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Divine Mother Guidance and Healing
- Connie Huebner
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Welcome to Healing From Within with host Sheryl Glick RMT medium and author of her newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages from Spirit that show us our challenges are not economic political or societal but often a deep disconnect from our inner soul life and wisdom. Today we are delighted to welcome Connie Huebner author of Divine Mother Healing is a leading spiritual luminary of these times. Connie not only receives Divine messages but teaches others to receive them as well.
As listeners of “Healing From Within”” have come to expect over the years my gifted and expansive guests and I share intimate stories and insights in order to remember we are spiritual beings having a physical life journey in order to refine our soul energy and gather experiences to take with us into other dimensions of life and creative love. Life in a physical world cannot be lived without duality : we must have both sides of the spectrum good and bad male and female rich or poor black or white to set up ways to bring together and in harmony opposites and recognize the unity that comes from diversity.
In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Connie Huebner shares her journey to explain a profound yearning to communicate with Spirit with the Divine. In her search she learned that The Kingdom of Heaven is within you and through commitment patience and self-investigation Divine qualities reveal themselves and we will learn about practical methods for both healing and awakening the Divine relationship. Connie shares a series of Healing Tools to heal yourself and loved ones and which can be effective if the words are just read out loud or repeated silently.
When Connie is asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that may have shown her the interests and life path she might follow in adulthood she immediately tells how she longed for a black horse of her own but never expected to actually possess one.
Connie goes on to tell us she was not even slightly spiritual and loved exploring the country side where she lived and dreamed of having one impossible thing in her life..a black horse. Since that wasn’t happening, she rode her bicycle imaging she was galloping across the fields. Unexpectedly her parents told her she could select a horse. It was as if all her prayers and wishes were answered. What Connie thought was impossible became real and she learned the impossible was within reach. Wishes can come true.
Next Connie tells us of an experience much later that began her serious awakening and transformation process. Connie tells us her spiritual journey began when she was 21 lying on the grass gazing up at the sky on a gorgeous autumn day thinking about all the stars and constellations that were hidden in the blue. Suddenly without warning she expanded through the sky and clouds past the planets and galaxies into empty space, where she experienced her Oneness with all of it. It was a profound Unity Experience that has never left her. Over time a profound yearning developed and she wanted to talk to God. Her spiritual practice intensified and Divine Light appeared and the nurturing quality of Divine Love. She discovered that these qualities were being given to her to heal the personal issues that were blocking her ability to receive communication from the Divine Presence.
Sheryl says there are many paths to spiritual transformation meditation healing practices Eastern philosophies that awaken a long held desire that eventually from coincidences synchronicity dreams which are messages from Spirit we all receive, help an awakening and need to learn more about who we are? Where we come from and how to use our intuition or connection to higher consciousness to manifest the best lives for ourselves. However, many people think it is an instantaneous happening but in reality one needs a spiritual practice perhaps mentor or teacher and time to enhance their spiritual gifts of psychic knowing seeing hearing feeling and being the best individual they can be.
Spending so much time on her inner focus, Connie started to get messages from Jesus, Mother Mary Archangel Michael and others. They were encouraging her to share what she was learning and teach people how to wake up the Divine Connection that was available to everyone.
Sheryl says to Connie that although she was always a sensitive empathic child and wished to help others be free of their fear of the physical challenges of life, she was not aware of her strong connection to the Divine and her destiny which was to teach and write about spiritual awareness and healing.
In her book The Living Spirit :Answers for Healing and Infinite Love Sheryl shares a visit from Jesus to her and her healing group while in meditation and the message he gave them and writes, “This is another lesson for everyone, particularly healers: people come into our lives seeking help, and we can only channel the energy to them and trust that whatever happens is for their Highest Good. Sometimes, we may not even know the outcome here in the physical world. At a healing meditation with several students, I had been doing a reading for one of the members of my unfoldment group when I suddenly sensed Jesus next to me. He was crying, and I found myself choking back tears as well. “I have cried for many ills done by unknowing souls,” Jesus said, “just as you and your group members also cry for the injustice and insensitivity of many.” Several other members of the group, including Joyce, who I was reading at that time, sensed his presence. His words to me brought a feeling to my heart that to this day is hard to describe. It was incredible to think that he would visit a simple Reiki teacher and her group, reminding everyone present of the loving messages he had delivered during his earthly life so very long ago. It was as if Jesus wanted us to know that he and other emissaries of the unseen world work by our side for the continued advancement of humanity. They impress upon all of us that self-love and love for others will always be the goal for a soul experiencing a physical and energetic life. To strive for personal excellence without hypocrisy in thought, word, and action, was the message from Jesus two thousand years ago. As the world and its citizens continue to move forward, many will finally hear and truly follow Jesus’s teaching to create a sense of great peace and unity for all, emanating from the Oneness of our soul being.”
