Internet Radio Show
Direct Connections to God
- Paddy Fievet PH.D
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In today’s episode of Healing From Within your host Sheryl Glick author of Life Is No Coincidence and The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which share stories of spiritual awakening, spiritual communication, healing, miracles, synchronicity and ways to connect to intuition and higher consciousness. I am delighted to have an opportunity to speak with author Paddy Fievet a former guest on the show and author of The Eagle’s View who will help enhance our understanding of one’s natural intuitive gift and to engage the life-altering guidance from Spirit.
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate life experiences and insights so we may begin to know on a metaphysical level life both spiritually and physically and understand our inner and outer world becoming more aware of “Who we are” and “What is the purpose of Life.” As we self-investigate and go within to the heart and wisdom of our eternal soul energy we can maneuver our physical life making choices that ultimately improve life health and our collective consciousness for an improved world community.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Paddy Fievert who obtained her Master of Science and Doctorate of Philosophy from the American Institute of Holistic Theology and is an ordained minister as well as having advanced training in Integrated Energy Therapy shares from the depths of her soul that life is not only a journey, not only an increase of wisdom, but can be adventurous and a lot of fun. Life is about who you are from the inside out
Paddy shares her remembrance of being at a healing group and asked to participate and feel the energy. Unsure of how to proceed as she had not been trained in Reiki energy healing techniques and attuned to Universal Energy she was asked by the instructor to stand back put her hands out and remember the connection she had when she was channeling her writing and immediately there was a pop and release in the woman on the table undergoing the energy healing and it was later revealed when she went to her doctor that the cyst that was supposed to be surgically removed was no longer present. Sheryl as an intuitive energy healer/medium told Paddy that is how it works. The intelligent energy of Spirit can remove blockages emotionally physically and spiritually helping a person to continue to learn about life their life purpose and to find greater happiness but we must cooperate and be consistent in our efforts to work from a soul level not expecting or allowing the outer world to influence us and deter us from our own personal power soul awareness and perceptions of positive action.
Paddy goes on to talk about Modern mysticism as opposed to ancient beliefs on what constitutes a mystical person or experience. Traditionally, a mystic is a person who has had direct experience of the Holy in whatever way he or she understands it is, and is forever changed by the event or series of events. This experience is always individualized with a unique purpose and often is not even understood by others. To a person who embraces the mystical aspects of life, the Holy is not just an intellectual theology or a religion based upon facts and ideas, it is an experience. Incorporating this experience into daily life is the basis of Modern Mysticism. This creates the grace to be free of the opinions of others, the ability to be psychologically proficient and the sure found knowledge to feel not only comfortable with the ups and downs of life but to thrive.
The mystics in the religious literature learned that they were special unique individuals who were well connected within God. We have also embraced the idea that mystics had something the rest of us did not have, had ectastic experiences we cannot have or could do something the rest of us cannot do. Paddy and Sheryl no longer believe this. Instead we just think the mystics of old like Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, the Prophets from the Bible were people who simply embraced heartfelt living, and then surrendered into God’s Spirit in a more profound way than the rest of us think we can. In other words, they allowed it to happen.
Sheryl shares with Paddy that in regard to these thoughts about Modern Mysticism, and who may become called to this path, Sheryl wrote in The Living Spirit these words, “Some people believe that spirituality and self-awareness, a connection to the universe, and understanding of life and death are only available to the old and wise, the well-educated, or the affluent seeker and traveler. But in reality there is no age race gender socioeconomic or religious requirement necessary to discover who we are and what we want and need for a successful life journey.”
In the context of this book, Modern Mysticism is a co-creative experience with God to live as authentically as you can utilizing your intuition and your innate gifts and embracing your truth as a greater plan. It has nothing to do with fear but everything to do with Love. Mystics not only understand the Divine connections of all life but they witness it, live it and embrace it. A mystic is One with all of life. Being Divinely connected becomes a way for them: it is a lifestyle and it becomes a hoe of sorts, taken with them every moment.
Paddy and Sheryl believe this philosophy is similar to what Jesus taught. We realize that a Modern Mystic only needs to embrace five specific areas of understanding that serve as steps to a heart-centered mystical life. However the results of these specific steps have to come from the depth of a person’s spiritual passion. His or her unique answers are all that are ever needed.
- The First Step of Awareness: Where am i? (Includes Self-Perception, Self-Awareness)
- The Second Step of Identity: Who am I?
- The Third Step of Expression: What is my Purpose?
- The Fourth Step of Spiritual Artistry: How Will It Happen?
- The Fifth Step of Love: What is Love?
Sheryl says…Jesus personal experiences with God and his message of love and awareness of soul afterlife and personal connection to God was indeed evidence that he was aware of his spiritual eternal soul being. He was a mystic so yes I believe Paddy is revealing Jesus message in her book.
Paddy says, “Unlike Plato who understood soul and body to be in conflict, Jesus taught that all aspects of a person are one with God Common to all, including the different cultures and beliefs in the world throughout the ages, was a desire to assist others to expand individual soul Consciousness. Soul Consciousness or an awakening of yourself as part of the Divine demands an expansive nature. Gautama Siiddharta later known as Buddha the awakened one and Lao Tzu are mentioned here.
Paddy writes, When one is secure in his or her divinity operating within the empowerment of Soul Consciousness, it is impossible to be threatened by anyone with other beliefs. Inner security is always substantial enough to accept differences in others without being threatened. Don’t mistake what I am saying to be a chastisement of organized religion in general though, for that is not my intention whatsoever. Footnoted in Joan Borysenko’s book Fire in the Soul is a quote from Rachel Naomi Remen MD: “Religion is a bridge to the spiritual, but the spiritual lies beyond religion.” When we perpetuate Soul Consciousness it allows the individual to expand authentically in spiritual wisdom to serve a Divine Purpose…this open minded form allowing self-expression and general discussion perpetuate personal authenticity then they are formed with Divine grace.
