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Divine Healing Techniques to Calm the Spirit- Raise Immune System Re-balance the Brain
- Dr. Christopher Macklin
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Hello and welcome to Healing From Within with your host Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher and author of the newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which show us that our problems are not simply economic political or societal but a deep disconnect from our true inner being or soul wisdom. Today we welcome Dr. Christopher Macklin author of Centering the Mind a powerful health practitioner from England who utilizes Divine Healing techniques to help people recover from all types of illness both spiritual and physical.
As listeners of Healing From Within are aware my esteemed guests and I share intimate stories and insights into the metaphysical aspects of energy and Universal Source as we continue to seek a greater awareness of human life Self and life beyond this physical environment. To make the most of our spiritual gifts and to live in the modern physical world we must raise our vibration and cultivate situations that heal teach and govern our own lives as well as that of our community and world. It is necessary to process new thoughts to create a new reality of love and compassion which is the ultimate quest of the soul journey.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Dr. Christopher Macklin will share his impressive healing story from being a highly aware psychic child to a successful aviation industry engineer to a series of financial difficulties and the world as he knew it turned upside down. He promised god that he would use his healing abilities to serve humanity and he surrendered the rest to God. And so started his devotion to Divine Healing methods and helping many. We will discuss raising your immune system re-balancing the brain through centering the mind dissolving the enigma of Healing discuss Covid and the vaccine agenda and the long- term effects of this pandemic and the affects on the health of the general public. Dr. Macklin shares his amazing life journey and ways to understand true healing which combines mind body and spirit unity balance and the centering of the mind.
When Christopher is asked to think back to their childhood and remember a person place or event that could have signaled to him or to others the lifestyle and interests they might pursue in adulthood for it seems that the story is written within our soul and comes into this life with us from the very beginning of this life journey he tells us he was able to see Spirit and knew perhaps it would be better if he didn’t share this ability with too many people so he could fit in with everyone and be like everyone else but eventually guides and help from Spirit guided him to use his healing awareness to help others as that was the plan from the beginning.
Dr. Christopher Macklin tells us about the PRIMARY CAUSES OF MENTAL / EMOTIONAL DISORDERS. The primary causes of the current mental/emotional illness epidemic are directly related to the state of the world we live in, the negative side effects of modern technology and the effects of social engineering. Many of us are living lives that are lacking in true connection. The supportive families and communities that are so necessary for creating a healthy, successful life have been undermined by the constructs of social engineering and the demands of daily life. There was a time when more couples were united in creating their families and at least one parent was at home to care for the children. For many this is a thing of the past. We find ourselves in homes where there are TVs/computers in every room. Many times, they are on and broadcasting information even when no one is watching. This has become a trend and people use the noise to make them feel less lonely. They use these screens to babysit their children and they use the never- ending barrage of information to distract themselves from the problems of daily life. These are habitual ways that people have adjusted to stress. None of it is particularly healthy in the long run. The noise pollution and the messages conveyed from the screens are often times destructive and create anxious feelings.
What is driving all of this over the edge is that we are being pushed to perform at a faster and faster pace within our schools and because of the demands in our jobs. We awaken and are on the go until we fall asleep. We work at full time jobs and then many times don’t have much left from our paycheck after we have paid the bills and buy food. Stress and tension mount and we never really have time to truly rebound and build ourselves back up from these experiences. All of this build’s day after day... week after week...month after month. Because of this, many of us are living in a perpetual state of PTSD. These experiences lack true and fulfilling purpose, happiness, love and joyful creativity.
All of this fuels the “loneliness epidemic” that the world is experiencing. In fact, it’s cyclical. The loneliness fuels the mental health epidemic and the mental health epidemic fuels the loneliness epidemic. The youngest generations...those who have had constant and continual exposure to electronic screens, social media and cell phones are the loneliest. Statistics show that the older generations experience less loneliness in their lives. Their habits are different and their concepts about life are informed by the experiences they have learned and mastered. They are also on their phones and screens less and spend more time in community with others doing meaningful activities. We are slowly and surely...gradually and completely, becoming more and more used to a way of life that is completely undermining our physical, mental and emotional health. And worst of all, this has become our new normal but it is not normal or healthy at all. It is as though we are filling our lives and our minds with poison.