Infinite Wholeness is something I talk about a lot in these Healing Tools and Connie wants you to understand what it is. Her book is based on Wholeness, something that is intangible, invisible, and yet builds everything in the universe. Wholeness is the Infinite Source of everything in Creation including your life. It could be called Infinite Presence, the unified field, the quantum ground state, the unmanifest pure potential, or Pure Being. It is everywhere, in everything, in the space between things, yet it is not form. Your True nature is this formless Wholeness. It is your Self.
When you practice Divine Mother’s Tools you experience your Wholeness. These tools in Connie’s effective workbook for using divine energy and light, work by dissolving the blockages in the flow of your life force and you become centered and connected to the Divine Power or Universal Source as Sheryl a Reiki Master Teacher calls it. These tools or Divine Healing methods give you the ability to work at the deepest levels, to change any situation, no matter how long standing.
Divine Mother resides in your heart. The more you can let your awareness embrace your heart the more connected you become to Divine Mother. Breathing into your heart or putting your hand on your heart will help you connect more fully to the heart. The healing sequence begins with the Heart Exercise
Connie has learned many healing practices and developed the Self-Love Exercise a very powerful transformative healing method.
She tells us that the heart exercise is used to begin a Divine Mother healing session:
Begin by breathing into the heart center not just the heart organ but the whole chest area. Breathe as if the breath is coming in through the front of the chest into the heart and soften in the heart to receive the breath. Allow the heart to open, like a flower opening its petals. If you can’t keep your attention in the (10-15) into the chest area. The deep breaths quiet mental activity and then you can focus attention on the heart. Notice the flow of breath moving in the heart. Notice if there is any tightness or discomfort there, If there is breath into it allowing the breath to move through it opening it up and moving the flow of breath through the discomfort. Keep breathing into the heart throughout the Invocation as you unite with Divine Mother and the Great Beings of the Universe.
Then begin the healing sequence.
The Invocation that can be used among others can go like this: I am Whole. I am One with God. I am One in the Infinite Wholeness of all that is. I call upon Almighty Mother-Father God and all of the beautiful expressions of Divine Love who know and live in the Wholeness of Divine Truth.
Here are the names of Great Beings who recognize their Wholeness and Oneness with God.
Connie calls upon Mother Mary (Christian) Shekhina (Jewish) The Divine presence of Fatima (Islam) Mother Lakshmi Saraswati Durga Kali Parvati (Hindu) and Tara and Quan Yin (Buddhist) White Buffalo Calf Woman (Native American) I call upon Gaia, Mother Earth and Mother Nature and invite all the expressions of Divine Mother from the world’s traditions of Truth.
She invites those Great Beings and Master Teachers around whom many of the world’s spiritual traditions have grown. I call upon Jesus Christ (Christian) and the Holy Spirit Abraham and Moses (Jewish) the Divine Presence of Mohammad (Islam) Lord Buddha (Buddhist) Lao Tza Taoist Lord Krishna, Lord Ram, Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva Lord Brahma (Hindu)
And also calls upon the Archangels: Archangel Michael, Gabriel Raphael Uriel Zaedkiel Jophiel Metatron and all Archangels
She might invite the Ascended Masters Babaji, Sananda Serapis Bey Saint Germain Brother Francis of Assissi Lady Nada and all the Ascended Masters
I invite the Gurus (Spiritual Teachers) who are significant in your life.
Next There is a protective sphere of Holy Light surrounding me now creating a sacred space. Archangel Michael and his legions of angels, guard and protect me and this sacred space so that only the energies of the Archangels Ascended Masters and Beings of Light holding the Wholeness of Divine Truth may enter this space. Archangel Michael stands in front of me, behind me, to the right of me to the left of me above me and below me. I am safe and protected within the sacred sphere of Holy Light. The loving liquid golden healing substance of Divine Love is pouring into me throughout this healing session allowing all the healing, lifting and energy shifting to be smooth comfortable and complete.
If there is a specific issue say:
Please heal the issue of__________________
Name what you want to heal.
Thank you Divine Mother and so it is
These Healing Techniques help us release negative energies that reside in the body often from past traumas there are simple powerful commands like “Break” and “Go Into the Light.” Can you tell us about that?
Connie tells us the discord and blockages that have accumulated in the subtle field of your energy system are compromising the full expression of your True Self.
The Deep Go Command and Go into the Light are tools to let go of these disturbances.
Breathe into the heart and call upon the Divine Mother and all Divine Beings to clear discordant energies blockages confusion from my system.
First the emotional level Say lovingly from your Divine Authority or Higher Soul Self,” I know address all blockages and discord at the emotional level of my energy field. Go into the light.
Repeat Go Go Go Go into the light …..In the name of God I command you to go into the light now. Continue until you feel a shift. By repeating Go into the Light over and over until you notice a shift, a sense of expansion, a deep breath or a settling indicating there has been a release.
