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Desire As a Transformational Ingredient
- Christy Whitman
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Welcome to Healing From Within. I am your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Teacher and author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us our challenges are not merely economic political or societal, but a spiritual disconnect from our true being or soul wisdom. Sheryl welcomes Christy Whitman author of The Desire Factor which shares how valuable it is to live our most wonderful physical life as we discover how acts of creation or spiritual processing manifest into the tangible form.
As listeners of Healing From Within are well aware, Sheryl and her sensitive intuitive guests share a clearer view or broader awareness of how spiritual and physical life can unfold, merge together for greater efficacy, through working alongside numerous challenges provided by life circumstances and eventually lead us to understand the ability we all possess to manifest a life of happiness abundance success. We also may find life as the precious gift and miracle it is. As we study the concept of duality or physical and spiritual essences, we may be able to determine who we really are?
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Christy Whitman shows precise steps for bringing about the manifestation of any desire showing us the true gift is not in acquiring our desires: it is the people we become in the process of our desires moving through us. The skills strengths and character traits we develop in the process of self -growth and the energy refinement of our spirit stays with us always as we learn to lean into a healthy loving and joyful life.
When Sheryl asks Christy to think back to childhood and remember a person place or event that may have shown her or others the life interests work or life style she might pursue as an adult she writes that earlier in her life, she experienced a connection with source energy as a silent presence that communicated with her mainly through intuition and downloads of insight that guided her in the direction of her highest good. Later on in life she found its messages come through in distinct blocks of thought, offered to her by a collection of nonphysical ascended masters that call themselves the Quantum Council. As you’ll soon discover, the Council has a unique way of saying things, and—because they are entirely focused—they offer a perspective that is often very different from Christy’s own. To give you a direct experience of the depth of their wisdom, I’ve included direct quotes offered by the Council at the beginning of each chapter. The Council’s intention is to help humanity embrace our innate creative power and to understand that we are divinely designed to experience well-being, abundance, success, and loving relationships. Each of us receives these impulses from our creator in our own unique way, and each of us in turn provides for our creator a unique avenue through which this energy can flow and express itself through our human attributes.
Sheryl and Christy agree that they were always following the sensible and helpful guidance that floated into their thoughts as children though at time not entirely aware of higher soul beings or guides that were with us all the time so we were never alone.
We are not separate from the nonphysical source that created us and all things—we are an inseparable, integrated part of it. But, by the power of our own free will, we can choose to hold ourselves temporarily apart from the energy of our creator by virtue of the thoughts we think and the perceptions we hold to be true.
When we perceive ourselves as separate from the nonphysical source that created all things; when we mistakenly believe that the three-dimensional material world is all that exists; when we allow ourselves to believe that there are evil forces with the power to insert themselves into our experience; when we become so addicted to drama, chaos, conflict, and struggle that we actually come to think of these conditions as ourselves, we cut ourselves off—albeit temporarily—from the innermost part of ourselves that is one with our creator.
Christy tell us how she became the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy and something of the 12 -month certification program. She didn’t have a clue that she was going to start to teach and coach students but people kept coming up and telling her they needed her to certify them. It seems the Universe knew her destiny was to do that and just nudged her in the right direction.
As Christy wrote, “The universal principles that bring about every act of creation are neither arbitrary nor difficult to understand. They work the same for everyone, regardless of age, status, color, or culture. Each of us is the center of all that we attract into our lives. What we align with—on the physical level of our bodies and surroundings. as well as on the energetic level of our thoughts, perceptions, and attitudes—we draw to us. This is the Law of Attraction we have all become familiar with but still find hard to incorporate into everyday life experiences.
Christy tells us how she recently, was was chatting with her friend Patty, who lights up every time she tells me about her desire to travel through Wyoming. Something about exploring the rugged, undeveloped landscape fills her with a sense of adventure that her soul has been yearning for. Wyoming is Patty’s Desire Factor, and if she follows the path that this desire will lay out in front of her, it will lead her not only to Wyoming but also to the next evolution of the person she desires to be. It could even lead her to a life she can’t even conceive of from where she stands right now.