A mere 100 years ago most of these problems didn’t exist. We may argue that life was far more difficult then but the truth is that we are facing a different set of wholly destructive problems today and we are losing sight of our humanity. And years ago, through the difficulties we had stronger communities, better food, clean air and a stronger sense of self. In reclaiming our personal power and sovereignty it’s critical to understand that we can heal the situations that we face.
We have to reclaim our understanding and wisdom around what is healthy. We have to regain the understanding of who and what we are and what we need in order to thrive. We need love. We need community. We need clean air and pure water. We need nature and we need to exercise. We need to feel good about ourselves. We need space to develop, enjoy and share our gifts. We need peace of mind. We need acceptance, kindness and compassion. We need each other. We need to feel a sense of purpose and connection to the Divine and to our values.
Dr. Macklin tells us that most of the mental and emotional illnesses that are besetting the world fall into 4 primary cluster headings: Anxiety Disorders, Depression, ADD/ADD disorders and chronic stress/stress disorders.
Many times, we find that people are suffering from more than one of these disorders at the same time. For instance, people with anxiety can also suffer from depression and one of the different forms of ADD concurrently. Someone may experience PTSD in addition to depression. Or perhaps they are experiencing OCD, anxiety, and depression.
In western medicine, the term for having more than one disorder is called comorbidity. These negative emotions and disorders affect a person’s perception and their capacity to think clearly. Sensitivities can grow while misinterpretations and more painful experiences accrue. Blame, guilt, fear, anger and shame build. Many turn to traditional psychotherapy and allopathic, pharmaceutical medicine hoping to find solutions. However, these traditional modalities are often problematic. Many times, people end up seeing several therapists and taking numerous different medications and yet their problems are never solved. In many cases they get worse because all of these medications have side effects.
There are other more advanced, holistic ways of helping people to resolve these issues and heal from them. We can work directly with the energy within and surrounding the person. Because everything is made from energy, all of these different disorders have a specific vibration and frequency. When we clear and heal the energy within a person’s body and raise their frequency they heal.
In Christopher’s practice, he has found that most of the negative energy in someone’s mental/emotional body is actually contained in the space around the heart and also in the energetic field around them known as “stuck, discordant frequencies” which are largely created because of unprocessed pain and trauma are magnetic. If a person doesn’t have enough present moment awareness to process the painful experiences, the energy of the unresolved issues remains within the person’s body. They energetically attract more experiences that match the frequencies of the earlier pain and trauma previously collected in the areas in and around the body. The result is that the person will continue to create experiences that vibrationally match these unresolved patterns until they become aware enough to do the inner work to heal the negative cycles.
A skilled energy healer can go into the energy in and around a person’s body and find the places where these negative mental/emotional patterns are located and release them. There are many different kinds of energy healing modalities that address these problems and they all work in their own way and at different speeds. Traditional methods from the East such as acupuncture, Chi Gong and yoga all work to gently and methodically release these discordant energetic patterns.
In the western traditions we have myofascial massage, chiropractic practices, therapeutic massage, meditation, present moment awareness and breathing exercises to assist in helping people release these patterns. All of these methods work without causing the dangerous side effects associated with western medicine. In the work Christopher does he helps people release the energy from their heart center and clear the energy from their body, chakra points, energy meridians and biofield using unconditional love energy from the ultimate dimension and angelic assistance.
Sheryl says as a Reiki Master Teacher/ practitioner she works with the help from a higher dimension of pure energy above with guides teachers and angels to allow the body to relax and release blockages and negative thoughts to create an environment that can receive higher vibrations of good will, love. and compassion so according to the Law of Attraction they can begin to improve their lives by becoming more of their soul magnificent and less of the fear induced energy they have had imprinted on them by others in this physical reality.
In Sheryl’s book A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening she writes, “In reading A New Life Awaits I know you will discover much synchronicity with your own observations and find comfort in validating many of your own wishes t o live life in an expansive bolder approach creating new perspectives new thoughts taking you in the direction that your heart and soul were born to experience. Unencumbered by the rules and limitations of societal and familial systems imprinted from childhood, that may have made you forget the amazing loving magnificent entity that you are that was born to walk in delight on our beautiful earth landscape and with inspirational light you will find a new life awaits each day and you donot walk alone.”