Paddy tells us about God through her mystical experiences. She wrote “With a swoosh of energy this Love transported me into realms beyond time space and form. I was in what I call a Spiritual Void—a void consisting of only pure potential. This Void has also been called a field of infinite possibilities, the non-local and the zero-point field by other. And what I saw paled in comparison to the way it felt: limitless loving powerful in a way creative instead of forceful…… The only way I know of explaining this is John 1:1 (ESV) In the beginning was the Word and the Word was one with God and the Word was God.” For a brief instance, I was One with The Absolute, experiencing a very strong sensation of Mystical Unity in all Divine Love Glory and Humility. I did not exist as me, but as part of Oneness so beautiful so magnificent so powerful that it still touches my heart to remember. The best way I know to describe it is unlimited loving creative potential. Connected to everything I was consumed with a bliss that seemed to forever change my outlook
Reading The Eagle’s View might change your life by helping you open up to Mystical Unity as a way of discovering the answer to the second question Who am I? may help you to grow in wisdom become more aware of who you are and begin to change your life. Through the feeling state, you are able to expand your knowledge of who you really are. By doing this, you stop thinking of yourself as this, or that but start living from a state of Being that emerges into a state of Becoming my terminology for Soul’s experience of continual expansion.
Paddy tells us how she decided on the title of her book. While Paddy was seated at an outdoor theatre in the Flemish countryside of Belgium she watched with awe as three magnificent Eagles swooped from trainer to trainer. Paddy felt one with them as they stretched their wings moving with the air currents from position to position. In her mind’s eye Paddy began to envision these beautiful birds sailing through the natural currents of eagle life living exactly as they were created to live. Paddy felt their greater presence and intuited their mystical potential completely understanding why Native Americans considered the eagle to be a messenger from the Great Spirit. To Paddy these influential eagles possessed an intrinsic authenticity that felt as holy as anything I have witnessed. Although the eagles were protected and well-cared for their conditions were not natural to eagles’ habit. The eagles had been conditioned to forget their innate mystical potential for living a joyful spiritual life. Would they remember if given the chance? Could you and I?
That is why the five steps to mysticism that Paddy writes about in the book matter. The First Step: Awareness The Second Step Identity The Third Step Expression The Fourth Step Artistry and The Fifth Step Love help move us through each of these five steps to find who you are- a spiritual being having a physical life and you can then remember your divine connection to Eternal Universal Life or God and find the way to live that resonates with your heart and soul, and not be limited by societal, familial, or any belief system of the world. You can be connected in oneness to All That Is.
Paddy has a wonderful chapter on the often misunderstood qualities of Love and expresses that the goal of the Spiritual path is Love. The major driving force of our human condition seeks to experience deep abiding Love. We must first learn to receive love before we can share it. The Four types of love are Brotherly, Family Passion and Divine Love and the love that most of us are seeking is Divine Love. Sheryl suggests that is why so many people tell her they are lonely for they are looking for that connection in their friendships marriages families and still something is missing. It is this connection that sustains their physical life and is the energy that is around them and flows through them..this is the life force or love of Spirit.
As Paddy shares it is in the “Witnessing Recognition and Surrender” we find the 3 characteristics of receiving Divine Love. Divine love inundates each of us with unparalleled sensations allowing those who embrace life as a Modern Mystic to ascertain a spiritual connection richer deeper and wiser than those who simply live life through the five senses.
One of the most important questions for people searching for meaning is “What is my purpose?” Soul Purpose does differ from vocation or career?
It is from the realization of Wholeness that our personal truth expresses itself through purpose. The ancient Greek aphorism “Know Thyself” from an innate interior perspective is the only way to express life purposefully. Paupers or billionaires, the homeless or CEO”s the real worth of a person far exceeds his or her wealth or vocation. Unfortunately most of society reacts otherwise. People are often judged by their peers not only by appearance, by also by adherence to social customs as well as occupations, all exterior expressing. When delving into the true meaning of Soul purpose, money rarely plays a major role.
Paddy Fievet author of The Eagle’s View is living a bold impassioned life filled with exploring the inner world of soul energy and learning how to utilize it here in a world complicated by third dimensional views and beliefs and in and effortless way shares love and enthusiasm for life through her everyday focus on grace and peace.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have followed Paddy through a passionate spiritual journey and awakening experiencing profound mysticism. Her travels have taken her to Ireland, a soul’s crossing in Auschwitz, the feminine Spirit in Malta, personal evolution at the Mary Magdalene Tower in France, and Divine Unity while sitting inside the Great Pyramid. Through these experiences she understood joy authenticity and love are experiences from the inside out and understood all life is a spiritual quest—a sacred story.
Paddy wrote, “Just like the eagles you and I each have an intrinsic story—not the story we tell ourselves every day to feel good or to boost our deflated egos, but a deeper richer story filled with the empowering loving grace of God. In other words, we are each fully connected to the sanctity of our individual lives. And yet, like the eagles life in many ways conditions us to forget our authenticity and mystical connections. Instead we hang onto imposed illusions that we have created to fill perceived gaps of our truth. Over and over in many different ways, we create stories of our imposed identity because we have not realized our real identity.
Paddy and I would have you remember many of us are mystics at heart, many of us are curious about who we are, and many of us wish to make ourselves and the world a better place. We begin when we remember that each of us has a mission of love and remembrance and by opening our heart to the possibilities and opportunities that await we move forward past the self-imposed stories and fears.