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Discover the Power of Energy Healing
- Susana Stoica
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Welcome to “Healing From Within” I am your host Sheryl Glick RMT energy practitioner/medium and author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and spiritual messages to show us our challenges are not economic political or societal simply a disconnect from our true inner being or soul wisdom I am delighted to welcome Susana Stoica author of Healing With a Loving Heart who shows us healing is possible when all hope sometimes seems to be lost. As a gifted energy healer she has helped many to understand the nature of their illnesses and assist them in self healing and finding treatments that work alongside alternate healing method.
Susana shares your remarkable healing journey and tells how someone with a PhD in computer engineering accessed the energy of the soul at the early age of 7 for her first healing using her hands discovering a blockage in the woman’s body and allowing the energy of Universal Source to release and correct the problem. There are many forms of energy healer Sheryl practices Reiki a Japanese healing art
As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware my sensitive and intuitive guests seek to answer age old questions such as, “Who are we?,” “Where do we come from?’ and how can we improve the quality of life both spirtuallly and physically for indeed our duality needs to be recognized and integrated so we can have the best run of this physical life journey. Healing mind body and spirit is possible when we embrace our personal power as spiritual beings having a physical life and are able to manifest infinite possibilities for a creative joyful healthy life.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Susana Stoica will share with us that after a double concussion she was able to use her prior experience of working with computers trying to replicate brain cell structure to heal trauma and was able to develop her own unique recovery program. Having a special ability to work with the human energy field Susana can correct energy field irregularities allowing the body’s innate healing program to work again. We will also hear insights about the autism spectrum delayed brain trauma, as well as helping the body deal with asthma allergies arthritis and how different Susana and Sheryl found the Coronavirus to be from the ordinary flu.
When Susana is asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place event that may have signaled to them or others the interest life style or work they would embrace as an adult for Sheryl feels the clues to our life journey are present very early on she tells us of a neighbor who was suffering from pain and Susana felt her hands get hot and asked if she could try to help. Once she placed her hands on the affected area she could not move them until it happened naturally. Sheryl tells Susana that she was trained in the Reiki Spiritual Healing process and very early on in her work she had a client who had severe pain in the shoulders and when Sheryl put her hand above the shoulders they froze and she sensed a message that Sprit wanted her to express to the woman. When she said what she had to say the woman told Sheryl of her problem and felt cleared of the distress she was carrying for a long time. Sheryl was then able to move her hands to another healing position.
Susana tells us something of brain injuries which can happen to anyone not just athletes and what effects that they can have on a person and how even mild brain injuries can get activated years later. This book has an interesting history. It was written in response to requests from people Susana was working with, to give them an idea how healing works. At the time I was a busy engineer developing advanced design for test strategies for one of the largest companies in the USA. At the same time, to balance my intense left-brain work, after long engineering hours, she was also working as part of a medical practice helping diagnose complicated illnesses and aiding the healing process with energy healing. Soon after the manuscript was reviewed by several doctors, receiving enthusiastic reviews, Susana had two traumatic brain injuries an hour apart. She went from being on top of my game, both as an engineer and as a healer, to not being able to remember anything, Susana had serious vision problems, could not read anything, and she was falling asleep without warning, while being in horrendous pain all over my body. This made me incapable of understanding this book for many years.
Susana suggests 5 things to do to regain mental acuity after a concussion and keep mentally sharp into Old Age. Aphasia is an inability to comprehend or formulate language because of damage to specific brain regions. The major causes are a stroke or head trauma, but aphasia can also be the result of brain tumors, brain infections, or neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia. However, the latter are far less common and so not as often mentioned when discussing aphasia. With aphasia, one or more modes of communication in the brain have been damaged and are therefore functioning incorrectly.
These are:
- Auditory comprehension
- Verbal expression
- Reading and writing, or
- Functional communication
Aphasia is a frustrating condition for both the afflicted person and caregiver. Generally, it is considered that children under eight years of age recover fairly rapidly while in adults most of the recovery is within the first three months, with possible slow improvements after that.
