to recognize and use intuition or inner wisdom for improving life. John J. Miller a medical doctor and author of The Book of Spells which shares a story of a time and place where magic is the norm and good and evil are at odds, and where maybe the gentle are stronger than they ever imagined and he joins us today.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories and insights in search of a better understanding of the Universal Laws of Energy, the metaphysical experience of life, and the search to know ourselves in our complete physical and energetic combination. For to understand the mysteries of life, we must begin with our individual mysteries and discover who we are, where we come from, and how to improve our life journey using inner wisdom and true knowing.
In today’s episode of “Healing from Within” Dr. Miller shares a fictional tale of a time and place long ago where the search for understanding good and evil show us many of the concerns we have face in our modern day life and a way to appreciate our divine potential for healing and living in joy and prosperity as we eventually come to realize what the real purpose of a human life is.
When Dr. Miller is asked to think back to his childhood and remember a person place or event that may have shown him or others the interests values and lifestyle he might explore in adult life he tells us of an earlier recollection and writes, “ At the age of five I was diagnosed with cancer, a neuroblastoma requiring surgery and a long hospital stay. It was during that month in the hospital that my imagination soared. In those days we didn’t have TV IPads board games or books to read in our ward of 12 pediatric beds. So I would lie there and gaze out the window for hours, watching the enormous brick smokestack across the grounds, belching its white smoke high into the sky. In my mind, I would create images of what I thought the smoke was forming –dragons, horses, knights on horseback, spears, lances, castles.” Perhaps the desire to write this story and become a doctor were brought into his heart and mind during that time and experience.
Years later he became a dedicated Pediatrician and Neonatologist caring for and healing thousands of children. Sheryl suggests to him that perhaps that illness was part of his destiny and life plan as nothing is random and every experience leads us to remember who we are and what we wish our soul to accomplish in this life journey. And we truly learn more from the difficult events that we are able to face with courage and love and find our way forward.
The book of spells is neither medical nor allegorical. It is a fantasy novel for children. Sheryl believes that some of the most important moral messages or insights are in children’s books and should be read by parents and children indeed, everyone . Notwithstanding that it is a good story well told and really may be enjoyed by all age groups. John is still a practicing pediatrician for four decades and he wrote this book as an escape tool for children in hospitals. It is his goal to provide this series for medically afflicted children because he had neither books nor electronic entertainment when he had cancer as a child. Healing as we know is indeed more than medicine. It is the balancing of body mind and spirit and the love that is shared by those in our family friends and the medical people who help us know ourselves our strengths and give us the tools within our mind and heart that can make sense of our difficult challenges.
John’s healing journey as a child became part of the way he interacted with the children and parents that came to him for understanding how to deal with their health issues either emotional physical or spiritual and he was helpful in giving them kind attention and setting up an environment where they could relax feel safe and comfortable which encourages the healing process.
Sheryl and John discuss what true healing is. True healing and the conquering of fear and limitations established in childhood comes about when you begin to assimilate the various parts of your being..the Spirit Mind Emotions and Body and come to trust the wisdom of your intuition or inner sense of soul knowing. It becomes possible to know that happiness is the creation of your own thoughts not the outside world. It is knowing that we are never alone and though our imagination or daydreaming discover there are dimensions of eternal life beyond this three dimensional reality. When we are able to accept allow and surrender to the flow of life without judgment, control, blame, anger and all the negative energies or emotions, we are often able to find peace clarity balance harmony even love. Eventually all challenges become easier to move past. Sheryl tells John that as a child she was often ill with strep throats allergies and stomach viruses. Being an empath and intuitive, it was hard to deal with the feelings she picked up from the adults as well as the children struggling to find their way. In the last 25 years after Reiki training and learning to detach from many of the beliefs of her earlier socialization process, she has learned to protect her own energy from the negativities of others and was free to exist in a state of love and compassion which is after all our natural soul state.