Desire is the fuel for every act of creation. Marie Diamond Feng Shui Master and Master Teacher in The Secret and in the foreword to The Desire Factor tells us that she met Christy several years ago through the Transformational Leadership Council, of which she is a founding member. As we got to know one another better, she learned that Christy is a messenger for the Quantum Council, a collective consciousness of ascended masters here to teach others how to create all that they desire in the physical world through utilizing the spiritual laws of abundance.
For over twenty-five years, Christy has been studying, practicing, and sharing with others the principles and techniques for mastering energy. This book is a distillation of that ever-evolving body of knowledge, and it takes readers from the basic understanding that thoughts create into a whole new level of fluency in the language of vibration.
Desire is a powerful force that triggers a surge of heightened pleasure and purpose, sending life-giving energy rushing through every fiber of our beings. And regardless of whether the object of our desire is a person, a possession, or an idea that we want to make manifest in our lives, the act of wanting something is about far more than its attainment. Desire is a catalyst that can awaken our highest qualities, our greatest human potential, and our full spiritual power. Like the proverbial carrot dangling from a stick that gives the mule a reason to keep striving toward a destination, the act of acknowledging a desire also leads us on a journey. And this is not only a journey toward simply having but also a journey of becoming.
Christy and Sheryl discuss some of the teachings that have lead thousands of people to find success and prosperity as well as the truth about what life really is. One of the first principles to learn is that the personality that you think of as you is inextricably connected to the intelligence of the universe itself. You were born with an innate ability to align with this broader aspect of you and to receive a continual flow of all the insights and inspiration that will lead you to the realization of a joyous, satisfying life experience.
Sheryl says so it seems that knowing who we are as eternal spiritual beings having a physical life is essential to working with energy to align to Spirit man nature and know life in it’s multi-dimensional ways.
In Sheryl’s new book A New Life Awaits she said it this way…..”Many years ago, after a series of mystical experiences that I could not explain with my logical mind, I found myself experiencing feelings within that related to a life that was more than my physical experience. As I began to quiet my mind, I began to know my inner thoughts in a way that went beyond the five senses and the way I was accustomed to experiencing the physical world. I became aware that I was able to use an intuitive sense that had nothing to do with my mind, years of education, or life experiences. It was a sense of knowingness and awareness to history, our humanity, and the past in a way that went beyond normal explanation. In dreams and in my interactions with numerous people that I later dis[1]covered were Spiritual guides brought into my conscious reality for the important purpose of realizing my life plan and my inner soul being, a new awareness emerged, enabling me to constantly review past beliefs seen purely from a physical indoctrination of this time, place, and present life experience into another way. I am incredibly more able to accept new ways of knowing myself and those who walk this journey with me and to discern the true meaning of life”
Christy goes on to tell readers that there are the 7 universal principles that make up the Desire Factor. They include:
- The Principle of Alignment
- The Principle of Focus
- The Principle of Joyful Expectancy
- The Principle of Having
- The Principle of Loving
- The Principle of Surrender
- The Principle of Action
Christy shows us that while some desires might seem superficial on the surface often they actually stem from something much deeper that lead us to seek further awareness of Self and development of our personal soul power.
Christy shares how her desire at two times in her early life in regard to owning designer handbags was actually reflective of her desire to grow spiritually and aid her personal development. Christy writes, “As I write these words today, having devoted the past twenty or more years to studying, applying, and teaching others about the powerful universal laws that govern the process of all manifestation I now understand the full spiritual significance of the flashes of insight I received on each of those days. Those coveted purses had been symbols that helped me focus my attention and creative energy toward much bigger and more important goals: The Coach bag symbolized my becoming a woman who is healthy, active, self-loving, energetic, and—naturally—a non-smoker. And that, by the way, is the woman who returned to that very boutique two months later, cigarette-free, and walked out with a Coach purse on her arm. Similarly, the Fendi bag was a symbol of success; when I envisioned myself carrying it, I saw a woman who is confident and accomplished, who has the freedom to spend her money and time in ways that are pleasing to her and that contribute meaningfully to others.”