In injury induced aphasia, and other brain damages, especially if it is used immediately following the trauma. Trauma centers could use healers to give first aid to people with brain injuries, brain swellings due to surgeries, babies delivered with the aid of forceps, or just as a preventative measure for children experiencing bad falls or sports-related hits, even if a CAT scan shows no damage. Such preventative measures could result in fewer people with disabilities and more people capable of delivering their peak performance.
How can you help?
- See immediately a doctor to determine the cause of aphasia and rule out brain bleeding or swelling.
- Contact an energy healer who works with brain injuries to help reestablish healthy energy patterns in the person’s brain field. I found repeatedly in my practice that by removing the energetic pattern corresponding to the stroke, the person regains his speech virtually immediately, sometimes to levels better than before. They tell me they feel their mind being clearer than before the brain trauma, which means that the energy pattern related to the stroke might have been forming in their brain for some time before manifesting at a physical level.
How can you help?
- Depending on the severity of symptoms, see your family physician as soon as possible.
- Immediately post trauma: reduce as much as possible: loud sounds, strong smells, bright lights – especially strobing lights, as all of this cause increased brain swelling
Drink plenty of water
Eat only light nutritious food
Sleep as much as you feel the need for. Sleep is the best healing tool for brain injuries.
DO NOT drink alcohol or take drugs. Their imprint tends to get stuck in the brain field of the injured person.
As seen above, energy healing is useful in both diagnosis and treatment of brain injuries. Basically, the process consists of field structure evaluation, repair, and energy field balancing. It is important to note that, from my experience, the brain function can recover only if a certain percentage of the brain is still trauma-free. Susana was not able to ascertain the exact percentage, but she knows that the traumatized brain tissue seems to learn from the healthy part how to function again. As brain injury is an area of allopathic medicine without direct treatment, possibilities of testing the effectiveness of energetic approaches in medical schools could add to recognized treatment techniques in the future.
Susana has had many amazing accomplishments healing others during your 30- year practice. The following is a typical story of aphasia and how energy healing can help in such cases. One day Susana was visiting her relatives in Minnesota when she noticed that her uncle, usually a very active person, was sitting quietly in a corner. She tried to engage him in a conversation, but his responses were rare and mostly the same word - “Yes” in Hungarian, his mother tongue. At that time, Susana was not yet knowledgeable about the effects of stroke. She asked his wife what was going on and she replied, “Your uncle had a stroke six months ago, but we did not tell too many people so as not to embarrass him.”. Susana wrote, “ As I looked at my uncle I was wondering if I should tell them about healing. How would they receive it? Would I appear like a mad person in the eyes of my family about whom I cared so much? Finally, I said gently, “I would like to ‘see’ what is going on with my uncle’s head. I am not going to hurt him and there is nothing bad that can happen to him as a result of me checking. Would you let me?” My aunt agreed readily, noting that none of the things they had tried had worked. “If you could help him even a little bit it might help him feel less depressed. After seating my uncle on a chair that gave me access to him from all sides, I scanned his head slowly. I found a small area where the Healing with a Loving Heart 95 energy felt too thick to move. The area was round in shape, about 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) in diameter. I worked with him a total of half an hour that night, cleaning up the energy blockage I had found. By the next morning he had started to say a few words. I continued to work with him twice a week and after the fifth session his speech was back to normal - in all five languages he knew, including words he had not used in twenty years (according to his son). He retained that level of language proficiency until he passed away eight years later.”
Another amazing story refers to a brain aneurysm. Brain aneurysm or intracranial aneurysm is a cerebrovascular disorder in which weakness in the wall of a cerebral artery or vein causes a localized dilation or ballooning of the blood vessel. If the aneurism is small and unchanging, it does not pose a problem, but large ones can cause severe headaches and vision problems. The major problem with aneurisms is that they can burst causing brain bleeds.