Dr. Macklin goes on to discuss that “Stress is the greatest factor associated with the rise of mental/emotional disorders. We are experiencing so much continual stress and we are moving so fast that we never truly have time to recover and heal from the daily onslaught and pressure of our stressful experiences. When we don’t have the time and tools to process these experiences the effects of stress compounds. Stress is a state that can be handled in bits and pieces, under normal circumstances and with proper rest and support systems, we can integrate the stress and move on from it. Most people don’t have healthy coping mechanisms in place.
Under normal, balanced circumstances, the neurons in our brains and bodies are transmitting information and working together relaying a symphony of information. The branches of the neurons extend out like trees; and they touch each other, transmitting information and energy from neuron to neuron in the same way that tree tops can be seen touching each other in a canopy in the forest. This is the way information and electrical charges are passed along within the brain and within key areas in the body such as the heart and the GI tract.
The stress literally damages the neurons, causing them to shrink. They become compressed and pull away from each other which interrupts the smooth flow of information in the brain. This deeply affects our capacity to think clearly and how we interpret things. As time goes by, a person experiencing the negative effects of stress in the brain begins to function at less than their potential. They make choices from a skewed perspective because they're not processing all of the information available. They don’t usually realize this however. Misunderstandings and emotional responses based on partial information create even more problems and more stress. And this in turn, when left unchecked, leads to the mental/emotional imbalances we are seeing in the world today. PSTD is one of the major stress disorders of our day. It results when we don’t recover from the stress and violent scenarios that we have been exposed to. Our system begins to automatically generate negative images and we experience heightened fear and sustained levels of anxiety and vulnerability
ADD and ADHD have become extremely prevalent in the last 20 years. Dr. Macklin tells us more of this often undiagnosed and misunderstood condition.
Both of these disorders are marked, most notably, by the inability to focus and impulsivity. With ADHD there is the added component of hyperactivity. There are more than 3 million new cases a year reported in the US and those who have it often experience high levels of stress due to their inability to focus. This one thing affects every aspect of life.
The different types of ADD have been researched and categorized by Dr. Daniel Amen in his landmark studies on brain scans and psychological/emotional disorders. He has isolated 7 types of ADD. In his brilliant book, “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life”, he states, “Clearly ADD is not just one thing. Knowing someone’s type or types of ADD can make a critical difference in helping them or yourself.
Think of:
- Classic ADD as the hyperactive child or adult who can’t sit still and is always on the go.
- Inattentive ADD as someone who is shy and more reserved, yet still can’t focus.
- Over focused ADD as someone who has ADD symptoms plus gets stuck on bad thoughts.
- Temporal Lobe ADD as someone who may be more temperamental and struggles with learning.
- Limbic ADD as someone one who is sad and can’t focus.
- Ring of Fire ADD where way too much is going on in their brains, and
- Anxious ADD where someone has both anxiety and trouble focusing.”
The demographic is clearly delineated. More males have it than females by a wide margin and the females that do develop it do so largely as a coping mechanism to stress. Most males who are diagnosed, have it because of organic, neurological factors but it can also be developed in males due to stress and other environmental factors. In addition, ADD is passed down generationally and it is more often found in families where alcoholism is present. Many of the people that Dr. Amen has helped have grandparents who were alcoholics
When working to heal ADD in yourself or others it’s important to be extremely compassionate. I find that so many gifted people have ADD and this is because the world is an extremely difficult place to live in. ADD is the coping mechanism the brain has developed to be able to bring these very high level gifts into the world in the midst of so much heartache and confusion. If you have ADD look at the different ways you have had to compensate in your life. Applaud yourself for all you’ve achieved and have come to understand because you had to find new solutions in order to move forward in life. -Look at the different places where you or your loved ones are experiencing ADD symptoms more prominently. Are you experiencing them when you are exercising? At work/school? While cooking or shopping? Is there a time of day when you are experiencing more problems? Isolating the activities and times of day when ADD is more active will give you great insight into the way the brain is functioning. It can also be seen as a tool to help you really evaluate what you choose to include in your life and why.