She goes on to write, “Purses, for me, ignite the Desire Factor. They light me up, summon energy through me, and give me a glimpse into a new, yetunrealized reality. This is the divine purpose of desire, whether the desire itself is for something material or something intangible; big or small. Designer bags and shoes may inspire zero interest for the next girl, but it’s not about the items, the destination, or the specifics of any particular manifestation. It’s about the process of being lit up by something and the energy that is summoned through you as a result. The particular objects that you desire—whether they are big or small, tangible or intangible—are of no consequence. The real value lies in discovering that you want something more, better, or different than what you currently have and then allowing this life-giving realization to stir something within you. When you make the decision to use your desires for this expansive and spiritual purpose, you are actively cooperating with the Desire Factor within you
We go on to discuss what it takes to move a thought or a desire to a material reality. Christy tells us “The word desire, by the way, is defined by Webster’s dictionary as “a conscious impulse toward something that promises enjoyment or satisfaction in its attainment.” And we experience this on every level of our being. From a purely physiological perspective, whenever we desire something, dopamine is released in our brain, triggering a surge of heightened pleasure, focus, and aliveness. From a spiritual perspective, the act of wanting something, and of aligning ourselves with the image of its fulfillment, is what enables us to see the next greatest version of ourselves that the larger part of us is calling us to become.”
Desire is the first step in all creation. Without desire, nothing happens, and there can be no motion forward. Without desire, the universe and the planet on which we are all living would not have been created. Without desire, you would not exist. Burning desires come forth as an activity of your Divine Self, stirring you up to realize that it wants to do more for you, with you, and through you. You can be certain that when you want something—provided it’s not hurtful to you or anyone else, and it will bring good into your life—it is your spiritual Divine Self tugging at your heart’s door, trying to get your attention. When you accept the existence of that desire, you must then accept the fulfillment of it.
Desire is one way to bring the human and unconscious part of you into alignment with the larger part of you, your Divine Self. Every desire you have really is a divine desire. Every frustration you have in the attainment of the desire happens so that you can integrate your boundless higher self with your timebound personality. Desiring the partner, the money, the house, the shoes, the car, the vacations . . .they are ideas arising from the Divine for the purpose of bringing you back home to yourself.
Some of the critical mistakes people make that cause them to fail to manifest their desires begin with any area of your life where you’re experiencing less than joy and fulfillment. This is a reflection that your creative potential is still asleep. And in an attempt to awaken you, your higher self gives you a burning desire. The burning desire at its core is a call for completeness, a call to return you home to yourself. Contrary to what most of us have been socialized to believe, the desires that arise within us are neither good nor bad. A heartfelt desire to become a parent or meet the man or woman of your dreams is not inherently nobler than a desire to travel the world, make an impact in your career in service to others, or purchase a high-end purse. There is so much judgment cast upon people who openly express desire for material things, and this is the very epitome of irony, because—to paraphrase what pop icon Madonna noted all those years ago—we are all material boys and girls, living in a material world.
Sheryl says “Therefore judgment and fear are two of the most restrictive emotions that draw people away from recognizing their desire and fulfilling their dreams. As long as these elements are not conquered one can allow oneself to suffer and agonize over their perceived failures while not integrating their soul and physical world needs. To be in balance means to be aware of your needs or desires to feel happy and whole in mind body and spirit.”
How many of us allow doubt and disbelief to suffocate our dreams before we ever give them a chance to bloom? How many try to kill off our desires by rationalizing, defending, and justifying them to others or to ourselves? The programming that desire is the root of all suffering, or that material things are inherently bad, stems from a belief that we lack the ability to attain those things. We judge desire as bad because we doubt that we deserve to live the good life or have it all. But all of us are “divinely designed” to have the good life. We are all born to have it all and to experience what we would love in all aspects of our individual lives, connected to the very life that breathes us.