One of my most difficult cases, both physically and emotionally, was that of a man who had suffered an intracranial hemorrhage from a burst brain aneurysm. I had known him previously, having met several times when I visited his relatives who were good friends of mine. John was in his late fifties, good looking and full of life until the day the aneurysm burst. Fortunately, he remained conscious long enough to call 911. He was immediately taken to the hospital and rushed into emergency surgery. He was then put on a saline solution to counteract his dropping blood pressure, but the salt caused his brain to swell. As soon as I was told of the incident I started sending him my “best wishes”. His family indicated that they did not want me to do any healing and I did not have the slightest intention of going against their wishes. As I was praying, suddenly I felt a terrible headache and heard a voice saying to me “Tell them to stop that saline solution. It is making my brain swell. It is giving me terrible headaches. He cannot stand it.” As if to prove it, my headache became even worse. Susana called the family and gently told them that she could feel William being given some solution that was making his brain swell and causing him terrible headaches. The family confirmed that William was being given the saline solution, but that it was standard procedure for cases such as his to prevent his blood pressure from falling to a dangerously low level. Susana felt William’s pain on and off for the next several days as he fought it. It was not continuous, but occasionally woke me up during the night or hit me during office hours. It was like a cry for help for which she could do nothing. All she could do was relay to his family that William’s brain was swelling and that she was under the impression that he did not like it at all. Then, several days later, she told her husband “I am sure William has passed away.” My husband sounded surprised and asked how I could know. “I no longer have the terrible headaches and instead a pleasant feeling of peace just came over me,” We received a phone call inviting us to the funeral. After the incident Susana tried to analyze what really happened. William knew that she was a healer and may have felt my concern at an energetic level. Perhaps he hooked into the only communication channel he felt he had left. To this day Susana wishes she could have worked with him. Should she have disregarded his family’s wishes and worked long distance?
Sheryl says Years ago I got a call from my son in California. His wife’s cousin only l9 years old had a brain bleed and was in bad shape. He said to me, Mom I’m not sure what you do but whatever it is could you help her? It was New Year’s Eve and I sat quietly for quite a while tapping into her energy and doing Distant Healing Reiki. The young woman survived and with months of therapy recovered. Sheryl cried when she tapped into her energy and knew how much sadness there was by everyone surrounding her as it was a life and death scenario. Sheryl asked her guides and God if she could have a good quality of life and her soul could recover let it be! For Reiki healing only helps the soul achieve the desired end. We as healers cannot change the destiny of a soul no matter how much we may want to.
There are diseases or conditions that often don’t respond to traditional methods of drug therapy or surgery Can your energetic work often work wonders where other methods have failed. Asthma and allergies are conditions that respond to energy healing.
Asthma is a common inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs. It is characterized by variable and recurring symptoms, reversible airflow obstruction, and easily triggered bronchospasms. Symptoms include wheezing, coughing, feeling chest tightness, and shortness of breath. These may occur a few times a day or a few times per week. Depending on the person, asthma symptoms may become worse at night or with exercise. I have found in my work with people who had asthma that the majority had a strong emotional component. Regardless the source, asthma can be successfully helped with desensitization to food or environmental triggers. Energy healing can be of value also in this respect, as calming the energy field helps ease the symptoms because the reaction to environmental and food triggers is less intense. Emotional work is another valuable tool in healing asthma and severe multiple allergies when there is an emotional component to the problem.
Especially in young children, Susana found a strong connection between asthma and emotional trauma, many times relate to parents quarrelling. In my work, She is able to find the emotional trauma patterns in the person’s field and remove them at an energetic level. It works fast and the person does not have to go through the traumatic event in order to release the trauma.
Susana relates Rose’s case as she was the most complex asthma case I had in my nearly forty years of working with people outside my family. Rose, a fifty-six-year-old woman, was referred to me by her physician. With a cheery disposition, she was battling a severe case of asthma. She wheezed terribly and was unable to go more than twenty minutes without an attack. By the time she came to work with me, she had experienced several major health problems and was being treated with medications, nutritional supplements, and detoxification. In her first visit she told me, “I came to you because I am planning on going soon on a once-in-a-lifetime trip and I want to be able to go without having to carry with me all the gadgets and medications that I am using when I get an attack.”