Depression is one of the leading mental disorders in America second to anxiety. Dr. Macklin tells us of that. It will plague more people around the world than any other disease and the majority of people on earth will experience it at one point in their lives. The various different types of depression are: major depression, situational depression, psychotic depression, Bipolar- disorder, seasonal affect disorder (SAD), peri and post -partum depression, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, situational depression and atypical depression. Its causes are obvious.
People don’t have enough information about the truth of their own divine souls or the fact that there is a divine plan that has been created for them. In God’s divine plan there is fulfillment, abundance and happiness for every individual. There is joy, community, love and success. Most people don’t even know that this has been created for them or that we access the divine plan for our lives by raising our frequency, developing our relationship with God and through following our intuition. Without this crucial information, however, the world we live in today appears to be a scary, hopeless and violent place that makes no sense. Depression is caused by the repeated, destabilizing effects of stress on the system and the sustained stressful situations in our lives. Family dysfunction, relationship and financial problems, health issues, work and school struggles all create the foundational basis for depression.
Depression can also be caused by a spiritual attack, energetic attachment, ancient rituals or by remote viewers. I have powerful prayers of protection that can be found on the CMM prayer app and that will remove these interferences. You can download the prayer app for phone and use the clearing/protection prayers until you feel a difference. Depression reflects an instability in the limbic system which is found in the central part of the brain. Stressful situations cause a release of stress hormones which causes the neurotransmitter, GABA, to flow at abnormally low levels. This causes the limbic system to begin to overwork. The result is depression. Many times upon waking, people are aware of a sudden strange, irritating and depressing feeling. This is usually a remote viewer. They monitor people from other dimensions and begin to discombobulate and drain them of energy as they wake up. If this is something you or your loved ones are experiencing, play “The Prayer To Remove Manipulation From Your Personal Life”
I am of God. I ground myself to the Earth. I command you dear God to break all spells, curses and ancient rituals in my life that are not good and true. I command you God to remove all negative remote viewers. Remove all radionics machines affecting my life now. I command that you rebalance any manipulations of the time/space continuum in this 3rd dimensional world and throughout all the time/space continuum in every dimension. I bring all the beings involved with any of my personal manipulation, infinite levels wide, infinite levels high, though all space/time continuum in every dimension before you God for justice in only the way You know how. It’s not for me to judge them, therefore I release them to you God with unconditional love and forgiveness. I thank you God and I send you my unconditional love. So be it. Amen
From an energetic perspective, a great deal of the time, anxiety has a component that revolves around spiritual attack the use of radionics machines. Negative remote viewers watch people from other dimensions and use different techniques to destabilize people and drain them of energy. They do this because they feed off of the energy and because they don’t want people to live the divine plan of their lives. And so, while a person may have an incredible amount of stress in their lives, this stress causes their frequency and vibration to drop. In doing this, the person lowers themselves into a vibration where the remote viewers can access them. Remote viewers don’t like high vibrational energy which is why keeping your energy clear and your frequency high is a major part of healing from any illness and clearing yourself of anxiety. Many times, when a person is continuously experiencing anxiety there is also an energetic attachment which creates the horrible, shaky feeling in the body that often times accompanies this disorder. These attachments also repeatedly feed negative thoughts into a person’s mind. Without the proper knowledge, people assume that they are simply suffering from a mental/emotional imbalance. They have no idea that they are being manipulated by an energetic attachment
ENERGETIC / SPIRITUAL ATTACKS There are many “less understood” causes of mental/emotional disorders. These sources have an energetic and spiritual nature and they work to influence how people feel and think. They especially work to create greater stress, to prolong duress and to offset people and keep them in mentally ill states so that they can be easily conditioned and controlled. The following is a list of the most prominent energetic/spiritual challenges that I find when working with my clients. I have also included some solutions following this listing which I have found to be very useful in treating these unseen but incredibly destructive, negative influences.