Next say: Divine Light is filling the emotional level. Divine Light is pouring into the emotional level. Divine Light is saturating the emotional level, more and more Divine Light fills the emotional level.
Next do the same thing for the mental level.
Next clear the etheric level
Then the physical level and astral level and causal level and Celestial level
Clear all levels of your system as a daily energetic hygiene. Then you can maintain the power of your True Self expressing in all you do. Say “Go into the Light” whenever you engage in negative thinking. This is especially helpful with self-critical thoughts.
After commanding the thought to go, focus on thoughts of self-respect and self-value.
If you are in a public place and see people speaking harshly to their companions or children start silently repeating the First Go Command to clear the energies constricting their hearts. Then fill them with Divine Love.
We must over time and practice become accustomed to experiencing the powerful flows of Light that emerge from the unbounded Source. One time as Connie was enjoying a particularly gorgeous display of light she asked, “Who are you? Immediately the Light answered, I am the Divine Mother. “ I am birthing the universe.” Then she started to demonstrate her creative abilities to Connie. Awed and overwhelmed Connie aligned with Divine Mother who opened the doors to The Kingdom of Heaven she had so diligently been seeking. Connie now brings Divine Mother’s Knowledge Wisdom and Love to people worldwide.
Sheryl and Connie discuss before the Patriarchal Religions developed in the Paegan times men and women worked equally and cooperatively treating each other with the utmost respect and dignity. We need to return to that ideology of spiritual oneness and love for all. Separation and division by religion politics and materialistic practices are unraveling our soul power and refinement and bringing great trauma to the world.
Seeking the aid and wisdom of Divine Mother has had such a profound impact. Many people have made old vows contracts and agreements in different life situations that can often prevent the full enjoyment of your life in the present. Many of these still linger unconsciously in your vibrational system. Some of these agreements may even have been made in previous lifetimes. These contracts need to be released and seeking the aid and wisdom of Divine Mother has a profound impact.
If you feel that vows of poverty chastity or self-denial made in a former lifetime are influencing your present life use this Divine Mother Tool to Break those former vows so you can fully engage in your present life.
As a child you may have made an agreement with yourself to suppress thoughts and feelings and not reveal all of who you are for fear of exposing yourself to criticism and put-downs.
To begin Releasing Agreements
Breath into heart and say I call upon Divine Mother and Archangel Michael to cancel release and dissolve all contracts agreements, vows commitments, trades or exchanges that I may have made in this life time or any other that are blocking or limiting my recognition and full expression of who I am now.
Imagine the frameworks structures circuitry and grids that have developed from agreements and contracts you no longer need and say Break Break Break ….End by saying I am filled with Divine Love. I am aligned with Divine Truth. I am Whole. Thank you Divine Mother and so it is.
The concepts of Divine Light, Divine Love and Divine Nectar have distinct characteristics. Divine Nectar is the essence of Divine Love in material form. Divine Nectar can subtly transform the physical body. It comes from Divine Love in your system as you unite with Divine Mother. As Divine Love penetrates into the physical level it becomes a nectar-like substance that the physical body can receive. Then Divine Nectar flows through your physical system like a transfusion delivering its subtle nourishment to the cells. Divine Nectar awakens the power of the cells for even greater creativity in the body, helping the body heal and become resistant to -disease. Divine Nectar heals relaxes soothes everything that has been disrupted by the presence of untruth. It allows the warmth of “Liquid Love” to melt into you like golden butter on a warm summer day. This nectar allows your system to relax into the Infinite Source and receive its Divine gifts.
Whenever the body lets go of discordant energies as it does when you use the Go and Break Commands, it’s important to fill it with Divine Nectar. Use it also whenever the body is ill to assist healing.
Around children or toddlers read the words of Divine Nectar Tool out loud Children will have a sense of the subtle positive energy and it will produce a positive effect for them.
Say I am One in the Wholeness of all that is. I am receiving the Love of Divine Mother soaking into me as a nectar-like substance, the pure essence of Divine Love. The Divine Nectar the essence of Divine Love is being received on every level of my energy field. I am filled and healed by Divine Nectar.
With Divine Love you experience the world as harmonious and Whole. Divine Love brings you out of separation and into Oneness.
Suggestions for Using Divine Love include:
- Before any family gathering. Silently shower your family with Divine Love. If a tense situation arises simply add more Divine Love
- If you and your spouse have an argument pour Divine Love into it.
- Children can feel alone and rejected if their feelings are hurt by their friends or family. Pour Divine Love to help them reclaim their sense of value.
- Any time someone in your life is sad or depressed or is having a hard time fill them with Divine Love and they will feel better and so will you.