As Susana checked Rose’s field she found a lot of energy stuck in her lung, liver, and pancreas areas. Despite her obviously severe asthma, the general feel of her energy field was healthy and vibrant, leading me to believe that the problem was not completely physical in origin. The excess energy in her lung area felt jagged and when I started working on her I could feel a tickle in my own lungs. She had a strong asthma attack during the session, but by the end was breathing much easier, with the wheezing greatly diminished. Susana suggested to Rose to use a gentle detoxification and to drink fennel tea to clear her lungs. At her second session, after stabilizing her energy, we did a hypnotic regression. During the session she recalled some of the events from her current life that were related to her asthma. After “cleaning up” the components of the negative experiences from her allergies, which I have found to be an important component of asthma, also can be associated with toxicity of the liver. If not corrected over a long period of time, the pancreas is then subject of becoming inflamed. The plural “we” includes the person who is hypnotized, as that person is in full awareness of and participant in the process. Hypnosis is not possible without full patient consent. The purpose of hypnotic regression is to take the person back in time to an event or events that trigger emotional or physical traumas or ailments, in order to be able to heal the problem at its initial root cause. I find the combination of hypnotic regression and healing as being effective in resolving emotionally induced chronic ailments.
During her third session Rose told me that she was able to go through her yoga class without any asthma attacks. After strengthening her energy field, we again went into hypnotic regression. To my surprise, when I suggested that Rose go back to the time when her asthma started, she recalled a past life as a young woman in Denmark in which she was buried under her own log house. Her family was away from home, her children in school and her husband in the field when a tornado-like wind came. She went below, into the cellar of her “very primitive log house”, only She was hit on her head by a log and as the logs piled up on top of her, she died suffocated. Not only do experiences in this life lead to certain illness but those buried within soul memory which can be released through hypnotherapy or energy sessions and release the memory causing the dysfunction. Without the process of properly cleaning up the negative events from the patient’s memory, it is possible to create more problems than were present before the illness trigger was identified and accessed.
Susana worked with quite a few people diagnosed with asthma. She found that their lungs can feel either scratchy, like in their field would be small sharp bumps, or it feels thicker than normal. In either case, removing the lung field is necessary. When the person has repeated attacks of asthma that are becoming worse in time, I always check for possible emotional trauma stuck in their field. In general, I find that most commonly the emotional trauma is related to being in an environment that the person “cannot even breathe “
These days, Susana can work with the trauma patterns much easier, as she can remove them directly from the field through energy work, the client no longer needing to go through the traumatic event. This is a big improvement, as it works much faster.
How can you help?
- First see your doctor to have your attack under control.
- Request some tests to check if the asthma is due to something in your environment: what you eat, your cleaning products, or your cosmetics. Sometimes people have seasonal asthma attacks which can be controlled with homeopathics.
- Look into finding somebody to check if there is also an emotional component to our asthma.
- Somebody who works with light hypnosis will get faster to the trauma patterns than talk therapy.
- Oxygenate your body by exercising outside (walking is perfect) or doing yoga breathing.
- Make sure you sleep enough as your liver, your detox center, cannot work properly when tired. I have seen many asthma cases being greatly helped by optimizing the person’s liver function.
- As asthma is much worse when the person is under stress, meditate, do yoga, or regular energy field adjustments to release the stresses induced by everyday life in your field
This book is written articulately, with great perception and insight into the body's energy system and how disruption of body energy flow can cause both cellular disease and dysfunction. The body has an inherent healing mechanism we need to fully understand. The recognition of cellular energy flow imbalance and its correction is essential in healing. The theory of body life energy flow is not new. Einstein, Plank, and others, with the advent of new field physics, introduced a new appreciation for the link between energy and matter. Albert Szent Gyorgyi’s studies also recognized a biological energy system in man. Healing with a Loving Heart Hospital-based studies, conducted in the United States, have verified Healing Touch therapy , utilized to normalize body energy flow in the surgical area immediately following surgery, results in improved recovery and reduced hospital stay for up to two to four days, Reiki Energy Healing is much like Healing Touch Polarity Healing Craniosacral and other spiritually motivated healing work.
Sheryl says that as a Reiki Master Teacher energy practitioner I have seen miracles as have you in helping people recover from serious illness faster when Reiki is applied and women unable to have a child do get pregnant and I call these children Reiki babies. Reiki sets up an environment for the individual to become more aligned to their thoughts attitudes and perceptions and shift into more fulfilling ways to deal with their challenges and this aids the healing process. Thoughts are indeed powerful and can draw like minded conditions if left in a negative or fearful state. Energy healing changes thought processes which also can change the body affecting healing illness and emotional dysfunction.