Ancient rituals spells or curses are extremely prevalent in today’s world and cause a lot of problems. Most people don’t really understand how they work or that they are being influenced by them and so they don’t take steps to break and release them. But these energetic intentions to cause problems can be cleared through using the methods listed below. I always advise that someone can send bad energy through wishing someone ill will or speaking with negative emotions against. They may not know that they are creating a curse but this behavior has the same end result and it’s important to clear yourself if you have ever experienced this.
ESOTERIC MERKABA FIELD PRAYER OF PROTECTION I am of God. I ground myself to the Earth. I command God to create 27 esoteric merkaba fields around me to protect me from any negative entities, fractals thereof, manipulations, and transmissional frequencies which are not for my highest good. I command you dear God to optimize the vibration of these merkaba fields with the blueprint of my DNA and the keys of Enoch so as not to allow anything to enter except for my highest good through all space time continuum in every dimension. I command you to activate it now God. And I thank you dear God and I send you my unconditional love. So be it. Amen
PRAYER TO RELEASE ANY CELLULAR MEMORY OR ESOTERIC TRANSFERENCE FROM PAST LIFE I am of God. I ground myself to the Earth. I come before you dear God for forgiveness for anything I have done in any past life to infinitum, through all space and time in any dimension that has been brought back into this lifetime and is affecting me now. I release it all to you God with Unconditional Love. I thank you God and send you my Unconditional Love. So be it. Amen.
PRAYER TO RELEASE PAST LIFE CONNECTION ISSUES I am of God. I ground myself to the Earth. I come before you dear God for forgiveness for anything I have done in any past life to infinitum, through all space and time in any dimension that has been brought back into this life time and is affecting my relationship with the person now. I release it all to you God with Unconditional Love. I thank you God and send you my Unconditional Love. So be it. Amen
Anxiety is a very specific kind of experience that in certain situations requires monitoring to make sure it doesn’t escalate. Whether working with children, adolescents or loved ones, take the steps to understand what would create better feelings when the anxiety is present. List the different solutions and create a plan to implement them when you begin to feel anxious. Dr. Macklin makes suggestions for lessening the effects of anxiety….Some people find that taking a shower or listening to calming music makes them feel better. Other people feel that taking a walk out in nature can help curb the feelings of anxiety. Whatever works, begin to actively incorporate these things into your life. -Create a goal chart and integrate a few new behaviors weekly that will help to keep your energy more relaxed and focused on better feeling states.
Addiction is rampant in America. We are living in a country that is rife with addiction. Let’s try to get a handle on why it is so prevalent today?
Many times, because of the problems that we face in life, people turn to substances or addictive behaviors and get lost in them. This is especially true when people are trying to self -medicate in order to ease the symptoms of stress and different disorders. And yet addiction in and of itself is a mental/emotional disorder.
Addiction is present in nearly all age groups. Children, adolescents and adults alike. Addiction is affecting all of us. Through the different types of foods, substances, electronics and behaviors, we are dealing with a culture that uses addiction as a crutch to ease the pain and keep us distracted, without ever solving the problems that we are encountering. Many times, people have an addictive psychology that they get lost in. The addictive behavior is based on the dysfunction of the glands within the brain. Just as in the case of repetitive negative thinking and OCD, addiction is based on the stressed, overworked state of the anterior cingulate gland. In seeking to heal the addiction and move beyond it, we also have to do things that will bring greater balance to the ACG.
Many times, in the presence of addiction there are also other mental/emotional imbalances, like depression, ADD and actively incorporate these things into your life.
In talking about Christopher’s divine understanding of Covid and whether vaccines may damage certain people’s bodies he is aware that many leaders in government and other agencies may be concerned with population issues and whether there could be long term negative results from the vaccine. That is still to be determined. But why the pharmaceutical companies were so resistant to letting the public know results of testing until 75 years into the future didn’t leave many thinking people with a good feeling. Now we are seeing many people vaxxed and boostered testing positive to Covid over and over again? It is concerning. The virus is there but the people may be asymptomatic as the body is already familiar with the virus and able to ward it off. All not confirmed or understood at the present time.