Meditation energy healing modalities and mediumship or receiving messages from Spirit have beyond the shadow of a doubt proven to her that Consciousness exists beyond physical death, and we are indeed more than our bodies. That piece of knowingness or information has been what Sheryl tries to share with as many as will listen or seek the truth.
John gives us a summary of the story line of the book and tell us about the main characters. The story starts with Theodora making haste to leave her broken down shack in the forest just outside Glastonbury in the far western part of Olde England in the seventh century. She is a practitioner of witchcraft who can remove curses and spells, and practices healing and is an herbalist. Theodora lives with her sisters Tamsyn and Jadisa and is teaching them the healing arts of witchcraft. All three are young and beautiful. One of the councilmen is disrespectful to Tamsyn refuses to pay her for healing his pigs and she turns him into a pig. When the townspeople find out they come after them for being witches, as fear of the unknown then like in modern times often lead people to act badly. So they hurried away to the Kingdom of Vilgar.
We soon find out much about the king of Vilgar who is King Steffen who at that time was the “first” ruler to use tax money for the betterment of the community and his subjects. As a result of his wise leadership and kindness he and his family were beloved by the citizens.
Before too long as is often the case someone wanted to take the good king’s power and possessions away. A wizard entered the Kingdom and his name was Malecar, King Steffen had never encountered such a person and when the wizard produced an apple tree, a saddle of gold for Steffen’s son Audric the King was astonished and thought he would be an asset to his work to provide for his subjects so he invited him to stay and work for him. As we know in everything there is good and sometimes bad. This sorcerer had his own best interests at heart.
This sorcerer wished to become the greatest sorcerer in the land and saw that the King was vulnerable and sad over a long lost love, so he concocted a poison that made the Prince fall into a coma and then an antidote to revive him, and after predicting a storm and saving the village and curing the King’s son, Malecar was elevated to a high position in the Kings Court and held much power.
In another part of King Steffen’s kingdom lived the three young witches. The three sisters in their travels met up with danger and only Tamsyn who knew some dark magic was able to save her sisters. They decided to learn how to protect themselves.
Meanwhile in King Steffen’s kingdom years passed and his health declined and he relied more and more on Malecar’s advice and help. When he tried to transfer power to his son Prince Audric, Malecar became enraged. It was at this time that another wizard came to the Kingdom to offer his talents. His name was Martir and he was hired by the Prince as the apprentice for Malecar. Martir immediately recognized that Malecar was manipulating and undermining the King. Little by little Martir becomes closer to the Prince and wished to serve him honorably.
On his trips away from the Castel Matir met a young noblewoman who he felt would be a perfect match for young King Audric. They eventually do marry and have 2 children Braydon and Tiana
Years pass and one day Malecar goes into the forest where he meets up with the three witches who have lived there with their 3 transformed wolves that protect them. Malecar forces them to make a deal to use this area for even darker magic than he is able to perform in the castle and while they realize how dark and dangerous he is, they have no choice but to agree. How will it end?
As in all stories we must come through the challenges to secure our freedom peace and well being and so it is in this story of love and at times deception.
Some of the common themes or threads that float throughout the book call attention to issues most people at one time or another in their life deal with. It deals with the loss of a loved one and the love or challenges family members have for each other, as well as a sense of trust most of us have, until someone disappoints us or wounds us, but through it all there is should always be hope friendship truth and a love of life community family and right action for the best results.
Sheryl suggest to John that she believes men who are fortunate enough to have good relationships with the women in their lives often are found to be happier and healthier in their later years. John agrees and shares the fact that he calls his wife not his better half but his three quarter better half which is amusing and makes clear that love encourages another to fulfill their potential and live life according to their own needs for learning and creating their best life: beyond competition, there must be cooperation and love of the unique gifts a partner shares.
Dr. Miller as a pediatrician has seen a wide range of behaviors from parents who are often unaware of the effect every word and action has on their children. In order to have healthy children we must set an example for them with rightful thinking words and actions.