Susana tells us how the energy field affects physical mental and emotional well- being! Our body represents the most complex of computer systems. Our brain, the master center, communicates amazingly via sensory, chemical, electrical, and energy pathways. The results are changes in physiologic, psychophysiological, and neuroglandular systems, which in turn disrupt or correct the body’s type of energy healing. It is no wonder why we often fail in our medical treatment. Susana Stoica cites multiple case studies, demonstrating the importance of recognizing body energy flow disruption in disease. A total holistic treatment utilizing energy normalization concurrent with medication and nutrient therapy, would greatly enhance cell healing and recovery. Many of our most difficult and frustrating cases, i.e. auto-immune diseases, could be neutralized, improved, and possibly cured with such a total holistic approach. Her results are impressive, and often appear miraculous. Within modern western medicine, healing is considered complete when the patient no longer exhibits the original symptoms. True healing is based on a broader picture as it defines healing not just as a resolution of medical symptoms, but of the underlying physical and/or emotional issue that caused the illness too. Additionally, the healing experience changes not only the physical/emotional state of the patient, but also impacts the lives of the people closest to them. Repeatedly I have seen positive changes in family interactions, families who have become more loving when one of its members undergoes energy healing.
Susana and Sheryl both had Coronavirus last spring when little was known about it and we are still in the midst of Coronavirus pandemic. Sheryl asks Susana if the Coronavirus in her estimation different from the regular flu in energy healing spaces?
Susana wrote, “The name of this virus is associated with images of ventilators, being stuck in the house, face masks, and fear. I worked with people with symptoms of this illness before it was known that it even existed. Even then it was puzzling as it did not react to known medical treatments, in fact the person I worked with became even sicker when she tried several accepted medical treatments for her symptoms. The most curious part about this experience was that also I was working with the person at distance with energy healing. I was picking up her symptoms, from the scratchy feeling in my lungs, to eventually difficult breathing and feeling feverish, so I had to stop the healing sessions. About two months later, in March, I got the full blast of the virus after somebody, while I was shopping, sneezed on me. At that time people were not wearing yet masks. I had all the symptoms: chills, elevated temperature, lung constriction, for about three or four days I was having problems remembering things, I had phantom smells, and I was not able to get out of my bed for several days. This experience was I was doing distance healing, which means that the person I was working with was not at the same location as I was. Healing with a Loving Heart was quite useful in the end, when I started working with others with COVID symptoms. I found the energy pattern of this virus quite different from anything else I experienced before. A usual illness pattern is fixed in a person’s field and when I am working with a identical for everybody. The COVID-19 virus was different in every possible way. It appeared in the beginning as a cloud that would float in the person’s field until it found the weakest point of the system. Once there, it would grow fast to a huge size, and become very “solid”. What was also unusual, was the speed with which it would respond to both healing sessions and natural supplements. The latter were specific for each case because the virus would attack different parts of the body.
It was as if the virus would be programed not to respond to accepted medical treatments. In my experience, every person with COVID19 I worked with was back on his/her feet in one week, even if they were having fever and lung issues at the time I started working with them. I even worked (at distance) with a sixty-five year old nurse with diabetes and heart issues, who was on the ventilator and she responded very fast, being taken off the ventilator in less than twenty-four hours from the time I started working. Another characteristic of the virus was that it changed during the time I was working with it, its frequency lowering and behavior changing. The last change, around mid-May in Michigan, was as if it became old. The frequency was lower, I felt it was much more difficult to catch it, and it had more “hooks” to attach to human cells, but those hooks were less capable than the ones from previous generations of viruses.
How can you help yourself?
Follow the recommended precautions and keep your immune system strong:
- Keep your body hydrated, which means drinking about two quarts/liters of water every day. Drink the water quarter to half cup at a time so your body can assimilate it.
- Walk outside in the sun.
- Practice deep breathing to clean your lungs.
- Keep a positive outlook. Negative emotions contract your energy field.