Dr. Macklin says as we become more aware of who we are as soul beings WE can always TAKE OUR POWER BACK! Many people today live lives where they feel powerless on some level. They are engaged in conscious and unconscious agreements and role playing with people and situations that they have allowed to take their power away and sap their energy. This can happen in a myriad of ways. We can give our power away to other people. We can give our power away to situations. We can give our power away to our schedules. We can give our power away in the family roles that we play, etc. Perhaps we got involved with certain people or situations because they made us feel needed. Perhaps, they made us feel safe in some way. These unconscious agreements create a distortion in our perceptual field that makes us feel powerless when in fact we are full of power.
At a certain point in the healing process, it becomes important to take your power back and live as the sovereign being that you are. You don’t have to compromise yourself and make yourself feel smaller in order to make things work well in your life. You may have felt this before and created situations that didn’t really serve your highest good, although in some way they served a purpose. We can often use these situations to make ourselves feel better by using them to close ourselves down. The most important thing we can realize is that we are not prisoners to these situations. We have in fact given our power over to them for a reason and somewhere in the subconscious mind there is an imprint or pattern that is seeking to be revealed and healed. We are Divine beings and we are fully capable of creating vast goodness in the world for ourselves and for others.
Also rest and rejuvenation are an extremely important part of the healing process. In fact, the value of consistent, regenerative rest can’t be underestimated. It allows the glands in the brain an opportunity to completely relax and it gives the body a chance to recuperate from all of the physically draining, discordant energy and confusion that is present when there is a mental/emotional disorder.
When experiencing an emotional disorder, we have to interrupt the patterns that are supporting the illness and introduce new behaviors that will support our healing. A wonderful place to begin is by creating a more relaxed, stress- free routine that prioritizes rest, rejuvenation and downtime.
It’s a scientific fact that the hormones of stress downregulate genes and create disease. Long term effects. Human beings... because of the size of the neo-cortex ...we can turn on the stress response just by thought alone. We think about our problems, we turn on those chemicals. That means then our thoughts can make us sick. And if our thoughts can make us sick, does that mean that our thoughts can make us well? The answer is absolutely yes.” -Dr. Joe Dispenza, best selling author, neuroscience researcher
We thank Dr. Christopher Macklin for delivering “Centering Your Mind” that shares a detailed fact based description on all the issues facing modern day society in terms of health and immune function, affecting both physical and energetic conditions, that can be healed using a mind body spirit philosophy and therapeutic approach.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Dr. Christopher Macklin has explained and exposed new ways to look at depression anxiety addiction many forms of mental illness and healing methods and prayers that address both the body and soul.
Dr. Macklin writes, “The human body was designed to live in a state of coherency where everything works smoothly, cooperatively and in the highest ease and grace. It was designed to be in alignment and operate in a very specific way. When we access the original divine blueprint in regards to our physiological alignment, our minds and brains function in an optimal state and we are able to access more personal power, focus, joy and energy. Our lives are more fulfilling and we live from a place of guided intuition, inspiration, certainty and balance. Our frequency and vibration remain high and we live more effortlessly from a centered state of genuine authenticity…….. In restoring ourselves, we restore our brain. In restoring our brain, we restore the natural Divine order and design of the mind/brain connection. The mind and brain were never intended to function independent of the heart and soul. They are designed to function within the overall energy of the soul’s purpose. In order to live within the divine energy of the soul, we have to restore the mind back to its rightful place within the heart.”
Dr. Christopher Macklin and Sheryl Glick RMT would have you begin to heal -Center the mind into the heart. Center the mind in gratitude. Center the mind into present moment awareness. Center the mind into the depths of self-care. Center the mind into peace, joy and tranquility. Find the love for Self within and shed that love into the world as it was meant to be shared. Find the divine within and remember your personal power to expand and live a life of possibilities allowing your thoughts to create the life and love that is your divine state of being.
I am Sheryl Glick RMT Reiki Master Energy Teacher medium and author of the newest book in a trilogy, A New Life Awaits and invite you to visit my website to read about and listen to leaders in the metaphysical spiritual scientific medical and psychology and the arts and music fields share their views on finding answers to age old questions of Who are we? Where do we come from? and What is the purpose of our life on Earth? Shows may also be heard on and