Sheryl tells John the story of Dr. Emoto who did studies on the molecular structure of water and discovered how words music other stimuli created the molecular structure to change. Where beautiful words were expressed and written on a paper, then put under the jar of water beautiful designs developed and could microscopically be seen. Where ugly toxic negative words or thoughts were spoken the molecular structure showed cancer like disruptive patterns. The conclusion is since we are beings of much water our systems are impacted by the people words tones and environment we are exposed to.
In Sheryl’s book The Living Spirit she also mentions that we should take notice of children who exhibit imaginative spiritual gifts and awareness and wrote, “Have you ever known a child that seems wise beyond his or her years? Know things they couldn’t possibly know? We often call these children “old souls” when the truth is, all children are aware of Spirit much more so than adults. We come into this three-dimensional world very aware of the higher world—and the friends—we have left in order to have a human experience. As we grow up, most of us learn to ignore these gifts in the face of “reality.” However, in order to remember our true Divine nature and realize our spiritual gifts and indeed the gift of life, we must often disregard this physical reality and learn to see things as we did as children.
One day, Sheryl met the child of the future. This beautiful dark haired girl stood in her doorway and with a sweet face dimples and clear bright eyes looked directly into mine. Her eyes reflected a calm maturity beyond her years. Although only eight years old this child represented an evolved sensitive and spiritually awakened soul. I am Nicole she said, and , Sometimes I have dreams,” she continued and the things I dream happen. I told her that most people are intuitive or just simple know things. She responded that she knew she was psychic and this sometimes scared her. I told her I was psychic also and received impressions when I did energy healing on people and such a gift helps us understand others and ourselves….I told Nicole not to be afraid as when she was grown up, she would use these skills and gifts and do great things in the world.”
Dr. Miller and Sheryl also wish and encourage the parents of today’s children to try to share with them the problems relating to the changing world of technology and to read with their children, to encourage a love for the magic of ancient history and literature, music and nature, and interpersonal relationships where we connect to people, not through technology but in person, and one to one.
We would imagine parents should be encouraging respectful use and perhaps limited use of electronics and technology so the spiritual connection to energy and the Laws of the Universe and personal communication between souls is honored and enjoyed. We should be encouraging reading travel and creative arts engineering science and spirituality or in other words a Vitruvian type of education and healthy human development with the past being part of the future, by simply being aware of the good, so nothing is really lost only recycled for present time usage.
So we can see in The Book of Spells which shares a mystical tale of witches wizards kings and magic and shows how the goodness or evil that lies within our human nature and which transcends time and space is always there to remind us of the power of choice that is the true gift of Life.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have discovered age old remnants of the important aspects of living in a physical and also metaphysical world. We have seen the power of love, leadership and kindness in comparison to the adverse effects of greed and manipulation by one wizard who sought power and the other wizard who sought to serve his King and bring love prosperity and honor to the citizens. We have traveled to a past time and place where people sought answers to human problems, how to lead, how to share, how to love, and how to heal past any trauma or loss.
Even within what seems like a fanciful or fictional story there are the seeds of truth inspiration and knowledge that can help us appreciate those in our life who share the magic and mystery of similar experiences that lead us to know life on a multidimensional level. Life may be a mystery but in the relationships of love, learning, and receiving love, we discover that there really is no mystery: that remembering how good life family and community are is part of all worlds.
Dr. Miller writes of the love Martir the wizard had for King Audric and his family, “He knew that this would be the last opportunity for quite some time that he would be able to see his friend and king, Audric, as well as Alexandra, Brayden, Tiana and Christian. He loved them all so very much—they truly were his only family. He thought longingly of his years in the castle when he was able to watch the children grow. He looked on them as a grandfather would admire his own grandchildren. Someday, he hoped to see them married and as happy as their parents. All this he would miss dearly. But he knew in his heart, all of this he must give up for the safety of his adopted family.”
John and I would have you travel the road of your inner longings for life love family and the truth within your inspired imagination building a greater awareness of the love of life. We may and will make sacrifices and change, but hopefully, in the magic energy of discovering unconditional love we will discover who we are and the eternal nature of life that leads us on our journey of soul growth.