Desire been often been thought to be associated with negative or evil pursuits. Some religious theory encourages a lack of attention to physical desires and needs. From spiritual traditions and pop culture alike, most of us have been deeply ingrained with the message that the pursuit of desire is evil and hedonistic, and that spirituality and materialism cannot, and should not, coexist. According to some practitioners The Bible cites desire as the reason that Adam and Eve—having been lured by Satan to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil—fell from God’s grace and were cast out of the Garden of Eden. Hinduism and Buddhism tell us that in order to realize our full spiritual nature, we must renounce all desire for worldly things. And so, whether intentionally or unconsciously, most of us attempt to diminish the strength of our own wanting.
Christy and Sheryl know that appreciating the beauty of the physical world is part of the magic of a physical life and there are no restrictions by spirit on what the soul wishes to create and enjoy. It is our divine birthright to health happiness and prosperity.
When we merge our spiritual wisdom with our physical practicality we can know what is good for us without abuse to ourselves or others. We can have and hold what serves our spiritual and personal growth but not take from others. Christy might like readers to remember that the awareness that our present reality is not everything we would like it to be is what gives birth to the very first seed of desire. This desire—whether for improvement, for greater comfort, or for something entirely different than what we have—is always inspired by the creator, and to ignore, deny, suppress, or judge this inspiration is to cut ourselves off from the very source of our spiritual sustenance. But when a desire is born within us and we nourish it with positive thoughts and beliefs, when we allow ourselves to fall in love with the very idea of its unfolding, and when we celebrate and appreciate the manifestation of what we want wherever and in whomever we see it, that desire provides a vehicle through which we can realize everything that we have the potential to become.
We thank Christy Whitman author of The Desire Factor for sharing each of the spiritual principles in her book: the Principle of Alignment, the Principle of Focus, the Principle of Joyful Expectancy, the Principle of Having, the Principle of Loving, the Principle of Surrender, and the Principle of Action—which by acknowledging will begin to overwrite the misleading messages that most of us received early on that conditioned us to repress and deny our desires.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Christy Whitman has shared with us a clearer understanding about many of the false thoughts relating to desire as merely a means for hedonistic enjoyment of the physical world and strongly suggests that belief or postulate is merely illusion! For in reality, desire is but a pathway to drive our progress as a species, and align us to spiritual awareness, higher consciousness, engaging our soul energy, leading us to personal growth, while exploring the world in a more courageous and bold fashion. As there is neither good nor bad, only experiences, desire leads us to what our soul wishes to experience in this time and place, and in that way, both serves our destiny or life path. Desire therefore, is at the root of our humanity, and when understood and followed, can lead us to prosperity, abundance, love and happiness. as it should be and as spirit decrees for all of her beloved souls.
Christy wrote, “It is my hope to help you become aware, understand, and know that the experiences you truly desire in life, whatever they may be, will not come to you through settling, compromising, or striving to keep yourself small. Desires are not birthed to make you worry, disappoint you, or frustrate you. If you desire something that you feel you can’t have, then you are holding yourself apart from your spiritual power. You have what I call “split energy” about a desire: wanting it but not believing you can have it. The full satisfaction and exaltation you seek will begin to unfold as you allow the full force of your desires to move you in the direction of your expansion. It is this expansion that you really want, and repressing it is simply not an option.”
Christy and I would have you come to know what is unknown by you can be known when you allow your desires and dreams to materialize and work alongside infinite possibilities which reside within you and which when unleased allow you to enjoy life, learn and feel in many new ways, and become aware of what you always have been: infinite soul travelers through time and space or eternal souls of divine potential.
I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and author of the newest book in a trilogy New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening and invite you to visit my website to read about and explore the world of physical and spiritual life through the insights of visionaries scientists spiritualists metaphysicians healers and through dream meditation and the arts and music as we discover more about who we are and what life is really all about. Shows may also be heard on or