Estranged relationships can be improved and often healed by pouring in Divine Love------------into yourself the situation and into the other person
How can we breath into and soften the heart in order to activate these healings? Notice the flow of breath moving in the heart. Notice if there is any tightness or discomfort there. If there is breath into it allowing the breath to move through it opening it up and moving the flow of breath through the discomfort. Keep breathing into the heart throughout the Invocation as you unite with Divine Mother and the Great Beings of the Universe. Then begin the healing sequence. The Invocation that is used goes like this: I am Whole. I am One with God. I am One in the Infinite Wholeness of all that is. I call upon Almighty Mother-Father God and all of the beautiful expressions of Divine Love who know and live in the Wholeness of Divine Truth.
Softening Exercise Here is the process
- Soften in the heart…Soften the heart center not just the heart organ
- Move your attention to the throat. Soften the boundaries of the throat.
- Move your attention to the brow area and the eyebrows, often called the Third Eye Soften the brow/third eye
- Soften the top of the head the crown
- Soften the base of the spine and then the pelvic area solar plexus the diaphragm and the heart again.
The Softening Exercise quiets and balances your system so you begin to move the flow of life force energy up and down your body in a very integrated pattern through your chakra system. Softening connects you with your Infinite source and this connection allows healing
The Divine Truth Healing tool might work best for specific intentions. There are many finite truths, true for a period of time. The Divine Truth is that your are One with everything and your True Self is Infinite and Whole. The Infinite You is permanent: the finite you continues to change. Even thought you might not have conscious awareness of this right now, the Truth is that you are Infinite and Whole. Life’s evolution eventually awakens you to the recognition of your True Self.
Suggestions for Using Divine Truth include:
In business it is easy to make a compromise with truth for the sake of profit. Use the Divine Truth tool often to clarify issues of personal integrity
Connie might like readers of Divine Mother Healing to know the difference between Divine Light and Ascending Light. “Ascending Light” lifts you int a very high vibrational frequency. It creates a vibration in the physical body that unites you with your Infinite Source. The Ascending Light frequency allows the energies of your Divine purpose to come forth and then the energies of your particular skills and abilities will resonate freely and express fully in your actions. It creates health and vitality in your physical body by accessing the ever renewing energy available in your multi-leveled system.
First Divine Light breaks up old, stuck frequencies and initiates deep healing. It’s used to activate Light in the system for the purpose of transforming stuck energy into flowing energy. Then Ascending Light lifts that flowing energy into refinement.
Sheryl says during a Reiki session she assists clients into releasing negative thoughts fears and limitations and send them up to the Universe (ascending light) to be refined and returned either to that person or someone else as energy is never destroyed only refined recycled and reused.
We thank you Connie Huebner author of Divine Mother Healing for sharing your amazing journey to merge with Universal Divine Energy for the purpose of following your intuition instincts and soul wisdom to have conversations and interactions with Spirit, the Divine Mother and to bring practical healing tools in this a workbook format clearly detailed in your book, to the general public, as in the knowing we are already free of the fear and limitations of the physical world, past life realities, we become open to the possibilities of unfounded truths, love and access to Universal Source. To read more about how to communicate with Spirit for healing and personal growth go to or
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From Within Connie Huebner offers a series of vibrational healing tools for body mind and spirit to clear blockages trauma limitations and fears and realign to higher Universal source for merging the best of our physical and spiritual energies. She reminds us that as we are spiritual beings pursuing a phyiscal life journey at the moment we need spiritual tools to assist us in dealing with the challenges of a physical reality. She also helps readers realize they have divine friends who assist throughout each day and an entire lifetime and pour Love and Light into transforming the deepest pain.
Connie writes, “This was a revelation. It made me realize that there is a place within us that is always perfectly healthy. If we can access that level, illness cannot take hold in our bodies. It is a matter of more powerful laws of nature taking over from less powerful laws of nature. The more powerful laws are more closely aligned with the Divine Truth of perfection, that we are made in the image of God. The level of Divine Grace appears to be more fundamental, more universal, and so it’s nature is to transform all levels of space and time into Divine Perfection. Could this be what healing is really all about, remembering our Divine perfection?
Connie Huebner and Sheryl Glick ask listeners to begin a practice of connection to Universal Energy by meditation use of healing tools or methods to align to the peace and the oneness of being as well as to remember we are connected to every living thing in energy and universal love. Just begin slowly to appreciate nature, the elements air water earth and fire and slowly the passion of life will fill you with hope and appreciation for all that is.
I am Sheryl Glick RMT Host of Healing from Within and author of a trilogy, the newest book A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening and invite you to visit my website to read about and listen to authors metaphysicians scientists, spiritualists medical practitioners members of the arts and music as well as people from all aspects of life who seek answers to the mysteries and miracles of life as we discover we are so much more than we appear to be, and life can be the dream we create with our thoughts. Shows may also be heard on and