- Keep in touch with family and friends. We are lucky to live in a time when phone as well as video access to others is readily available.
- Eat a light, nutritious diet, with lots of fresh vegetable.
Tell us how to help parents with children that have autism or cognitive delay and how these methods improve brain function. Susana did not have the opportunity to work with severe autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), only the milder version, formerly named Asperger’s. Asperger’s is a developmental disorder characterized by difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, and restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. As a milder autism spectrum disorder people with this diagnosis have a relatively normal intelligence. Signs usually begin before two years of age and typically last for a person's entire life. The exact cause of Asperger's is unknown. Brain imaging has not identified a common underlying condition.
As a healer interested in brain function and trauma, Susana found Asperger’s to be intriguing. In every case she worked with, she found the individuals to have a certain energy center related to our connection to the environment being closed, and when I opened it, the person was able to better relate to his/her environment, stopped repetitive actions, and inappropriate behaviors. In most cases the common energetic problem was also associated with other types of light brain trauma in other areas of the field, but every one of them had the same energy center closed. I can literally “see” who had Asperger’s and every time the person would confirm that they had the medical diagnostic.
A typical example of Asperger’s was Jeff, who at sixteen had to be placed in a special institution because he was disruptive in class and had a habit of grabbing women’s breasts. Susana was asked by his mother to see if she could help him behave in a more socially acceptable manner. During a handful of healing sessions, Susana repeatedly opened the energy center specific to Asperger’s, healed some family trauma and other light brain trauma. Slowly Jeff was able to stop the socially unacceptable behavior, he calmed down, and was eventually able to finish high school and go on to college.
Susana might like readers to take away with them after reading Healing With A Loving Heart that Energy medicine hypnosis and meditation works well with allopathic or western medicine helping to heal or manage Many healers have the ability to pinpoint the primary source of health disturbances. In her work
Susana has found three main sources of chronic headaches:
- An overall energy field toxicity stemming from liver or kidney problems
- A long-term hormonal imbalance, or
- Closed head injuries. Once the source has been determined, immediate rebalancing of the energy in the designated area can begin.
And Liver and kidney toxicities are induced by eating the wrong foods, excessive alcohol consumption, or overmedication/medication toxicity.
The healer’s first approach in these conditions is to clean the toxic energy from the patient’s energy field and replace it with “clean” energy. This is followed by an overall strengthening of the entire field understanding of our energetic soul essence is essential to living a healthy life and to know who we are as energetic soul beings having a physical life and leads to ridding oneself of fear limitation pain and trauma so we can defeat or manage physical illness.
We thank Susana Stoica author of “Healing With a Loving Heart” certified Healing Touch Practitioner and Hypnotherapist who has shared her life as a healing soul from the earliest days of childhood to develop a holistic practice working with the human energy field studying most of the most debilitating illness that affect millions of people and finding healing for them as well as sharing much about the human and divine life experience.
In summarizing today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we have shared amazing insights into the true nature of healing which encompasses mind body and spirit and is a way to know the value and joy of life through understanding energy as indeed every challenge illness or loss can teach us. Susana Stoica a gifted intuitive and healer has shared insights into most of the most debilitating and limiting diseases millions of people experience such as asthma headaches brain injuries arthritis ASL autism coronavirus and others suggesting ways to improve or heal the situation with both traditional allopathic treatment and energy healing.
Susana and Sheryl would have you know as they have been blessed to discover in this lifetime, that we are indeed much more than our physical body and life is a dream that exists beyond this physical life in dimensions where love and compassion reign supreme, and each soul is filled with the joy of eternal life and manifesting new experiences. A physical life empowers you to rediscover that soul part of yourself and reconnect to the Universal Source of creation and infinite possibilities.
Everyone has a purpose in life…. a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit….. Deepak Chopra, M.D. The Law of “Dharma” or Purpose in Life from The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and author of my newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening and invite you to visit my website to read about and listen to inspiring stories by metaphysicians scientists spiritualists medical practitioners psychologists educators lawyers and those in the arts and music fields as we come to remember who we are as more than this physical life and find ways to prosper serve and live authentically and fully with love and compassion. Shows may also be heard on and